intro to linux *no animals were harmed in the making of this presentation

Intro to Linux *No animals were harmed in the making of this presentation

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Intro to Linux *No animals were harmed in the making of this presentation

Intro to Linux

*No animals were harmed in the making of this presentation

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A brief History of Computing

• 1960: Notions of Operating Systems brewed

• 1970: First Unix Grown – Not the first but one of the first – Born at AT&T

• 1980: Desktop PC Proliferate– MS-DOS becomes popular

• The Second OS wars begin– 1991: Linus dumps linux onto USENET

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Licenses (who owns the bits)

• What does it mean to own software?– How much is a bit really worth?

• When I sell you an operating system,what is the actual product?

• What is the business model for selling software?

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• Free isn’t really free.• GPL requires back attribution and redistribution

of changes• BSD is Free for All (very few clauses).• There are others:Mozilla Public license, Creative

Commons, Apache License, MIT License…• has

way more information than you care about.

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Free• As in freedom…

• Just because it’s open, doesn’t mean it is “free”

• Most of the cost starts right here with the explanation of how things work

• Not having licenses that restrict distribution makes distributioneasier.

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• What is an operating system?

• What you interact with is notthe OS.

• Hardware abstraction

• Shells and GUIs

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Differences in OS’s

• The kernel is the defining element of an OS, hence the name.

• The shell is your interface to the machine – Not all shells are text (but that depends on what you

mean by shell)• Distributions (The stuff that makes your linux different

from every one else's)• Kernel makes it linux, distribution makes it “special”

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Q:What is the correct way to use chopsticks?

A:Which ever way works.

• Buyer beware, you get what you pay for.

• The second best word after free is community.

• Well known: Google returns an answer in the first page.

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Don’t be afraid to break it

• It’s very rare that miss-configured software will break the hardware (unless you’re name is Kahn).

• As long as your data is intact (and it’s your fault if your data is not backed up to a separate media) you can always reinstall.

• Since most Linux software is configured by text files, copying the text files stores the settings.

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Fixing things

• You can do many tricks with the live CD– Recover files from busted windows machines

• And move them across the network

– Recover files from panicked kernels• Ditto

– Rewrite your master boot record– Use it as a diskless operating system– Chain load other partitions– ???– Profit?

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BootingThe hardest part

• BIOS – Basics Input Output System– Initialize the ram, disks, video, etc.. – Find the “boot” sector of the disk, read, and hand over


• Grub – Grand Unified Boot loader– Loaded in stages

• Stage 1 Finds the next stage (1.5 or 2)• Stage 1.5 can read alternate file systems and find stage 2• Stage 2 Presents the user with a choice of Operating

systems• Can the chain load from here, launching the boot loader of a

different OS (e.g. Windows)

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Booting -Grub

• GRUB is configured by /boot/grub/menu.lst– In this file are directives that populate the

stage2 menu– Parameters for the kernel are specified here

• And optional initrd files can also be specified• The initrd is a “file system” compressed into a file• It stores specialty drivers for things that the kernel

doesn’t know about yet.• It solves the chicken and egg disk problem

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Booting-Grub Configtitle Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-22-generic

root (hd0,0)

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-22-generic root=/dev/md0 ro quiet splash

initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-22-generic

• This is a menu item in the menu.lst– Specifies the title (name seen in the boot menu)

associated with the kernel– Specifies the partition associated with the kernel– Specifies kernel file name and parameters– Specifies the initial ram disk location (optional)

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Booting - Kernel

• Grub copies the kernel to memory and passes execution control to it

• The Kernel continues the setup of the system state– Reads file system– Locates and Loads Modules (drivers) – Finally Starts init

• Grub, and Init are configured by files– But the kernel is configured when you compile it

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• Init is the mother of all processes.• Init Spawns all the running daemons that do the stuff you

want your machine to do• The init routine:

– Read /etc/inittab; learn runlevel(deprecated but still meaningful, the answer is 2)

– Goto /etc/init.d/rc2 (deprecated but still meaningful)

– Work through the S scripts to spawn all services• In /etc/init.d/rc2 are files of the form S##scriptname

– S stands for start– The number indicates order (larger numbers come later)

– Pass control terminal or GUI– ????– Profit!

