introducing the new student vision for enabled, empowered and engaged learning

What if …. the “clients of What if …. the “clients of What if …. the “clients of What if …. the “clients of education” were in charge? education” were in charge? education” were in charge? education” were in charge? Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning Julie Evans, Project Tomorrow CEO Speak Up 2011 National Research Project March 6, 2012

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Page 1: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

What if …. the “clients of What if …. the “clients of What if …. the “clients of What if …. the “clients of

education” were in charge? education” were in charge? education” were in charge? education” were in charge?

Introducing the

New Student Vision for

Enabled, Empowered and

Engaged Learning

Julie Evans, Project Tomorrow CEO

Speak Up 2011 National Research Project

March 6, 2012

Page 2: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

Do you agree with this statement?

“My school is doing a good job

of using technology to

enhance learning and student


Page 3: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

“My school is doing a good job of using technology

to enhance learning and student achievement.”


• 74% of high school teachers

• 72% of high school principals

• 62% of parents of high school aged children

Page 4: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

“My school is doing a good job of using technology

to enhance learning and student achievement.”


• 74% of high school teachers

• 72% of high school principals

• 62% of parents of high school aged children

But only 47% of high school students agree!

Page 5: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

Speak Up National Research ProjectKey Findings: Speak Up 2003 – 2011

� Students function as a “Digital Advance Team”

� Students regularly adopt and adapt emerging

technologies for learning

� Students’ frustrations focus on the unsophisticated

use of technologies within education

� Persistent digital disconnect between students and


� Exacerbation of lack of relevancy in current education

Page 6: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

Emerging from the Speak Up research:

A new uniquely “student vision” for leveraging emerging technologies to drive achievement and educational productivity

Page 7: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

Emerging from the Speak Up research:

A new uniquely “student vision” for leveraging emerging technologies to drive achievement and educational productivity

This student vision for This student vision for This student vision for This student vision for

““““technology enabled learning” mirrors technology enabled learning” mirrors technology enabled learning” mirrors technology enabled learning” mirrors

how how how how students want to learn in generalstudents want to learn in generalstudents want to learn in generalstudents want to learn in general

Page 8: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

The New Student Vision for Learning

Social–based learning

Un–tethered learning

Digitally–rich learning

Page 9: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

The New Student Vision for Learning

What if the “clients of education” were

really in charge of defining what

constitutes school and learning?

How would school be different?

Page 10: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

Imagine you are designing the ultimate

school for today’s students,

what technologies would have the

greatest impact on learning?

So, Speak Up asks …….

Page 11: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

Imagine you are designing the ultimate

school for today’s students,

what technologies would have the

greatest impact on learning?

Creating a shared vision? Creating a shared vision? Creating a shared vision? Creating a shared vision?

So, Speak Up asks …….

Page 12: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

In class chat rooms

Online tutors

Social networking

Online classes

Personal mobile devices



Digital textbooks

Virtual reality

Administrators Teachers Parents Students

Designing the Ultimate School – Do we have a shared vision?

Page 13: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

What is the bottom line?

Today’s students

want learning that is:




Page 14: Introducing the New Student Vision for Enabled, Empowered and Engaged Learning

How do we get there?

Let’s continue this conversation.

Julie EvansProject Tomorrow

[email protected] x15 Twitter: JulieEvans_PT

Copyright Project Tomorrow 2012.

This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this

material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that

this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is

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