introduction letter

W ith intense joy and utterly inspired I remember Tugu Malang, where I joined friends for lunch or dinner in your fantastic Jakarta restaurants, both during my travels and when I lived in Indonesia. On the day I was to leave to return to Belanda I was looking in the Malang hotel boutique for a book about your fantastic enterprise, but it appeared not to exist. I was both surprised and disappointed, as I could not take home a worthy token of all the exquisite and welcoming venues and people of which the Tugu world consists. Representation Within your selection of fine media outlets, a good premium hardcover book can not be missed, in my opinion. The quality, the art, the details and atmosphere of your destinations deserve this representation that no other medium can match. A book can combine the touch and feel of a museum catalogue with a publication in a top notch interior magazine. It can accommodate both the romance of modern luxurious traveling and the curiosity of the culture seeking visitor. Concept Tugu destinations in my view stand for the wish to create a wonderful monument for the art, soul and romance of Indonesia. That is what the book should reflect, and I’d like to give you a few ideas for its contents as an appetizer, starting with the cover. Cover A metal batik stamp appeals to me, as a mirror of what Tugu stands for. The stamp actually should be made by a batikstamp craftsman and then photographed in front of a location on your premises. So the cover shows a mirror of the logo in metal and at the backside the printed one. Inside the front and back cover The sheet between the cover and the book I reserved for all your staff, every single individual that embraces the Tugu concept and makes it a twenty-four hour reality. These are the heartwarming faces of hospitality and protection that we, as guests, will never forget. An expert tour guide My idea is to let the reader get expert guidance in special sections throughout the book. It would be lovely to have Bapak Anhars expert comment in the book. The Tugu family If I had to name one appearance that impressed me deeply beside the endless pampering of the senses, then I would mention the faces and behavior of the Tugu staff. They are the final incentive that made me propose to make a book for you. Crossmedia tools Books are no longer limited to turning pages and enjoy. Different codes can be added and connect the reader directly to the media of Tugu’s choice. Book a room, watching YouTube clips, share with friends. In this way the book’s durability has no ending. About my proposal I would love to provide my talent and my skills. I love Indonesia, as it is sung in the lyrics ‘You taught my heart to sing’. For me that verse is about Indonesia. I traveled and lived in Indonesia for 25 years. It has not always been easy to shift paradise from illusion. Tugu brought the true understanding and joy back to me and I like to do something in return. M ohan Maaf atas keterbatasan bahasa yang saya Miliki . s ehingga saya tidak dapat Menulis dalaM b ahasa i ndonesia . Dengan hormat, Pieter van Schouwenburg froM: Pieter van Schouwenburg, Den Haag, Belanda, bulan augus 30, 2014 writing, graphic design & photography to: Bapak Anhar Setjadibrata and family, and managers and staff of the Tugu Hotels, Restaurants, & Exotic Spas Group

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Post on 02-Apr-2016




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Motivation and explanation concerning this book.


Page 1: Introduction letter

W ith intense joy and utterly inspired I remember Tugu Malang, where I joined friends for lunch or dinner in your fantastic Jakarta restaurants,

both during my travels and when I lived in Indonesia. On the day I was to leave to return to Belanda I was looking in the Malang hotel boutique for a book about your fantastic enterprise, but it appeared not to exist. I was both surprised and disappointed, as I could not take home a worthy token of all the exquisite and welcoming venues and people of which the Tugu world consists. RepresentationWithin your selection of fine media outlets, a good premium hardcover book can not be missed, in my opinion. The quality, the art, the details and atmosphere of your destinations deserve this representation that no other medium can match. A book can combine the touch and feel of a museum catalogue with a publication in a top notch interior magazine. It can accommodate both the romance of modern luxurious traveling and the curiosity of the culture seeking visitor. ConceptTugu destinations in my view stand for the wish to create a wonderful monument for the art, soul and romance of Indonesia. That is what the book should reflect, and I’d like to give you a few ideas for its contents as an appetizer, starting with the cover.

CoverA metal batik stamp appeals to me, as a mirror of what Tugu stands for. The stamp actually should be made by a batikstamp craftsman and then photographed in front of a location on your premises. So the cover shows a mirror of the logo in metal and at the backside the printed one.

Inside the front and back coverThe sheet between the cover and the book I reserved for all

your staff, every single individual that embraces the Tugu concept and makes it a twenty-four hour

reality. These are the heartwarming faces of hospitality and protection that we, as

guests, will never forget.An expert tour guide

My idea is to let the reader get expert guidance in special sections throughout the book. It would be lovely to

have Bapak Anhars expert comment in the book.

The Tugu family If I had to name one appearance that impressed

me deeply beside the endless pampering of the senses, then I would mention the faces and behavior of the Tugu staff. They are the final incentive that made me propose to make a book for you. Crossmedia toolsBooks are no longer limited to turning pages and enjoy.

Different codes can be added and connect the reader directly to the media of Tugu’s choice. Book a room, watching YouTube clips, share with friends. In this way the book’s durability has no ending.

About my proposal I would love to provide my talent and my skills. I love Indonesia, as it is sung in

the lyrics ‘You taught my heart to sing’. For me that verse is about Indonesia. I traveled and lived in Indonesia for 25 years. It has not always been easy to shift paradise from illusion. Tugu brought the true understanding and joy back to me and I like to do something in return.

Mohan Maaf atas keterbatasan bahasa yang saya Miliki. sehingga saya tidak dapat Menulis dalaM bahasa indonesia.

Dengan hormat, Pieter van Schouwenburg

froM: Pieter van Schouwenburg, Den Haag, Belanda, bulan augus 30, 2014 writing, graphic design & photography

to: Bapak Anhar Setjadibrata and family, and managers and staff of the Tugu Hotels, Restaurants, & Exotic Spas Group