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The boot flow






Chain Loader

Other OS



BusyBox-Failed to open rootfs

INIT rcscripts



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Grub2 –Key differences

• The latest and greatest• Comes with all Ubuntus after 9.10• Requires holding shift to get to the menu• Menu.lst -> grub.cfg (not really)• User settings go in /etc/grub.d/40_custom• Partition numbering has changed. The first

partition is now 1 rather than 0.

• Automated alternative OF searches from update grub

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Configuring Grub2

• /etc/grub.d contains config scripts that handled probing for Various OS flavors

• Any in appended into 40_custom gets appended into the main config file (/boot/grub/grub.cfg)

• Menu Behavior is configured in /etc/default/grub

• There is a graphical tool to configure some of the basics - StartUpManager

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Sample /etc/default/grub# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update

# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

GRUB_DEFAULT=0 - Sets the default menu entry by menu position

GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 -determines how long a screen without the GRUB 2 menu will be displayed.

GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true -No countdown is displayed. The screen will be blank


GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash“ -This line imports any entries to the end of the 'linux' line (GRUB legacy's "kernel" line).


#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 - The entry sets the resolution of the graphical menu (note the comment)

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SSH – The Swiss army knife of networking

• Secure Shell – Defacto Standard in remote shell connectivity

• Capable of “tunneling” traffic

• can move large files across networks (even across the internet)

• Can actually be used to mount files systems remotely via SSHFS

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• Using keys is more secure because passwords are never transmitted

• Configured correctly (using the agent), you can move between machines seamlessly

Tools for SSH KEYS:

1. ssh-keygen

2. ssh-copy-id

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Manual Key Installation

• generate key with ssh-keygen• use scp to copy the key to the

remote host• login to remote host with usual methods• add the contents of pub key file to the

authorized_keys file in you .ssh directory- username@gw1:~/.ssh$ cat ~/ >> ./authorized_keys

• Logout and login again, you should not be prompted for a password.

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• Assuming the server on the remote side is configure to do so, it is possible to run x11 programs on the remote machine and have them display on the locale machine

• ssh –Y user@HostName achieves this piece of magic

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X11 Digression

• X11 is the graphical system for most Unicies, W came before it, but no one uses that now

• X11 is a “service”, there is an X11 server that knows how to steer video, and X11 clients that connect to it.

• There is no rule that says the clients and servers have to live on the same machine

• There is no rule that says there can be only one X11 server

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X11 Tunneling

• On the remote machine a “virtual” X11 server is set up, the remote shell display variable is set to point to it.– Typically a value of locahost:10.0

• The X11 traffic for that server is encapsulated and shipped back to the local machine

• That traffic is unpacked and given to the local x11 server– Typically a value of localhost:0.0

• There is a non-trivial delay associated with the tunneling• It’s due to the encryption overhead • and network latency (much slower than the local loop

back interface)

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Vi-Tips and tricks• The v is for Victory • Press escape often (returns you to the command state)• a appends, i inserts• ^ puts you at the beginning of a line, $ put you at the end• o begins a new line• shift-y yanks lines, shift-p pastes them above, p paste

below• shift-j joins lines• :q! quits with out saving• :wq quits and saves• <line-number>gg goes to the specified line number• :set number turns on line numbering

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Cute Shell Tricks• pipes, grep, more

– command | grep SearchWord | more• will search for your word, and display contents 1

screen at a time

• find –name foo –print– very versatile command that can do many


• Redirectors– ps –ef > ./foo.txt

• captures the output of commands

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File Systems

• A file system is a special-purpose database for the storage, organization, manipulation, and retrieval of data.

• FHS – File System Hierarchy is a standard for how directories and files are laid out, It is a standard across most Linux distributions

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Where do file systems come from?

