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Organization culture




Organizational Behavior


A Research Proposal



Organizational BehaviorPrepared By: Atithya Vyas (Roll No: 05)

Dhruvi Bhatt (Roll No: 06)

Project Guide:

Submitted To:

L.J .Institute of Engineering & Technology



1. Introduction

What is Organizational Culture? Most theorists agree that organizational culture exists, and that it has definite effects, but an explicit definition of its true nature eludes capture. Some given definitions of organizational culture are:

Learned ways of coping with experience Gregory, 1983 A pattern of basic assumptions invented, discovered and developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and is therefore taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think about, and feel in relation to those problems Schein, 1990 A culture is not something an organization has,, it is something an organization is Pacanowsky and ODonnell-Trujillo, 1983 Whatever the theoretical definitions of organizational culture, every organization has its own definition. Some examples are:

Company Style

The way we do things around here

Company Philosophy

Why Study Culture? There are many reasons for wanting to understand the culture of an organization. It may be particularly important during times of change, merger or acquisition or when planning the business and human resource strategies. It may also be an important consideration when an organization is expanding, when the executives may have to decide whether they want to actively monitor the whole culture or allow each new division or geographical area to develop its own culture.

Organizational Culture has implications for every aspect of the working environment; some of these implications are given below.

Culture determines the kinds of responses that the organization makes to required changes and will make to new problems. It can help predict how well the organization will deal with change.

It has been said that Good managers make meanings for people, as well as money.

People may only notice their culture when the routine breaks down and they have to deal with something unexpected. Having a knowledge and understanding of the culture can help the members of a culture predict how the company may respond and deal with the unexpected event.

Culture determines the kind of people who will be attracted to the organization and who will be successful in it. It also gives clear direction for the training and development of individuals by defining what is, and what is not important, and what skills the individual needs to do well in the organization.

In an organization which has divisions or sub-cultures it may be that each is pulling or pushing in a different way. This can lead to fragmentation or bewilderment, hence to confusion, conflict, and a lack of co-operation.

Culture implies stability, patterning of behaviors, and reflects all aspects of group life. It recognizes that our working environments are extensions of ourselves and directs attention to symbolic significance.

Organizations which have cultures that are too strong can become resistant to change and will be slow to adapt to their environment. How Does Organizational Culture Develop? The culture of a particular organization derives from two sources:

The attitudes, values, and beliefs of senior executives. A whole culture can develop around the vision of a charismatic leader. The leader can prescribe what is expected of his or her employees: what the leader values can become what the organization values.

The past experience people have had in resolving the problems of adapting to the external environment and maintaining the internal integration of the organization. Norms of expected behavior can form following certain critical incidents. Myths can develop around these incidents and be passed on to new people as representing particular aspects of the culture.

To build a culture an organization needs three things:

Commitment (to common philosophy and purpose)

Competence (development and reward of competence in key areas)

Consistency (to perpetuate the competence by attracting, developing, and retaining the right people)

Models of Culture

There are two main approaches to organizational culture: Type Models

Type models try to categorize the organizational culture into one of a limited number of classifications. One model suggested that there are four types of organizational culture and that each is reflected in the structure of an organization and its set of systems. The four types are:

This classification is one of a number of similar classifications and there is still no agreement about which, if any, is correct.

The results from a Type classification are very difficult to use in developing a change programmed for an organization. Even if we can find a description that fits the organization, once we have labeled the organization, what do we do with that label? Profile Models Profile models do not try to categorize the organizational culture, but instead try to identify and explore its key characteristics. Once they have been identified they can be compared to the culture that the organization wants to operate and any appropriate changes can be planned and monitored.

The Human Factors Organizational Culture Questionnaire is based upon a profile model. It was designed as a practical instrument for the exploration of organizational culture and the management of change. The Organizational Culture Questionnaire explores the prevailing culture within an organization across thirteen dimensions:

1. Individual Performance

2. Participation

3. Leadership

4. Innovation

5. Customer Focus

6. Decision Making

7. Organization Structure

8. Professionalism

9. Communication

10. Organizational Goal Integration

11. Conflict Management

12. Fun

13. Human Resource Management

The thirteen dimensions of organizational culture explored in the Organizational Culture Questionnaire are described below: 1. Individual Performance:

Individual performance is emphasized as an important goal; achievements in increasing performance are rewarded. Action is taken whenever individuals or procedures seem to be unproductive.

