introduction to literary essay take out your writer’s notebook. create a new section titled...

Introduction to Literary Essay Take out your Writer’s Notebook. Create a new section titled “Literary Essay.”

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Introduction to Literary Essay Take out your Writer’s Notebook. Create a new section titled “Literary


Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to carefully analyze mentor texts before writing. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can pay close attention to structure/format/organization of a previously read text & reflect on these qualities.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers carefully analyze mentor texts

before writing. One thing readers pay attention to is the structure/format/organization of a text.

What does this look like?

• Hiroshima• Structure flips back & forth between the Japanese girls

& American pilots.• This helps us understand the point of view of everyone

involved.• This way, we’re able to see beyond the general attitudes

of the countries (USA & Japan) & think about how individuals were impacted by this situation.• This also helps to add a complexity to the situation.• This also builds suspense – we see the bomb as it’s about

to drop & we understand what the Japanese girls are doing before it drops.

Turn & Talk• Turn to a neighbor & explain today’s lesson in your

own words.• Why is it important for us to see how this is done in

a mentor text before we start to write our essays?

Introduction to Literary Essay

Take out your Writer’s Notebook. Review your notes from Wednesday.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to carefully analyze mentor texts before writing. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can pay close attention to the different ideas mentioned in a previously read text & reflect on them.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers carefully analyze mentor texts

before writing. One thing readers pay attention to is the different ideas being discussed.

What does this look like?

•A Bad Case of Stripes• Being Yourself• Sickness• Family

What does this look like?

• A Bad Case of Stripes• Being Yourself• Sickness• Family

• The author shows us the importance of being yourself through Camilla’s choices. When she chooses to not eat lima beans (which she loves) because she’s worried about what her classmates will say, she comes down with a horrible illness. This illness is not resolved until she eats lima beans and is herself.

What does this look like?• A Bad Case of Stripes• Being Yourself• Sickness• Family

• Shannon also discusses sickness in this text. He shows us how sickness can isolate an individual when Camilla is mocked for her condition, feared by some students because they think she’s contagious, and is ultimately forced to stay home because of her condition. The text also shows us the trials and tribulations that some sick people are forced to face – she sees many different types of doctors and tries a wide variety of treatments before one is successful. We can see that Camilla and her family are frustrated and almost give up hope. While “the stripes” is a made up illness, Camilla’s struggle represents what many real people experience every day.

What does this look like?• A Bad Case of Stripes• Being Yourself• Sickness• Family

• Finally, the author also discusses the importance of family. When Camilla’s friends and classmates cast her out because of her condition, her family remains by her side and tries their best to help her feel loved and find a cure. Ultimately, it is a “grandmotherly” woman who solves the problem. While this woman isn’t Camilla’s grandmother, she still represents the importance of family. The author compares her to a grandmother to help the readers make that connection.

Active Involvement Work with a partner Discuss the important ideas mentioned in The Butterfly.

Introduction to Literary Essay

Take out your Writer’s Notebook. Review your notes from last week.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to carefully analyze mentor texts before writing. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can pay close attention to the word choice in a previously read text & reflect on them.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers carefully analyze mentor texts

before writing. One thing readers pay attention to is word choice.

• This can apply to words/phrases in the text, as well as characters’ names:• Camilla Cream• Remus Lupin

What does this look like?

• “Eleven”• “When you’re eleven, you’re also ten, and nine, and

eight, and seven, and six, and five, and four, and three, and two, and one.” / “Today, I’m eleven.”• Repeating the years reminds us again of all of these

years in Rachel’s past. It also helps us realize how, even though we move on in the story (& life) these moments & years are still with us – influencing our present.

Analyze the word choice in the passage from “My Brother’s Finger” with your writing partner.

Work independently to finish recording your thoughts/analysis of the passage from “My Brother’s Finger”

As You Read Today…Be on the lookout for different words/phrases used by the author. Write a Quick Jot about why you think the author made the choices he/she did.

Literary Essay : TopicTake out your Writer’s Notebooks, a copy of “My Brother’s Finger” from your table folder, & a pen/pencil.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to select a topic for an analytic literary essay. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can work with your classmates to select a topic, compose a thesis , and start to find proof in the text “My Brother’s Finger.”

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers know that a literary essay could

focus on one of several analytical topics.• These topics could focus on:• Analysis of character within one text• Analysis of theme within one text• Analysis of character/theme across texts

What does this look like?



Losing Yourself

Growing Up

Speaking Up

What does this look like?



