intro - amazon s3 · intro good evening, i am your host karen hudes. welcome to the dctv series on...

1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's Studios. Today’s program is going to focus on our gift of love in the Global Debt Facility from Jose Rizal and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos. For new listeners, the Network of Global Corporate Control is a secret company that thinks it owns the world because it is able to print all the paper money it wants to for free and then has the gall to charge us interest on country debt in a big scam. The Network of Global Corporate Control, as we have learned in earlier sessions, is trying to bring down the world in a crash of paper currencies and another Dark Ages, just like it did in the 300's. In the 1930's the Fed issued 270 trillion in bonds to buy gold from the elites. These bonds are now held in the Global Debt Facility, and with accrued interest they are worth over 2 quadrillion dollars. We are using these Treaty of Versailles Bonds, as they are called, to cancel country debt. We have been describing the fight between the Network of Global Corporate Control and the coalition for the rule of law, which consists of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the G-77 (134 developing countries), and the growing number of people who see through this scam. A power transition model from the Department of Defense that uses game theory modeling is predicting that the coalition for the rule of law will win with 90-95% likelihood. You can get a sense of what people think about the Global Currency Reset to replace Federal Reserve Notes with local currencies and mint national currencies out of the gold in the Global Debt Facility by reading the comments on my YouTube channel. This has been upsetting the Network of Global Corporate Control, which just censored the December 15 th video at the halfway mark. They cut off the part where I was discussing that the Network of Global Corporate Control illegally locked me out of the headquarters building when I issued a legal opinion that the Executive Directors on the Board of the World Bank did not have to wait for the President of the World Bank and just sit on their hands voting the President's proposals up or down and rubber stamping the Network of Global Corporate Control. The Board of Governors settled my lawsuit in 2012. Now we are dealing with the state capture of the United States by the Network of Global Corporate Control. All the countries of the world are helping us with this. Two weeks ago we discussed the Minutes of the Meeting at the Philippines Central Bank on January 3, 1949. These Minutes were signed by Jose Rizal, who you remember, was the Black Pope, that is, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, as the bailor, that is the owner of the assets placed in trust. The signatories included his lawyer Ferdinand Marcos, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, members of the Philippines Central Bank, and the Ambassador of the Pacific Union. This trust contains the world's wealth: 1,617,000 Metric Tonnes of gold, 1,000,000 MT of platinum, 1,000,000 MT of Diamonds. The Minutes say that this trust is governed by the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement that puts the 188 Ministers

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Page 1: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's


INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's Studios. Today’s program is going to focus on our gift of love in the Global Debt Facility from Jose Rizal and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos. For new listeners, the Network of Global Corporate Control is a secret company that thinks it owns the world because it is able to print all the paper money it wants to for free and then has the gall to charge us interest on country debt in a big scam. The Network of Global Corporate Control, as we have learned in earlier sessions, is trying to bring down the world in a crash of paper currencies and another Dark Ages, just like it did in the 300's. In the 1930's the Fed issued 270 trillion in bonds to buy gold from the elites. These bonds are now held in the Global Debt Facility, and with accrued interest they are worth over 2 quadrillion dollars. We are using these Treaty of Versailles Bonds, as they are called, to cancel country debt. We have been describing the fight between the Network of Global Corporate Control and the coalition for the rule of law, which consists of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the G-77 (134 developing countries), and the growing number of people who see through this scam. A power transition model from the Department of Defense that uses game theory modeling is predicting that the coalition for the rule of law will win with 90-95% likelihood. You can get a sense of what people think about the Global Currency Reset to replace Federal Reserve Notes with local currencies and mint national currencies out of the gold in the Global Debt Facility by reading the comments on my YouTube channel. This has been upsetting the Network of Global Corporate Control, which just censored the December 15th video at the halfway mark. They cut off the part where I was discussing that the Network of Global Corporate Control illegally locked me out of the headquarters building when I issued a legal opinion that the Executive Directors on the Board of the World Bank did not have to wait for the President of the World Bank and just sit on their hands voting the President's proposals up or down and rubber stamping the Network of Global Corporate Control. The Board of Governors settled my lawsuit in 2012. Now we are dealing with the state capture of the United States by the Network of Global Corporate Control. All the countries of the world are helping us with this. Two weeks ago we discussed the Minutes of the Meeting at the Philippines Central Bank on January 3, 1949. These Minutes were signed by Jose Rizal, who you remember, was the Black Pope, that is, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, as the bailor, that is the owner of the assets placed in trust. The signatories included his lawyer Ferdinand Marcos, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, members of the Philippines Central Bank, and the Ambassador of the Pacific Union. This trust contains the world's wealth: 1,617,000 Metric Tonnes of gold, 1,000,000 MT of platinum, 1,000,000 MT of Diamonds. The Minutes say that this trust is governed by the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement that puts the 188 Ministers