2. Leadership:

Managers are respected for their expertise, and their decisions implemented. They communicate clearly the company goals and culture.

3. Customer Focus:

Customers current needs are actively identified and future needs anticipated. Customers views are sought and listened to and feedback is used to make improvements. People take time to understand their customers markets and business pressures.

4. Organisation Structure:

Responsibilities are clearly defined and individuals understand their role and the extent of their authority. There are neither too many nor too few managers nor they have enough, but not too much power. People are clear about the structure of the organization and that changes to it are made as and when necessary.

5. Communication:

Managers and subordinates communicate readily on an informal basis and meetings are held when necessary. People say what they really think and information on future plans, etc., is readily accessible.

6. Conflict Management:

Subordinates as well as management are encouraged to volunteer their views, and disagreement is seen as a positive attempt to improve things. If there is rivalry between divisions, then every effort is made to ensure that the outcome is positive for all concerned.

7. Human Resource Management:

The right people are selected in the first place and effort is made to help them develop their skills. Promotion decisions are fair and objective and good people are valued.

8. Participation:

Ideas are welcomed from any level in the company and everyone's views are taken into account before important decisions are made. People feel that their views are valuable and that they will be considered carefully and acted on if they are appropriate.

9. Innovation:

Time and money are committed to exploring new ideas. These are encouraged from everyone in the organization and there are always plenty forthcoming. The organization will try radically new ideas at times, even if it is not guaranteed that they will work.

10. Decision Making:

Decisions are made promptly and on the basis of the facts, not personal prejudice or self-interest. People take responsibility for their decisions and are not penalized if the results are not as they expected, so long as the decision was soundly based on the facts available at the time.

11. Professionalism:

Colleagues co-operate with each other to achieve standards of excellence and do not allow personal feelings or animosities to interfere. Individuals are well qualified for the jobs that they do and their technical knowledge is valued. The issue of professionalism is frequently discussed and regarded as an important asset.

12. Organisational Goal Integration:

The overall organizational goal is clearly understood by all employees. Individual and subsidiary goals are in line with the overall company goals and all employees understand the contribution that they are making to them. Individual and group performance targets, reward systems and training all emphasize the overall company objective and are designed to expedite its achievements.

13. Fun:

People look forward to going to work and enjoy the work they do. They have a positive view of the workplace, their colleagues and the company's achievements. The company organizes social and other events for the enjoyment of its employees.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

2. OBJECTIVETo give effect to the problem statement, the primary purpose of this survey research was to examine the influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment. It was postulated that organizational culture and the level of commitment, in turn, influence service delivery. To achieve the purpose of this research, the following objectives have been stated:

To identify the profile of the existing and preferred organizational cultures, namely power, role, achievement and support, within the organization.

To ascertain the gap between the existing and preferred organizational cultures, namely power, role, achievement and support, within the organization.

To identify the profile of the organizational commitment, namely affective, continuance and normative, within the organization.

To gauge the extent to which the existing and preferred organizational.

Cultures influence organizational commitment within the organization.

To gauge the extent to which the organizational culture gap (difference

between existing and preferred organizational culture) influences the organizational commitment within the within the organization.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

3. Research Methodology

A way to systematically solve the research problem by logically adopting various steps, Methodology helps to understand not only the product of scientific inquiry but the process itself. A science of studying how research is done scientifically.

I. Hypothesis of Study:

Ho: Implication of culture on organization change is more than 80%.H1: Implication of culture on organization change is less than 80%.II. Sampling Plan

Sample Frame: Ahmedabad.

Sample Size: 100 Employees of an organization.

Sample Method: Using Mail Survey method.