Losing Yourself

Growing Up

Speaking Up

Possible Topics for “My Brother’s Finger” (1-2)• Immaturity• Imagination – Childish – Ignorance• Lightness in tragedy• Character Growth (Jack)• Responsibility

Thesis: What does this look like?

• “Eleven” is a story about a girl who struggles to hold onto herself when she is challenged by people who have power over her.

Thesis for “My Brother’s Finger” (1-2)• Remember, a thesis statement tells the reader what

they will learn by reading the work.

• In the story “My Brother’s Finger,” Jack Henry becomes more mature and responsible as he overcomes several challenges.

Proof: What does this look like?Rachel loses her voice when her classmate betrays her

“I think the sweater is Rachel’s” – said by Sylvia SaldivarSylvia & Mrs. Price believe the sweater is Rachel’s & she doesn’t

objectRachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims she’s seen Rachel

wearing the sweater before“Of course it’s yours…I remember you wearing it once.”Rachel tries to protest but Mrs. Price does not believe her.Daydreams about getting power back- “In my head I am thinking

how long till lunch time, how long till I can take the red sweater and throw it over the school yard fence, or leave it hanging on a parking meter, or bunch it up into a little ball and toss it in the alley.”

Rachel loses herself when she is forced to put on the sweater“That’s when everything I’ve been holding in this morning, since

when Mrs. Price put the sweater on my desk, finally lets go, and all of a sudden I’m crying in front of everybody.”

Proof for “My Brother’s Finger” (1-2)• Which moment(s) in the text can support our thesis?

Possible Topics for “My Brother’s Finger” (10-11)• Word choice• Pete – not growing• Overacting• Jack caring for his brother/family

• Jack becomes more mature

Thesis: What does this look like?

• “Eleven” is a story about a girl who struggles to hold onto herself when she is challenged by people who have power over her.

Thesis for “My Brother’s Finger” (10-11)• Remember, a thesis statement tells the reader what

they will learn by reading the work.

• In the story “My Brother’s Finger,” Jack’s maturity grows throughout the story while he helps others.

Proof: What does this look like?Rachel loses her voice when her classmate betrays her

“I think the sweater is Rachel’s” – said by Sylvia SaldivarSylvia & Mrs. Price believe the sweater is Rachel’s & she doesn’t

objectRachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims she’s seen Rachel

wearing the sweater before“Of course it’s yours…I remember you wearing it once.”Rachel tries to protest but Mrs. Price does not believe her.Daydreams about getting power back- “In my head I am thinking

how long till lunch time, how long till I can take the red sweater and throw it over the school yard fence, or leave it hanging on a parking meter, or bunch it up into a little ball and toss it in the alley.”

Rachel loses herself when she is forced to put on the sweater“That’s when everything I’ve been holding in this morning, since

when Mrs. Price put the sweater on my desk, finally lets go, and all of a sudden I’m crying in front of everybody.”

Proof for “My Brother’s Finger” (10-11)• “Everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” (p.20)

• More mature thoughts• He cares about the house – NOT JUST HIMSELF

• Shows he’s mature because he’s helping with work (he actually wants to help)• People called him/his family “renters” (ruined the neighborhood because they didn’t care

for their homes)• Thinking about the whole family

• Jack Henry doesn’t only worry about himself – he worries about his whole family. In the story, people call Jack’s family “renters,” which offends him. This is offensive to Jack because “renters” “never took good care of their lawns, never kept their houses properly painted, and always had ugly dogs.” Jack says, “everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” This inspired Jack to do some work to help fix the house. Now, Jack actually wants to help out and do the work. The old Jack would have asked someone else to do it.

Literary Essay : ProofTake out your Writer’s Notebooks, “My Brother’s Finger,” & a pen/pencil.

Today’s Objective• Today, you will be able to explain how a piece

of textual evidence proves the class thesis. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can work independently & with your classmates to write a paragraph explaining this piece of evidence.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers know that all of the

components of body paragraphs in a literary essay work together to support the overall main idea of the text (thesis statement).• A body paragraph should include specific support from

the text as well as fully explain how the textual support proves the idea mentioned in that paragraph.