Page 2: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's


of Finance of the World Bank and IMF in charge of making sure that the world's wealth benefits humanity . The gold was supposed to come out of hiding in 2005. Here is a link to the Minutes in this teleprompter. I publish the teleprompter before the broadcast because the Network of Global Corporate Control likes to interfere with the livestreaming on the internet. The most important words in this document are: "Proclamation and Declaration of the Gift of Love." Overseer Mandate Trustee I found out that I am the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility from Tiburcio Villamor Marcos,who is Ferdinand Marcos' son. On December 2, 2015 Tiburcio Villamor Marcos asked me to help him withdraw the assets from the Global Debt Facility. This was after I shot down Tiburcio Marcos's scheme in June. I told Tiburcio Marcos that I was not going to do anything without the Board of Governors' approval, and that each withdrawal from the Global Debt Facility was going to have to be authorized by the Board of Governors. On Sunday I emailed all of the embassies in Japan and all of the missions in New York, tweeted Christine Lagarde, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US Treasury, the Fed, the SEC, the State Department, and the other economic agencies on the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies. This correspondence is all posted on my social media. I now have to follow up with hard copies of the correspondence since the Network of Global Corporate Control broke the links. Naturally I retweet the broken links, which usually just highlights exactly what the Network of Global Corporate Control is trying to hide. The consistency of my efforts over the years in exposing the cover-up of corruption helps people to see that we are all in this together.

In my email, I remind the Board of Governors about TVM's request in December to leave them out of the equation, and how I invalidated the attempt of the International Court of Justice and the CIA to steal the world's gold

Page 3: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's

3 I was preventing the Vatican's agent Christine Lagarde from stealing humanity's assets in the Global Debt Facility. You would think this kind of thing was newsworthy, wouldn't you? Not a peep from the media. There are stories in the media that are very connected to this event, however. I want to soften what I said about the legal profession a bit based upon the death of Antonin Scalia, who may have been ready to disclose the fact that the United States is secretly being governed by martial law. Some people are now calling for a commission to investigate whether Justice Scalia was murdered. This is what I said February 3rd about Justice Scalia's refusing to tell the American people that the US is governed by martial law ( ten days before his sudden death):

I also mentioned the corruption in the Supreme Court and posted a picture of Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas during the DCTV broadcast on December 9, 2015:

Page 4: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's

4 On February 10, 2016 I told the American Bar Association that lawyers are too corrupt to regulate the legal profession any more, and that there probably shouldn't be a legal profession. This was after the DC Bar refused to answer my question whether the US was being governed by martial law, and then the following month talked about the Constitution of 1789 and the Magna Carta as though the Constitution were in force and effect when this is not the case and King John ceded the UK to the Pope on October 3, 1213 and has to pay tribute to the Vatican. We have talked about Article V of the Constitution of 1789. Article V is the way to measure whether "We the people" have given our consent to the way that we are being governed. When two-thirds of the state legislatures apply to the US Congress for an amendment to the Constitution, there is supposed to be a Convention to propose amendments. The State of Wisconsin believed that this threshhold was passed in 1929.

But the US Congress has refused to do its duty to convene a Convention to consider amendments. Instead, Congress has declared a state of emergency behind closed doors. The Convention can as a first order of business put the Constitution of 1789 back into force. Because the US Congress has refused to convene the Convention, and because the US Congress and the legal profession have refused to admit that the US Congress has been extending a secret state of emergency to justify martial law, the World Bank Board of Governors has declared the US to be in interregnum.

