introduction to business spring 2011 d02

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  • 8/3/2019 Introduction to Business Spring 2011 D02


    Introduction to Business 2011

    Introduction to Business

    BUS 100 D02

    Student Syllabus

    Thomas Nelson Community College

    Spring Semester 2011

    Online Course

    Professor Robertson Page 1

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Course Information

    Course number: BUS 100 D01

    Prerequisite: ENG 05 if required by individual students placement. (3 credits)

    Location: On campus

    Office: 114 Diggs

    Phone: 757-865-1194, home757-825-3678, office

    Office Hours: On campus: Monday: 10 12pm

    Wednesday from 1:003:00pm

    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Term: Spring 2011

    Credit Hours: 3 hours

    Textbook: Understanding Business 9th Ed.

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Authors: Nickels, McHugh, McHugh

    Professor: Mrs. Robertson is a Professor/Program Head in the Business Department at


    PH.D - Community College Leadership from Walden University, pursuant.

    MBA-Specialization in Marketing Management, Regent University

    SHRM-Strategic Human Resources Management Specialization

    B.S. - Marketing, Florida Southern University

    A.A.S. - Management, Houston Community College

    Mrs. Robertson is currently completing a PH. D in Community College Leadership from

    Walden University, and she is a graduate of Regent University with a Master in

    Business Administration/Marketing Management and a Strategic Human Resource

    Management Specializations. She has extensive experience as a senior executive with

    several major companies in Marketing, Human Resource, and Training Development.

    Mrs. Robertson has taught at several local colleges within the Tidewater area. She also

    maintains consulting contacts in the Business Industry

    A Personal Note from Your Professor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank

    each of you for choosing this course of study. You are now one of the many students

    who have chosen the Introduction to Business course to learn business concepts and


    Introduction to business will ease you into your curriculum studies and will give you a

    good base from which to begin your degree or certificate program. Diligence and focus

    in this class will have a significant payback in future semesters. I encourage everyone

    to start at a strong pace with this course and enjoy the journey.

    I know that the success of any class depends on the relationship between the instructor

    and his/her students.

    I look forward to helping you make good use of your time with me, learn new business

    concepts, and simply have fun!

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    If at any time you have any questions, please post them under the discussion board link

    on Blackboard. If you have a personal matter, email me at: [email protected]

    Course Description

    Explores from a business worldview how a general manager can best select, train,

    motivate, evaluate, support, resolve conflicts and mentor those he/she manages. It test

    concepts developed in other courses by putting the student in real or stimulated

    management situations.

    Course Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the course the student should be able to:

    Develop creative ways of meeting employees needs, wants and desires throughmotivation.

    Interview job candidates using techniques to reveal the employees skills andabilities.

    Communicate interpersonally with employees to improve the understanding of

    the task at hand and build a better rapport with the employee. Gain the essential skills and knowledge needed to become a great manager or

    supervisor through delegating, communicating, hiring, conflict resolution, workingwith difficult people and much more!

    Competent to describe each component of the product life cycle and to justify itsinclusion and sequential position in it.

    Competent to explain the ingredients of effective communication, both writtenand verbal.

    Learn the contents of a successful business environment

    And, design an effective Business Plan.

    Course Procedures

    To achieve the above critical competencies, the student will master materials presented

    through various lectures. Additional insight and learning will be achieved through the

    completion of discussion questions and reflection on the applicability to the outside

    world. Finally, competence in application of principles learned through the above two

    elements will be achieved through study of materials received by the instructor, rigorous

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    analysis of problems in management and presentation of management action


    Program interaction among students and the instructor occurs via threaded dialogue inthe Blackboard Discussion board, and private email. The Instructor will post anyneeded documents for this course through the Blackboard Course Documents section,any needed announcements in the Blackboard Announcements section, and programguidelines and the schedule of assessments through the Blackboard Modules.Modules allow students more time to turn in some assignments. Modules groupassignments into one shell. Students will demonstrate mastery of assigned coursematerial and explore alternative interpretations through the course assessments thatfollow. Submit assessments according to the respective instructions to receive the bestfeedback from the professor. This course uses Blackboard structure the onlinecollaborative learning environment. This requires students to interactively engage each

    other online through the Internet. Students journaling should follow the designatedguidelines.

