introducing the mechatronics club promoted by reggio emilia industrial association (part of...

Introducing the Introducing the Mechatronics Club Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria , general confederation of Italian industry) Dr. Davide Bezzecchi January 2011

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Page 1: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

Introducing the Introducing the Mechatronics ClubMechatronics ClubPromoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association(part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry)

Dr. Davide Bezzecchi

January 2011

Page 2: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr


1. Who we are: Association of Entrepreneurs of Reggio Emilia “Associazione Industriali di Reggio Emilia” – “Confindustria”

2. The Mechatronic Product3. The Cluster of mechatronics of Reggio Emilia4. “Club Meccatronica” of Reggio Emilia5. Profiles of the “Club Meccatronica” members (annex)

Page 3: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

1.1. About us: About us: the Association of Entrepreneurs of Reggio Emilia “Associazione Industriali di Reggio Emilia” represents approximately 700 manufacturing and service enterprises based in the province of Reggio Emilia (amounting to 38.000 employees).

• Founded in 1945, Industriali Reggio Emilia is a voluntary association of companies which aims to represent, protect, promote and develop member companies and their interests.

• It is the expression in the territory of Reggio Emilia of the Association of “Confindustria” (the Association of the Italian Entrepreneurs.

• It brings together various sectors, from electrical to mechanical (machines and equipment), food, textile, ceramic tiles, rubber and plastic, construction and real estate, services.

• The associated enterprises are mostly small and medium size enterprises (75% of them have from 1 to 50 employees).

• The Association promoted in the 2004 the “Club of Meccatronica”.

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Services Provided Services Provided by Industriali Reggio Emilia to its associated firms:

• Work and social security: work relationship, representation at negotiations, labor law and arbitration procedures.

• Fiscal: fiscal assistance to employees and companies.

• Industrial and territorial laws: trading laws, relationship with public administration, building construction and town planning.

• Environment, quality, safety and energy: quality, environment and safety management systems, technical standards and directives, safety in the work place, the environment, energy sources.

• Foreign trade and internationalization: information on foreign countries, international contracts, search for partners.

• Innovation, Research and Development.Innovation, Research and Development.

• Finance, insurance, planning and control: credit and guarantee, risk management and insurance consultancy, planning and control.

• Human resources development: business and entrepreneurial training, professional training, personnel search and selection.

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Reggio Emilia’s ProvinceReggio Emilia’s Province•Half milion of inhabitants•low unemployment rate 5.0% (before crisis 2.5%)•Workforce = 242.000 unit (98.000 in industries) •With over 58,000 enterprises (one every nine inhabitants) the province demonstrates a formidable entrepreneurial attitude.•high per capita income = 30.000 €/inhabitant (during 2009)•Export = 3.587 Ml€ (first quarter ’10) (+11% referred to first quarter ’10)

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2.The Mechatronic Product2.The Mechatronic ProductWhat mechatronics isWhat mechatronics is


Electronics• power control• actuators• sensors

InformationTechnology• modelling• systems theory• artificial intelligence

Mechanics• machines• fluid dynamics• trasmissions• materials


Page 7: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

2.The Mechatronic 2.The Mechatronic ProductProduct



1. High performance in every condition 2. Energy saving

3. High safety for the operator

Obtained by programming technologies

The device control is managedby an electronic component typically

embedded in the product itself.

Control means the ability to adapt to the different operating conditions.

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Emilia Romagna Mechatronic Companies and Emilia Romagna Mechatronic Companies and productsproducts

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Emilia Romagna Mechatronic Companies and Emilia Romagna Mechatronic Companies and productsproducts

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3. The Cluster of MechatronicCluster of Mechatronic in Reggio Emilia as a model of synergic combination of mechanical, electronic and software engineering.

• Over the last few years, the mechatronic industry has been gaining importance in Reggio Emilia area, where mechanic has always played a key role in the economic history of the territory.

• Dating back to the agricultural mechanic at the beginning of the last century through the developments of the aeronautic industry between the First and Second world wars and the subsequent constant spin-off processes, Reggio Emilia’s mechatronic industry has now achieved a global leadership position and technological excellence in several fields of advanced mechanics and, more specifically, in mechatronic.

• Mechatronic is a territorial resource for the 65% of the companies that belong to the cluster. The companies can find suppliers in the area, confirming the idea of a kind of production based on a high ability to develop both design and industrial applications in conjunction with territorial closeness.

