introduction and overview - linear collider

Welcome Introduction and Overview Felix Sefkow CALICE AHCAL Main Meeting DESY, Hamburg, Dec 13, 2017

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Introduction and Overview

Felix Sefkow


DESY, Hamburg, Dec 13, 2017


Introduction and Overview

Felix Sefkow


DESY, Hamburg, Dec 13, 2017

Mathias Reinecke | AHCAL group meeting | Nov 28th, 2017 | Page 2

Module 1

> First detector Layer has arrived from Mainz.

> Commissioning ongoing.

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 2


LC status

Look back at 2017

Look ahead

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 3

Linear Collider Status

• Initial stage 250 GeV - 40% cost reduction • Still impressive physics potential • Supported by ICFA

• MEXT: “We will seriously deliberate.” • Expert committees and Scientific Council • We hear that Japan has understood that a positive

signal is needed in 2018 in order to have an impact on the European Strategy update

• CLIC, ILD etc also preparing input documents for ESU on 2018 time scale • then P5, international negotiations,…

• Optimistic time-line: experiment LoI 2023, data 2034 • gap opening after HL-LHC detector upgrades

Political agenda

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 4

ICFA statement





Ottawa, November 2017

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 5

Work flowPrototype construction

SiPMs SiPM sample tests

ASICs ASIC tests

ASIC test board






HBU soldering

HBU tiling

Cosmic tests

LED tests

e beam calibration

HCAL integration

Reflector wrapping

Cassette assembly


software data base analysis




Moskau Uni Hamburg


MPP Munich

excellent opportunities

for young scientists


| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 6

Time plan

• Most things worked out as planned • But not all…

• Should have finished calibration of all modules by now and start system tests

Est. end 2016

0 AHCAL-ILC 1 Jan 2017

1 Stack modifiations

2 Cooling

3 Design

4 Components 3

5 Integration 1; 4

6 Power

7 purchase 3+2 more pods

8 sofwtare integration 7

9 Layer

10 Cassettes

11 Interfaces

12 10 spare CIB series 1

13 20+10 CIB series 2

14 30 piggy backs

15 SIB proto

16 25 + 25 SIBs 15

17 HBU with tiles

18 SiPMs

19 600

20 delievery 1 Jan 2017

21 sample tests 20

22 11400

23 delivery 17 Apr 2017

24 sample tests 23

25 12000

26 delivery 15/5/17

27 sample tests 26

28 ASICs

29 packaging

30 ASIC test board

31 hardware

32 software

33 ASIC tests 1 29; 31; 32

34 ASIC tests 2 33

35 HBUs

36 HBU Prototype 1 1 Jan 2017 21

37 PCBs series 1 36

38 LEDs

39 Connectors (series 2)

40 HBU Porototype 2

41 layout

42 production 41

43 test 42

44 PCB series 2 43

45 Soldering 1 5 June 2017 24; 33; 36;…

46 Soldering 2 27; 33; 34;…

47 HBU test with LEDs 45

48 Tiles

49 molding

50 wrapping 1 49

51 wrapping 2 50

52 Tile placement 1 47; 50

53 Tile placement 2 46; 51

54 Cosmic tests 1 52

55 Cosmic tests 2 53

56 Layer assembly

57 mechanical integration 10; 11; 12;…

58 tests 57

59 Layer calibration 58

60 Layer integration 5; 8; 59

61 HCAL system test 60

# Traits Title Given Work Given Earliest Start

Resources Predecessors


Stack modifiations






purchase 3+2 more pods

sofwtare integration




10 spare CIB series 1

20+10 CIB series 2

30 piggy backs

SIB proto

25 + 25 SIBs

HBU with tiles




sample tests



sample tests



sample tests



ASIC test board



ASIC tests 1

ASIC tests 2


HBU Prototype 1

PCBs series 1


Connectors (series 2)

HBU Porototype 2




PCB series 2

Soldering 1

Soldering 2

HBU test with LEDs



wrapping 1

wrapping 2

Tile placement 1

Tile placement 2

Cosmic tests 1

Cosmic tests 2

Layer assembly

mechanical integration


Layer calibration

Layer integration

HCAL system test

Q4 / 2016 Q1 / 2017 Q2 / 2017 Q3 / 2017 Q4 / 2017 Q1 / 201810 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 7

Score board

• MPPCs delivered ahead of time ✔ • and so were the tests, excellent quality ✔

• ASICs in time, but low yield, additional production just finished ✔

• ASIC tests on time, remaining ASICs in January (✔) • PCBs (HBUs and interfaces) on time, remaining (25%) in January (✔)

• Tiles delivered on time and within specs ✔

• Tile wrapping more challenging than anticipated, finish in December — (✔) • Tile module assembly started 4 months late — (✔)

• Stack modifications and new cassettes on time ✔ • Beam test and stack integration about 4 months late —

• Cooling late, start in January —

Status end of 2017

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 7

Score board

• MPPCs delivered ahead of time ✔ • and so were the tests, excellent quality ✔

• ASICs in time, but low yield, additional production just finished ✔

• ASIC tests on time, remaining ASICs in January (✔) • PCBs (HBUs and interfaces) on time, remaining (25%) in January (✔)

• Tiles delivered on time and within specs ✔

• Tile wrapping more challenging than anticipated, finish in December — (✔) • Tile module assembly started 4 months late — (✔)

• Stack modifications and new cassettes on time ✔ • Beam test and stack integration about 4 months late —

• Cooling late, start in January —

Status end of 2017

Overall not too bad so far but

Commissioning time drastically reduced

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 8

The next months

• Current SPS plan (draft, tentative) • May 16 - 23 • June 27 - July 4

• Install May 7 • Ship April 16 • DAQ commissioning (full system) start early March • DESY calibration runs 12.2., 12.3. (1 week each)

