introduction to kernel lower bounds daniel lokshtanov

Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

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Page 1: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds

Daniel Lokshtanov

Page 2: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


• Kernelization is a mathematical framework to analyze the quality of polynomial time pre-processing

• Until recently: Many upper bounds known. No ”non-trivial” lower bounds.

• This talk: Survey of recent lower bounds.

Page 3: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Part I

Introduction to Kernelization

Page 4: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


• Hard to analyze pre-processing for NP-hard problems within classical complexity. Reason: poly-time compression = poly-time solution.

• We consider parameterized problems. Each instance I comes with a parameter k ≤ |I| that is supposed to reflect how hard the instance is. Small k = easier instance.

Page 5: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Parameterization: Example

Point Line Cover

IN: n points in the plane, integer k.PARAMETER: kQUESTION: Can the points be covered by k

straight lines?

Notice – easier to solve when k is small.

Page 6: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


A f(k)-kernel for a problem P is an algorithm that:

• Takes as input an instance (I,k)• Runs in time poly(|I|)• Outputs an equivalent instance (I’,k’) with– |I’| ≤ f(k)– k’ ≤ f(k)

Page 7: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Point Line Cover

IN: n points in the plane, integer k.PARAMETER: kQUESTION: Can the points be covered by k

straight lines?

Page 8: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Point Line Cover

TASK: Shoot the little devils, with only 3 shots.If some line covers 4 devils, must use it. Otherwise need 4 shots.

Page 9: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

k2 - kernel for Point Line Cover

• R1: If some line covers more than k points delete all points on the line and decrease k by 1.

• R2: If no line covers at least n/k points, answer ”NO”

• If neither R1 nor R2 can be applied n ≤ k2

Page 10: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Edge Clique Cover

IN: Graph G, integer k.PARAMETER: kQUESTION: Can the edges of G be covered by k


Page 11: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

4k - Kernel for Edge Clique Cover

R1: If u and v are adjacent and have same neighbours, delete v.

R2: If R1 can’t be applied and n > 2k, answer NO.

If R1, R2 can’t be applied, then n < 2k and m < 4k.

Page 12: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


A k2 kernel for Point Line Cover polynomial kernel

A 4k kernel for Edge Clique Cover exponential kernel

Which all parameterized problems have f(k)-kernels for some function f?

Which parameterized problems have poly(k)- kernels?

Page 13: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Which problems have f(k) - kernels?

Theorem[Folklore]: A decidable parameterized problem P has an

f(k)-kernel for some f

P is fixed parameter tractable (FPT), i.e. solvable in time g(k)nO(1) for some g.

Page 14: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Kernelization Complexity

Q1: Does P have an f(k) kernel?P is FPT YESP is W-hard NO, unless FPT=W[1]

Q2: Does P have a poly(k) kernel.poly(k) kernel YESHow to say NO?

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Part II

Framework for ruling out polynomial kernels

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Longest Path

IN: Graph G, integer kPARAMETER: kQUESTION: Does G have a path of length k?

Known: 2knc time algorithm [Williams 09]Does Longest Path have a polynomial kernel?

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Poly kernel for Longest Path?

Suppose Longest Path has a kc kernel.

Set t = kc + 1 and consider t instances with the same parameter k: (G1,k), (G2,k) ... (Gt,k)

The instance (G1 U G2 ... U Gt, k) is a yes instance iff some (Gi, k) is.

Kernelize this instance – the kernel has kc < t bits. Less than one bit per original instance, was at least one of the instances ”solved”?

Page 18: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Poly Kernel for Longest Path?

G1,k G2,k Gt,k

...Disjoint union


... G,k

Polynomial kernel

Page 19: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

OR-Distillation Algorithms

Detour back to classical problems.

An OR-distillation algorithm for a problem L• Takes as input instances I1... It.• Runs in polynomial time• Outputs an instance O of L’ such that– |O| ≤ max poly(|Ii|)

– O is ”yes” some Ii is “yes”.

Page 20: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

OR-Distillation Algorithms

Intuition: A distillation algorithm looks at several problem instances and pics the one ”most likely” to be a yes instance.

Should not exist for NP-hard problems.

Theorem [FS08]: Unless coNP NP/poly⊆ , no NP-hard problem has an OR-distillation algorithm.

