intro to the twelve premises of core resonance colonies: for an enlightened world

The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies for an enlightened world by J.Hamilton The "Shortcuts Through Life" series Book 5 Introduction reprint tat sannidhau vairatyagah 1

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Consciousness is the only way to change the world! As we become more internal, as we become more allowing, as we allow Innate Intelligecne to express through us, the world becomes a better place. The enclosed document is the introduction to The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies: for an enlightened world. The twelve premises include:3. Premise I: Why Not Now?4. Premise II: At Our Core, We are All Humanitarians5. Premise III: Fundamental Freedoms6. Premise IV: The Ultimate Exit Strategy7. Premise V: the Maharishi Effect™8. Premise VI: The Work of Dee Hock9. Premise VII: The World of Matt Kahn10. Premise VIII: Wealth Dynamics11. Premise IX: The Map of Consciousness12. Premise X: CORE Resonance Training™13. Premise XI: The Work of J.Hamilton14. Premise XII: Innate IntelligencePremise V goes on to explain:The Maharishi Effect™ is far and away the most significant tool humanity has in its tool belt! It is certainly something to be looked at!The foundation for this idea lies in ancient Vedic texts that most recently surfaced as the Yoga Sutras of Patangali in 400AD stating “tat sannidhau vairatyagah” which translates: “in the vicinity of coherence, hostile tendencies are eliminated.” [Link]


The Twelve Premisesof CORE Resonance Colonies

for an enlightened world

by J.Hamilton

The "ShortcutsThrough Life" series

Book 5

Introduction reprinttat sannidhau vairatyagah

Copyright 2015 J.Hamilton

All rights reserved.

For more information or contact... [email protected]



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CORE Resonance Colonies began to form as an idea on a girlfriend's rooftop. I was "solarizing" her skylights when the concept of CORE Resonance Colonies suddenly "came to me." Immediately I knew this insight from the Cosmos was huge because it had a very powerful knowing associated with it. As I like to joke, it must have been because I was a little closer to the heavens standing on her roof.

I was offering CORE Resonance Training to individuals, chiropractors, psychologists, etc., but I was even more involved in continuing to document my own experiences of advanced states of consciousness brought about by CORE Resonance Training when suddenly I realized, "Why not create small groups who do CORE Resonance Training together?"

What I recognized was the possibility of harnessing the Maharishi Effect into what I call a Colony through the use of CORE Resonance Training. One well known study of the Maharishi Effect in 1993 brought in 4000 meditators to Washington DC from all over the world. During the final week of the 7 week demonstration, serious crime, rape and murder dropped 23.3 percent! And a significant number of academics, sociologists, criminologists and professionals were observing.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, introduced to the world by the Beatles in the 1960's, postulated that when 1 percent of a population is meditating in a city or region, the coherence brought about by the meditators powerfully influences the local population. This has now been demonstrated hundreds of times, and because of modern analysis, observation and statistical evidence, proven to be true. The Maharishi Effect is far and away the most significant tool humanity has in its tool belt! It is certainly something to be looked at!

The foundation for this idea lies in ancient Vedic texts that most recently surfaced as the Yoga Sutras of Patangali in 400AD stating tat sannidhau vairatyagah which translates: in the vicinity of coherence, hostile tendencies are eliminated. [Link]

CORE Resonance Training is similar to meditation but different in that it more rapidly quiets the nervous system and helps one discover their internal connection "Home." CORE Resonance Training as a primary component of CORE Resonance Colonies brings about very rapid refinement to the human nervous system such that the benefits of a coherent nervous system become available to an individual much more quickly and completely than meditation. The Promise of CORE Resonance Training by J.Hamilton states that two year of CORE Resonance Training is equal to 30+ years of meditation. For individuals who are well versed in meditation, the results of CORE Resonance Training may be achieved even more quickly.

A coherent nervous system has resonance with the Cosmos.

This is a huge understanding and demonstration. Through the discoveries of using proprietary neurofeedback to quiet the brain and nervous system, a vast reorganization of the core of an individual can be generated. This is done without programming or imprinting the brain with a presupposed end result. Instead, the brain cleans itself up itself. Instead of the mind of man with a lab coat and a clipboard or a computer program dictating what a healthy brain should look like, we are letting the brain find its way back to coherence Itself!

It is in a coherent brain and coherent nervous system that we become in resonance with our Maker. And, in resonance with our Maker, we become internally refined and far more influential. At the same time, our own success and personal performance goes through the roof.

