intro to knitr with rstudio

Introduction Details Reproducible research with RStudio and knitr Ben Bolker McMaster University, Mathematics & Statistics and Biology 25 February 2014 Ben Bolker RStudio and knitr

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Page 1: intro to knitr with RStudio

Introduction Details

Reproducible research with RStudio and knitr

Ben Bolker

McMaster University, Mathematics & Statistics and Biology

25 February 2014

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

Page 2: intro to knitr with RStudio

Introduction Details

Reproducible research

Science requires reproducibility

Computational methods: harder to reproduce thanmath/analytic methods(but easier than non-computational science)

Maintain integrity

Disseminate knowledge

Maintain personal sanity

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Literate programming

Knuth (1984)

ancestor of RR

similar tools (WEB/weave/tangle), but different scope

targets code as a document with interwoven discussion

some notes on the LP-RR ecosystem

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details


Knuth (1978)/Lamport (1980s)

mathematical (and general-purpose) typesetting system

pro: beautiful, widely used, cross-platform, customizable,stable

con: old-fashioned, arcane

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RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details


Gentleman and Ihaka, 1990s

statistical programming language/data analysis environment

pro: powerful, widely used (3000+ packages), cross-platform,customizable

con: slower than low-level languages; organic/inconsistent

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RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details


Leisch / Xie

literate programming tool, allowing LATEX chunks in R

highlighted code chunks (echo=TRUE)

automatically generated figures, optionally in a figureenvironment

pro: super-convenient, once you get used to it

con: one more software layer;not suited for big projects/code

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details


Allaire et al.

front-end for R

one-button front end for knitr (“Compile PDF”)

pro: beginner-friendly; cross-platform;zoomable graphics, code highlighting, tab completion,environment listing, etc.

con: R-centric; restriction to built-in editor;one more software layer

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Getting started

bookmark the knitr web page and especially the options page

switch RStudio to compile documents with knitr

(Tools/Global options/Sweave/Weave Rnw files using ...)

make sure LATEX is installed/working and the knitr packageis installed (install.packages("knitr")); also installtikzDevice package

build this document, or use (File/New File/R Sweave) togenerate an empty template (need to add something to it);RStudio recognizes .Rnw extension

code chunks start with <<>>= and end with @

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RStudio and knitr

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load the knitr package in the R console: library("knitr")

R code failing? Try running it interactively in the console, orpurl() to pull the code into a separate file

in the console:knit2pdf("myfile.Rnw") = pushing the button

step by step: knit("myfile.Rnw") +externally pdflatex myfile

always name your code chunks!

RStudio always compiles PDF in a clean environment

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Code options

Set per chunk, e.g. <<mychunk,echo=TRUE,eval=FALSE>>

or globally via opts chunk$set(...)

eval: evaluate?

echo: show code?

warning/message/error: show/stop? (knitr does not stopon errors by default!)

results: "markup" is default, I sometimes use "hide"

tidy: reformat code?

cache: cache results?

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RStudio and knitr

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More stuff about code

if you’re using beamer, need to use\begin{frame}[fragile] if you’re going to show code (i.e.,echo=TRUE)

code in chunks must be complete/syntactically correct: nofragments allowed;can’t (e.g.) separate parts of a for loop, even if eval=FALSE

in-line expressions via \Sexpr{} (don’t forget to roundnumeric values)

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Code example


## comments get formatted nicely too

fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont)

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details


Graphics automatically run (stored in figures directory)

fig.width, fig.height control the size/aspect ratio of theplot window (in inches!)

out.width controls the size of the printed plot(in LATEX units, e.g. "0.7\\textwidth")(note double backslashes)

dev controls device: default is ”pdf”, may want ”png” forhuge figures or ”tikz” for LATEX fonts and symbols (not for bigfigures!)

fig.cap generates a figure caption and puts the plot in afigure environment (need math mode where appropriate,and double backslashes!)

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Graphics example: basic

−2 −1 0 1 2









Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

Page 15: intro to knitr with RStudio

Introduction Details

Graphics example: fig.width=3,fig.height=3

−3 −1 0 1 2







Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Graphics example: dev="png"

plot(rnorm(10000), rnorm(10000))

−4 −2 0 2 4









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RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Graphics example: dev="tikz"


xlab="${\\cal R}_0$",ylab="$\\sqrt{\\xi^\\alpha}$")

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3






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RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Other stuff

other input formats: R markdown

chunks in other languages

output to other formats: HTML, docx

other ways of documenting/disseminating results:commented R code (spin()); R packages/vignettes;roxygen2 package

large/batch jobs: caching gets tricky, use Makefiles instead?

figure tricks: 3D (rgl) plots, animation . . .

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr

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Introduction Details

Further resources

knitr web page, including the demos and showcase . . .


my examples on Rpubs

knitr book on Amazon

Ben Bolker

RStudio and knitr