introducing joyful leadership


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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Overview of Joyful Leadership


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Page 2: Introducing Joyful Leadership

OverviewWelcome to Joyful Leadership, we are a boutique consultancy that specialize in providing leadership and personal development to individuals, entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Our core belief is that: “People are the key assets of an organization, so treasure them, develop them, and love them”.

The key programs and services we provide are: Executive and life coaching, leadership development , creativity and Intuition workshops, and psychometric assessments.

Over the last 25 years of working with individuals and companies, the one thing we have seen that enables organizations to out perform others, are when their leadership oozes passion and prosperity, while aligning their purpose, values and behaviors to serving a greater good.

This is been our number one principle behind our success, assisting individuals and organizations to create highly effective, sustainable and inspiring companies to do business with and for their employees to work for.

Our greatest pride and Joy, and measurement of success is when we have assisted organizations like yours, meet this goal.

To contact us email: [email protected]

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Meeting our clients needsOur programs and services are developed specifically to support individuals, entrepreneurs and C Suite organizational leaders with their leadership, personal and organizational needs.

• These include:

Coaching Services - Providing leadership & executive coaching.

Leadership Training - Developing deeper leadership for your business and personal development.

Creativity and Intuition workshops – Developing the latest assets for your business or organization.

Team collaboration - Creating alignment and enhanced collaboration.

Facilitation Services - Designing and delivering high quality facilitation and interventions for multiple business requirements.

Organizational Analysis – Creating an understanding of your people and business so as to create a high performing culture.

Of course it is with out doubt that we have a wealth of expertise and knowledge that will enable you to fast track your business in a new, exciting, passionate and profitableway .

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Measuring Business SuccessWe want you to be highly successful, both financially, inspirationally and passionately, so we join the dots from the soft stuff to the measurable, so that you can see how your investment return grows.

Business Benefits BusinessBenefits

Revenue Value

Key Performance Indicators PerformanceDrivers

Productivity Quality Innovation CustomerSatisfaction

Leadership and Team development BehaviourDrivers

Services and Programs Foundation Programs







PersonalDevelopment Creativity Intuition Facilitation



Cultural Transformation


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Managing change

We manage change with organizations by:

1. Aligning Purpose and Leadership - Developing congruent leadership and stewardship for your business and your business and personal life.

2. Developing new skills and methods of operating – Creativity, intuition, collaboration, productivity and organizational effectiveness.

3. Valuing your People - Aligning leadership with core values and behaviours.

4. Business Partner Relationships - Developing business Partner relationships with Integrity




Managing Change








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Introducing our Founder• Marc West is the founding Partner for Joyful Leadership.• He a has a Masters Degree in Organizational Psychology and is certified by the International Coaching Federation as an accredited PCC coach.

• His 25 years experience in the management consulting industry provided him with a wealth of expertise in developing high performing profitable businesses and organizations.

• He has directly worked with some of the most successful organizations and entrepreneurs globally, and has personally worked with over 650 executive senior leaders and managers in assisting them to develop their abilities as leaders.

• He has personally run over 350 workshops with organizations world wide in creating sustainable leadership effectiveness, creativity, team building and organizational effectiveness that has helped his clients create immeasurable success!

• Marc is a passionate, inspiring, creative and decisive, results-generating leader who provides deep expertise in developing and building inspirational and passionate businesses.

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For further information, please contact:

[email protected]+1 678 969 9587