    1. Post your responses by the due date.2. Watch your tone (never criticize any students posting) when responding to


    Reference the text-book as much as possible to support your arguments when

    responding to your classmates discussion questions.

    Course Overview

    Business planning is the process of creating a picture or model of what a business unit

    will be. The model is a document made up of words and numbers, designed to give a

    student an image of what the organization will look like. This course teaches how to

    prepare sections of a Business Plan for large and small companies.

    The business plan document serves two concrete purposes:

    1. Its indispensable for getting help from others, especially financial backers, and2. It provides a guide for running operations once the enterprise is started and on its


    Course learning objectives

    This course intends to equip the students with the concepts, methodologies and tools

    for management of the process of strategy implementation and review of the strategy

    itself, as it is deployed, in the light of the ongoing changes in market, technology and


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    Introduction to Business 2011

    The course is designed to help the student understand the function of the business

    professional and the many roles of the Business Manager.

    Course Content:

    The purpose of this course will be the use of the concept and the methodology of

    teamwork as a strategic control and learning system. Through an ensemble of business

    discussion questions and interactive group participation, the students will be imparted

    two types of skills :( 1) how to translate a business strategy into a theory of the


    (2), how to work within groups on varies assignments as the foundation of an integrated

    strategic management system that continuously validates the strategy as it is deployed,

    by using a double-loop learning process.

    In this course you will do a large amount of examination and introspection about what is

    happening in the business environment, especially the company in which you would like

    to work. The task is to research several companies in which you would like to work.

    Make sure you have the requirements needed. Is this a productive company and do you

    share the same vision? Finding a job is like finding a mate, it must be a perfect fit to

    work. The discussion questions will help with group interaction and teamwork. Those

    will be the primary source of your course grades, so that task is an important one.

    However, your personal growth in understanding what makes teams effective or

    ineffective will come largely from your analysis of what happened as your get a betterunderstanding of group think.


    The course proposes to use a rich pedagogy involving:

    journaling, planning, time management skills

    the components of the business world.

    Impact on Students

    The planning process galvanizes the management team into a cohesive unit with

    common goals. It helps everyone understand what the objectives of the organization

    are, why theyre important, and how they intend to achieve them.

    Current Events/Articles Reports

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Current events (business articles) from the business world help to bring the course alive

    and make it more interesting. Each student will prepare 2 current events reports

    (business articles). Only one report can be submitted at a time.

    A list of suggested periodicals is listed below. However, you may use another source if

    it pertains to business. The Internet is another helpful sourceplease provide me with

    the website.

    References: List of Suggested Periodicals

    Advertising Age Business Week Computer World The Economist

    Forbes Fortune Harvard Business Review Newsweek New Your Times (Business and Finance Section) Sales and Marketing Management Time USA Today Newspaper U. S. News and World Report Washington Post Newspaper Washington Times Newspaper

    Wall Street Journal Newspaper

    Each report must be on a business-related topic (similar to the topics covered in your

    text and discussed on blackboard). Each report should be a good, quick summary of

    the main issue of the article in your own words.

    Reports must be no more than 2 paragraphs, double-spaced -use a standard font size

    12 Times Roman. No periodical can be used more than once. For example, if you use

    any issue ofNewsweek then you may not select another issue in Newsweek.

    Each report must include a complete bibliography, which will include the name of thearticle, the name of the source newspaper, magazine, or periodical, the date of the

    article and the page/s of the article, please follow APA guidelines.

    Each report will be graded on relevancy to the class, how informative it is and

    neatness, spelling and grammar.