Justice Scalia had this to say about Article V: "The founders inserted this alternative method of obtaining constitutional amendments because they knew the Congress would be unwilling to give attention to many issues the people are concerned with, particularly those involving restrictions on the federal government's own power. The founders foresaw that and they provided the convention as a remedy. If the only way to get that convention is to take this minimal risk, then it is a reasonable one. "

With confirmation that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead February 13th with a pillow over his head and his clothes unwrinkled, and a rush to remove Justice Scalia's body from Texas before an autopsy could be arranged, it is possible that Justice Scalia was murdered.

Page 5: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's


The Network of Global Corporate Control failed in a recent attempt to steal humanity's gold in the Global Debt Facility when someone removed my answer to Anna von Reitz' attempted lien, hacked into my computer, and then Anna von Reitz claimed the lien was valid because I did not respond to her faulty claims. Some of the gremlins that live in my computer are friendly, and suggest documents for me to post. One of those gremlins retrieved my missing response, and I tweeted: "My response to Anna Von Reitz' 5 points was retweeted 20 times, for heaven's sake." The National Liberty Alliance said of Anna von Reitz: "We could not find a Judge Anna Von Reitz in Alaska and about six month ago we discovered that she was a self-appointed, self-elected judge trying to pass off a shadow government as a de jure government." Christine Lagarde allegedly signed an agreement with Pope Francis on January 24th without approval from the IMF Board of Governors. The Board of Governors fired Christine Lagarde, and also fired the General Counsel of the IMF, who did not know the Managing Director of the IMF had no authority to sign this agreement with Pope Francis. The Network of Global Corporate Control fought back, and used its media and press office within the secretariat of the IMF to proclaim instead, six months before the expiry of her current term, that Lagarde had been reappointed for a second five year term, although the voice and vote of the US representatives on the Board of Governors and Board of Executive Directors had been terminated for cause on February 8, 2016 by the coalition for the rule of law. This is a clear attempt to steal humanity's patrimony. It is illegal. Will the G77 and Board of Governors back me up? All that I can tell you is that you will be the first to know how this turns out. The way to judge whether we are going to meet this challenge is the extent to which the Network of Global Corporate Control's secrecy "has been blown" That is the point in one of the comments on Youtube:

The US constitution was changed, the media is controlled, the 'network of global corporate control' is now seen clearly to be running the world in a self serving way. They are only effective if their secrecy is not blown. It has been.

Sometimes looking in the rearview mirror helps when you have a challenge in front of you. Here is my response to the criticism that I am all talk and no action: I've been watching your material for 2 years now and have seen no progress.. Could

you tell me what exactly you have accomplished in the last 2 years? Edit: besides

telling us the same info for years?

Karen Hudes1 second ago

Lien on Federal Reserve, UCC Financing Statements in 11 states where Federal

Reserve Banks are located;

Page 6: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's


Declaration that secret martial law in US is an interregnum; (Justice Scalia's sudden death under suspicious circumstances the week after I accused Justice Scalia, the rest of the Supreme Court, and the American Bar Association of corruption for failing to admit the US was under secret martial law )

Bankruptcy of Agents of global corporate control and lien on their assets, including Barack Obama, Christine Lagarde, Jim Kim,

Prevented world's assets from being stolen numerous times, including by International Court of Justice, CIA & Tiburcio Villamor Marcos

Invalidated unauthorized agreement between Christine Lagarde and Vatican of 1/24/16 and fired Christine Lagarde and General Counsel of IMF Sean Hagan,

Agreement of Board of Governors of World Bank and IMF on Terms of Global Currency Reset

DCTV series to inform world of corruption and solidify coalition for the rule of law. This network is evidenced in the comment section :

Gift of love:

Why do we think that love is centered in the heart, which appears to be a muscle

pumping blood? There is sometimes talk about a dichotomy of the heart and mind,

where the heart has emotions and desires, and the mind has intellect. But the heart is

more than just a physical pump, and humanity should not be limited to just the

physical plane.

