intro to website 1

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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|ntroduct|on to webs|te des|gn|ng |ntroduct|on to webs|te des|gn|ngW A good website must make the best use oI the inIrastructure on the web, to design such a site , you need to have an understanding oI the web medium.1echnical infrastructureElements of the web Web Sites.W A set oI interconnected WebPagesW Displaying related inIormation on a speciIic subjectW Homepage is a starting point , an overview oI the contents oI the site, links to rest oI the pages Web Documents.W nIormation on www is stored in the web documents residing on serversW Web documents / Web page is electronic document that stores a set oI related inIormationW HTML documentacilities ruvided by the webW ommunity buildingW Resource sharing W EntertainmentW Business transactionsResource sharing:W Excellent medium Ior people in search oI inIormation, and Ior those how are sharing inIormationW Web is bigger & Iaster then any library or encyclopedia.W What are the advantages oI publishing on the web?ntertainmentW The Iield oI entertainment is one oI the Iastest growing categories oI the web usage.W Extensive resource oI multimedia music, videos, animation, Iilm industry, gamingommunity building:The web provides a convenient mechanism Ior the People across the world to communicate and share inIormationEmail, web chat, M, Video conIerencingBusiness transaction: The web is ideal medium to attract potential customersE-commerce websites1yes uf websites $tatic website:W t simply presents pre-deIined inIormation to the userW Just like a printed newspaperW oded in HTMLW No database Example: Lahore school oI economicsW ynamic websites:W The web page content changes automatically W t may accept a user's input and respond to the request (task based).W Database at the backend W oded in JSP,ASP, F ML Example: online banking, social networking, e-learning, email sites ommerce:W Any business transactions on the webW An e commerce sit can be a commercial organization, educational institution, government organization or individualW Providing a product or service on the web, orporate:W A orporate website is a site that serve as the strategic interIace on the web Ior the purpose oI promoting its products & servicesW Market inIormation Ior investor and share holdersW Data Ior employeesW nIormation on products & services oIIeredW Example: W www.britishcouncil.orgW !ortal:W A portal is web site that gathers bits & pieces oI inIormation Irom diIIerent sources.W The user can search Ior any type oI inIormation Irom a single location.ommon features. W Search engine, email services W News, weather inIormation, W Advertising W List oI sub-sites & links.examples: http://student.lahore, !ersonal:W A personal web site is a site built up by an individual Ior purpose oI sharing inIormation with others on web.Example: www.atiIaslam.comLCommerce ] L8us|ness(828 82C C2C C28)8uslness ModelseCommerceW commerce 8uylng and selllng producLs or servlcesW eCommerce 8uylng and selllng producLs and servlces elecLronlcallyWmode|s828 (8uslness Lo 8uslness)82C (8uslness Lo Consumer)C2C (Consumer Lo Consumer) C28 (Consumer Lo 8uslness)828W 8usiness to 8usiness {828)en a buslness sells producLs and servlces LocusLomers o are prlmarlly oLer buslnesses Lyplcally a manufacLurersuppller relaLlonslp !,5er su55lier82882CW 8usiness to consumer {82c)en a buslness sells producLs and servlces Lo lndlvlduals MosL consumers deal dlrecLly lL a cosen buslness on Le lnLerneL Some Lroug emarkeLplaces llke ebay 82C Po do you geL Lo Le company?le Po do companles aLLracL us?W MarkeLlng Mlx 1ools seL of markeLlng Lools a company uses Lo pursue lLs markeLlng ob[ecLlves ln reaclng and aLLracLlngpoLenLlal cusLomersW8eglsLerlng lL searc englnesWCnllne adsWvlral markeLlngWAfflllaLe programs82C Po do you geL Lo Le company?Po do companles aLLracL cusLomers? vlral markeLlngWencourages users of a