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Students will be responsible for two postings for the semester. I have attached a

    schedule of dates that each student needs to report on. You must post your assignment

    on Blackboard on or before the due date.

    Note* you cannot make up this assignment, so please post your article on the due date.

    Methods of Evaluation

    On-line methods consist of collaborative discussions, current events/articles, and group

    activities. Methods of Evaluation may include, but are not limited to test papers. By now

    we all should be acquainted with some sort of evaluation. They come in various forms.

    They are audits at the end of our endeavors that measures the extent by which we have

    successfully achieved our goals/objectives.

    TIMELINESS OF ASSESSMENTS-Students must sign in weekly

    Dialogue: Student dialogue contributions submitted within the posted period for the

    respective forum will be considered for grading. The Instructor will not assess early or

    late interaction. Students will be assessed higher if they participate throughout the

    allotted time of a forum according to the current guidelines than if they engage in a less

    evenly distributed manner. The Instructor will interact with group dialogues by posting

    contributions weekly Students are encouraged to seek timely clarification of

    assessments from the instructor. (This is your responsibility). Believe it or not, the

    instructor will have no way of knowing that you are having a problem with a particular

    assignment unless you post to the instructor for clarification. A classmate should not

    take the place of the instructor since this is the first time the individual is being

    introduced to the information for the first time too. This includes submitting an

    assignment or commenting on a discussion question or other relevant communication

    for comment up to one week before the submission deadline. Note that this prerogative

    dissipates with time. Student submissions are due by the due date unless specifically

    specified otherwise. Each submission received after the due date will be considered late

    and will not be graded. Students should plan their time wisely before beginning each

    semester to complete each submission in a timely manner. The Instructor will provide

    students with completed assessments of their work within seven calendar days of thedue date. Each written submission will be returned to the student with instructors

    feedback included on the document to offer clear improvement advice.

    Term Paper

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    You will have one time you can submit a draft for evaluation before the assignment is

    due for a grade. The professor will not evaluate any drafts three weeks prior to the date

    the assignment is due.

    Your task is to write about how the economy has affected America and what companies

    are doing to move forward during these crisis times. You can pick a company and write

    about what they have or plan to do to be successful in the year 2011. What strategies

    do they have in place for this year? Do a compare and contrast from previous yearsIn

    other words, what have they done to adapt to the economy constraints? Did they have

    to layoff people during the previous years? Do they see their company progressing in

    the year of 2011? What is ahead for todays companies? The report is open to any

    company who has been affected due to the economy. With your expert advice, explain

    how you would have handled the economic challenges this company has faced. If you

    support their tactical approach to solving this problem, please explain. I am looking foryou to thoroughly research this organization. With the knowledge you have acquired

    from this class, support your argument with information from the chapter readings and

    secondary research data (research that is made available to you: Internet, library, etc.)

    Please use APA formatting. The paper is to be 10 pages in length. The references are

    not included in the 10 pages. The cover page, and abstract are not included in the 10

    pages either. You will also be required to post a 10 slide Power Point Presentation so

    that your classmates can view your work. A link will be provided under module 4 for

    submittal of this assignment and a link is provided under discussion board on

    Blackboard to post your Power Point Presentation.

    Formatting instructions: Cover-page, Abstract (120 words or less), Introduction, and

    indentions between paragraphs. Cite your work within the body of the paper per APA

    guidelines, Running head is needed. Use APA guidelines. If you have any questions,

    please get clarity first before starting. Please start writing this paper during Module 1 to

    get a good grade and feel free to ask questions if you need my help getting started. You

    can call me at home, at my office, of during my office hours or email. Successful

    business people keep up with what is going on around them and to gain the competitive

    advantage over your competition, you must be aware of how they are coping during

    crisis times We can all learn from one another! You can work in groups on this

    assignment and I can set you up in groups on Blackboard for document sharing and

    chats regarding this assignment.

    Course Grades

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Grades will be awarded according to each students mastery of the course content.Following is the standard for course grades for Thomas Nelson Community College.