• Parted is the standard partition editor

• The gui frontend is named gparted– Things you need to specify

• Fs-type• Mount-point• Starting block• Ending block• Bootable flag

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File System Hierrachy

• Places worth noting in the file system hierarchy– /bin – home to all the executables– /boot – home to the kernel– /dev – where all the device files live

• In Unix, every thing is a file

– /etc – where all the config files live– /proc & /sys – virtual files systems that list info

about the running system

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File System-Types• Fat32 – Classical dumb file system

– used by windows and Linux systems• (Readable and writeable by Windows, Linux, and Mac)

• NTFS – Microsoft proprietary stuff• ext2 - second extended file system

– (Readable by stage2)

• ext3 -  third extended file system– a journaled file system

• ext4- New and shiny– Also journaled

• procfs and sysfs – see previous slide

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FSTAB and MTAB# /dev/sdb2UUID=### /ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1

• This is a usual line from the /etc/fstab• It configures all the file systems that will be mounted

during boot• Files systems not on the tab, can be mounted manually• /etc/mtab lists the currently mounted file systems in the

same format as /etc/fstab

Actual device name

Universally Unique Identifier

Mounting Options

File system type

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• Running mount with out any parameters list the currently mounted file systems

• Mount can be used to manually mount devices to the file system

• mount –a will mount all the file systems listed in fstab

mount -t nfs nfs-server-host:/directory/path /mount-point

Optional Parameters Sourc

e Target

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Permission and Ownership-rwxr--r-- 1 ssugrim staff 2648064 2008-07-03 10:26 winlab-ghost-netboot.sys

• File have an owner and a permissions set• The permissions can be modified with chmod • The owner (and group) can be modified with chown• The permission are read –uuugggwww where u = user, g = group, w = world• r = read, w = write, x = execute privileges• permissions can be assigned numerically if you assume that each position

is a 3 bit number, and then write the decimal equivalent• e.g. –rxwrwxrwx is equivalent to 777






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• Many distributions have gone to packages for distributing software, the old tar.gz system wasn’t robust/useable enough

• Debian (from which Ubuntu is based) uses the dpackage system

• files ending in deb are Debian packages, in contrast to rpm, ebuild

• Packages make your life simpler

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Package tools

• There are two tool suites to manage packages (actually more, but two main ones)

• apt-* is a set of tools for installing software from Ubuntu’s (Canonical’s) repositories– (really any ones repositories, assuming you

configured it correctly

• dpkg-* is the “manual” installation tool suite, it knows nothing about repositories

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• Packages are arranged in hierarchies

• Since there is much code reuse many packages depend on other packages being installed– This is one of the Big Wins / Major Hallmarks

of the open model

• both tools are aware of dependencies, but they differ in how they handle them

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Apt vs Dpkg

• This biggest difference between apt and dpkg is how dependencies are handled

• when apt is asked to install a package, it checks dependencies and asks if it’s ok to add all of the dependant packages as well

• dpkg just complains that dependencies are not met, and then refuses to install– this can be overridden, a forced installation

has many dangers

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Why would you use dpkg then?

• dpkg can force installation

• some times packages you need are not in the repository

• dpkg operates independent of the package hierarchy

• dpkg can forcibly remove things as well

• dpkg –l is the only non gui way to see a list of installed packages

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• apt-get update collects updated repository information – new or moved packages, upgrades to old packages– It’s the nervous twitch before Installing something

• apt-get install PackageName installs a package if not installed, and upgrades it if installed

• apt-get remove PackageName ---– Different from apt-get purge (gets rid of pack and

associated config files)

• there are also gui tools, synaptic, aptitude

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Other ways to get software

• Alien – a package “converter”– It raises lots of issues with dependencies

• Old fashion source distribution– Some times referred to as tgz, or tarball– Alien can “attempt” to convert tgz as well, but

probably not with high success– If you’re doing a build from sources you will need a

few additional packages that are not installed by default –

• build-essentials• automake

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• The 7 layer model– A system of black boxes

• Each layer Impendent• Each layer hands-off to the


• As a piece of data travels from source to destination, it travels down the stack, and back up again

