introduction to ansible

Intro to Ansible Dharmit Shah @dharm1t

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Intro to AnsibleDharmit Shah


Who am I?

➔ Co-organizer of Ansible Ahmedabad & Docker Ahmedabad

➔ Software Engineer @ Red Hat

➔ Work on Ansible, CentOS, Docker, Vagrant, Jenkins, etc.

➔ I ❤ automation


➔ What’s the problem?

➔ What is Ansible?

➔ How does Ansible try to solve it?

➔ How is it different from tools in same domain?

➔ How to install and use it?

➔ Feature overview

➔ Demo

The Problem

➔ Normally dev, staging and prod environments

➔ Numerous systems in each one of them

➔ Webserver, DB, Mail server, Application server etc.

➔ Different setup and multiple systems for each server type

➔ Security update, bug fix, add new system to environment

➔ Manually fix/update 100 systems? Sysadmin nightmare!

What is Ansible?

➔ Radically simple IT automation engine

➔ Automates:◆ cloud provisioning

◆ configuration management

◆ application deployment

◆ any many other IT needs

➔ Uses no agents, so easy to deploy

➔ Uses YAML to describe automation jobs

➔ Use your favorite terminal program, editor and VCS!

Ansible style solution and difference

➔ Install Ansible on only one system

➔ SSH access to all other systems

➔ No client process running in any remote system

➔ No daemon process either!

➔ Run a command, sit back and relax

➔ Arguably easiest to get started with!


➔ pip install

➔ dnf install

➔ apt-get install

➔ yum install


Using Ansible

➔ Modify /etc/ansible/hosts (aka Inventory file)

➔ Put one or more remote systems in the file

➔ Public SSH key must exist in authorized_keys on that system

➔ Run ansible; it’s that easy!

➔ Modules for almost all OSes

➔ Supports Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud,

OpenStack, Rackspace, VMware

➔ansible-vault to store secrets

➔ Blue-Green deployment

➔ Notifications on Slack, IRC, twillio, hipchat, jabber!



➔ ansible localhost -m setup

➔ ansible do -m ping

➔ ansible do -bu root -m shell -a 'yum install nginx'

➔ ansible do -bu root -m yum -a 'name=docker


➔ ansible do -bu root -m service -a 'name=docker


Simple commands

Imagine doing that for every package you want to install.

Ansible Playbooks

➔ Configuration, deployment and orchestration language

➔ Manage configurations and deployments of remote sys

➔ Rolling updates, delegate to other host, interact with monitoring

servers and load balancers!

➔ Still human readable!

Example$ cat playbook.yml- hosts: do remote_user: root tasks: - name: Install Docker yum: name=docker state=installed

- name: Install EPEL yum: name=epel-release state=installed

- name: Start & Enable Docker service: name=docker enabled=yes state=started

$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml

Thank you!