intro to crisil

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  • 7/31/2019 Intro to Crisil


  • 7/31/2019 Intro to Crisil


    public policy. CRISILs services and products span the entire value chain starting from data

    collection and management to providing opinions and integrated solutions. These products and

    services are backed by highest standards of integrity, independence and analytical rigor, making

    CRISIL the most credible provider of these services in the market. CRISILs clients depend upon

    it to constantly deliver objective opinions and the most workable solutions. Through a sustainedtheme of innovation and thought leadership, CRISIL has led the markets with new thoughts, new

    analytical frameworks and new approaches, placing it in its leading position in the Indian market

    place. to all participants in the financial markets. CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory Group provides

    workable policy and transaction level solution to Central and State governments, public sector

    and private sector entities, that help them make the difference. CRISIL Investment and Risk

    Management Group (part of CRISILs advisory services) and Global Data Services India Ltd

    (GDSIL), both CRISIL subsidiaries. CRISIL Ltd provides business knowledge through research

    on industries, companies and the economy, GDSIL provides analytical data base to support

    CRISIL as well as external clients in there research and analysis. CRISILs news services

    (CRISIL Market wire CMW) are Indias leading provider of real time news and analysis on

    India debt markets.

    Credit Ratings

    A CRISIL rating reflects CRISIL's current opinion on the relative likelihood of timely payment of interest and

    principal on the rated obligation. It is an unbiased, objective, and independent opinion as to the issuer's capacity tomeet its financial obligations.

    So far, CRISIL has rated 30,000 debt instruments, covering the entire debt market.

    The debt obligations rated by CRISIL include:

    Non-convertible debentures/bonds/preference shares

    Commercial papers/certificates of deposits/short-term debt

    Fixed deposits


    Structured debt

    CRISIL Ratings' clientele includes all the industry majors - 23 of the BSE Sensex constituent companies and 39 of

    the NSE Nifty constituent companies, accounting for 80 per cent of the equity market capitalisation, are CRISIL's


    CRISIL's credit ratings are

    An opinion on probability of default on the rated obligation

    Forward looking

    Specific to the obligation being rated

    But they are not

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    A comment on the issuer's general performance

    An indication of the potential price of the issuers' bonds or equity shares

    Indicative of the suitability of the issue to the investor

    A recommendation to buy/sell/hold a particular security

    A statutory or non-statutory audit of the issuer

    An opinion on the associates, affiliates, or group companies, or the promoters, directors, or officers of the


    CRISIL ratings are based on a robust and clearly articulated analytical framework, which ensures

    comprehensiveness, standardisation, comparability, and effective communication of the ratings assigned and of

    every timely rating action. The assessment is based on the highest standards of independence and analytical


    CRISIL rates a wide range of entities, including:

    Industrial companies


    Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) Infrastructure entities

    Microfinance institutions

    Insurance companies

    Mutual funds

    State governments

    Urban local bodies


    CRISIL pioneered the concept of ratings for the SME sector in India, and, presently, within a span of just five years,has the largest number of ratings on the SME sector in the world. As on March 31, 2012, we had more than 17,251

    ratings (including over 7,974 SMEs) outstanding. CRISIL's SME ratings are affordable and tailor-made services

    designed for SMEs.

    Credit evaluation in the SME sector needs a specialised approach, as the issues and drivers of credit quality are

    different from those applicable for large companies. Understanding this distinction, CRISIL introduced the concept of

    SME credit ratings in India, designed exclusively for small enterprises, in 2005. Today CRISIL provides the widest

    coverage of SME rating in India.

    Under SME Ratings, CRISIL has five distinct offerings:

    CRISIL SME Ratings

    NSIC-CRISIL Performance and Credit Ratings for Small Scale Industries (SSIs)

    CRISIL 360 degree

    CRISIL Verified

    CRISIL Solar Energy Gradings New!

    CRISIL SME Rating indicates the SME's performance capability and financial strength. CRISIL SME Ratings are

    entity-specific ratings, unlike credit ratings, which are debt-obligation-specific.