    Grading Scale:

    Grading Scale: 8-point scale

    92 -100 = A

    83 - 91 = B

    82 - 74 = C

    73 - 65 = D

    64 or below FAILING


    Discussion questions 20

    Tests 30

    Term Paper- 40

    Business Articles - 10

    Total 100

    You will see more points posted on Gradebook but I will average the pointsExample: I

    will average your grades by dividing the number of assignments by the total points

    received, then multiple by the number of points listed above for each assignment to get

    the max points of 100. You can always call me to get further clarity if you are confused

    by this posting.

    Note* I grade tough, looking for a strong and definite course of action and well-

    organized, cogent support. Since this course is online, frequent participation onblackboard by well-prepared students is the key to its success. (READING YOUR

    CHAPTERS) Blackboard discussions is, after all, a way of giving and receiving,

    student honing student, and this cannot occur in a group of unprepared or reticent


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    Introduction to Business 2011

    GET YOUR ASSIGNMENT IN ON TIME. Responsibility and maturity demand this; the

    business world will be totally intolerant of anything less! In addition, I teach five classes,

    anda grade weighting of a zero will be assessed, so turn in your papers by the due

    date. I will only accept late papers in emergency situations-you can work ahead in theclass.

    The registrar demands my grades very shortly after the end of each semester, so you

    dont have to wait long before your final grade is posted on Nelson Online. I also post

    the final grades on Blackboard first and then wait 2-3 days before I post the grades on

    Nelson Online. If you have a paper outstanding by the end of the semester, it will go into

    the weight of zero. It is your responsibility to keep up with your grades. Please do not

    miss an assignment; it is your responsibility to contact me immediatelydepending on

    the nature of the problem if I will allow you to submit late work. You can work ahead in

    this course but I will not grade any assignment before the due date. Weekly tabs areprovided to make this course easy to follow the assigned assignments for the semester.

    It is also your responsibility to get in touch with me in an emergency situation to see if

    you can turn in an assignment late, it will depend on the circumstanceI will not

    contact you!

    Assignments that are not turned in by the assigned date will not be accepted unless the

    student and instructor have made prior arrangements.

    Course Assessment Methods

    While completing Introduction to Business, students are expected to demonstrate

    measurable outcomes of course objectives by:


    Completing each Module Assignments: submitting assignments, posting on


    Completing a Term Paperon a theory cover in one of the chapter readings.

    Completing Business Articles

    Final Exam will include all chapters, multiple choice answers and a total of 100

    questions on the exam. All tests are random selected from the test bank so you

    will never get the same set of questions twice.

    Study Group

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Responding and posting to discussion questions

    Policy Statement: TNCC Policies

    TNCC policies are provided in the current course catalog and the course schedules.

    They are also available on the TNCC website: This class is governed

    by the college published policies. The following policies are of particular interest:

    Academic Conduct- the College is committed to high standards of academic

    honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards.

    Cheating on exam(s), submitting work of other students as your own, or

    plagiarism in any form may result in a grade reduction for the course, and/or a

    recommendation for possible dismissal from the college.

    Drops and Withdrawals Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or

    withdraw from this course, the date on which you notify the college of your

    decision will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. You will get an

    F for the course if you do not drop the course by the due date. I have posted a

    schedule on the last page of this syllabus. Please contact me first before

    dropping the course. Sometimes discussion your situation with the instructor can

    provide solutions that will help you remain in the course.

    Attendance- TNCC Policy states that missing 20% of a course is grounds for aninstructor to drop the student from the class roll. Since this is an online course. A

    link under each module is posted so you can sign-in weekly.

    Repeating a Course - As of summer, 1990, students are normally limited to two

    enrollments in the same course. If a student needs to enroll for a third time (and

    final) time, they must submit a written petition to the dean of instruction for this


    Disabled Student- Students needing disability related classroom

    accommodations should register for support services (in room 201, Griffin Hall). If

    you have a disability that requires accommodations for the instructor to adhere

    to, please provide written documentation from a counselor in order for those

    provisions to be made. Without documentation, the instructor will not honoryour

    request. Note* any information you provide to the instructor will be confidential.