III. Sample of study:

Population of study:

In Ahmedabad, People working for reputed organizations. Sample of the study:

100 Employees (mainly of age group 25 to 35) working for at least 5 different organizationsIV. Research Method:

Descriptive Research: Here in we will do a mail survey amongst the Employees. Thus we would make fact finding enquiries for our study and so it is a descriptive research. Fundamental Research: It is mainly concerned with generalizations and formulation of theory. Here in we find generalized idea of implication of culture so it is a fundamental research.

Quantitative research: From the sample we find the percentage of Employees who believe that culture has or not an impact on overall organization, thus we term it as a quantitative research.V. Questionnaire Type: It will be a closed type questionnaire with close-ended questions.

Each item is of 5 point Liker scale, that ranges from 1(strongly disagree) to 5(strongly agree). Ranking method will be used for open-ended questions.VI. Data Sources

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design plan chalked out. Here we would go for data collection through questionnaire. Sources we would use those are:

Primary Data:

Questionnaire and personal Interview Secondary Data:

Previous studies, Social networking sites and blogs.

VII. Data Analysis

a. The data will be analyzed manually as well automatically through computer system

b. To analyze automatically the software named SPSS 13.0 will be used in Research work

Statistical Tools:

Statistical Analysis Tools are required for a thorough and scientifically valid analysis of survey results. There are several choices available for the researcher to choose from ranging from the simple tools available with all survey packages that calculate percentages and totals to the very advanced tools requiring a graduate education to learn and use.

For Mean: For Median: VIII. Cost & Time

a. Approximate cost: 1000 Rs.

b. Time duration: 4 monthsQuestionnaire

4. QuestionnaireAll the answers you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence

Please complete each section and answer all the questions.

Please hand in the completed questionnaire to the Rhodes official present at

The session.

Thank you for your co-operation.INSTRUCTIONS

Place an X in the applicable box.

1. How long have you been working for your organization?

Less than 1 year

1-2 years

3-4 years

5-6 years

More than 6 years

2. How many co-workers do you supervise?




More than 10

3. Please indicate your gender:



4. Please indicate your age:Less than 20 years

21-30 years

31-40 years

41-50 years

51 years and older

5. Please indicate your highest level of formal education completed:Grade 11 and below

Grade 12

Diploma (s) / Certificate


Post-Graduate Degree

6. Please indicate the Department you work for:Financial Services

Corporate Services

Protection Services

Community Services

Local Economic Development Services

Human Resource Services

Technical Services

Marketing department


7. Please indicate your post level:

Levels 1 4

Levels 5 7

Levels 8 10

Levels 11 12

Levels 13 15

8. Do you have any disability or chronic illness?Yes


9. In which town are you currently working?Ahmedabad

Out of Ahmedabad

10. Are you office bound or do you spend most of your Time in the field?Office Bound

Field Worker


a.) Strong, decisive and firm, but fair. He/she is protective, generous and indulgent to loyal subordinates.b.) Impersonal and correct, avoiding the exercise of his authority for his own advantage. He/she demands from subordinates only that which is required by the formal system.c.) Egalitarian and capable of being influenced in matters concerning the task. He/she uses his authority to obtain the resources needed to complete the job.d.) Concerned with and responsive to the personal needs and values of others. He/she uses his position to provide satisfying and growth stimulating work opportunities for subordinates.2. A good subordinate is:

a.) Compliant, hard working and loyal to the interests of his/her superior.b.) Responsible and reliable, meeting the duties and responsibilities of his/her job and avoiding actions that surprise or embarrass his/her superior.c.) Selfmotivated to contribute his/her best the task and is open with his ideas and suggestions. He is nevertheless willing to give the lead to others when they show greater expertise or ability.d.) Vitally interested in the development of his/her own potentialities and is open to learning and to receiving help. He/she also respects the needs and values of others and is willing to help and contribute to their development.

3. A good member of the organization gives first priority to the:

a.) Personal demands of the boss.

b.) Duties, responsibilities and requirements of his/her own role and to the

Customary standard of personal behavior.

c.) Requirements of the task for skill, ability, energy and material


d.) Personal needs of the individuals involved. 4. People who do well in the organization are:

a.) Shrewd and competitive, with a strong drive for power.

b.) Conscientious and responsible, with a strong sense of loyalty to the


c.) Technically effective and competent, with a strong commitment to

getting the job done.

d.) Effective and competent in personal relationships, with a strong

commitment to the growth and development of people.