    CRISIL SME Rating reflects the level of creditworthiness of the SME, adjudged in relation to other SMEs.

    Following are the key features of CRISIL SME Ratings:
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    Entity rating: SME Ratings are entity specific

    Eligibility: All types of business enterprises, including public and private limited companies, cooperative

    societies, partnership firms, and sole proprietorships, are eligible for CRISIL SME Ratings. Registration as

    a micro and small enterprise is not required, as subsidy support from the government is not available for

    these ratings.

    Surveillance based on specific requirement: A CRISIL SME rating is valid for one year from the date of

    the SME report issued by CRISIL, provided no significant changes/events occur during this period that

    could materially affect the business or financial parameters of the organisation. SMEs are encouraged to

    obtain rating reviews periodically, and CRISIL carries out reviews whenever requested by the SME or the


    CRISIL commenced its SME (small & medium enterprises) rating services in April 2005.

    CRISIL has two products for rating small scale industries SSIs and SMEs viz. NSIC-CRISIL

    performance and credit rating for SSI and SME rating respectively CRISIL rates SSI and SMEs

    on two separate rating scales as given below:

    A. NSIC-CRISIL performance and credit rating for SSIs


    rate SSIs in India at a subsidized cost.

    An NSIC CRISIL RATING reflects CRISILs opinion on companys performance capability

    and financial strength. Rating is assigned on following rating scale.

    NSIC rating scale TABLE NO .1

    Financial Strength

    High Moderate Low



    Highest SE 1A SE 1B SE 1C

    High SE 2A SE 2B SE 2C

    Moderate SE 3A SE 3B SE 3C

    Weak SE 4A SE 4B SE 4C

    Poor SE 5A SE 5B SE 5C

    For example, a company with high Performance Capability and high Financial Strength will be

    rated 'SE2A', while one with weak Performance Capability and low Financial Strength will be

    rated 'SE4C'.


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    CRISIL SME Ratings will reflect the level of creditworthiness of an SME, adjudged in relation to

    other SMEs. CRISIL SME Ratings will be assigned with the following rating definition:

    "The rating indicates that the level of creditworthiness of an SME, adjudged in relation toother SMEs is " (as per table below)

    TABLE NO .2

    CRISIL SME Rating Definition

    SME 1 Highest

    SME 2 High

    SME 3 Above Average

    SME 4 Average

    SME 5 Below Average

    SME 6 Inadequate

    SME 7 Poor

    SME 8 Default

    CRISIL SME Rating Fees

    Companies under operation

    Turnover (Rs Crore)

    < 10 10-25 25-50 50-75 >75

    Rating Fees (Rs.) 60,000 65,000 70,000 85,000 110,000

    Service Tax @ 12.36 per


    7,416 8,034 8,652 10,506 13,596

    Total Fees (Rs.) * 67,416 73,034 78,652 95,506 123,596

    How CRISIL SME/SSI ratings can be useful Banks

    Creates a strong platform for well rated SMEs to obtain CRISIL ratings under Basel IIover a period of time

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    An independent assessment of the SME portfolio will help in improving asset quality

    Client retention : Bank will be able to retain its good customers by providing interest rateconcessions to highly rated entities

    Ratings could be used for all green-field projects where CRISILs appraisal skills will beuseful in evaluating the unique project risks

    Mapping of the banks internal rating scale with CRISIL rating will reduce the appraisalprocess significantly for the branch managers and enable them to undertake quick and

    accurate decisions



    Banks appreciate the independence and analysis involved in CRISILs ratingexercise. More than 31 banks have entered into a formal agreement with CRISIL

    SME ratings, under which, they extend favorable terms and conditions, to CRISIL

    rated units, including lower rate of interest.


    An SME rating from CRISIL, increases the credibility of the rated unit, indomestic and international markets, by providing the bank, customers, and

    business, associates with credible information about the company.

    This increases their confidence in the unit and helps in increasing business and

    building better relationships.