• In parallel: software • Analysis of calibration data • Preparation of reconstruction, simulation

• Core software, data base structure & maintenance • Scripting for real-time calibration • On-line Monitoring

• Production of Monte Carlo samples


| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 8

The next months

• Current SPS plan (draft, tentative) • May 16 - 23 • June 27 - July 4

• Install May 7 • Ship April 16 • DAQ commissioning (full system) start early March • DESY calibration runs 12.2., 12.3. (1 week each)

• In parallel: software • Analysis of calibration data • Preparation of reconstruction, simulation

• Core software, data base structure & maintenance • Scripting for real-time calibration • On-line Monitoring

• Production of Monte Carlo samples


you are here

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 8

The next months

• Current SPS plan (draft, tentative) • May 16 - 23 • June 27 - July 4

• Install May 7 • Ship April 16 • DAQ commissioning (full system) start early March • DESY calibration runs 12.2., 12.3. (1 week each)

• In parallel: software • Analysis of calibration data • Preparation of reconstruction, simulation

• Core software, data base structure & maintenance • Scripting for real-time calibration • On-line Monitoring

• Production of Monte Carlo samples


you are here

• No chance for further beam time in fall • No beam at CERN in 2019-2020 • More demanding conditions at Fermilab

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 9

Where we are

• Tremendous challenge • Not achievable with existing team configuration

From cell to layer to calorimeter

plan: 8 months actual: 11 months

plan: 6 months left: 3 months

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 9

Where we are

• Tremendous challenge • Not achievable with existing team configuration

From cell to layer to calorimeter

Mathias Reinecke | AHCAL group meeting | Nov 28th, 2017 | Page 2

Module 1

> First detector Layer has arrived from Mainz.

> Commissioning ongoing.

plan: 8 months actual: 11 months

plan: 6 months left: 3 months

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 10

Small-scale beam tests 2017

• Test in a high magnetic field • nominally 3T, in practice 1.5T • power pulsing OK

• Combined with CMS HGCAL • active temperature compensation • works - well, in principle

Important system checks


Katja Krüger PS/SPS User Meeting01 June 2017

Katja Krüger | CALICE AHCAL Testbeam at SPS | 01 June 2017 | Page 4/6

Data Taking

> impossible to operate magnet at nominal field, could only run at half field> data taken without B field, and with 1.5 T

! muons for calibration! energy scan for electrons: 10 – 60 GeV

> very clean beams, very stable SPS conditions, well-working and stable detector

work in progress

Katja Krüger | CALICE AHCAL Testbeam at SPS | 01 June 2017 | Page 3/6

Data Taking

> impossible to operate magnet at nominal field, could only run at half field> data taken without B field, and with 1.5 T

! muons for calibration! energy scan for electrons: 10 – 60 GeV

> very clean beams, very stable SPS conditions, well-working and stable detector

120 GeVmuon

60 GeVelectron

HGCAL + AHCAL testbeam in H2@SPS

Katja Krüger AHCAL group meeting25 July 2017






• resolution of HV adjustment ~37mV/DAC • dDAC/dT (dV/dT) MPPC (HPK) DAC/0.84 ̊C on HBU4 SiPM (SensL) DAC/2.4 ̊C on HBU3 MPPC dMIP/dV is ~1.1%/DAC dGain/dT ~ -0.7%/ ̊C dGain/dV ~ 0.6%/DAC

dMIP/dV is ~1.1%/DAC




t (A



dG/dT dG/dV

dGain/dT ~ -0.7%/ C̊

dGain/dV ~ 0.6%/DAC

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 11


• Physics prototype • combined all-scintillator (Oskar): in EB • combined Si-scintillator (Yasmine): preliminary • semi-digital studies (Coralie): preliminary

• DHCAL results to compare within are in EB • tungsten (Marina), e-iD (Mathias): work in progress

• New data • B field effects, , T-comp validation (Yuji) • timing correlation's: first look (Ambra, Anna,

Christian, Eldwan, Sascha, …?) • New algorithms:

• Pandora with software compensation published • ready for semi-digital

Old and new data

• Data to come • performance (resolution, linearity) • shower shapes (4-dimensional): movies • particle flow analysis • leakage estimation, particle ID • your new ideas…

• Further possibilities • tungsten (CERN 2021) • combination with 2nd generation ECAL

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 12

R&D continues

• Klaus chip: first results today • Mega-tiles • Scintillator materials and technologies • Talks today

• HL-LHC: CMS HGCAL • radiation hardness, high rates, low T • new ASICs

• Neutrino physics (accelerator driven) • Scintillator-SiPM based detector concepts

• Talks tomorrow

Linear Collider and other applications Megatile: 2nd prototype

• 2nd megatile prototype: scintillator plate– Geometry: full 3×3 megatile (trenches tilted by 30°)– PVT-based scintillator: intrinsic light yield comparable to BC412– Better surface treatment

• Most probable response: 31.4 p.e./MIP– Good S/N ratio achieved– Performance comparable to individually wrapped tiles

25.09.2017 CALICE Collaboration Meeting at UTokyo ([email protected]) 8

Central cell:31.4 p.e./MIP

DF2000MA foil on top surface and 4 sides

| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 13


• Intensive months ahead • finish construction / demonstration • software in focus

• CALICE meeting in Mainz: March 7-9, 2017

• Test beam in May and June

• Dinner tonight • 1930 Panetteria


| Welcome | Felix Sefkow, 13.12.2017 13


• Intensive months ahead • finish construction / demonstration • software in focus

• CALICE meeting in Mainz: March 7-9, 2017

• Test beam in May and June

• Dinner tonight • 1930 Panetteria