5. The organization treats the individual as:

a.) Though his time and energy were at the disposal of persons higher in

the hierarchy.

b.) Though his time and energy were available through a contract with

rights and responsibilities for both sides.

c.) A co-worker who has committed his/her skills and abilities to the

common cause.

d.) An interesting and worthwhile person in his/her own right.6. People are controlled and influenced by the:

a.) Personal exercise of economic and political power (rewards and


b.) Impersonal exercise of economic and political power to enforce

Procedures and standards of performance.

c.) Communication and discussion of task requirements leading to

appropriate action motivated by personal commitment to goal


d.) Intrinsic interest and enjoyment to be found in their activities and/or

concern and caring for the needs of the other persons involved.7. It is legitimate for one person to control anothers activities if:

a.) He/she has more authority and power in the organization.

b.) His/her role prescribes that he is responsible for directing the other.

c.) He/she has more knowledge relevant to the task.

d.) The other accepts that the first persons help or instruction can

contribute to his/her learning and growth.8. The basis of task assignment is the:

a.) Personal needs and judgment of those in authority.

b.) Formal divisions of functions and responsibilities in the system.

c.) Resource and expertise requirements of the job to be done.

d.) Personal wishes and needs for learning and growth of individual

Organization members.9. Work is performed out of:

a.) Hope of reward, fear of punishment, or personal loyalty toward a

powerful individual.

b.) Respect for contractual obligations backed up by sanctions and loyalty

toward the organization or system.

c.) Satisfaction in excellence of work and achievement and/or personal

commitment to the task or goal.

d.) Enjoyment of the activity for its own sake and concern and respect for

the needs and values of the other persons involved.10. People work together when:

a.) They are required to by higher authority or when they believe they can

use each other for personal advantage.

b.) Coordination and exchange are specified by the formal system.

c.) Their joint contribution is needed to perform the task.

d.) The collaboration is personally satisfying, stimulating, or challenging.11. The purpose of competition is to:

a.) Gain personal power and advantage.

b.) Gain high-status positions in the formal system.

c.) Increase the excellence of the contribution to the task.

d.) Draw attention to ones own personal needs.12 Conflict is:

a.) Controlled by the intervention of higher authorities and often fostered by

them to maintain their own power.

b.) Suppressed by reference to rules, procedures and definitions of responsibility.

c.) Resolved through full discussion of the merits of the work issues


d.) Resolved by open and deep discussion of personal needs and values

involved.13. Decisions are made by the:

a.) Person with the higher power and authority.

b.) Person whose job description carries the responsibility.

c.) Persons with the most knowledge and expertise about the problem.

d.) Persons most personally involved and affected by the outcome.14. In an appropriate control and communication structure:

a.) Command flows from the top down in a simple pyramid so that anyone

who is higher in the pyramid has authority over anyone who is lower.

Information slows up through the chain of command.

b.) Directives flow from the top down and information flows upwards within

functional pyramids which meet at the top. The authority and

responsibility of a role is limited to the roles beneath it in its own

pyramid. Cross-functional exchange is constricted.

c.) Information about task requirements and problems flows from the

centre of task activity upwards and outwards, with those closest to the

task determining the resources and support needed from the rest of the organization.

d.) Information and influence flow from person to person, based on

voluntary relationships initiated for purposes of work, learning, mutual

support and enjoyment and shared values. A coordinating function may

establish overall levels of contribution needed for the maintenance of

the organization. These tasks are assigned by mutual agreement.

15. The environment is responded to as though it were:

a.) A competitive jungle in which everyone is against everyone else and

those who do not exploit others are themselves exploited.

b.) An orderly and rational system in which competition is limited by law

and there can be negotiation or compromise to resolve conflicts.

c.) A complex of imperfect forms and systems which are to be reshaped

and improved by the achievements of the organization.

d.) A complex of potential threats and support. It is used and manipulated

by the organization both as a means of self-nourishment and as a play and-

work space for the enjoyment and growth of organization members.

Type Models