    Each CRISIL rated SME receives a rating report which provides comprehensive

    details about the rated unit, its functioning, as well as the organizations strengthsand weaknesses.

    This rating report can be used by the unit in dissemination of credible information

    about their company to a wide variety of business associates, including,

    collaborators, joint venture partners and other market participants. Besides, the

    rating report also serves as a guide to focus on areas of improvement and enables

    the SME to benchmark against competition.


    CRISIL SME ratings are listed on CRISILs website and on CRISILs monthlypublications, the CRISIL SME CONNECT. This serves as a good source of

    publicity for the rated entity and further enhances the credibility of the unit, awide variety of banks, financial institutions and, foreign counterparties use the

    CRISIL PUBLICATION and website, to identify and research companies in

    greater detail.

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    For exporters, CRISILs International Linkage offers an additional advantage:-STANDARD & POORs, a globally respected rated agency, is the majorityshareholder in CRISIL, therefore, a CRISIL rating will help establish the

    credentials with international customers.


    Along with its ratings, CRISIL provides detailed analytical reports on the

    Strengths and Weaknesses of rated entities. Based on CRISIL reports, one can

    take steps to strengthen their operations and become more efficient.

    Each repots provides reliable and independent feedback from customers, suppliers

    and, banks.

    7. AFFORDABLE -:

    CRISIL SME rating services, while being highly credible, are also very much

    affordable. CRISIL offers an attractive concession in the rating fee for small

    enterprises. Also, NSIC Ltd., which is a corporation under the ministry of MSME,

    GOVT, OF INDIA, provides 75% subsidy in rating fee for small enterprises.

    Thus, the rating fee payable by the small enterprises ranges from Rs.7456 to

    Rs.13236. for enterprises not registered as small enterprises, the fee is higher, as

    the subsidy is not available from NSIC.

    CRISIL, with its reliability, width, and its depth of experience in rating services made a world of

    difference to the corporate sector, when it pioneered the concept of rating in India. CRISILbelieves, it will make same difference to the SME Sector, with its SME sector ratings.

    CRISIL SME Ratings :List of documents required

    Documents required

    Preliminary Information required

    Additional information required

    Documents required:-

    Authority letter to sign the application.

    Documents supporting registration (memorandum and articles of associations, partnership agreements,

    registration documents). (if applicable).

    Documents supporting name change and legal structure. Brief write-up on history of the firm / company.

    Documents supporting changes in capital (if any).

    Copy of income tax, sales tax, excise and wealth tax returns, if filed

    Copy of the audited accounts for the last three years (where accounts for the last year have not been

    audited, provisional accounts duly certified by a Chartered Accountant, along with two years audited

    accounts, are to be submitted).
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    Copy of insurance policies of assets.

    Certified net worth statements of all directors/ partners/proprietor.

    In case of new project/expansion, copy of the project report containing a brief project profile, cost of

    project, source/means of finance.

    Details of subsidy and tax concession available, if any.

    Quality certificates, export awards won, membership of any associations, etc.

    Any other information that would enable us to understand your business better.

    Preliminary Information required:

    1. Name of the applicant unit and address:

    a.Address of Registered Office

    b.Address of Factory

    c.Address for Communication

    d.Name, Designation and details (tel. no& mobile no) of contact person

    (all the above addresses to include

    District, State, Pin Code, Telephone

    No./Fax No. and email address)

    6. Details of Associate Concerns:


    b.Nature of Business

    c.Sales, Networth and Debt as on March 31 of the last


    2. Constitution:

    Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Private

    Limited Co./ Limited Co./ Co-op. Society.