    Illness - Students should remain at home if they have symptoms of a contagious

    disease that may endanger the health of others at Thomas Nelson Community

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    College. Please contact your instructor by phone or email if you suspect you

    have contracted a contagious disease that causes you to miss more than a day

    of class. When you are ready to return to class, submit a doctors statement or

    medical clearance that authorizes your return. While away from class, you will beexpected to maintain progress in all course requirements.Although this does not

    apply to online students, it is required that I include in my syllabus.

    Course Policies

    All papers in accordance with guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the

    American Psychological Association, latest edition and the Webster APA

    guidelinesyou can find this information on the website by doing a search: APAguidelines.

    Mark Your Calendar

    Meeting deadlines has always been an important part of your life and is also critically

    important for this course. It is an integral part of the business world. Late assignments

    and late papers will receive a grade reduction. Meeting the specified deadlines for

    course assignments and requirements is the one area over which you have total

    responsibility and control. Your punctuality and deadline performance will be reflected

    in academic reward system for this course.

    Note* an entire assignment can be rejected at anytime past the due date. Please get

    permission from the instructor immediately if your assignment will be late.

    Your work week begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday at 11:59PM. You can work

    ahead, but I will not grade an assignment before the due date. Assignments can bechallenging to a person that is new to the business world, so please get clarity on any

    assignment that you have questionsyour grade depends on it.

    Incomplete Grades

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    An incomplete grade (I) may be given for legitimate deficiencies due to illness,

    emergencies or reasons acceptable to the professor and not because of neglect on the

    students part. The instructor will set the time limit for this agreement.

    The course is designed using modules. Each module consists of 4 weeks with an exam

    at the end of that module. Modules allow the student to submit some assignments by

    the end of that module. Note* weekly discussions are mandatory. Below are the dates

    when assignments are due. Please adhere to this schedule. I have Post your business

    article each student has two times throughout the semester to post a business article, a

    schedule is provided for you.

    Always follow what is posted on Blackboard for clarity since I do make changes to the

    course to better meet the needs of my current studentsThe syllabus is a prototype

    (model) for us to go by, it can be altered to accommodate the request of its currentcustomers which is you the student.

    Module 1 Weeks Assignment Due Date/sJanuary 10 -16

    Week 1 Read chapter 1Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    January 16

    January 17 -23 Week 2 Read chapter 2Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    January 23

    January 24-30

    Week 3 Read chapter 3Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    January 30

    January 31-

    February 6

    Week 4 Read chapter 4

    Work on your end of theterm project. You cansubmit a draft for myevaluation.Submit sections forevaluation

    Take test 1, a link isprovided below.

    February 6

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Weeks 1-4 will becovered


    You can submit any assignmentincluding the test anytime duringthe module. The assignment will

    be graded when due, not before.

    Expect 7 daysafter the duedate to

    receive yourgrades for theassignments.

    Module 2February 7 13

    Week 5 Read chapter 5Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    February 13

    February 14 20

    Week 6 Read chapter 6Post your business article

    Work on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    February 20

    February 21 27

    Week 7 Read chapter 7Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    February 27

    February 28 March 6

    Week 8 Read chapter 8

    Work on your end of theterm project. You can

    submit a draft for myevaluation.

    Submit sections forevaluation

    Take test 2, a link is providedbelow.

    March 6

    Weeks 5-8 will becoveredduringthismodule.

    You can submit any assignmentincluding the test anytime duringthe module. The assignment willbe graded when due, not before.

    Expect 7 daysafter the duedate toreceive yourgrades for theassignments.

    Module 3Spring Break

    (No Classes -

    College Open)

    March 7 -


    No assignments due for this weekbut you can work ahead.

