introduction to dowsing

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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Jane Radford

Dowsing could be described as .

a technique for searching for information or anything invisible.

This is usually done by observing the motion of a pointer or movement of a pendulum

It is frequently used for.


Earth energies and ley lines

Health and wellbeing

Finding water, underground pipes and cables and diagnosing breaks or leaks

Locating lost items

Accessing your intuition

And more .

Dowsing Instruments

Body Dowsing

Some dowsers do not use an instrument at all. Physical sensations are linked to information about the subject with which they working.

C:\Users\Jane\Documents\School of FWD\Worshops& Events\SUB BODS&HLDOWSING\SUBTLE BODIES.pngDowsing Instruments

Finger Dowsing

Technique which involves stroking the thumb with the index or middle finger.

Usually a smooth sensation indicates No and a rough or sticking sensation indicated Yes

This is similar to the early stick pads used in Radionic analyses.

Dowsing Instruments


Evolved from the forked Hazel twigs often seen in many logos for different dowsing groups and organisations.

Usually 2 rods are used. These cross or uncross to convey yes and no as well as indicating directions.


Similar responses to pendulums but rigid sprung wire, usually with a weight at the end and held pointing away from the body.

See the cover slide for a picture of Anna with dowsing rods

Dowsing Instruments


You can easily make your own with a cheerful balanced weight and thread or yarn which will move freely whilst dowsing.

Pendulum Movements

Some people find that their pendulums will not become still when they are starting to dowse.

You are in control

State that you want the pendulum to be centred and still.

Request a movement which will indicate Yes

Or, you can decide now or at a later date what you want your Yes and No movements to be.

Frameworks for Dowsing

The dowsing process can be like standing at the stem of a leaf. In this ivy leaf there are 6 veins originating from the stalk. By following the indications of your pendulum you will be taken on the correct pathway to the relevant information.

C:\Users\Jane\Pictures\Leaves\Autumn Ivy.jpgFrameworks for Dowsing


By dividing your information into grouped separate areas it is then possible to eliminate large amounts of information or choices quickly.

Frameworks for Dowsing


Create your own

Use reference books, indexes and contents pages, pamphlets, websites

Subdivide with brackets, colour codes or alphabet sections.

Frameworks for Dowsing


It can sometimes be easier to dowse over a selection of items

C:\Users\Jane\Documents\FWD\FWD MEDIA\framework styles vid\fwk physical.JPGEventually you will no longer see your framework only the items within its structure

C:\Users\Jane\Documents\FWD\FWD MEDIA\framework styles vid\fwk unseen.JPGQuestion Structures

Most dowsers work with Yes and No indicators.

Thinking of precise questions whilst dowsing, which can be decisively answered with a Yes or No is difficult and makes the dowsing process clunky.

If you have put time into creating your frameworks the questions are much simpler and flow more easily.

Question Structures

First state the situation written and verbal

I have here ..


Is it indicated that I dowse for this situation?

Where do I begin? Is there an item indicated from this list?
Is the item listed in this page/section/bracket etc

The questions then become straight forward and easily remembered.

Starting to Dowse -
Quietening the distractions

Frameworks and Questions

C:\Users\Jane\Documents\desktop\Framework Dowsing Process lvl2.jpg Conscious


Sub conscious

Where does the information come from?

Collective conscious

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