Page 7: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's


I'd like to show this clip of an 84 year old man demonstrating the Chinese art of Qi Gong: 0:20 to 1:25 Paranormal Qi Gong Performed By An 84 Year Old Man

On our November 3 segment we met Betsy Banfield-Malone, who spoke to us about the International Association for Near Death Studies. On Valentine's day, Betsy wrote about the collective unconscious and told us to "know thyself"

The collective unconscious at the tipping point, and how psychology

and politics are linked to the collective unconscious

We avoid studying the true nature of the divine, and as a result, the concept of God has

dimmed. The innermost point of the awareness of God has become so faint that the essence

of God is conceived only as a stern power from whom you cannot escape, to whom you must

subjugate yourself. If you submit to the service of God on this empty basis, you gradually

lose your radiance by constricting your consciousness. The Divine splendor is plucked from

your soul. In search of the divine nature, man discovers his own nature, and thereby his

Page 8: INTRO - Amazon S3 · INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the DCTV Series on the Network of Global Corporate Control that is coming to you live today from DCTV's


Individual Self. I think this is the true meaning within the ancient Greek aphorism “know

thyself.” To know thyself and become an Individual allows the consciousness to rise higher.

As Leo Tolstoy states, “There is no greatness where there is not simplicity.” Greatness is not

reserved for a “special one” to exude, but to be a “lucky one” to know thyself. The

Individual that knows himself speaks the universal language of truth. Thus, one ought to

move beyond the ego world that only serves the lower self. An Individual has the possibility

of entering and influencing the collective unconscious. This is how the revolution moves

from the individual to the large-scale as stated by Jim Morrison. The diagram of the psyche

below should help you to visualize this concept.

The psyche like the body has an anatomy which may be set out on the tree. The tree of life!

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How do I know that the soul of humanity has risen higher and has influenced

the collective unconscious?

Note on the anatomy of the psyche that the circles indicate the spheres of influence of the

various levels of awareness and inherent knowledge. The key being awareness and inherent

knowledge of what is real and what is illusion. Both of these perceptions exist at once within

the lower realm of our consciousness. What’s exciting is that the number of Individuals

moving up and away from the illusion toward the truth (higher Self) has increased. This is

evident by the number of whistleblowers, individuals taking a stand, and the scale of corruption

that’s exposed. The propaganda tool (information age) of the lower self… built by an ego based


…that is hell bent on maintaining only a materialistic illusion is now fueling a large-scale

revolution. “The kingdom of God is near.” “The kingdom is within us.” Jesus describes the

situation and passes on the good news which is the kingdom is at hands length, near us, within us

or something we can grasp with our consciousness. This is His call to revolution.

This sphere in natural man is called individual unconscious and relates to all those experiences

that have passed through the ego of Yesod and into the psyche to attach themselves to the

sefirot, paths, and triads surrounding the (higher) Self. Deeper still, and focused on the Daat of

Yezirah, is a radius of the unconscious that is connected with all men that have lived, are

living, and will live. (We’re all in this together.) The scale of this radius of consciousness is

cosmic, and for the vast majority of humanity totally hidden within the deep of the collective

unconscious this level is the bridge between man and the divine. All orbits of influence

interleaved, so that a natural man is by no means cut off from the source of his being. The

spiritual difficulty is that he is unconscious of the influxes descending through his nature.

The personal consciousness includes the body, ego, instinctive processes, voluntary processes

and (lower) self. The individual consciousness moves up toward the emotional (moral) mid

section that includes the ego foundation, instinctive processes, voluntary processes, (higher)

Self, outer emotion, inner emotion, and knowledge. The collective unconscious includes the

(higher) Self, inner emotion, outer emotion, knowledge, inner intellect, outer intellect, and

crown. The crown represents a connection to our source. Note: our ego foundation is an

important part on the road to awareness; however, it’s not the place to be stuck in for eternity.

In an attempt to keep sovereignty in this lower region the ego (NGCC personifies this aspect)

based world has bombarded us with temptations and lies throughout history. The ego is self

absorbed and self preserving. And, here is where the temptation to manipulate others resides in

a narcissistic mindset. This mindset causes division by whatever means possible in the masses

of humanity to maintain its position of superiority and control. It remains disconnected from

its source and imagines it will set the world right by its own power. This is why a small group

wants to control humanity’s currency. In a physical way they want to control the flow of things.

