intrinsic: keys to sustainable change

Intrinsic: The Key to Sustainable Change Rosie Ward, Ph.D., MPH, CHES Certified Intrinsic Coach® Health Management Services Manager RJF Agencies, Inc. Health Promotion LIVE July 15, 2010 How People Make Behavior Changes Changing the Change Paradigm

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Page 1: Intrinsic: Keys to Sustainable Change

Intrinsic: The Key to Sustainable Change

Rosie Ward, Ph.D., MPH, CHESCertified Intrinsic Coach®

Health Management Services ManagerRJF Agencies, Inc.

Health Promotion LIVE July 15, 2010

How People Make Behavior Changes

Changing the Change Paradigm

Page 2: Intrinsic: Keys to Sustainable Change

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

~Albert Einstein

Traits of Human Nature

• To be curious• To be active• To initiate thought and behavior• To make meaning from experience• To be effective at what we value

Sources: Brandt (1999) & Chance (1992)

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What Comes To Mind???

Intentional Change Theory• Idea of smooth, continuous change not a

reality for most people.

• Change process is often non-linear and discontinuous.

• Change process stems from a set of discoveries or epiphanies.

• Adults learn what they want to learn!Source: Boyatzis (2006). Journal of Management Development, 25(7)

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Intentional Change Process

• Must begin with a person wanting to change.– Desire does not have to be conscious or within

scope of awareness.

• Discovery of who one wants to be (ideal self)– Not to be confused with the ought self

• Accurate assessment of the real self.

Source: Boyatzis (2006). Journal of Management Development, 25(7)

Theory U• New model for understanding & conducting profound

change and deep learning.

• What & how we pay attention are key to what we create.

• Blind Spot – inner “operating center”– Becoming aware of blind spot critical to change

(individually and systemically)

• Shift in awareness to connect to our essential self via presencing and learning from future as it emerges

Source: Theory U, Otto Scharmer (2009)

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Paradigms of Change

• Helping• Fixing

Both paradigms assume the client / employee has something wrong and needs external assistance to get somewhere.

• Serving

The Role of MotivationWhat Works for Long-Term


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Types of Motivation• Intrinsic Motivation:

– “People doing an activity because they find it interesting and derive spontaneous satisfaction from the activity itself.” (Gagne & Deci, 2005)

• Extrinsic Motivation:– People are driven to do something due to pressure

or tangible rewards rather than for the fun or interest of it.” (Petri, 1991)

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Extrinsic MotivationDo Extrinsic Rewards

Undermine Intrinsic Motivation?

We can’t motivate others; we can get compliance, but the desire has to come from within.

Businesses Ignore the Evidence

• Carrot & Stick (especially $$$) not only ineffective but HARMFUL

• True Motivation = Autonomy; Mastery; Purpose.

Results in higher EE satisfaction and stronger results

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Baseline Rewards

• Baseline Rewards must be adequate & equitable.– Salary, contract payments, benefits, a few perks, etc.

• Without - focus will be on the unfairness of the situation and anxiety over the circumstance.– No motivation at all.

• Removing barriers increases actions.

Source: Drive, Daniel Pink (2009)

When Incentives Work• Algorithmic Tasks - follow a set of established set of

instructions down a single pathway to one conclusion (i.e., there’s an algorithm for solving it).

• Heuristic Tasks - no algorithm exists; have to experiment and find a novel solution.

• External rewards and punishments (both carrots and sticks) work nicely for algorithmic tasks only.

Source: Amabile, T. (1996), Harvard Business School

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What About the Stick?• Do negative consequences

reduce undesired actions?

• Shift from moral obligation to purely transactional.– People start weighing the

consequences of sticks to determine if the punishment is worth it.

Source: Gneezy & Rustichini (2000)

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Principal-Agent Theory

• Principal – the motivator (i.e., employer, teacher, parent)

• Agent – the motivatee (i.e., employee, student, child)

• Once reward in place, need contingent rewards in order for behavior to continue.

Escalating Zero Point2002 HA Participation:• $50 = 50-60%• $100 = 60-70%• $200 = 80%

2006 HA Participation:• $100 = 50-60%• $200 = 60-70%• $400 = 80%

Source: StayWell Health Management (2002, 2006)

Heavy Use of Extrinsic Incentives → It costs more over time to get the same result.

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Negative Motivation• Heart Patients (double or quadruple bypass

operations)– 2 years post operation, how many actually stick to new

habits?– Only 10%!

• Dr. Dean Ornish program– Patients taught to appreciate life rather than fear death.– 2 years post operation, how many actually stuck to new

habits?– 70%!