• The territorial milieu of the cluster has been enriched over the years by the start-up of a University of Engineering and in particular by the creation of a special Degree course and PhD in Mechatronics and also a Research and Technology transfer Center “REI - Reggio Emilia Innovazione”.

• Over the last 6 years local institutions have focused on the fostering and promotion of the cluster supporting the integration of provincial actions (Mectron Lab) to regional strategies for the development of high technologies and mechanics (Hi- Mech District).

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Stationary Stationary applications:applications:

• industrial industrial automation;automation;

• robots robots for for handling handling materials;materials;

• machine toolsmachine tools;;• machines for machines for

decoration;decoration;• transport and transport and

hoisting hoisting systems;systems;

• packaging packaging machines.machines.

Dynamic Dynamic applications:applications:

• engines;engines;• auxiliary devices for auxiliary devices for

the automotive the automotive industry;industry;

• machinery for machinery for agricolture;agricolture;

• home appliances;home appliances;• hydraulic and hydraulic and

electronic systems;electronic systems;• diagnostics diagnostics

instruments;instruments;• Mechanical Mechanical


Solutions that can Solutions that can compete against compete against

the best the best international international


3. The Reggio Emilia3. The Reggio EmiliaMechatronics cluster : Mechatronics cluster : main products/sectorsmain products/sectors


Page 12: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

Specializations Specializations of Mechatronic Cluster members: 1. AGRICULTURE MACHINERY

Tractors and agricultural, gardening, ground moving machinery


Automated machine tools e production equipment

Packaging/Material handling (moving and lifting) systems and machinery for packaging, lifting, elevation and handling

3. INTELLIGENT AND ECO-SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY (Automotive)Eco-sustainable: components for electric vehicles, LPG and CNG - alternative fuel systems and components,

hybrid systems

Intelligent: car audio/alarm, infotainement,, antennas systems, loudspeakers, subwoofer boxes, amplifiers, cables

4. AMUSEMENT PARKAmusement ride, merry-go-round, roller coaster.

5.HOME APPLIANCES White goods, small appliances, boilers, water heating, air conditioning, elevators

6. COMPONENTS FOR INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL SECTORSPower Transmission/Engines, Fluid Power Systems, Electronic components, Automation, Software

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Agriculture MachineryAgriculture Machinery

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Machinery and Equipment for Machinery and Equipment for Production Production

Page 15: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

Intelligent and Eco-Sustainable MobilityIntelligent and Eco-Sustainable Mobility

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Amusement ParkAmusement Park

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Home AppliancesHome Appliances

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Components for Agriculture and Industrial Components for Agriculture and Industrial SectorSector

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Strong aim towards internationalization

Excellent for developing advanced and Hi-Tech solutions

Main features of the

Mechatronic Cluster

of Reggio Emilia

Number: 220 (130)

Turnover: 3 Billion


Employees: 13.000

Services with absolute flexibility and products based on customer’s requirements

220 enterprises:130 (60%) producing finished products or mechatronic components (belonging to the “mechatronic core")90 (40%) producing non-mechatronic components for mechatronic industries (belonging to the District known as the District subcontracting mechatronics of excellence).

Characteristics of the Characteristics of the enterprises of the Clusterenterprises of the Cluster

Forecasts on market trends

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Mechatronic Mechatronic Cluster Cluster

ENTERPRISESENTERPRISES(220 companies)(220 companies)



““Club Meccatronica” Club Meccatronica” was founded with the aim ofwas founded with the aim of networking the networking the different experiences and initiativesdifferent experiences and initiatives in order to make them in order to make them coherent and useful for developing the whole mechatronics cluster.coherent and useful for developing the whole mechatronics cluster.

It represents 100 Businessmen, managers, technicians, university professors and researchers of 70 industrial enterprises and organizations.



4.From Mechatronic cluster to Mechatronic Club 4.From Mechatronic cluster to Mechatronic Club

CLUB MECCATRONICA(70 companies and


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1. Becoming a meeting point to share informations and experiences about the

numerous and various mechatronic issues

2. Strengthening networking between Enterprises and University

3. Fostering/promoting partnership among members

4. Supporting the mechatronic culture at every level (improve technical culture by

training courses, etc)

5. Promoting the Reggio Emilia Emilia’s mechatronic cluster around the world.

(National Prize for mechatronic international partnerships, etc.)

