into the twilight zone innovations for education

Technology, Colleges and Community (TCC) Worldwide Online Conference April 13, 2011 Dr. Cynthia Calongne Colorado Technical University CTU Doctoral Researchers ******************************* Shane C. Archiquette Leonard T. Bisson, Jr. Quiana Bradshaw Paul Derby Ricky L. Keeling Josue E. Martinez Edward D. Lavieri, Jr. Erven F. McGinnes III Mark Shaffer Paul Tomaso Into the Twilight Zone Innovations for Education, Virtual Worlds and Emerging Media

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Ten Colorado Technical University doctoral students and Dr. Cynthia Calongne presented their paper at the TCC 2011 Worldwide Online Conference April 13, 2011 called Into the Twilight Zone: Innovations for education, virtual worlds and emerging media.


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Technology, Colleges and Community

(TCC) Worldwide Online Conference

April 13, 2011

Dr. Cynthia Calongne

Colorado Technical University

CTU Doctoral Researchers


Shane C. Archiquette

Leonard T. Bisson, Jr.

Quiana Bradshaw

Paul Derby

Ricky L. Keeling

Josue E. Martinez

Edward D. Lavieri, Jr.

Erven F. McGinnes III

Mark Shaffer

Paul Tomaso

Into the Twilight Zone

Innovations for Education, Virtual Worlds and Emerging Media

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The Twilight Zone: The Changing of the Guard

The story of an educator who learns that his decades of teaching were inspirational, as demonstrated by the ghosts of his students

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The Authorsin EM830 at CTU

Virtual Economics

and Business

Fall 2010

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Innovation Topics

Artificial Intelligence in Synthetic Knowledge Management

Virtualized Musical Instruments

Holographic Weather Analysis

Virtual Language World

Augmented Social Reality Gaming

Game-Based Educational Simulations

Web Browser Technology


Virtual World Education Grid

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Image based on LCARS (Rodenberry, 2005) and original three19 artwork.

Synthetic Knowledge Management System (SKMS)

SKMS Loading Screen

Artificial Intelligence-based

(Synthetic) interface to a robust

Knowledge Management System


Innovative software solution to

common business intelligence and

information management needs.

• Audible interface tailored to user’s language and language level

• Voice recognition eliminating the need for physical input devices

• Interface tied to business databases, transaction logs, inventory systems, etc.

Key Features

Edward D. Lavieri, Jr., author

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Synthetic Knowledge Mgt System

Image by Edward D. Lavieri, Jr.

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Image adapted from LCARS (Forge Designs, 2005) and original three19 artwork.

Synthetic Knowledge Management Operations Monitor

SKMS Operations Monitor

• What is our lowest revenue generating product in the northwest region?

• What is the most ideal location in Colorado Springs for one of our hotel chains?

• Which of our 319 retail stores should we market test our new widget in?

• Compare our current suppliers to other vendors - report on potential ROI changes.

Sample Voice Queries

Decision Enabler

Innovative Interface

Intelligent Query System

Intuitive Business Intelligence

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Holographic Weather Analysis

Erven F. McGinnes III, author

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Holographic Weather Projection

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The Uplay Concept:

Make and Play Your Own Instrument

The advancement of flexible touch screen technologies just

expanded the possibilities in the realm of music…

And the possibilities are endless…


•Hybrid instruments

•How you play them

•How they look

•Save instrument templates

Radical Ideas

•Network via the Internet with your


•Learn & teach music in a new way

•Unleash your imagination!

Josue E. Martinez, author

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Web Browser XDP Project

Image adapted by Mark Shaffer

The Problem:

Currently, web browsers are single-threaded, stateless

environment for client development in JavaScript. Logic

takes time to implement, resulting in this error:

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Web Browser Threading

If you implement tasks within a browser that take a long time to

process, you block the single thread of the browser.

Solution for Web browser development and the ECMAScript:

The use of a simple threading function to permit complex tasks

to run in the background without affecting the browser’s thread.

It favors simplicity over parallel processing and synchronization

logic and supports a 10-million loop process efficiently.

Mark Shaffer, author

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Voice commands and interaction for mobile devices for

hands free use while driving and text messaging

Shane Archiquette, author

Photo from the NMC Horizon Report 2011 video

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Virtual Education Grid and Economics

EM830 Virtual Economics and Business project, Paul Tomaso, author

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Game-Based Simulation Technology

Similar to the Sims and 3D educational storytelling

and game design tools, like Alice from Carnegie Mellon’s

Quiana Bradshaw, author

Photo from the NMC Horizon Report 2011 video

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Augmented Social Reality Gaming

ASR Applications links social media and the real world through smart phone


ASR Assassin, a team-based game like laser tag

Concept: cooperative work to track and tag the opposition in the real world

with direct line of sight

Phase 1: Integration with Facebook – app installed and user discoverable

Phase 2: Integration with social media platforms

Later phases: video feed integration with Facebook

Leonard T. Bisson, Jr., author

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Research in Mobile Augmented Reality

First live interactive television quiz

using augmented reality

junaio - an augmented reality


for mobile use by metaio

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Virtual Language World

Ricky L. Keeling, author

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Social Marketing and Virtual Education Resources

Paul Derby, author

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Summary of Innovations

Mobile and Web Solutions

artificial intelligence in knowledge

management systems

virtualized musical instruments

augmented social reality gaming

hands-free text messages

Web browser technology innovation

Virtual Reality Solutions

research in holographic weather

projection and analysis

virtual world education grid

virtual language world

game-based educational simulations

virtual world education resources

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Real World Challenges for Learning

Challenge-Based Learning - Jamie & Adam Challenge You - video

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Simulation Design

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Mars Geothermal Game

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Collaboration and Learning

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Game Simulation Research

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For more information:

Cynthia Calongne

Lyr Lobo in Second Life

Colorado Technical University

[email protected]

CTU Doctoral Researchers


Shane C. Archiquette

Leonard T. Bisson, Jr.

Quiana Bradshaw

Paul Derby

Ricky L. Keeling

Josue E. Martinez

Edward D. Lavieri, Jr.

Erven F. McGinnes III

Mark Shaffer

Paul Tomaso