    March 13

    March 14 -20

    Week 9 Read chapter 9Post your business article

    March 20

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Work on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    March 21 -27 Week 10 Read chapter 10Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    March 27

    March 28 April 3

    Week 11 Read chapter 11Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    April 3

    April 4- 10 Week 12 Read chapter 12

    Work on your end of theterm project. You cansubmit a draft for myevaluation.

    Submit sections forevaluation

    Take test 3 a link is provided foryou

    April 10

    Weeks 9-12 will becovered


    You can submit an assignmentanytime during the module. Theassignment will be graded when

    due, not before.

    Expect 7 daysafter the duedate to

    receive yourgrades for theassignments.

    Module 4April 11 -17 Week 13 Read chapter 13

    Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    April 17

    April 18 - 24 Week 14 Read chapter 15Post your business articleWork on your end of the termproject.Discussion Questions

    Nov 24

    April 25- May1

    Week 15 End of the semester assignmentsdue:

    Term Project

    Final Exam

    May 1

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    May 2-4This may

    varydependingon howfast I canaveragegrades

    Week 16 The semester is overgrades willbe posted on Blackboard for two

    daysthen, I will send to theregistrars office. An email will besent to each student giving you24 hours to make sure you havesubmitted all required work forthe module.

    Enjoy yourholiday.

    Spring Calendar

    Spring 2011

    Spring 2011 - General Dates

    Priority Registration October 25 - 31, 2010

    Advising Week October 25 - 28

    Open Registration Begins November 1

    Winter Break December 24, 2010 - January 2, 2011

    College Reopens January 3, 2011

    Faculty Days (College Open) January 3 - 7

    Senior Citizen Act Registration January 7

    Martin Luther King Holiday (College Closed) January 16 - 17

    Spring Break (No Classes - College Open) March 7 - 13

    Faculty Days (College Open) May 10 - 13

    Commencement May 14

    16-Week Session (January 8 - May 9) [Includes Exams]

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Classes Begin January 8

    Last Day to Add/Change Classes January 18

    Last Day to Drop for a Refund January 24

    Last Day to Drop with a Grade of "W" March 24

    Classes End May 2

    Exams May 3 - 9

    Grades Due (By Noon) May 11

    8-Week 1 Session (January 8 - March 11) [Includes Exams]

    Classes Begin January 8

    Last Day to Add/Change Classes January 12

    Last Day to Drop for a Refund January 18

    Last Day to Drop with a Grade of "W" February 8

    Classes End March 1

    Exams March 2 - 4

    Grades Due (By Noon) March 7

    8-Week 2 Session (March 12 - May 7) [Includes Exams]

    Classes Begin March 14

    Last Day to Add/Change Classes March 18

    Last Day to Drop for a Refund March 22

    Last Day to Drop with a Grade of "W" April 18

    Classes End May 4

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Exams May 5 - 7

    Grades Due (By Noon) May 11

    5-Week 1 Session (January 8 - February 18) [Includes Exams]

    Classes Begin January 8

    Last Day to Add/Change Classes January 10

    Last Day to Drop for a Refund January 13

    Last Day to Drop with a Grade of "W" January 28

    Classes End February 10

    Exams February 11

    Grades Due (By Noon) February 21

    5-Week 2 Session (February 12 - March 25) [Includes Exams]

    Classes Begin February 12

    Last Day to Add/Change Classes February 14

    Last Day to Drop for a Refund February 17

    Last Day to Drop with a Grade of "W" March 14

    Classes End March 24

    Exams March 25

    Grades Due (By Noon) March 28

    5-Week 3 Session (March 26 - April 29) [Includes Exams]

    Classes Begin March 26

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    Introduction to Business 2011

    Last Day to Add/Change Classes March 28

    Last Day to Drop for a Refund March 31

    Last Day to Drop with a Grade of "W" April 15

    Classes End April 28

    Exams April 29

    Grades Due (By Noon) May 2

    Professor Robertson Page 20