However, we are near the end of an age and collectively humanity is ready to embrace the

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higher Self. The collective unconscious, humanity, or our personal experiences either by Faith

or by Reason lead us to the same conclusion. United we stand and divided we fall. Only

having the tree of knowledge keeps the consciousness in the lower level (vulnerable to

deception) and that is the death, sin, and suffering we see all around us.


Liturgy of the Word with Fr. Francis Martin February 11, 2016

“Heavenly King, Spirit of truth, you are everywhere present and fill all things. Treasury of all

that is good, Master of Life, come dwell within us, cleanse us from all stain, and save our souls

oh good one.

Sin and suffering is the theme for the first Sunday of Lent. As you study, you’ll discover how

subtle Satan is. Through one man sin entered the world and then death. And thus death came

to all men in as much as all men have sinned. (Fall from Grace, higher realm)

The core of today’s reading are concentrated on the temptation in the desert. The temptation is

what? To alleviate anything that is difficult in such a way that I become the master. (Ego’s


The Grand Inquisitor is a perfect example. "The Grand Inquisitor" is a parable in Fyodor

Dostoyevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov (1879–1880). It is told by Ivan, who questions

the possibility of a personal and benevolent God, to his brother Alyosha, a novice monk. The

Grand Inquisitor is an important part of the novel and one of the best-known passages in

modern literature because of its ideas about human nature and freedom and its fundamental


Human nature and freedom: The Inquisitor frames his denunciation of Jesus around the three

questions that Satan asked Jesus during the temptation of Christ in the desert. These three are

the temptation to turn stones into bread, the temptation to cast Himself from the Temple and be

saved by the angels, and the temptation to rule over all the kingdoms of the world. The

Inquisitor states that Jesus rejected these three temptations in favor of freedom, but the

Inquisitor thinks that Jesus has misjudged human nature. He does not believe that the vast

majority of humanity can handle the freedom which Jesus has given them. The Inquisitor thus

implies that Jesus, in giving humans freedom to choose, has excluded the majority of humanity

from redemption and doomed it to suffer. (Narcissistic view that others are co-dependent on


This Mystic and Artist felt the tremors of what was going to happen: we are going to set this

world right on our own power. It’s not sin, its incompetence. This is the mindset of the elite

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or the group identified as the Network of Global Corporate Control. Sin doesn’t exist, do what

you want and we’ll control the outcome. The illusion… “And so, we’re going to take from the

rich and give to the poor.” This temptation is always with us. Satan: Command these stones to

be turned into bread and the whole world will follow you. Isn’t that what you want? Jesus:

No, I want the truth! Satan: Then he takes him up to the temple, jump off, people are so

astounded by wonder, you can tell them whatever you want and they’ll believe you. These

subtle temptations are the temptations we face today. This is the temptation of so much

misguided social action. Social action, yes, we need much more than we have, but not this kind.

NGCC: I’m saving mankind from its own, I know the score, and they don’t have to know it.

I’ll just keep them happy and in rebellion against God. That’s the last temptation, and Jesus,

confronts it as we should with: Out of my way Satan.”


What if we take away humanity’s faith? Can humanity rise above the ego world?

One can prove by sheer reason alone that justice or virtue is necessary for human beings. This is

the mid section on the tree of life and the position of Individuality.

The standard procedure is virtue is religious talk and reason is finances, administration, or

building something. There’s a huge split, but it wasn’t always that way. The ancient Greeks for

example, use reason for science but they also talk about justice by reason.

The church came along and added justice by faith. Then later on, the reformation knocked

out philosophy and just went on virtue or justice by faith.

The Republic by


The real task of the dialogue in this literary classic is to understand the good individual. The

argument starts this way; Plato has Socrates as the champion for virtue pursuit for its own sake.

