introduction to minisat v1.14

Introduction to MiniSat v1.14 Presented by Yunho Kim Provable Software Lab, KAIST

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Introduction to MiniSat v1.14. Presented by Yunho Kim Provable Software Lab, KAIST. Overview VSIDS Decision Heuristic Conflict Clause Analysis Example. Contents. MiniSat is a fast SAT solver developed by Niklas Eén and Niklas Sörensson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Introduction to  MiniSat  v1.14

Introduction to MiniSat v1.14

Presented by Yunho KimProvable Software Lab, KAIST

Page 2: Introduction to  MiniSat  v1.14

Contents• Overview

• VSIDS Decision Heuristic

• Conflict Clause Analysis

• Example

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Overview• MiniSat is a fast SAT solver developed by Niklas

Eén and Niklas Sörensson– MiniSat won all industrial categories in SAT 2005 compe-

tition– MiniSat won SAT-Race 2006

• MiniSat is simple and well-documented– Well-defined interface for general use– Helpful implementation documents and comments– Minimal but efficient heuristic

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Overview• CNF is a logical AND of one or more clauses

• Clause is a logical OR of one or more literals

• Literal is either the positive or the negative vari-able

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(x2∨x4∨x5∨x6) ∧ (x0∨-x1∨x6) ∧ (-x2∨-x3∨-x4)

(x2∨x4∨x5∨x6), (x0∨-x1∨x6), (-x2∨-x3∨-x4)

Variables: x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6Literals: x0, -x1, x2, -x2, -x3, x4, -x4, x5, x6 Definition from Lintao Zhang and Sharad malik

“The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers”

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Overview• Unit clause is a clause in which all but one of literals is as-

signed to False• Unit literal is the unassigned literal in a unit clause

– (x0) is a unit clause and ‘x0’ is a unit literal– (-x0∨x1) is a unit clause since x0 has to be True– (-x2∨-x3∨-x4) can be a unit clause if the current assignment is

that x3 and x4 are True• Boolean Constrain Propagation(BCP) is the process of as-

signing the True value to all unit literalsMiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 5/33

……(x0)∧ (-x0∨x1)∧ (-x2∨-x3∨-x4)∧……

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Overview/* overall structure of Minisat solve procedure */Solve(){

while(true){boolean_constraint_propagation();if(no_conflict){if(no_unassigned_variable) return SAT;decision_level++;make_decision();}else{if (no_dicisions_made) return UNSAT;analyze_conflict();undo_assignments();add_conflict_clause();}}


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VSIDS Decision Heuristic• Variable State Independent Decaying Sum(VSIDS)

– decision heuristic to determine what variable will be as-signed next

– decision is independent from the current assignment of each variable

• VSIDS makes decisions based on activity– Activity is a literal occurrence count with higher weight

on the more recently added clauses

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activity description from Lintao Zhang and Sharad malik “The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers”

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VSIDS Decision Heuristic• VSIDS is proposed by chaff first.• Initially, the score for each literal is the occur-

rence on the given input CNF instance

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Initial con-straints(x1∨x4) ∧(x1∨-x3∨-x5) ∧(x1∨x5∨x7) ∧(x2∨x8) ∧(-x7∨-x3∨x6) ∧(-x7∨x5∨-x6) ∧(x7∨x5∨-x9)

Score Literal3 x1, x5

2 -x3, x7, -x7

1 x2, x4, -x5, x6, -x6, x8, -x9

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VSIDS Decision Heuristic• When a clause is added to DB, the related coun-

ters are incremented– Conflict analysis adds a new learnt clause to DB

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(x1∨x4) ∧(x1∨-x3∨-x5) ∧(x1∨x5∨x7) ∧(x2∨x8) ∧(-x7∨-x3∨x6) ∧(-x7∨x5∨-x6) ∧(x7∨x5∨-x9) ∧(x7∨x6∨-x9)

Score Literal3 x1, x5, x7

2 -x3, x7, -x7, x6, -x9

1 x2, x4, -x5, x6, -x6, x8, -x9

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VSIDS Decision Heuristic• Periodically, the scores are divided by a constant

factor– In this example, a constant factor is 2

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(x1∨x4) ∧(x1∨-x3∨-x5) ∧(x1∨x5∨x7) ∧(x2∨x8) ∧(-x7∨-x3∨x6) ∧(-x7∨x5∨-x6) ∧(x7∨x5∨-x9) ∧(x7∨x6∨-x9)

Score Literal1.5 x1, x5, x7

1 -x3, -x7, x6, -x9

0.5 x2, x4, -x5, -x6, x8

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VSIDS Decision Heuristic• Literals on more recently added clause have

higher weighted scores

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(x1∨x4) ∧(x1∨-x3∨-x5) ∧(x1∨x5∨x7) ∧(x2∨x8) ∧(-x7∨-x3∨x6) ∧(-x7∨x5∨-x6) ∧(x7∨x5∨-x9) ∧(x7∨x6∨-x9) ∧(-x9∨x8)

