intro to autocad 2016 2d | 07 - panels (draw)


Upload: moataz-mongi

Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)
Page 2: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)
Page 3: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Line

- Shortcut : L - Method :

Page 4: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Polyline

- Shortcut : PL - Method :

Page 5: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Circle

- Shortcut : c - Method : Enter Point Distance Enter

Page 6: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Arc

- Shortcut : A - Method : Enter Point 1 ……… Enter

Page 7: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Rectangle - Shortcut : Rec - Method : Enter Point 1 Distances 1,2 or Point 2


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Draw Polygon - Shortcut : Pol - Method : Enter No. of sides Enter Specify

center Enter Circle Out or in Enter Circle radius


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Draw Ellipse

- Shortcut : El - Method : Enter End point 1 End point 2 Dist.

To other Axis

Page 10: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Boundary

- Shortcut : Bo


- Shortcut : Gd


- Shortcut : H

Page 11: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Construction Line

- Shortcut : Xl - Method : Enter Point 1 Point 2 Enter

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Draw Ray

- Shortcut : Ray - Method : Enter Point 1 Point 2 Enter

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Draw Multiple Points

- Shortcut : Po - Method : Enter point Enter

Page 14: Intro to AutoCAD 2016  2D | 07 - panels (draw)

Draw Divide

- Shortcut : Div - Method : Enter Specify Line No. of Segments Enter

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Draw Revision Cloud

- Shortcut : Revc - Method : Enter Draw Cloud

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Draw Helix

- Shortcut : Helix - Method : Enter Center Point Diameter No. of Spirals

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Draw Spline & Spline CV

- Shortcut : Spl - Method : Enter First point Next point ... Enter

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Draw Measure

- Shortcut : Me - Method : Enter Select Objects First point Second point

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Draw Region

- Shortcut : Reg - Method : Enter Select objects Enter

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Draw Wipeout

- Shortcut : Wi - Method : Enter Select Objects First point Next point Enter

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Draw Donut

- Shortcut : Do - Method : Enter Inside diameter Outside diameter

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Draw Multi Line(Style)

- Shortcut : Mlstyle

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Draw Multi Line(Style)

- New - Modify

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Draw Multi Line(Draw)

- Shortcut : Ml

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