Vast emotional maturity becomes a significant result of the use of CORE Resonance Training.Therefore a colony is a special organization of six individuals who work with CORE Resonance Training in a geographically close proximity to each other in mutual support and sharing such that each individual is availed of the opportunity to reduce and eliminate the static and noise in their brain and nervous system and become the perfect mechanism for Innate Intelligence (God, Cosmos, Source, Maker, etc.) to express through into this dimension. And to do so in a group of six coherent individuals is ground-breaking in its scope, projection and possibilities.

As the most sophisticated nervous system on the planet, we are able to host more Innate Intelligence flowing through us than any other mechanism on the planet other than say, a forest, a mountain peak or a beautiful sunrise or most anything else in Nature.. For you see, all of Nature is already made up of Colonies, shared camaraderie and the hosting of Innate Intelligence expressing Itself. As the most sophisticated nervous system on the planet sans resistance (ahh.. the definition of unconditional love is just starting to peek through) we become able to deliver solutions to every issue of mankind and more. After all, the issues of mankind are simple.

When we are in resistance to our Maker; when we are in ignorance to our Maker and our surroundings, we create reality in a distorted manner. When we are in sync with our Maker, we create realities in sync with the larger whole. Clearly the Maharishi Effect and tat sannidhau vairatyagah demonstrates this.

As we learn how to line up with the truth; as we learn how to allow, we become delivery vessels; we become hosts and throughput mechanisms for Innate Intelligence to flow through into this dimension. Heaven on earth becomes the result.

In building a coherent nervous system, the mind relaxes. Instead of wrestling the mind to the ground so to speak; instead of corralling the mind or attempting to control it with drugs, manipulation or force, instead we point the nervous system to the direction of Home and the mind quiets down on its own. After all, the mind is a guard dog for a brain on overload and as the overload subsides, the mind subsides.

As we make our way Home; as we lift up our countenance and move into non-resistance and allowing, something very strange happens. Maybe a better term is "something very joyous happens." At some point in finding our way Home, Innate Guidance becomes available. Innate Guidance is interesting because Innate Guidance in its all-knowingness takes over the processing of our world on our behalf. Instead of being reliant on the serious limitations of the brain's processing power, we have access to Innate Guidance and enter into a partnership with something much larger than ourselves and begin to thrive for the first time.

Allowing Innate Guidance to process the world on our behalf allows us to relax and mesh with the larger Order that is available.

Another way to say it is CORE Resonance Training delivers you to Presence. Presence delivers you to Guidance, and Guidance delivers you to the Order that everything shares. Not only do you become exponentially contributive, you get the ride of your life! And no, you won't turn into a zombie. More on that later.

When Innate Guidance begins to overrides your physical decisions and choices, you will know you are on the periphery of something quite special. This type of Guidance is very subtle but by then, very subtle will begin to mean something to you. Very subtle is the true nature of the world. Very subtle is our connection which takes a quiet mind and brain to discern.

Harnessing the most sophisticated nervous system on the planet has huge benefits. Because of our complexity, we are able to deliver very sophisticated but all-encompassing solutions to counteract the mysteries and miseries of mankind. This is the purpose of a Colony; dotting the landscape; hosting that subtle connection with Source shared by six coherent nervous systems, basically unknown to the general population doing what is in our very nature do to.

A Colony looks like normal people, we live our lives like normal people but through our gaze and the quality of our connection, we contribute to making the world a better place.

It is a good use of our time.

Namasttat sannidhau vairatyagahAbout J.Hamilton

Author, Visionary, Coach and Believer J.Hamilton says:

that by re-enabling our natural state of connection, we become the means and delivery system by which viable solutions become available to a planet in need of a few good ideas.

J.Hamilton (Jim) interests revolve around teaching personal empowerment based on fundamentals. By re-enabling ones natural state of connection with Source (Innate Intelligence, Universal Mind, God, the Divine, etc.), we partner with the Order that everything shares. In this capacity, we become powerful beyond measure. We exhibit characteristics of presence, compassion, unconditional love, a solutions-orientation that knows no bounds and we become a delivery system for Innate Intelligence to deliver solutions through us to a species about to overrun its only home!

Further, J.Hamilton says: he has been fortunate. He has been meditating for 40 years (since 1973) and when he was young, learned how to combine goal setting and meditation and retired at the age of 30. After a number of years of big boat sailing and inadvertently moving to Sedona, Arizona in 1987, he started to do consulting and then wrote his first book, Visionaries Thrive In All Times. He now has five books (with two more on the way) and about 140 articles. He has developed a system based, in part, on the science of neurofeedback for rapidly advancing personal (and collective) consciousness.