Score Literal2 -x9

1.5 x1, x5, x7, x8

1 -x3, -x7, x6, -x9

0.5 x2, x4, -x5, -x6, x8

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VSIDS Decision Heuristic• VSIDS in MiniSat is slightly different from chaff

– MiniSat does not consider polarity– Before adding the first learnt clause, all the scores are 0– All the scores are decaying by 5% when a conflict occurs– The activities of all variables occurring in some clause

used in the conflict analysis are increased

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Conflict Clause Analysis• A conflict happens when one clause is fal-

sified by unit propagation

• Analyze the conflicting clause to infer a clause– (-x3∨-x2∨-x1) is conflicting clause

• The inferred clause is a new knowledge– A new learnt clause is added to constraints

Assume x4 is False(x1∨x4) ∧(-x1∨x2) ∧(-x2∨x3) ∧(-x3∨-x2∨-x1) Falsi-fied!Omitted clauses

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Conflict Clause Analysis• Learnt clauses are inferred by conflict


• They help prune future parts of the search space– Assigning False to x4 is the casual of conflict– Adding (x4) to constraints prohibit conflict from


• Learnt clauses actually drive backtracking

(x1∨x4) ∧(-x1∨x2) ∧(-x2∨x3) ∧(-x3∨-x2∨-x1) ∧omitted clauses ∧(x4) learnt clause

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Conflict Clause Analysis/* conflict analysis algorithm */Analyze_conflict(){

cl = find_confclicting_clause();/* Loop until cl is falsified and zero or one propagated literals in current decision level are remained */While(!stop_criterion_met(cl)){

lit = choose_literal(cl); /* select the last propagated literal */

Var = variable_of_literal(lit);ante = antecedent(var);cl = resolve(cl, ante, var);

}add_clause_to_database(cl);/* backtrack level is the lowest decision level for which the learnt clause is unit clause */back_dl = clause_asserting_level(cl);return back_dl;

}Algorithm from Lintao Zhang and Sharad malik “The Quest for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers”MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 15/33

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Conflict Clause AnalysisAssignments antecedente=F assumptionf=F -f∨eg=F -g∨fh=F -h∨ga=T assumptionb=T b∨-a∨ec=T c∨e∨f∨-b d=T d∨-b∨h






Example slides are from CMU 15-414 course ppt

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Conflict Clause Analysis




Assignments antecedente=F assumptionf=F -f∨eg=F -g∨fh=F -h∨ga=T assumptionb=T b∨-a∨ec=T c∨e∨f∨-b d=T d∨-b∨h



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Conflict Clause Analysis




Assignments antecedente=F assumptionf=F -f∨eg=F -g∨fh=F -h∨ga=T assumptionb=T b∨-a∨ec=T c∨e∨f∨-b d=T d∨-b∨h



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Conflict Clause Analysis




Assignments antecedente=F assumptionf=F -f∨eg=F -g∨fh=F -h∨ga=T assumptionb=T b∨-a∨ec=T c∨e∨f∨-b d=T d∨-b∨h



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Conflict Clause Analysis




-b∨e∨f∨h learnt clause-b∨-c∨h

Assignments antecedente=F assumptionf=F -f∨eg=F -g∨fh=F -h∨ga=T assumptionb=T b∨-a∨ec=T c∨e∨f∨-b d=T d∨-b∨h



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Conflict Clause Analysis






Assignments antecedente=F assumptionf=F -f∨eg=F -g∨fh=F -h∨gb=F -b∨e∨f∨h… …


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Example• Left side shows

status of clauses

• Green literals are True, reds are False and yellows are Undefined

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Example• Right-up side

shows variable data

• Reason indicates what clause the variable propa-gated from

• Level is a deci-sion level

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Example• Right-down shows

trail, that is an assignment stack

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• First assign False to x7MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 25/33

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• BCP from –x7 MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 26/33

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• Second assign False to x3MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 27/33

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• C0 is a conflicting clause. Analyze itMiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 28/33

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• First resolve last propagated literal• c0 and c2 are resolved w.r.t x0MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 29/33

Activity is changed

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• A new learnt clause is (-x2∨x4∨x6∨x7)MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 30/33

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• Adds a learnt clause to DB and go on searchMiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 31/33

Activities are de-cayed for next added clause

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• Finally we find a model, that is, satisfying assign-ment MiniSat v1.14, Yunho Kim, Provable Software Lab, KAIST 32/33

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References• An Extensible SAT-solver

by Niklas Een and Niklas Sörensson in SAT 2003

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