introduction to mpi programming (part iii) michael griffiths, deniz savas & alan real january...

Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

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Page 1: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Introduction to MPI Programming

(Part III)

Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real

January 2006

Page 2: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

OverviewReview blocking and non-blocking communicationsCollective Communication

Broadcast, Scatter & Gather of dataReduction OperationsBarrier Synchronisation

Processor topologiesPatterns for Parallel ProgrammingExercises

Page 3: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Blocking operations

Relate to when the operation has completedOnly return from the subroutine call when the

operation has completed

Page 4: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Non-blocking communication

Separate communication into three phases:Initiate non-blocking communicationDo some work:

Perhaps involving other communications

Wait for non-blocking communication to complete.

Page 5: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Collective Communications(one for all, all for one!!!)

Collective communication is defined as that which involves all the processes in a group. Collective communication routines can be divided into the following broad categories:

Barrier synchronisationBroadcast from one to all.Scatter from one to allGather from all to one.Scatter/Gather. From all to all.Global reduction (distribute elementary operations)IMPORTANT NOTE: Collective Communication operations and point-to-

point operations we have seen earlier are invisible to each other and hence do not interfere with each other.This is important to avoid dead-locks due to interference.

Page 6: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006


Double precision MPI functionsFortran, DOUBLE PRECISION t1:

t1 = MPI_WTIME();

C double t1:t1 = MPI_Wtime();

C++ double t1:t1 = MPI::Wtime();

Time is measured in seconds.Time to perform a task is measured by

consulting the timer before and after.

Page 7: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Practice Session 4: diffusion example

Arrange processes to communicate round a ring.Each process stores a copy of its rank in an integer

variable.Each process communicates this value to its right

neighbour and receives a value from its left neighbour.Each process computes the sum of all the values received.Repeat for the number of processes involved and print out

the sum stored at each process.

Page 8: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Generating Cartesian Topologies

MPI_Cart_createMakes a new communicator to which topology

information has been attached

MPI_Cart_coordsDetermines process coords in cartesian topology given

rank in group

MPI_Cart_shiftReturns the shifted source and destination ranks,

given a shift direction and amount

Page 9: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

MPI_Cart_create syntax

FortranINTEGER comm_old, ndims, dims(*), comm_cart, ierror

logical periods(*), reorder

CALL MPI_CART_CREATE(comm_old, ndims, dims, periods, reorder, comm_cart, ierror)

C:MPI_Cart_create(MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims, int *dims, int *periods, int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_cart );

C++:MPI::Intracomm::Create_cart (int ndims, const int

dims[], const bool periods[], bool reorder );

Page 10: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

MPI_Comm_rank Syntax

MPI_Comm_rank - Determines the rank of the calling process in the communicator.

• int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank)

• MPI_COMM_RANK(COMM, RANK, IERROR) • int Comm::Get_rank() const

Page 11: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Transform Rank to CoordinatesMPI_Cart_coords syntax



C:int MPI_Cart_coords(MPI_Comm comm,int rank,int

maxdims,int *coords);

C++:void MPI::Cartcomm::Get_coords(int rank, int

maxdims, int coords[]) const;

Page 12: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Transform Coordinatesto Rank

MPI_Cart_rank syntax



C:int MPI_Cart_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *coords,int


C++:void MPI::Cartcomm::Get_rank(int coords[],int

*rank) const;

Page 13: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

MPI_Cart_shift syntax



C:int MPI_Cart_shift(MPI_Comm comm,int direction,int

disp,int *rank_source,int *rank_dest); C++:

void MPI::Cartcomm::Shift(int direction, int disp, int &rank_source, int &rank_dest) const;

Page 14: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Mapping 4x4 Cartesian Topology Onto Processor Ranks

Page 15: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Topologies: Examples

See Diffusion exampleSee cartesian example

Page 16: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Examples for Parallel Programming

Master slaveE.g. share work exampleExample ising model

Communicating Sequential Elements PatternPoisson equation

Highly coupled processesSystolic loop algorithmE.g. md example

Page 17: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Poisson Solver Using Jacobi Iteration

Communicating Sequential Elements PatternOperations in each component depend on partial

results in neighbour components.







Data Exchange

Data Exchange

Page 18: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Layered Decomposition of 2d Array

Distribute 2d array across processorsProcessors store all columnsRows allocated amongst processors

Each proc has left proc and right procEach proc has max and min vertex that it storesUij

new=(Ui+1j+Ui-1j+Uij+1+Uij-1)/4Each proc has a “ghost” layer

Used in calculation of update (see above)Obtained from neighbouring left and right processorsPass top and bottom layers to neighbouring processors

Become neighbours ghost layers

Distribute rows over processors N/nproc rows per procEvery processor stores all N columns

Page 19: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Processor 1

Processor 2

Processor 3

Processor 4













Send top layer

Send bottom layerReceive

top layer

Receive bottom layer

Page 20: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Master Slave

A computation is required where independent computations are performed, perhaps repeatedly, on all elements of some ordered data.

ExampleImage processing perform computation on different sets of pixels within

an image







Data Exchange

Page 21: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Highly Coupled Efficient Element Exchange

Highly Coupled Efficient Element Exchange using Systolic loop techniques

Extreme example of Communicating Sequential Elements Pattern

Page 22: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Systolic Loop

Distribute Elements Over ProcessorsThree buffers

Local elementsTravelling Elements (local elements at start)Send buffer

Loop over number of processorsTransfer travelling elements

Interleave send/receive to prevent deadlockSend contents of send buffer to next procReceive buffer from previous proc to

travelling elementsPoint travelling elements to send buffer

Allow local elements to interact with travelling elementsAccumulate reduced computations over processors

Page 23: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Systolic Loop Element Pump

Proc 1


MovingElements(from 4)

Proc 2


MovingElements(from 1)

Proc 3


MovingElements(from 2)

Proc 4


MovingElements(from 3)

First cycle of 3 for 4 processor systolic loop

Page 24: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Practice Sessions 5 and 6

Defining and Using Processor TopologiesPatterns for parallel computing

Page 25: Introduction to MPI Programming (Part III) Michael Griffiths, Deniz Savas & Alan Real January 2006

Further InformationAll MPI routines have a UNIX man page:

Use C-style definition for Fortran/C/C++:E.g. “man MPI_Finalize” will give correct syntax

and information for Fortran, C and C++ calls.

Designing and building parallel programs (Ian Foster)

Standard documents:

Many books and information on web.EPCC documents.