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Typical Conversations

• Notice who is doing the work.

• Notice the energy and commitment from the person being “coached”.

• What do you think the likelihood of success will be?

The “Try Harder” Approach• Putting the employee in a passive role requires us

to work harder.“If I could only find a different way to say this…”“Maybe if I had them try x…”

• This leads to:FrustrationBeing stuck in a viscous cycleBURNOUT!

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Intrinsic Motivation• Occurs when learning activity & learning

environment elicit motivation in a person.

• Key to organizational effectiveness = empowered & intrinsically motivated employees.

• Self-leadership (Neck & Manz, 1992)

– Recognizes intrinsic rewards– Increased self-efficacy and performance

Sources: Brandt (1999); Chance (1992); Lahiry (1994); Neck & Manz (1992)

Creating Intrinsic Motivation• Having goals and rewards that are meaningful to


• Having learning/activity that is important to people.

• When learning/activity helps people obtain valued accomplishments.

• When learning/activity helps people integratethemselves with the world, with others, and promotes self-awareness.

Sources: Brandt (1999) & Chance (1992)

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On Second Thought…Understanding the Power of the

Thinking Behind the Actions

Who Am I?Person #1• Lazy• Unmotivated• Disengaged• Stressed• Alcohol/Drug Problem

Person #2• Overwhelmed• Grieving• Strong• Loving• Saintly

SAME Person → Perspective / Judgment changes based on information apparent to us.

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How Thinking Gets In Our Way

• “I know I should…”• “I really need to…”• “I just can’t seem to get motivated…”• “If only ______ (person) would do …..”

Behavior Change – who does the work?Being told what to do – does it work?

Thought Self-Leadership

• Individual thoughts central to intrinsic motivation & self-leadership.

• Use of specific cognitive strategies to control own thoughts.

• Organizations need to create an environment that fosters developing and maintaining constructive thinking.

Sources: Manz & Neck (1991)

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Values Thinking

• Hartman’s hierarchy of values:Intrinsic (I) – value for individual uniquenessExtrinsic (E) – strategy / expertiseSystemic (S) – it ought/should be this way

• I > E > S – people are more valued than things; things are more valued than mere ideas of things or people.

Sources: Hartman (1967) & Pomeroy (2005)

Proprietary & Confidential.© 2010, Rosalind Ward, Ph.D.

All rights reserved.

Values Thinking in LifeWorld / Work View:• (I) – people have value

independent of roles, accomplishments; people > tasks

• (E) – task-focused; people = means to get things done.

• (S) – idea-focused; people viewed in terms of our ideas of how they & they world SHOULD be.

Self-View:• (I) – I value my uniqueness;

clarity of self independent of roles, etc.

• (E) – I view myself in terms of my roles

• (S) – I view myself as a “cog in the wheel”

Sources: Hartman (1967) & Pomeroy (2005)

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I,E,S in Organizations• Judgment Index™ (C. Stephen Byrum, Ph.D.)

– Uses HVP to measure strength of judgment, stress indicators, burnout indicators, hiring, morale/engagement, etc.



Part 1 –Work Side

Part 2 –Self Side


Part 1 –Work Side

Part 2 Self Side

I, E, S

↑ Insurance Premiums for


Healthy Snacks in Vending Machines



Behavior Change Programs

ExtrinsicI Want to Have

Limitless Energy

I Want to Be There for My



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The Danger of Assessment Labels

What Happens When the Intrinsic is Missing?

• Jumping to conclusions• Judgment• Impatience• Frustration

Without the intrinsic, you can never be anything other than my ideas about you…

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“I wish my parents would see me for all that I AM instead of

all the things that I haven’t become!”

Behavior Change

• Behavior change results from a shift in thinking.

• Behavior change is not DOING differently.– Doing differently is the outward observable of the

internal change.

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Why People Relapse• Old behaviors met some greater need.• When old behaviors are eliminated, the need still

exists.• New behavior has not been substituted or does not

fully meet the need.• Too much focus on fixing rather than building on

strengths???• Reduced intrinsic thinking???

Moving Upstream



Emotional State

Thinking Skills

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Brain: Friend or Foe?

Prefrontal Cortex Basal


Cognitive Challenges with Change

• Change itself amplifies stress & discomfort.

• Carrot & Stick don’t succeed in the long run.

• Brains = pattern-making organs with innate desire to create meaningful connections.

• People can detect the difference between authentic inquiry and persuasion efforts.

• Change requires changing mental maps through creating moments of insight.