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TCP/IP• Not strictly compliant with the 7

layer model• Link Layer:

– all things physical– (MAC: Media Access Control)

• Internet (IP) Layer:– best effort delivery– does mapping onto self addressing

physical systems – E.g. maps IP addresses to MAC

addresses• Transport Layer:

– builds “reliability” (TCP)– or not (UDP)

• Application Layer:– Http, ftp, ssh, ntp, etc…

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Necessary numbers

Numbers you need to know to get your data out of your machine:

• Your IP address :– self explanatory

• Subnet Mask: – Needed for determining what is local

• Gateway:– where to go for non-local hosts

• DNS: – Turns names into ip addresses (optional, but not really)

This is by no means a complete list, just a bare minimum.

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ifconfigsetting your IP

• Manually configures interfaces• Shows hardware address• Specify “static” IP

– And other stuff like netmask

• Link Status and Statistics

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SubnettingWhat the subnet mask means

• IP address are normally given in “dot quad” notation• The subnet mask is a “bit” mask

– Separates the address into network (local) and host bits

• CIDR notation is a short hand for subnets– The short hand for this address is:– “counts” the bits

Dot-decimal Address


IP address

Subnet Mask

Network Portion

Host Portion

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Routing and RouteConfiguring the gateway

• To get outside your local network, a “gateway” will have to forward (route) your data

• The route command can tune this setting– Normally you don’t need to set this up, dhcp will do it

for you

• Running route with out parameters will tell you which way is out

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DNS• Technically you don’t need DNS

– But if you plan on using the internets, you do• DNS is configured in the /etc/resolv.conf

– Note the name servers are specified by IP • They will be queried in descending order• The search line is the line appended to a host if

the host name is given with out a domain– E.g. home becomes

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Wireless• Two Primary tools:

– iwconfig• iwconfig can set ESSID, encryption key, channel, etc…

– iwlist• iwlist can scan for ESSID

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DHCP and dhclient

• Keeping track of machines is annoying– Large scale networks (offices, university) nearly

impossible to configure manually

• DHCP addresses the need of auto configuration (client, server model)– “Maps” MAC addresses to IP-addresses

• dhclient will broadcast a request to the local network and retrieve the necessary config– IP broadcast (to

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Tools you might need• MII-tool – checks for link status

– Ethernet carrier• Ping – send out echo request

– “proof” of connectivity (doesn’t mean you’re specific protocol will make it• host (formerly nslookup) – queries dns

– does that name mean what you think it does?• tracert – Traces route to host

– Almost always fails due to icmp echo request being denied (try with udp)

• netstat – list connection– netstat –p (netstat –b on windows) tells you what process is associated

with what port• nmap – scan’s open ports

– Some what antisocial, admin don’t like having their ports probed

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Processes• Instance of program (Running)

– each one has a process id (pid), even multiple instances of the same program– Init has PID 0– Process are “scheduled” by the kernel (well the scheduler any way)

• Each process is owned and has an associated privilege– Directly related to file privileges

• the owner ship of the process dictates what files it can operate on

• Kernel is not a process in the nominal sense– User space vs Kernel Space

• PS is the tool that lists process– ps –ef will list all processes (regardless of owner)

• Kill will terminate a process (usually if it’s gone rogue)– killing process requires privileges for that process

• this can be acquired by owing the process, or being a “privileged” user– Killing essentially passes a “signal” to the process telling it to go away

• -9 is the “rudest” of them– Other signals for process exist, not all are “lethal”

• Pipes can be made between processes

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Types of Kernels

• Monolithic – One big file

• Microkernel – Very small “Hardware interface layer” – Rest of the work of the kernel happens in


• Modular – Middle ground– Microkernel stub, but with the ability to load

“modules” into kernel space

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• Provide “functionality” – Steer hardware, read file systems, …

• lsmod list currently running modules• rmod ModuleName “unloads” a module• modprobe ModuleName will load a module, and

its dependant modules

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Changing the kernel

Why would you want to change your kernel?• Performance• Support of hardware• fix something you broke• security updates• bugs• ????• Profit?