    7. Details of existing borrowing / banking arrangements:

    a.Name of Financial Instt./ Bank/ Lenders

    b.Nature of assistance/ loan/ limit availed

    c.Amount (Rs lakh)

    d.Self declaration regarding conduct of the account

    3. Date of establishment/ incorporation 8. Production capacity:a.Name of Productb.Unitsc.Installed Capacityd.Actual Production

    4. Industry Information

    a.Industry segment

    b.Sub-segment of industry


    9. Customers' Reference: (please list 5 top customers ofyour firm/ company)a.Name of the customerb.Percentage in total salesc.Locationd.Name and details (tel. no./ mobile no.) of contactperson of customers

    5. Details of Promoters:

    a.Name(s) of Proprietor/ Partners/



    c.Father Husband's Name

    d.Share holding (percentage) in Firm/


    e.Residential Address

    f.Networth in Rs lakh along with CA

    certified statement


    h.Nature of Experience with No of years

    i.Responsibilities in Firm/ Company:

    j.Responsibilities in other Businesses

    10. Suppliers' Reference: (please list 5 top suppliers of yourfirm/ company)a.Name of the supplierb.Percentage in total purchasesc.Locationd.a.Name and details (tel. no./ mobile no.) of contactperson of suppliers
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    CRISIL Rating Process

    CRISIL's ratings process is designed to ensure that all ratings are based on the highest standards of independenceand analytical rigour.

    From the initial meeting with the management to the assignment of the rating, the rating process normally takes

    three to four weeks. However, CRISIL has sometimes arrived at rating decisions in shorter timeframes, to meet

    urgent requirements. The process of rating starts with a rating request from the issuer, and the signing of a rating

    agreement. CRISIL employs a multi-layered, decision-making process in assigning a rating.

    A detailed flow chart of CRISIL's rating process is as below:

    (Passport size photos of all the

    promoters to be enclosed)

    Additional information required:

    11. Details of present orders in hand 13. Specific information from the promoters:

    12. Percentage of total imports and exports

    in the business

    14. Vision of top managementa.Future plans for expansion/ diversificationb.Marketing arrangementsc.Details litigation against the company/ firm, if any
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    CRISIL offers SMEs value added services in the form of an independent verification which helps SMEs establish

    their credentials. An organisation authenticated and verified by CRISIL will be provided a CRISIL VERIFIED ID,

    which is a unique 12-digit code. A CRISIL VERIFIED ID affirms that the organisation's credentials have been

    verified and validated. If an organisation has an online presence, its website will display an electronic "CRISIL

    VERIFIED" logo to let potential customers, suppliers and other business associates know that the organisation has

    been verified by CRISIL.

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    Key Benefits of CRISIL VERIFIED

    Positions an organisation as a reliable and credible business partner

    Helps an organisation gain vital advantage by setting it apart from its competitors

    Attracts global customers, thereby enhancing an organisation's business growth

    Lets organisations without websites tap new business opportunities in the online space

    Lets an organisation leverage on the 'CRISIL' brand

    Revision of Rating Symbols and Definitions (PDF print out)


    A credit rating is a useful tool not only for the investor, but also for the entities looking for

    investors. An investment grade rating can put a security, company or country on the global

    radar, attracting foreign money and boosting a nation's economy. Indeed, for emerging

    market economies, the credit rating is key to showing their worthiness of money from

    foreign investors. (To read more, seeWhat Is An Emerging Market Economy?) And because

    the credit rating acts to facilitate investments, many countries and companies will strive to

    maintain and improve their ratings, hence ensuring a stable political environment and a

    more transparent capital market.

    Investors may utilize information from a single agency or from multiple rating agencies.

    Investors expect credit rating agencies to provide objective information based on sound
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    analytical methods and accurate statistical measurements. Investors also expect issuers of

    securities to comply with rules and regulations set forth by governing bodies, in the same

    respect that credit rating agencies comply with reporting procedures developed by securities

    industry governing agencies. Understanding the history and evolution of ratings agencies

    gives investors insight on the methodology that agencies use, as well as the quality of

    ratings from each agency. The analyses and assessments provided by various credit rating

    agencies provide investors with information and insight that facilitates their ability to

    examine and understand the risks and opportunities associated with various investment

    environments. With this insight, investors can make informed decisions as to the countries,

    industries and classes of securities in which they choose to invest.