Page 21: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

OR-Composition algorithms: Intuition

OR-Composition = ”formalization of disjoint union”

OR-Composition + Kernel = OR-Distillation

Page 22: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

OR-Composition Algorithms

Back to parameterized problems.

An OR-composition algorithm for a problem P• Takes as input instances I1 ... It with parameter k • Runs in polynomial time• Outputs an instance (O,k’) of P such that– k’ ≤ poly(k)– (O,k’) is ”yes” some (Ii,k) is “yes”.

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OR-Composition for Longest Path

G1,k G2,k Gt,k

...Disjoint union

... G,k

Page 24: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Ruling Out Polynomial Kernels

Theorem [BDFH08]: If a parameterization P of an NP-hard* problem L has a composition algorithm, then P has no polynomial kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

Corollary [BDFH08]: Longest Path has no polynomial kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

* Originally proved only for NP-complete. New statement/proof by Holger Dell

Page 25: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Proof of [BDFH08]-Theorem

Given OR-Composition + Kernel for P we give an OR-distillation for L into OR(L). By [FS08] this implies that coNP NP/poly⊆ .

Page 26: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

I1 I2 I3 Itt instances of size n...

I1,1 I2,1 I3,2 It,n...


Group by parameter


O1,k1 O2,k2 On,kn...n instances instead of t. ki ≤ poly(n)

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O1,k1 O3,k2 On,kn...n instances instead of t. ki ≤ poly(n)


O’1,k’1 O’2,k’2 O’n,k’n...n instances of sizepoly(n) each.

Forget parameter

O’1 O’2 O’n...n instances of sizepoly(n) each. This is one instance to OR(L)of size poly(n)

Page 28: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Recap II

NP-hard + OR-composition = no poly kernel.

Longest Path has no polynomial kernelLongest Cycle has no polynomial kernel...

Page 29: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

AND-Distillations / Compositions

• We can define AND-Distillation / Composition similarly to the OR case

• AND-Composition + Kernel = AND-Distillation

• Conjecture [BDFH08]: No NP-hard problem has an AND-Distillation.

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• Some interesting problems have AND-compositions;– treewidth – pathwidth – ...width – vertex ranking

• Under ”AND-Distillation Conjecture” they have no polynomial kernel.

Page 31: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Open Problem

Relate the ”AND-Distillation” conjecture to a reasonable assumption in classical / parameterized complexity

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Part III

Kernel lower bounds for more problems

Page 33: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


Polynomial Parameter Transformations: Reductions to show kernel lower bouds

”Non-trivial” OR-Composition algorithms

Page 34: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


IN: Graph G, integer kPARAMETER: kQUESTION: Does G contain k vertex-disjoint k-


Disjoint union doesnt work as OR-composition. Other way to show no poly kernel?

Page 35: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Polynomial Parameter Transformations

A Polynomial Parameter Transformation (PPT) from A to B is an algorithm that:

• Takes as input an instance (I,k) of A• Runs in polynomial time• Outputs an instance (O,k’) of B such that– k’ ≤ poly(k)– (O,k’) is ”yes” for B (I,k) is “yes” for A.

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Reduction between problems

Theorem [BTY09]:If there is a PPT from A to B, and a P-time reduction from B to A* then:B has a poly(k) kernel A has a poly(k) kernel

*If B is NP and A is NP-hard, a trivial p-time reduction exists.

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Proof of Theorem [BTY09]:

I,k I’,k’









Page 38: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Back to k-k-Paths

Theorem [L09]:to k-k-Paths have no polynomial kernel unless

coNP NP/poly⊆





k-1 paths of length k

NP-completenessgives reductionback.

Page 39: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Non-trivial Compositions?

• Next, excluding polynomial kernels for:– Bounded Universe Set Cover– Connected Vertex Cover (2-approximable!)– Steiner Tree

Page 40: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Bounded Universe Set Cover

IN: Set family F={S1...Sm} over a universe U of size k, integer t

PARAMETER: kQUESTION: Is there a subfamily F’ F ⊆ of size ≤ t

such that F’ covers U?