Proof: What does this look like?Rachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims she’s seen Rachel

wearing the sweater before“Of course it’s yours…I remember you wearing it once.”Rachel tries to protest but Mrs. Price does not believe her.Daydreams about getting her power back

Mrs. Price claims to have seen Rachel wearing the sweater saying, “Of course it’s yours… I remember you wearing it once.” Rachel protests, trying to tell Mrs. Price it is not hers, but Mrs. Price does not believe her. Rachel reacts to Mrs. Price’s actions by escaping into her imagination where her family loves her, daydreaming of her birthday party. She daydreams about getting her power back. “In my head I am thinking how long till lunch time, how long till I can take the red sweater and throw it over the school yard fence, or leave it hanging on a parking meter, or bunch it up into a little ball and toss it in the alley.”

Independently…Choose one piece of textual evidence from “My Brother’s Finger.” Take notes on how that piece of evidence supports our class thesis.

• Quote: “I needed some chinch-bug spray and was wondering how to get it. I looked at the house. It needed fresh paint all over.” (pg.19)• Shows responsibility because he’s noticing what’s wrong with the house &

wants to improve it• “I’d find it and fix up the house, have the bugs sprayed and make everything

good again.” (pg.30)• He doesn’t want to be a “renter” (someone who doesn’t take care of the


After Jack heard the woman complaining about the “renters,” he wanted to improve the house. “I needed some chinch-bug spray and was wondering how to get it. I looked at the house. It needed fresh paint all over.” (pg.19) He starts to notice that the house needs to be fixed up and he realizes that he can do it. This sense of responsibility shows readers that Jack is growing up. This shows that Jack is becoming more mature because he wants to help the family, and the neighbors, instead of only caring about himself. Later in the story, Jack thinks about the stolen money, and how, if he finds it, he can improve the house. Again, Jack isn’t only thinking of himself when this occurs to him.

Proof Paragraph – 10-11• “Everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” (p.20)• More mature thoughts• He cares about the house – NOT JUST HIMSELF

• Shows he’s mature because he’s helping with work (he actually wants to help)

• People called him/his family “renters” (ruined the neighborhood because they didn’t care for their homes)• Thinking about the whole family

• Jack Henry doesn’t only worry about himself – he worries about his whole family. In the story, people call Jack’s family “renters,” which offends him. This is offensive to Jack because “renters” “never took good care of their lawns, never kept their houses properly painted, and always had ugly dogs.” Jack says, “everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” This inspired Jack to do some work to help fix the house. Now, Jack actually wants to help out and do the work. The old Jack would have asked someone else to do it.

Literary Essay : Topic & Closing SentencesTake out your Writer’s Notebooks, “My Brother’s Finger,” & a pen/pencil.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to write the topic & closing sentence for one of your pieces of evidence. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can write sentences that introduce & sum up your main idea.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers know that all of the components of a

body paragraph in a literary essay work together to support the overall main idea of the text (thesis statement).• A body paragraph should start with a brief topic sentence

that generally introduces the main idea of the paragraph & end with a brief closing sentence that sums up the main idea.

Topic Sentence:What does this look like?Rachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims she’s seen Rachel

wearing the sweater before“Of course it’s yours…I remember you wearing it once.”Rachel tries to protest but Mrs. Price does not believe her.Daydreams about getting power back- “In my head I am thinking

how long till lunch time, how long till I can take the red sweater and throw it over the school yard fence, or leave it hanging on a parking meter, or bunch it up into a little ball and toss it in the alley.”

• Topic Sentence: Show the reader how Rachel loses herself: Rachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims to have seen Rachel wearing the sweater.

Introduction Sentence 1-2

Jack feels uncomfortable with his new house so he decides to become more responsible and fix the house because he’s becoming more mature as he grows up. After Jack heard the woman complaining about the “renters,” he wanted to improve the house. “I needed some chinch-bug spray and was wondering how to get it. I looked at the house. It needed fresh paint all over.” (pg.19) He starts to notice that the house needs to be fixed up and he realizes that he can do it. This sense of responsibility shows readers that Jack is growing up. This shows that Jack is becoming more mature because he wants to help the family, and the neighbors, instead of only caring about himself. Later in the story, Jack thinks about the stolen money, and how, if he finds it, he can improve the house. Again, Jack isn’t only thinking of himself when this occurs to him.

Introduction Sentence 10-11Jack Henry is known for only thinking of himself, but in

the text, the reader will see that Jack has matured and changed in his actions towards his family when he wants to fix the house. Jack Henry doesn’t only worry about himself – he worries about his whole family. In the story, people call Jack’s family “renters,” which offends him. This is offensive to Jack because “renters” “never took good care of their lawns, never kept their houses properly painted, and always had ugly dogs.” Jack says, “everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” This inspired Jack to do some work to help fix the house. Now, Jack actually wants to help out and do the work. The old Jack would have asked someone else to do it.

