intro: daniel: in the midst of · read...


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Page 1: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s
Page 2: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s
Page 3: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of Lions

The Book of Daniel was named after and written by the prophet Daniel sometime in the 6th century B.C. Daniel describes his experiences living in exile in Babylon. As you read Daniel in this study, notice how the book is broken into two halves. In the first half, we read about Daniel and his three friends. We see that they remain loyal to their pagan masters, while at the same time not compromising their loyalty to God. In the second half of the book, the focus is on apocalyptic visions which are meant to reassure God’s people that God is in control and will be victorious in the end.

This study follows a Bible study method called O.I.A. It is a simple method which guides the reader to observe, interpret, and apply. Do not feel that you must depend solely on the study guide for your study of Daniel; the O.I.A. method is designed to help people study scripture on their own.

Observation: What do I see?

Look for key words, similarities and differences, cause and effect, unique phrases

Ask questions like who, what, when, where, why, and how

Interpretation: What does this mean?

Establish the author’s intended meaning

Look up and define key words or phrases you don’t understand

Cross-reference other Bible verses to help you shed further light

Write out the big idea of the passage

Application: How does it apply to my life?

Points of impact: personal, family, church, job, school, community, world

Questions: Is there a promise to hold? Command to obey? Sin to avoid? Example to follow? Warning to heed? Prayer to lift up? Problem to solve? What changes do I need to make in my beliefs, attitude, and behavior?

It is my prayer that as you study Daniel, God will show you how He wants you to respond to His goodness, His faithfulness, and His love. In Christ, Pastor Tom

Outline for the Study

This study is designed as a follow-up to the Sunday morning sermons listed below. You can go through a whole lesson in one day or break it up throughout the week. Make an effort to come back to the prayer section each day and meet with the Lord. This is a simple guide to help you observe, interpret, and apply the truths you discover throughout the week.

Week 1: May 6-12 Put to the Test / Daniel 1 Week 2: May 13-19 Mysteries Revealed / Daniel 2 Week 3: SWERVE Week 4: May 27-June 2 Even If / Daniel 3 Week 5: June 3-9 Take His Advice / Daniel 4 Week 6: June 10-16 Weigh Our Options / Daniel 5 Week 7: June 17-23 Rescue Me / Daniel 6 Week 8: June 24-30 Who Keeps His Covenant? / Daniel 9

Page 4: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 1: Put to the Test / Daniel 1

** Read all of Chapter 1. Observe: Read Daniel 1:1-7

Who was the King of Babylon at this time?

How long were the young men from Judah to be educated in order to be able to stand before the king?

In verses 3-7, how were these Israelites chosen and trained for the king’s special service?

List the names of the Hebrew young men and the new names they were given.

Read Daniel 1:8-10

What action did Daniel and his friends immediately take to keep from being completely assimilated into the Babylonian culture?

In what ways did God bless Daniel and his friends? Interpret: Reread Daniel 1:1-2

Read 2 Kings 24:1-2. Who sent the raiders to destroy Judah?

Read Jeremiah 5:18-19. Why did God give Judah over to Babylon?

Read Isaiah 39:1-8. What words of Isaiah were fulfilled in Daniel 1:1-2?

What is conveyed by giving a new name to a person?

Read Isaiah 47:8 and 10. This is a prophecy against Babylon. Do you see any parallels between the Babylonian culture and our culture today?


How has God’s mercy favored you this year?

What are some ways you can keep yourself from being completely assimilated into the surrounding culture?

Are you willing and able to keep yourself from being completely assimilated, while still making it a priority to love your neighbor? How can you do this?

Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Page 5: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 2: Mysteries Revealed / Daniel 2

Observe: Read 2:1-16

According to the Chaldeans, who was able to interpret the king’s dream?

Why was the king going to kill all the “wise men” in Babylon?

What words describe how Daniel spoke to the captain of the king’s guard when he came to kill Daniel and his friends?

Read 2:17-30

When the mystery of the king’s dream was revealed to Daniel, he prayed. According to his prayer, what are some things that God does?

What was Daniel’s response when King Nebuchadnezzar asked him if he was able to interpret his dream?

Read 2:31-45

Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s interpretation.

Read 2:46-49

What was the king’s response after Daniel interpreted his dream?