Sophist says that virtue or justice is merely a useful good. The reason it is a useful good is

because let’s say you’re a crook and everybody knows it… Well, your cover is

blown…because everybody knows it. But, on the other hand if you are virtuous by cover you

can steal or rob whenever you get an opportunity. So the ideal combination is to look at virtue

as a useful good. You use it as a cover and when you get a chance to steal you go for it. (The

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elite have used this philosophy to rule the world. Karen Hudes is exposing the lying stealing

cheats for what they are and now they must acknowledge their philosophy. )

Board Game -


Socrates is to defend the notion you shouldn’t steal or cheat your neighbor. The game Risk is a

good example. The nature of the game is that you make alliances with each other to knock off

some other party. Who’s going to be the winner of the game? He’s going to be clever, because

he has to lie to someone to knock off someone else. At the end of the game he is the Master of

the world and his virtue is a useful good.

Socrates is going to uphold telling the truth, being nice to people, and probably be killed by the

people he’s attempting to be nice to. That’s what happened to Socrates. You wonder now

whose going to win the argument?

Two conditions Plato puts on the argument: Socrates can only use reason. He can’t use the

religious justification; if you are evil in this life you are going to go to hell in the next. By the

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way, the Greeks did have a notion of hell. The snakes have a lot of good lies in the beginning; I

mean it looks rather difficult. Well eventually as you might expect Socrates wins the argument.

But why you ask?

How can Plato work it out that Socrates is going to convince us by reason that we should choose

to be just to people even though they might kill us in the end? How by reason can you persuade

anybody with that outrageous proposition? I’ll tell you why, Plato had a great sense of the

heroic. We again have that sense here in America.


Take what happened in 9/11 when 400 policemen and firemen went into the building and it

collapsed. 300 to 350 didn’t come out and that touched the heart of America. When a newsman

asked one of the firemen about that the fireman said they’re just doing their job. These ordinary

men are willing to lay down their lives to save people. They have a wife and children, but they

are willing to sacrifice that. That is what you call the heroic or admirable. That is what touches

the hearts and minds of people. New York turns out enough obnoxious people, but this made

people proud to see what the heroic does. It is an absolute standard that captures a way a (man

or women) fireman, policeman, or soldier wants to live. It commands respect and it doesn’t

matter which culture you talk about.

Listen to the news and you’ll hear about heroic individuals every day. People admire heroic

individuals who blow the whistle on corruption. This admiration occurs at all levels in their

particular filed or those that help all of humanity.

The relativist point of view may say, well it’s stupid. (I’ve personally heard individuals behind

my back say how stupid I am for being a soldier and to my face I love veterans. They love how

useful I am to them.) However, you can’t play that game in the face of that kind of courage.

There is something about virtue that breaks through in real life as just, and, it renders relativism

as a cowardly sort of thing. What a community needs and what an individual needs is a sense of

what a man or woman can measure up to. Then you can be proud of a country like that, people

with that kind of dedication, and it is a universal thing for all men. Religion doesn’t come

directly into it as far as arguments are concerned.

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Universal language of truth

America has been a symbol around the world for Justice and

Freedom. BUNKERVILLE, NV (FOX5) – February 12, 2016

Is this the America you want to live in? That’s the question the Bundy family posed following

the surrender of the remaining occupiers in Oregon and the arrest of family patriarch Cliven


Read more:

following- arrest-of-cliven#ixzz404oozvsq

Robert F. Kennedy May 1966 , “A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if

we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough –

but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we

cannot alter its inevitability.”


Plato’s work doesn’t operate on just one level; and part of the attractiveness of the Republic is

that it can be read as psychology as well as politics. The dialogue for a good individual is very

much a dialogue of revolution. The psyche or collective unconsciousness cannot help but play a

major role in a peaceful revolution.

Let’s us not forget…


1) Wealth without work

2) Pleasure without conscience

3) Knowledge without character

4) business without ethics

5) Science without humanity

6) Religion without sacrifice

7) Politics without principle

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With faith and reason the character is elevated to higher realms. In the face of grievous

deception truth rises above to shine a light for all to follow. The collective unconscious speaks

volumes through everyday people as well as those in positions of power and influence.

As above so below! As within so without!

OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global

Corporate Control." We have discussed in today’s segment whether humanity is going

to be able to meet the challenges in accepting Jose Rizal's gift of love. The good thing is

we can see clearly the immediate hurdles in front of us. As one commentator said, "the

Network of Global Corporate Control's secrecy is blown". We have just barely skimmed

over Betsy's map of the collective unconscious. We know the chances that we prevail

are over 90%. Until next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.