Closing Sentence:What does this look like?Rachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims she’s seen Rachel

wearing the sweater before“Of course it’s yours…I remember you wearing it once.”Rachel tries to protest but Mrs. Price does not believe her.Daydreams about getting power back- “In my head I am thinking

how long till lunch time, how long till I can take the red sweater and throw it over the school yard fence, or leave it hanging on a parking meter, or bunch it up into a little ball and toss it in the alley.”

• Closing Sentence: Sum up what was said in the paragraph: • Rachel loses her voice and herself when she is challenged by

people who have power over her; this causes her to daydream about people who value her.

Conclusion Sentence 1-2Jack feels uncomfortable with his new house so he decides to become more responsible and fix the house because he’s becoming more mature as he grows up. After Jack heard the woman complaining about the “renters,” he wanted to improve the house. “I needed some chinch-bug spray and was wondering how to get it. I looked at the house. It needed fresh paint all over.” (pg.19) He starts to notice that the house needs to be fixed up and he realizes that he can do it. This sense of responsibility shows readers that Jack is growing up. This shows that Jack is becoming more mature because he wants to help the family, and the neighbors, instead of only caring about himself. Later in the story, Jack thinks about the stolen money, and how, if he finds it, he can improve the house. Again, Jack isn’t only thinking of himself when this occurs to him. During the story, Jack shows he is becoming more mature because he wants to fix up the house and show that he can take care of his property so his family can have a good reputation and not be considered “renters.”

Conclusion Sentence 10-11Jack Henry is known for only thinking of himself, but in the text, the reader will see that Jack has matured and changed in his actions towards his family when he wants to fix the house. Jack Henry doesn’t only worry about himself – he worries about his whole family. In the story, people call Jack’s family “renters,” which offends him. This is offensive to Jack because “renters” “never took good care of their lawns, never kept their houses properly painted, and always had ugly dogs.” Jack says, “everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” This inspired Jack to do some work to help fix the house. Now, Jack actually wants to help out and do the work. The old Jack would have asked someone else to do it. Now the reader can see that Jack has become more mature in “My Brother’s Finger” by fixing and caring about his house so his family won’t be considered “renters.”

Literary Essay : Paragraph ReviewTake out your Writer’s Notebooks, “My Brother’s Finger,” & a pen/pencil.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to review the class body paragraph to make sure it includes all of the requirements. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can make sure that our body paragraph is organized & contains transitional words/phrases.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers know that all of the components of a

body paragraph in a literary essay work together to support the overall main idea of the text (thesis statement).• A body paragraph should be well organized and

include transitional words and phrases.

What does this look like?Rachel loses herself when Mrs. Price claims to have seen

Rachel wearing the sweater. In the story, Mrs. Price tells Rachel, “Of course it’s yours… I remember you wearing it once.” Immediately, Rachel protests, trying to tell Mrs. Price it is not hers, but Mrs. Price does not believe her. Rachel reacts to Mrs. Price’s actions by escaping into her imagination where her family loves her, daydreaming of her birthday party. She daydreams about getting her power back. For this reason, Rachel narrates, “In my head I am thinking how long till lunch time, how long till I can take the red sweater and throw it over the school yard fence, or leave it hanging on a parking meter, or bunch it up into a little ball and toss it in the alley.” Therefore, Rachel loses her voice and herself when she is challenged by people who have power over her; this causes her to daydream about people who value her.

Paragraph Review 1-2Jack feels uncomfortable with his new house so he decides to

become more responsible and fix the house because he’s becoming more mature as he grows up. After Jack heard the woman complaining about the “renters,” he wanted to improve the house. For this reason, Jack narrates, “I needed some chinch-bug spray and was wondering how to get it. I looked at the house. It needed fresh paint all over.” (pg.19) He starts to notice that the house needs to be fixed up and he realizes that he can do it. This sense of responsibility shows readers that Jack is growing up. This shows that Jack is becoming more mature because he wants to help the family, and the neighbors, instead of only caring about himself. Later in the story, Jack thinks about the stolen money, and how, if he finds it, he can improve the house. In the same way, Jack isn’t only thinking of himself when this occurs to him. As a result, during the story, Jack shows he is becoming more mature because he wants to fix up the house and show that he can take care of his property so his family can have a good reputation and not be considered “renters.”

