introduction to biz talk

Introduction to BizTalk A brief description of the BizTalk essentials

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A brief description of the Biz Talk essentials


Page 1: Introduction to Biz Talk

Introduction to BizTalk

A brief description of the BizTalk essentials

Page 2: Introduction to Biz Talk

What is BizTalk server?

• Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Business-to-Business (B2B) Integration

• Web-based development and execution environment: Loosely-coupled, long running business

processes Standard gateway to send/receive

documents Services to ensure data integrity,

delivery, security

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BizTalk Server – High-Level Architecture

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BizTalk Server – High-Level Architecture• BizTalk Server Engine

Messaging Engine (has Adapters for different kinds of communication)

Support for Orchestrations (graphically-designed processes)• Business Rules Engine

Abstracts business logic from the code Business Rule Composer (for non-technical users) – define policies

(group multiple rules) Vocabularies – enable developers to map business names to

underlying data• Monitoring Components

Business Activity Monitoring for running processes – info is displayed in business terms

More info on Business Activity Monitoring: aspx

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BizTalk Messaging Engine

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BizTalk Messaging Engine• Messages are received via a Receive Adapter (offers different

communication mechanisms to acquire messages - call a Web Service, read a file, etc…) and then processed via a Receive Pipeline (e.g. convert message to XML) then delivered to a DB-based Message Box.

• Orchestrations hold the logic behind business processes (not written in code but graphically designed with organized shapes – conditions, loops, etc…) and can use the Business Rules Engine (a simpler way to express complex sets of rules used in a business process).

• Orchestrations create subscriptions to indicate the type of messages they expect. Messages that arrive in the Message Box are dispatched to appropriate orchestrations. Orchestration usually sends a message back in Message Box upon completion.

• The outbound message is processed by a Send Pipeline (converted from internal XML) and delivered through a Send Adapter to the target (e.g. saved file, Web Service call, …).

More details on Sending / Receiving Messages, Adapters, Pipelines, Subscriptions:

More details on Schemas, Mappings, Orchestrations, Business Rules Engine:

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Quick Glossary

Host: logical representation of a runtime process (adapters & orchestrations); can have multiple instances on different servers (and a server can have multiple hosts); can run in-process (win service) or isolated (non-BizTalk process – e.g. ASP.NET worker)

Adapter: connectivity to the outside world (usually in charge of transport, data agnostic, on the receive end, in charge of listening / pooling endpoint).

Pipeline: data processing & validations (normalize/denormalize data to/from XML – Note: BizTalk does not always require XML)

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Quick Glossary

Subscription: a set of conditions, representing the interest of an orchestration for a certain message (data from the message is written in the context and evaluated against subscriptions to determine routing)

Message Box: implemented as a SQL database; publish/subscribe design (in case of multiple subscribers each receives a copy of the message)

Message Agent: receives the message (once it has passed thru an Adapter & Pipeline), writes properties in the Message Box DB (e.g. MessageType), finds subscriptions (SP call), inserts message (SP call, subsequent calls in case of multiparts), adds reference to host instance queue.

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Quick Glossary

Orchestration: implementation of the business processes with a graphical shape-based designer (drag’n’drop); can be invoked by a new message or by another orchestration

Orchestration Engine: manages stateless execution of orchestrations; on wait/delay stages it can dehydrate orchestrations (serialize orchestration state to the MessageBox and remove from memory) and rehydrate them (reverse process) as needed

Business Activity Monitoring: visibility into the processing within business solutions; uses terms that any data consumer can use; based on a wish list and a DB infrastructure for instrumentation data, a Tracking Profile can be generated (deployable at runtime); data is available within a BAM Portal (or accessible on SQL server via SQL Reports, queries, etc…).

Rules Engine: abstract business logic from code, allow changes & control for business owners

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Development Roles

Business analyst: define rules & behavior for a business process, define process flow (what info is sent to each app, mapping between business documents)

Developer: create BizTalk application that implements the above – define XML schemas, specify detailed mappings, create orchestrations

Administrator: set up communication / endpoints, deploy BizTalk application

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Thank you!

Stay tuned for the next slideshow in the BizTalk Series!