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Changing the kernel*

Ways to change the kernel in order of difficulty:

1. install a package from the Ubuntu repository

2. Building from a source package from the Ubuntu repository

3. Building from a source package from the git (version control system)

*There might be some other methods

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Apt-get kernel

• By far the easiest method of updating the kernel• Depending on the version of Ubuntu you’re

running different kernels will be available to you – LTS vs Non-LTS

• apt-get install linux-generic will update your current kernel to the newest– This is a feature of apt, not the kernel

• apt-get install AlreadyInstalledPackage will upgrade said package

• will modify grub to boot new kernel– Retains old kernel as a option in grub, incase

something goes wrong

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Sources from the Ubuntu Repository

• Apt-get install Linux-source will get the source of the current running kernel – uname –r tells you the name of the current running

kernel– Ubuntu kernels are modified versions of the kernels (the official Linux kernel)– Dependencies and tools required to build the kernel

may not be “exactly” the same– There may be differences in opinions of where stuff

should go, and what it should be named

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Sources form

• The “official” Kernel made by Linus (& co) him self

• Stable versions can be downloaded from

• Bleeding edge can literally be downloaded at the “end of the business day” – You’ll probably need git (the version control system

used by for that • Will have to be uncompressed from a tarball

– Something like: cd /usr/srcsudo tar xjvf linux-source-2.6.24.tar.bz2

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• System of modifying source, requires patch file• increment version numbers by 1 (but that’s not a

“solid” rule)• if you already have the kernel source tree,

patches are much smaller • Small is a relative term (the full source for my

test kernel was 8.2M)• Patches are rarely used any more because

we’re no longer so bandwidth constrained• Was a much bigger deal when we were using


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Other things you will need.

When building the kernel on my prototype (I used repository sources), I needed the following packages:

• linux-source – The stuff• kernel-package – Tools for building the kernel• build-essential – Tools for building

– Part of kernel package• fakeroot – needed to get around the suid (set user id)

issue– there is no “root” user by default on Ubuntu

• ccache – common routines cache, speed up compiling• qt3-dev-tools (huge dependencies)

– Needed for X11 config• libqt3-mt-dev (comes along for the ride with qt3-dev-


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• Make (automake) is standard tool for building executables

• make was made in 1977• reads makefiles and builds executables

according to their directives• used to build any software from source

(not just the kernel)• sometimes accompanied by a configure

script that will “configure” the makefiles

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Make config

Once you have your source code, you need to set the “parameters” of how this new kernel will behave

• make config – Never do this– will ask you 100’s of questions, get one wrong and you get to

start over• make menuconfig – ncurses menu

– better, but still not “fancy”• make xconfig

– the new hotness• It’s assumed that you’re privileged enough to do this on

your system and you’re in the right directory– it requires root privileges because of some of the “places” it will

have to go, and “things” it will have to do– the usual home is /usr/src/KernelName

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Parameters IISome of the parameters you’ll encounter:• General setup – Boot styles, message

ques• Module support – You always need this• Bus Options – Needed for addon card

support• Device Drivers – The magic sauce • Networking – Big and important• File Systems – What kinds the kernel can


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• A HUGE improvement over the old way of doing things

• Builds the kernel and the init-rd, and then packages them into a deb

• install the deb with dpkg– Will copy vmlinuz, init-rd,, and modules

• will also update grub for you, and save your old kernel

• Doing this manually involves many steps and is very prone to error

• Modules can be built as debs too

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Useful Links

• – Big ole book o stuff

•– Layered fanciness

• – Identify your male parent

• – Dude where’s my stuff (coming from)

• – Bet you didn’t know there were that many

• – SSH hotness

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• The internets

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• The man, the myth, the legend

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What went Wrong:• Part of the live boot scenario is autodection of

hardware. • When the X11 system gets configured, it probes

the monitor to figure out what the resolution modes are

• Because I used a via splitter, the “backtalk” that tells the X system what it can do was broken

• The system couldn’t discover the modes to display in

• So why did the splash screen work?