Paragraph Review 10-11Jack Henry is known for only thinking of himself, but in the text,

the reader will see that Jack has matured and changed in his actions towards his family when he wants to fix the house. Jack Henry doesn’t only worry about himself – he worries about his whole family. In the story, people call Jack’s family “renters,” which offends him. In fact, this is offensive to Jack because “renters” “never took good care of their lawns, never kept their houses properly painted, and always had ugly dogs.” After that, Jack says, “everywhere I looked I saw something that needed to be fixed.” This inspired Jack to do some work to help fix the house. Now, Jack actually wants to help out and do the work. However, The old Jack would have asked someone else to do it. Now the reader can see that Jack has become more mature in “My Brother’s Finger” by fixing and caring about his house so his family won’t be considered “renters.”

Literary Essay : Introduction ParagraphTake out your Writer’s Notebooks, “My Brother’s Finger,” & a pen/pencil.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you will be able to understand the three main purposes of an introductory paragraph. You’ll know you’ve got it when you can work with your classmates to construct a well-written introductory paragraph for your literary essay on “My Brother’s Finger.”

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers know that the introduction

paragraph of a literary essay serves two main purposes:• Engage the reader using a statement/concept that

generally introduces the main idea of the essay• Specifically state the purpose of the essay using a

thesis statement

What does this look like?

When students are bullied by classmates and teachers, they start losing their joy, their confidence – they lose themselves. Many people read Sandra Cisneros’s essay “Eleven” and think it is about a girl who has to wear a sweater she doesn’t want to wear. However, when readers carefully analyze the text, it becomes clear that Cisneros is shedding light on a much more important idea. “Eleven” is a story about a girl who struggles to hold onto herself when she is challenged by people who have power over her.

Engage the reader using a statement/concept that generally introduces the main idea of the essaySpecifically state the purpose of the essay using a thesis statement

Introduction Paragraph1-2After facing many challenges, someone

may become more responsible and mature, like Jack Henry. The story “My Brother’s Finger,” by Jack Gantos may seem like a story about a boy who thinks he shoots a plane down with his finger. However, analytical readers notice that the story is actually about how a boy becomes more responsible and mature as he grows up and it shows how he cares for his brother. In the story “My Brother’s Finger,” Jack Henry becomes more mature and responsible as he overcomes several challenges.

Literary Essay : Conclusion ParagraphTake out your Writer’s Notebooks, “My Brother’s Finger,” & a pen/pencil.

Today’s Objective

• Today, you be able to work with your classmates to write a conclusion paragraph for your literary essay on “My Brother’s Finger.” You’ll know you’ve got it when you can help your classmates write a paragraph which accomplishes three main tasks: reminding the readers of the purpose of the essay, restating the main supportive points, and concluding with a strong statement.

Today’s Teaching Point

• Copy today’s teaching point in your Writer’s Notebook:• Strong writers know that the concluding paragraph

of a literary essay serves three main purposes:• Remind your reader of the purpose of the essay by

rewording your thesis statement• Generally restate your main supportive points (for each

paragraph)• Conclude with a strong statement that will leave the

reader pondering your topic

What does this look like?

In “Eleven” a young girl named Rachel loses her voice, her composure, and herself when she is bullied by more powerful peers and her teacher. The bullying causes Rachel to lose voice and her composure, to be unable to concentrate on learning, and to wish she could escape to be surrounded by her loving family or to a place where she could regain her power. “Eleven” helped me realize that bullying is not just done by students, teachers can bully children, too. Unfortunately, people like teachers and popular students in positions of power humiliate many students. Schools spend a lot of time talking about student bullying. It is time to raise awareness about teachers bullying students, too, so that students can feel safe and learn at school.

Conclusion Paragraph 1-2In the story “My Brother’s Finger,” Jack Henry becomes more mature and responsible as he overcomes several challenges. The purpose of “My Brother’s Finger,” is to show people can change as they grow and become more mature and responsible. In the text it states, Pete thought he shot down the plane. The old Jack would have made fun of Pete and laughed at him, but the new Jack, made Pete feel better and told him he didn’t really shoot down the plane. That shows that Jack is becoming more responsible. Based on the story, the author shows that as you grow, you can be more responsible and mature despite the challenges, and because of the challenges people may face.

Conclusion Paragraph 10-11• In the story “My Brother’s Finger,” the author

feels that as people get older they should become more mature. Jack becomes more mature by helping his dad with the chores and by assisting Pete in overcoming his fears. In the end, we find that Jack chooses to watch out for his brother and therefore, he demonstrates that he is becoming more mature