His first book, Visionaries Thrive In All Times: blueprint for reality creation (2005) is about the possibilities of individual and collective reality creation in alignment with Innate Intelligence.

J.Hamilton released a second book titled CORE Resonance: ultimate personal performance (2009) for the purpose of identifying access to nonresistance and the resultant Presence and Guidance that becomes available. Key words: nonresistance, mindlessness, Innate Guidance, timelessness, solutions and timeliness. LinkHe released a third title: Beyond Words: thoughts become awareness (2010), documenting his personal experiences of transformation through a series of chronological articles compiled into a book format.

His fourth book, what if Prosperity has nothing to do with money (2015) explores the quality of our connection with Source as the foundation for the quality of our happenstances, our synchronicities, harmonies and order, and everything we need in life. What IF money has nothing to do with prosperity? What if its all about plugging back into our Connection and aligning with whats true? What if this guidance has been in a written form for 4000 years?And his fifth book, The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies: for an enlightened world (2015) lays out a program and plan for infusing Innate Intelligence into intentional corporations, intentional communities and other intentional organizations. Anything going forward without properly infusing Innate Intelligences contribution is simple ignorance and invites failure and dysfunction. The foundation of CORE Resonance Colonies is the article The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies.

52 Weeks of Visionary Focus is soon to be released.

There is now a 7th book in the wings.. Patterns and Habits. Everything, (repeat: everything) is patterns and habits. From how the brain learns, i.e., thousands of learned patterns and habits that run concurrently which identifies the brains vast complexity, to how the mind and subconscious mind operate and spit out information, to Natures patterns and habits documented as Sacred Geometry. Everything is patterns and habits. Aligning with what is True requires that our patterns and habits mesh with the overall scale of order that everything else abides by. This then becomes Resonance. In resonance, we become plugged in.

J.Hamilton is the founder of CORE Resonance Systems in Sedona Arizona, which features CORE Resonance Training as a series of steps designed to quiet the brain and nervous system and re-enable ones natural state of connection with Source. As we achieve this partnership, relaxation and nonresistance becomes available an alternate to creating reality based on fear and doubt, and resistance and reaction to our surroundings. As we discover a new way of doing things, we become exponentially more useful to, not only ourselves, but each other.

Presently, J.Hamiltons focus is on an introduction of CORE Resonance Colonies which is a solutions-orientation so large that it snuffs out any problem. CORE Resonance Colonies are living mechanisms designed to reach to the Divine and back to the earth to deliver what we have always wished and strived for, and always knew was possible access to solutions. Because the Universe is ever unfolding and solutions-driven, as we plug into what is True, we become a means by which solutions are delivered into this dimension. Designed as a beachhead for advancing consciousness, CORE Resonance Colonies are designed to dot the landscape and broadcast the frequency of the Divine through intentionally coherent groups to a human species in need of a few good ideas.

TapRoot by CORE Resonance is another application of CORE Resonance Colonies. TapRoot is designed to be the foundation of any intentional community, intentional organization or team or intentional corporation responsibly and sustainly reaching into the 21st century. To build an organization without infusing Innate Intelligence into the foundation of that organization is simply naive.

Aligning with what is True opens the way for an exploration of living and life that so far exceeds what we are presently experiencing, that we transform into the Second Coming. We become God-realized human beings operating at our potential and expressing in resonance with not only each other but the larger picture.

Offering advanced Business, Wellness and Life Coaching, J.Hamilton enables clients to successfully access advanced states of consciousness that facilitates sophisticated levels of advanced personal performance. Clients, including athletes, professionals and those seeking higher states of consciousness report states of well being and spiritual awareness here-to-fore unknown.

The Formula? Nonresistance and the Law of Attraction.

J.Hamilton is available through, by email: jhamilton [at], or by telephone 310 878-2260.

Additional Information20 min AudioDonationsBuild whats next..

TapRoot by CORE ResonanceIntentional Communities and Intentional Corporations~harnessing the power of coherent groups~CORE Resonance Colonies

Problems are of the mind;Solutions are of the Divine..Alignment before ActionEach and Every Day~stay tuned~NamastPS Check out this article about whether trees communicate among themselves.

There is a vast order of which we are seemingly unaware