Page 22: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

Promotion and InformationBy managing newsletters and the web page

Techical Seminars “Matlab e Simulink“, “Innovation Day” during the decennial of the Faculty of Engineering of Reggio Emilia, “Mechatronics Materials” and many others

Companies and Research Centers ToursMatech, Marposs, T3Lab, Agusta Westland, PoliTO, etc.

Technical TrainingPromotion of the course “Electronic for Mechanicals” organized by University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Fairs and ExhibitionsFluid Trans and the seminary “Meccatronica ed Oleodinamica: Sodalizio vincente” (30 may ’08) EIMA and the seminary “La Meccatronica nella Progettazione delle Macchine per l’Agricoltura” (nov ’08, nov ’10)Motorsport Expotech (oct ’09)

Stages and Courses for StudentsIFTS courses and support the realization of the Progetto Abramo for the formation and for the organization of sages in companies for 15 students of the Brasilian Mechatronic Center (2008 with the collaboration of CIS and Unimore)

1. Promotion initiatives aimed to improve technical culture in the Club and in the District

Achieved Activities of the ClubAchieved Activities of the Club

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Web Site home page www.meccatronica.orgWeb Site home page

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●Premio Italiano Meccatronica – Italian Mechatronic Prize 2007 Brembo2008 System2009 Carlo Gavazzi Space2010 Prima Industrie

2. Mechatronic companies and local district promotion and fostering

Achieved Activities of the ClubAchieved Activities of the Club

Page 25: Introducing the Mechatronics Club Promoted by Reggio Emilia Industrial Association (part of Confindustria, general confederation of Italian industry) Dr

Fostering of the Net made of Italian Mechatronic Centers and Clusters

• Presentation of Turin Mechatronic Pole (Oct ‘09), stipulation of a collaboration agreement (Maggio 2010), collaboration with many other Italian centers (Vicenza, Umbria, Bergamo, Puglia, Sicilia)

• Efforts for the creation and support activities for the start-up of Technical and Training Pole – “ITS per la Meccatronica

• Efforts for the creation and support activities for the formation of the Reggio Emilia Tecnopolo (Mechatronic Laboratory)

International promotion of the Cluster and the Club

• Sept ‘09 – Mission in Croatia (Byelovar) with Unimore

• Sept ‘10 – Mission in Germany with the Reggio Emilia Province

• Oct ‘09 – Participation at “L’Italia che corre al futuro” - Tokyo, Japan with Emilia Romagna Region

• Gen ‘11 – Participation at the European project “Adriatic Danubian Clustering”

2. Mechatronic companies and local district promotion and fostering

Achieved Activities of the ClubAchieved Activities of the Club

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Japan and Russia: Japan and Russia: Attending the fairs and exhibitions (2006/2009)2006/2009)

Croatia : Croatia : agreement with the city of Byelovar for a student agreement with the city of Byelovar for a student exchange program (exchange program (20092009))

Brasil - The Abramo Project Brasil - The Abramo Project (2008)(2008)Trainig course of 5 months on “Highly skilled technician in Mechatronics” and training in associated companies for 15 young students of the “Mechatronics Center - Rio Grande Do Sul” : in collaboration with CIS (Industrial Association business school) and Engineering Faculty of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

………India, Canada, Poland,…India, Canada, Poland,…

Germany, Sweden, Spain….(Twinnovate Project)Germany, Sweden, Spain….(Twinnovate Project) USA….USA…. ………………ADC Project countries …………ADC Project countries …………

International promotion International promotion and colaboration and colaboration

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Fostering the development of conjunction projects between different Club Companies and University.

In particular for funding announcements as the regional one “dai Distretti produttivi ai Distretti tecnologici – Nov ‘09” the club achieved the support of 3 projects:

• Laboratory ISOTRACTOR – Agri - mechatronic

(7 companies + University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

• Laboratory DIRO’ – Mobile Robotics

(6 companies + University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

• Laboratory SIER – Hybrid Vehicle

(2 companies + University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia Innovazione)

3. Meeting and aggregation initiatives for the companies. Sharing R&D Projects (joint projects)

Achieved Activities of the ClubAchieved Activities of the Club

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For further

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