introduction to arch list of potential questions

1. These wall construction techniques (masonry techniques) are typical for: a) Ancient Mesopotamian architecture b) Ancient Egyptian architecture c) Ancient Greece architecture d) Ancient Roman architecture 3. Circle “T” (true) if the sentence is correct. Circle “F” (false) if the sentence is incorrect. a) Egyptians built temples with round layout. T F b) Dome igloo is example of single-enclosure type of system. T F 4. Underline characteristics and elements responding to Mesopotamian architecture. a) pure pyramid b) cyclopean walls c) abstraction d) symbolic e) stone masonry f) monumental 5. What is the most important Etruscan's contribution to architecture? 6. Describe this use of orders. Which historical architecture used orders in this manner? 1

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Page 1: Introduction to Arch List of potential questions

1. These wall construction techniques (masonry techniques) are typical for:a) Ancient Mesopotamian architectureb) Ancient Egyptian architecturec) Ancient Greece architectured) Ancient Roman architecture

3. Circle “T” (true) if the sentence is correct. Circle “F” (false) if the sentence is incorrect.

a) Egyptians built temples with round layout. T Fb) Dome igloo is example of single-enclosure type of system. T F

4. Underline characteristics and elements responding to Mesopotamian architecture.a) pure pyramidb) cyclopean wallsc) abstractiond) symbolice) stone masonryf) monumental

5. What is the most important Etruscan's contribution to architecture?

6. Describe this use of orders. Which historical architecture used orders in this manner?


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7. Each pair of photographs presents building on which certain features of particularhistorical style may be observed.On the line next to each pair write which style is it.


A ________________________

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B ________________________


C ________________________

8. What are the main characteristics of the Egyptian monumental architecture,regarding:o Materialo Structural systemo Religious and spiritual background.

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9. What is style?

10. What is similar and what is different about architectural elements shown in photosbelow? To which architectural style and / or culture belongs each element?

11. Schemes below represent different types of Greek temples plans. Schemes of plantypes are marked with letters from “A” to “D”. On plan “D”, two “standard” templechambers are marked with letters “N” and “O”.a) Write the name of each type of temple.b) Describe briefly specifics of each type presented.c) Write the names of temple chambers marked with “N” and “O”.d) What were the functions of chambers “N” and “O”?e) Which element is presented by rectangle marked with “S”?

Type: a) ___________________________Description of type:

Type: b) _____________________________Description of type:

Type: c)___________________________Description of type:

Type: d) ___________________________Description of type:

Name of temple chamber: N) ____________Function of chamber:

Name of temple chamber: O) ______________________________Function of chamber:

Rectangle marked with “S” presents ________________________________.

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12. Describe the difference between Egyptian and Greek temple, in regard with approach todesigning, as in regard with impressions and sensations produced by their architectural features.

13. What is the difference regarding the use of column between Greek and Egyptian architecture(for example: layout disposition, facades, relation to walls) ?

15. What type of the building is shown in picture below? What is its function? For which ancientarchitecture is it typical?

16. Pictures below have been taken at historical building which has obvious characteristics of thehistorical style. Write which style is it and comment each picture regarding stylistic characteristicsthat are recognizable.

1) 2)





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17. Next to each photo write the name of building .

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18. Which order this capital belongs to?

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17. What would you say about Islamic decoration and ornamentation observing two photographsbelow?

18. a)To which period belongs monument on picture below?b)What is the name of the monument and where (in which country) is it located?c) What is special characteristic of this monument which, in addition to historical values, makes it

particularly attractive to tourists and visitors?


20. a) Which types of monuments are shown below?b) What is a common feature of these types of monuments in regard with purpose

of their constructing?

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1) 2)

58. Which building is shown in pictures? Which ancient architecture it belongs to?


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In the each box next to the name and brief description of the historical period(Enlightenment, Neolithic, Middle Ages, Hellenistic Period, Renaissance, Roman Period), writethe number denoting corresponding time interval (1-6).

22. .Briefly describe general, most important characteristics of Italian Baroque architecture.

23. Is the romantic architecture original or derived from specific historical styles that have preceded it? List onebuilding which is an example of romanticism in architecture.





24. What are the general characteristics of Frank Lloyd Right’s “Prairie style houses”?

25. What is ?Zeitgeist


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1. François de Cuvilliés, Amalienburg.



Francesco Borromini, Palazzo Barberini

Richard Morris Hunt, “Breakers House”

Newport, Rhode Island.

Victor Horta, Tassel House


In the each box next to the photograph, write the number denoting the building’sauthor (designer) and description.


Page 13: Introduction to Arch List of potential questions


Born in Paris, was involved in many of the city’s largescale symbolicbuildings.He also designed visionary structures that were never realised including____________________________.

(name of the architect)

name of the structure shown on picture below.)



Complete the sentence by writing the names that are missing above the lines.


Bruno Taut, Glass Pavilion, built for theCologne Werkbund Exhibition of 1914.

Alvar Aalto, Opera Housein Essen, Germany, begun in1959.

Can you find any connection, i.e., common linebetween the authors of the projects presented onthe pictures?


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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

German Pavilion of the International Exposition held in Barcelona in 1929

Robert Venturi

“ ”.



“ ”.

Vanna Venturi House

Less is a bore



Less is more

Two buildings are shown in above photographs. Match each building with correspondingname, author and motto that indicates the most important features of architecturalexpression.



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The building shown in above photograph, and work of Norman Foster in general, correspondto one of the following contemporary architectural movements:

1. Sculpturalism2. Minimalism3. High-Tech Architecture.

(Circle the number next to correct answer).

Norman Foster,Hongkong and Shanghai Bank