intro talk opco

Quick and affordable Knowledge Management for for Operating Companies Andrew Zolnai Copyright © 2009 Interactive Net Mapping Ltd All content is confidential to Interactive Net Mapping Ltd and should not be reproduced without written permission All images purchased from or released under WikiMedia

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Page 1: Intro Talk Opco

Quick and affordable Knowledge Management for

for Operating Companies

Andrew Zolnai

Copyright © 2009 Interactive Net Mapping Ltd

All content is confidential to Interactive Net Mapping Ltd and should not be reproduced without written permission

All images purchased from or released under WikiMedia

Page 2: Intro Talk Opco


• Oil is found in the minds of men

– Wallace E. Pratt

• We usually find oil in new places with new ideas. When we go to a new area we can find oil with an old idea. Sometimes we also find oil in an old place with a new idea, but we seldom find much oil in an old place with an old idea

– Parke A. Dickey

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1. Embrace open standards

2. Make it simple

3. Design for cooperation

4. Learn from users

5. Lower the barrier to experimentation

6. Make it a culture of measurement

7. Open the doors to partners

– Tim O’Reilly on Web 2.0

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What do we have?

• E&P records

– paper logs

– field tapes

• Corporate records

– internal financial

– regulatory reporting

• Shared records

– farm-in / farm-outs

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Where are they located?

• In the office

– technical / professional

– managerial / administrative

• At the warehouse

– inactive files

– with cores etc.

• Or farther away

– government data repositories

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What do we want?

• Efficiently organised records and data

– digitally not on paper

– in databases not spreadsheets

• Quick and accurate input

– intuitive tables and forms

– drop-down menus and lists

• Quick and easy access

– tabbed menus in work sequence

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What do we really want?

• Dashboards

– pertinent information

– in synoptic views

• Appropriate information

– selective lists, less options

– sequenced in work-flow order

• Guidance and support

– easy back-office maintenance

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What do our Users want

• Access data

– anytime

– anywhere

• Write once, read many

– input it once

– output as needed

• Share as share can

– get web data free or for

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What do we actually need?

• Data Management R Us

– augment existing work-flows

– not replace with sand-boxes

• Standard input templates

– follow best practices

– include all standard items

• Intuitive reports and maps

– accessible to all levels of staff

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How do we achieve it now?

• Simple and accessible desktop

– web browser front-end

– drop-down and tabbing

• Leveraging data standards

– PPDM for operational data

– EPSG for projections & datums

• And connectivity standards

– OGC for web mapping services

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oilelefant – who?

• Seasoned DRM and GISprofessionals

• From oil company and service sectors

• And web and geospatialprogrammers

• Link to web data depots

– UK DEAL, OneGeology etc.

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oilelefant – what?

• Records

• Wells

• Seismic

• Licenses

• Blocks

• Well Logs

• Maps

• X-sections

• Remote Sensing

• Reports

• Forms and map query

• SharePoint access ...

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oilelefant – where?

• Desktop

– professional staff

– technical staff

• Intranet / internet

– location immaterial

– sharing among staff

• Laptop / wifi

– remote operations

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oilelefant – when?

• Data loading

– cataloguing

– scanning

– bar coding

• Information management

– security

– retention

– distribution

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oilelefant – how?

• Intuitive desktop interface

– users see the desktop

– and never the database

• Workflow-driven menus

– based on years of experience

– what works in the day-to-day

• Standard reports and maps

– internal and external reporting

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Why - value proposition

• Simple license structure basedon number of users

• Easy to set up and use

– web browser

– online help

– user manual

• IT and end-user help

– remote back-office support

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Why - return on investment

• Put your data-house in order now

– from ad-hoc and unplanned...

– ... to formalised and planned

• Benefit from established standards

– Industry, such as EPSG & PPDM

– Internet, such as WMS & XML

• Reduce Time-to-Knowledge Mgmt.

– robust work-flows and best practices

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"GB Petroleum plc (GBP) purchased a license of oilelefant Version 1.0 in June 2007. The software will form the basis of a fully electronic database system for GBP's expanding portfolio of licenses, wells and seismic data, greatly reducing the need for hardcopy-based storage facilities. Following a straightforward installation process, with remote guidance from Interactive Net Mapping's experts, the package has been both easy and intuitive to use, even for staff with no previous GIS system experience.

The software has the flexibility to cater for various input coordinates and projection systems and transforms these to a geo-spatially correct, standardised WGS-84 global projection for consistency purposes. All input data is then displayed visually on a fully interactive global map, with zoom and drag functionality, making it easy to determine where and what types of data are available. The software is also available remotely to travelling staff, assuming an internet connection is available.

Future releases of the software will allow the data contained within the database to be queried and listed, simply by pointing and clicking on a map symbol. Help has always been available when required, using the dedicated support email and phone contacts list provided by Interactive Net Mapping. Overall, GBP would fully recommend the oilelefant software to similar start-up or small independent E&P companies wanting a well-priced and expandable GIS package."

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• Web demo

– online

– self-paced

• Needs assessment

– on-site visit

– user interviews

• Order specification

– tailored to your needs!

Call to action

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Thank you

Andrew Zolnai

Sales & Marketing Director

[email protected]

Interactive Net Mapping Ltd.

PO Box 469



United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0)1392 495 600

Fax: +44(0)1392 495 695