Source: Rock & Schwartz, “The Neuroscience of Leadership”, Strategy + Business (2009)

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Changing When Change is Hard

• Successful change = – Change situation– Clarity of direction

• Rational & Emotional Systems must align with surrounding environment

When Engagement Occurs

• Emotionally connected to others• Cognitively stimulated• Know what is expected of them• Have what they need to do their work• Perceive they are part of something significant with

co-workers they trust• Have chances to improve and develop

Source: Harter, Schmidt & Hayes, Journal of Applied Psychology (2002)

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“Scientists estimate that the average person has 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. 90% of those are repetitive. 85% of the repetitive thoughts are negative. If leaders have approximately 45,900 negative thoughts a day, and, their followers are doing the same, the most important skill that leaders can develop is training the mind to lead.”

~Suzanne Kryder, Ph.D. (

Brains Are Like RW CDs

Stop DOING, Start BEING• People know if being

manipulated, coped with, etc….it’s not about skills but how leaders regard others.

• Our thinking about others influences how they perceive our behaviors.

• People respond not to what we’re doing but how we’re being.

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Increasing the Intrinsic:The Role of Coaching

Sustained Behavior ChangeCognitive Coaching Research (Stanford)

Instruction Only

Add Demonstration

Add Practice

Add Feedback

Add Coaching

New Knowledge

New Skill Developed

New Behavior at Work
















Page 25: Intrinsic: Keys to Sustainable Change

Strengthened Intrinsic = Working Beyond What is Merely Apparent

• Disabling the dominance of E and S thinking.

• Listening with a Spirit of Service– vs. Listening to Assess– vs. Listening for Solutions

How To Elicit the Intrinsic• Really listening to people without judgment.

• Asking forward-moving questions that get to the core of what is most important to that person.

“What do you want?”“What do you want that’s important to you right now?”

• What? > How? > Why?

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Intrinsic Capacity and Intrinsic Coaching®

What Research Tells Us

Intrinsic Coaching®

“A paradigm changing approach to better results for, with, and through people” by “increasing people’s capacity to think better about choices, especially by increasing intrinsic thinking” (Totally Coached, Inc.)

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2 Studies…So Far

Lifestyle Makeover Program:• Increased intrinsic capacity• Improved life balance• Improved blood lipids &

glucose• SUSTAINABLE results!

Doctoral Research:• Increased intrinsic capacity;

strengthened internal systemic

• Improved life balance & resiliency

• Better outcomes at work and in life as a result of shift in thinking (I>E>S).


Self Side is critical to have I>E>S (Robert Hartman)



Part 1 –Work Side

Part 2 –Self Side

Source: Byrum, Ph.D. / Judgment Index™


Part 1 –Work Side

Part 2 Self Side

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4 Stress Indicators: Work-side stress &

ability to cope; Self-side stress & ability to

cope (i.e., RESILIENCY)

Value of Increased Intrinsic Capacity• Builds RESILIENCY

– Stress / lack of coping and resiliency = #1 cause of poor judgment

• Self-side coping / resiliency significantly related to job satisfaction and affective commitment.

• Also strengthens internal systemic (clarity of life direction).

Sources: Byrum, Ph.D. (2009) & Ward, Ph.D. (2008)

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I>E>S in Action – City of Ames, IA

• Population of Ames 52,000 (with college)• City municipality – 14 departments• Multiple sites - 16 locations• 560 employees, 1350 total insured members• 75% M: 25% F• Average age = 44• 5 unions environment

I>E>S in Action – City of Ames, IA

Systemic Components:• Required to complete annual

blood profile and HA.

• Other Required Criteria:– Preventive exams– Consumerism modules– Metabolic Measures– Participation in 4 programs– 7 IC® coaching sessions/year

I>E>S:• Focus on improving

intrinsic thinking and clarity of goals – people & culture.

• Program linked to reduced health insurance premium, but found it was about the message, not the money

Program design is very intrinsic – “seeing” people in their lives vs. trying to change them.

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City of Ames - Results• After 3 years:

– 70% participation rate amongst EEs; 100% retention rate (3 participants left organization)

– 53% reduction in risk factors– 92% of participants satisfied– 84% of participants felt coaching making a difference– 97% of participants reported coaching was a positive


• What’s Next? Leaders complete IC® training; weave into culture beyond EE wellness program.

Summary of Key Points• Behavior change is complex; When using tools and

resources, make the information second to the person.

• Missing link is Intrinsic, but extrinsic and systemic are needed for support.

• Sustained change results from eliciting new thinking, not being told what to do or given more information.

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What new thinking have you had today that you want to apply at your organization?

Health Management Services Manager, RJF Agencies,; [email protected]

Dr. Rosie; [email protected]