producL or servlce supplled by a 82C buslness Lo encourage frlends Lo [oln ln as ellWeg bluemounLalncom rovldes a llnk so LaL Le reclplenL can send an ecard back Lo Le sender82C Po Lo pay?W credit cordsname credlL card number explry daLe does noL requlre Le card older's slgnaLure! inoncio/ cybermediory lnLerneLbased company LaL makes lL easy for one person Lo pay anoLer person or organlzaLlon over Le lnLerneL eg ayal (paypalcom) CreaLe an accounL lL personal credlL card and banklng lnformaLlon 1o pay money Co Lo Le ayal slLe LnLer Le amounL LnLer lnformaLlon of Le reclplenLC2CW coosomettocoosomet lndlvlduals selllng and buylng dlrecLlylL eac oLer vla a Web slLe MosLly ln form of aucLlonsW1o maln forms of LransacLlons laceLoface 8uyers pay Lo bank + sellers mall Le lLemsLrusLorLy?C28W coosometto8osloessConsumers (lndlvlduals) speclfy Lelr needs Lo companles and Le companles offer producLs Lo LemW osslble??ou speclfy your experLlse and your expecLaLlons (by posLlng your resume onllne) Some company ldenLlfles you and offers you a [ob 8everse aucLlon ?ou speclfy your needs Companles compeLe Lo obLaln buslness eg LLp//prlcellnecom/ Lxerclsehjlj 00 l0[0tIW AnalysisW DesignW DevelopmentW mplementationW Evaluation & MaintenanceI)IlIefining the site ubjectives $ite functions & featuresW DeIine the Ieatures that allow users to perIorm various useIul Iunction.W What unique Ieature a site can oIIer?W What would enhance user perIormance on the site?W What dose a user expect Irom the site?Book ordering Ieature, prices oI a book, ordering IormAnalysls ueslgn uevelopmenL lmplemenLaLlonLvaluaLlon MalnLenance efining the media elementsW Add a visual appeal(images, audio, video and animation)W dentiIy the concepts that can be complimented through the use oI media elementsW Bandwidth limitations !roject Magnitude:W DeIine the website magnitude or the scope oI the project.W The wider the scope more resource requiredIor its development W Flower shop website/ nternational human rights organization website (range oI inIluence) dentify the site attributes:W #eal world experience.W Study the real characteristics oI real world entity to identiIy the attributes or Ieatures that can be incorporated in the website W ook coverW Task AnalysisW dentiIy the steps involved in perIorming various tasks on a websiteW Provide shortcuts to Irequently perIormed activitiesnalyzing other similar sites.W Explore other existing similar websitesW Does not mean replicate existing websitesW SuccessIul websites / unsuccessIul websitesdentifying the 1arget udienceWeek z AerIvIrIesWeek z AerIvIrIes W lve oo exomple of cotpotote webslte llst J Jlstloqolsbloq feotote tbot tbls slte ptovlJesto web osets?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%na|yze the requ|rement of your webs|teW ueflne Le ebslLe Loplc u8LW efloe slmllot websltes totqet ooJleoce W efloe tbe slte objectlves W efloe tbe slte sttoctote (lloeot nletotcbol web) W 5lte oovlqotloool scbemeW 5obmlt o popet Jeslqo of yoot webslte sbowloq tbe loyoot plocemeot of coottols vlsool elemeotsW ubmit o report on 19thI- Wednesday Sec I 20thI- 1hursday Sec G W lmporLanL noLe no laLe submlsslon of asslgnmenLs and reporL lll be accepLedW ;D - 1 LLC1u8L 1234 on 19 !an Wednesday Sec l 20 !an 1ursday Sec CW no qulz reLake W lve oo exomple of cotpotote webslte llst J Jlstloqolsbloq feotote tbot tbls slte ptovlJesto web osets?%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%na|yze the requ|rement of your webs|teW ueflne Le ebslLe Loplc u8LW efloe slmllot websltes totqet ooJleoce W efloe tbe slte objectlves W efloe tbe slte sttoctote (lloeot nletotcbol web) W 5lte oovlqotloool scbemeW 5obmlt o popet Jeslqo of yoot webslte sbowloq tbe loyoot plocemeot of coottols vlsool elemeotsW ubmit o report on 19thI- Wednesday Sec I 20thI- 1hursday Sec G W lmporLanL noLe no laLe submlsslon of asslgnmenLs and reporL lll be accepLedW ;D - 1 LLC1u8L 1234 on 19 !an Wednesday Sec l 20 !an 1ursday Sec CW no qulz reLake