What were Daniel and his friends’ positions after they were promoted?


Why does Daniel particularly praise God’s wisdom and might in verses 20-23? How does this related to the king’s and the astrologer’s claims?

Read Isaiah 47:12-15. How do Isaiah’s words apply to Nebuchadnezzar’s predicament in Daniel 2?

What do you see in common between Matthew 13:12-13 and Daniel 2:21?


How does the promised kingdom encourage you?

In what sense are you a sign of God’s kingly rule in your life?

How might your prayer life reflect Daniel’s praise and thanksgiving?

Reflect on Daniel 2:20-23. How do these verses speak to you regarding world events? How do they speak to you regarding personal events in your life?

Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Description Head Chest & Arms Middle & Thighs

Legs/Feet Stone

Interpretation (Kingdom)

A kingdom that will never be


Traditional View of Daniel’s


Babylonian Empire

(625-539 BC)

Medo-Persian Empire

(539-331 BC)

Greek Empire

311-63 BC)

Roman Empire

(63 BC-AD 476)

Messianic Kingdom

Page 6: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 3: SWERVE _______________________________________________________________________

Week 4: Even If / Daniel 3

**Read all of chapter 3. Observe:

Verse 8: Who accused the Jews?

Verse 13: What was Nebuchadnezzar’s reaction when he found out some Jews were not worshiping the image?

Verses 16-18: About what were the three men sure? About what were they unsure?

Verse 19: What was the king’s order when the men still did not worship the image?

Verse 22: What happened to the men who were to throw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the furnace? Verse 26: What happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

What happens to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego at the end of chapter 3?


Read Daniel 2:2, 4. What does this tell us as to why the Chaldeans would have told Nebuchadnezzar about the Jews who wouldn’t worship the image?

Read Daniel 2:46-47. If Nebuchadnezzar knew that God was powerful in chapter 2, why do you think he acted as he did in chapter 3? Do you think there is a true change in him after the events of chapter 3?

Verse 25: What are the options of who (or what) the fourth man in the fire could be?

How does Nebuchadnezzar’s response to the miracle compare to his responses to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah in chapters 1 and 2?


How much are you willing to risk in order to obey a clear commandment of God?

What are some current-day idols we are asked to follow? What types of “fiery furnaces” are there for us today?

How difficult is it for you to respond to prayers for God’s intervention like the men did in verses 16-18?

Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Page 7: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 5: Take His Advice / Daniel 4

** Read all of chapter 4.


God is called “Most High” several times in this chapter. The first is in verse 2, “The Most High God.” In context, He does miraculous signs and wonders. Skim through the rest of the chapter; record the verses in which He is called Most High and describe the context.

Verse 1: Who is Nebuchadnezzar speaking to?

Verse 3: What does Nebuchadnezzar say about God’s kingdom?

Verse 4: Complete the sentence: “ I Nebuchadnezzar was _______________.”

Read verses 10 – 18. The image in Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream was a statue. What was the image in his second dream?

Draw two trees. Make the first tree the “before” tree described in verses 10-12. Make the second tree the “after” tree described in verses 14-15.

Verse 27: What does Daniel advise Nebuchadnezzar so that his prosperity will be lengthened?

Verse 37: How does Nebuchadnezzar refer to God? Interpret:

What does Nebuchadnezzar say in verse 8 that alludes to the fact that he does not really know who God is?

What do you notice about the chronology of verses. 1-3?

How do you think our culture defines contented? How does it define prosperous?

In verses 26 -27, how is doing what is right and being kind to the oppressed an acknowledgement that Heaven rules?

In verses 31 – 33, how is the voice from Heaven shown to be powerful? How does this relate to Genesis 1?

This passage occurred while Babylon was a great, powerful nation. Why does such success make change or repentance difficult?


Nebuchadnezzar had a testimony that made him look foolish but glorified God. What is your testimony? Are you willing to share the parts that make you look foolish?

Verse 4: the word “contented” here is a translation of the Aramaic word “seleh”, which means “at ease” or “at rest” and coveys contentment and security. How much of a premium have you placed on security in your life? Why do you think that is?

In this passage, “care for the oppressed” is considered one way for Nebuchadnezzar to show that he acknowledges the true King. What might “care for the oppressed” look like for you?

Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Page 8: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 6: Weigh Our Options / Daniel 5

** Read all of chapter 5. Observe:

What changes do you notice from the end of chapter 4 to the beginning of chapter 5?

In verse 7, which interpreter does the king seem to have forgotten about?

In verses 13-16, what words or phrases show that the king knew a lot about Daniel? Which words or phrases show that he misunderstood some things about him?

What is Daniel’s response when the king offers him riches for interpreting the handwriting?

The handwriting on the wall said “MENE” (which sounds like “numbered” in Aramaic), TEKEL (which sounds like “weighed” in Aramaic), and PERES (which sounds like “divided” in Aramaic). Summarize what these words meant.

What happened to Belshazzar that night? Who replaced him? Interpret:

Read Daniel 5:1-4 in which we see the unholy use of holy vessels of God; then read 2 Timothy 2:21, 26. Briefly describe the parallel.

Daniel was an old man in this chapter. How would you describe his reputation after such long service? How does this chapter show that his long life of service under Babylonian rule did not compromise his convictions?

This chapter describes the night that Belshazzar’s kingdom was invaded by the Medes (verse 30). What does this teach us about God’s judgment?


As you think about Daniel’s long service under the Babylonians, how is that an encouragement to your walk with Christ?

What does this chapter teach us about wisdom and learning from others’ mistakes/missteps?

Why do you think it is so difficult to learn from other’s mistakes? Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Page 9: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 7: Rescue Me / Daniel 6

** Read all of chapter 6. Observe

To what position did Darius appoint Daniel? What was it about Daniel that made Darius want to appoint him to such a position?

What is it that stirs up the jealousy of the administrators and satraps?

What decree did Darius make? Why did he make such a decree?

What dilemma did Daniel face? What were the consequences of his actions?


Can you trace any growth in the faith of Darius? How so?

What specific aspects of God’s character can you discover in Darius’ decrees praising the Lord “God of Daniel” in verses 25-27? Who was glorified as a result of this trial?

Do you think that by the end of the chapter, Darius has become a believer? Why or why not?

Compare the concluding note of chapter 1, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, and chapter 6. What was the result of faithful obedience to God during difficult trials?


What is the main lesson to be learned from this chapter?

Why do you think people are so interested in the private lives of public figures?

Does having strong principles and values cause you to be more or less vulnerable to others. Why?

When in your life have you experienced God in the midst of a “lion’s den” of skeptics, critics, etc.?

Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Page 10: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s

Week 8: Who Keeps His Covenant? / Daniel 9 ** Read all of chapter 9. Observe:

Verse 3: What was it that caused Daniel to pray?

Daniel’s prayer in verses 4-19 follows a certain sequence. How does Daniel begin his prayer in verse 4? What characteristics of God are described throughout his prayer?

What does Daniel do in his prayer in verses 5-11? What failures in the nation of Israel are identified as the cause for Israel’s judgment?

What is the final part of Daniel’s prayer?


Read Jeremiah 25:8-12 and Jeremiah 29:10-14. What is important about the timing of this chapter?

Daniel consistently uses the plural “we” in his prayer. Why does he include himself? What does that reveal about his heart?

On what basis does Daniel make his request that God not judge the Jewish people?

How does God respond to Daniel’s request?

Read through a study Bible’s notes about Daniel 9:24-27. What are some different interpretations of this prophecy?


Daniel’s study of the Scriptures drove him to pray a prayer filled with Scripture. How could you use Scripture in your prayers?

Daniel humbled himself before meeting with his God. How do you prepare to meet with your God?

What prayer agenda for you (or your group) does Daniel 9 suggest?

A Comment on the 70 Sevens in Daniel 9: Most scholars understand the 70 “sevens” to be made up of 70 times seven years, or 490 years, but they apply these years to different periods of times (see chart).

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Week 8: Who Keeps His Covenant? / Daniel 9 (cont’d)

Prayers Throughout the Week: Adoration: God, I praise you because you are… Confession: Lord, I am sorry for… Thanksgiving: God, I am grateful for… Supplication: Heavenly Father, I lift up and pray for…

Page 12: INTRO: Daniel: In the Midst of · Read 2:31-45 Fill in the following table to describe the statue in the dream and Daniel’s