Theorem [DLS09]: Bounded Universe Set Cover has no poly(k) kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

Page 41: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Steiner Tree

IN: Graph G=(V,E), subset S V⊆ of size k, integer tPARAMETER: tQUESTION: Is there a subtree T on ≤ t vertices of G,

containing S?

Page 42: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Steiner Tree

Theorem [DLS09]: Steiner Tree has no poly(k) kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

Proof: PPT from Bounded Universe Set Cover

Universe Terminals

Sets Non-Terminals

Page 43: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Connected Vertex Cover

IN: Graph G=(V,E) integer k.PARAMETER: kQUESTION: Is there a set S of at most k vertices

such that G[S] is connected and every edge if G has at least one endpoint in S.

Page 44: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Connected Vertex Cover

Theorem [DLS09]: Connected Vertex Cover has no poly(k) kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

Proof: PPT from Steiner Tree



Page 45: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Bounded Universe Set Cover

Theorem [DLS09]: Bounded Universe Set Cover has no poly(k) kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

Proof plan: – Composition for ”Colored Bounded Universe Set

Cover”– PPT from Colored Bounded Universe Set Cover to

Bounded Universe Set Cover.

Page 46: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Colored Bounded Universe Set Cover

IN: t set families F1={A1...Aa}, F2={B1...Bb}, Ft={X1...Xc} over a universe U of size k, integer t

PARAMETER: kQUESTION: Is there a family F’ = {Ai,Bj, ... Xl} of

size t containing one set of each color, such that F’ covers U?

Page 47: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Composition, recap

An OR-composition algorithm for a problem P• Takes as input instances I1 ... It with parameter k • Runs in polynomial time• Outputs an instance (O,k’) of P such that– k’ ≤ poly(k)– (O,k’) is ”yes” some (Ii,k) is “yes”.

Page 48: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Composition for CBUSC

Task: Given t instances of CBUSC all of size ≤ n and parameter k, output in polynomial time one ”equivalent” CBUSC instance.

Theorem [FKW04]: CBUSC instances with |U|=k can be solved in time O(2k|F|).

Trick: If t ≥ 2k then t2k|F| is polynomial, so wlog t < 2k.

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Composition for CBUSC

Plan: Glue the instances together on the universe.












Page 50: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Composition for CBUSC

GOOD: If one input is YES YESBAD: Can have NO + NO YES

Need to make sure: A solution picks sets from the same instance.

Page 51: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

ID’s and boxes

ID’s: Every instance gets a unique identification number from 0 to 2k-1, written in binary (k bits!)

Identification Check: Will check that for every pair of colors, the two solution verties of these colors come from the same instance = have the same ID.

Page 52: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Boxes and ID’s

A box is a gadget containing k elements.



101100 101100101000

The red-blue and blue-red boxes together make sure that the blue and red solution vertices come from the same instance

Page 53: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

Composition for CBUSC

Modified plan:Glue the instances together on the universe. Add two boxes for every pair of colors.Universe size increases to O(k3), still poly(k).

Theorem [DLS09]: Colored Bounded Universe Set Cover has no poly(k) kernel unless coNP ⊆NP/poly.

Page 54: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov

No kernel for Bounded Universe Set Cover

Theorem [DLS09]: Bounded Universe Set Cover has no poly(k) kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .







More Universe

Page 55: Introduction to Kernel Lower Bounds Daniel Lokshtanov


Compositions and Polynomial Parameter Transformations are tools to show kernel lower bounds.

Longest Path and Connected Vertex Cover are FPT but have no polynomial kernel unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

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List of FPT problems with no poly(k) kernels unless coNP NP/poly⊆ .

• [HN06+FS08] k-Variable CNF-SAT • [BDFH08] Longest Path, Longest Cycle• [BTY09] Vertex Disjoint Paths, Cycles• [DLS09] Bounded Universe Hitting Set, Bounded

Universe Set Cover, Connected Vertex Cover, Steiner Tree, Capacitated Vertex Cover

• [KW09] Windmill-free Edge-Deletion• [KW09’] Cases of MinOnesSat • [JLS??] Dogson Score

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List of FPT problems with no poly(k) kernels unless AND-Distillation fails.

• [BDFH08] Treewidth, Pathwidth, Cutwidth, your-favourite width, and all sorts of stuff parameterized by them.

• [Z09] Vertex Ranking

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