introduction to nuclear chem dtp

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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Introduction to


  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    2 main components:

    Central nucleus contains protons (p+)and neutrons (no)

    Surrounding electron cloud consists ofelectrons (e) arranged into orbitals

    A neutral atom has equal number ofprotons and electrons

    Review of Atomic Structure

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Isotopes are atoms with the same atomicnum

    ber as other atoms of the sameelement, but different number of neutrons

    Isotopes exist because nuclei favor stability(lower energy)

    Neutrons provide that stability by acting asnuclear glue

    Example: Oxygen-16 through 18 are allstable nucleibut what about oxygen-15?

    Review of Isotopes

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    1) Calculate nuclear binding energy i.e. the energy released when protons and

    neutrons bind together to form a nucleus(you dont actually need to know this)

    2) Check neutron to proton ratio

    Predicting Nuclear Stability

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    1) Smaller atomshave a neutron-

    proton ratio closeto N/Z = 1

    2) Larger atomshave a neutron-proton ratiocloser to N/Z = 1.5

    Belt (or Band) of Nuclear Stability

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    1) All stable nuclei have number ofneutrons that is equal to or greaterthan the number of protons

    2) Nuclei with a neutron-proton ratio thatis too small (1.5) areunstable

    3) Atoms with atomic number larger than83 and mass number larger than 209are always unstable

    General Rules for Nuclear Stability

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Unstable nuclei will decay until theybecome stable

    Radioactivity/radioactive decay is theprocess by which an unstable nucleusemits one or more particles or energy

    Radioactivity is still consistent with Law ofConservation of Mass

    Radioactivity/Radioactive Decay

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Types of Radioactive Decay

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Nuclear fission is thesplitting of a largeatoms nucleus into two or morefragments, each more stable than theoriginal nucleus

    Can occur spontaneously, and producesa lot of energy

    The basis for nuclear reactors!

    Nuclear Fission

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Nuclear Fission

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Nuclear fusion is the combining of smallatoms nuclei to form a larger nucleus thatis more stable than the originals

    Produces a lot of energy, but requires a lotof energy to initiate in the first place

    This is how stars (including the Sun) generateenergy!

    Nuclear Fusion

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    Nuclear Fusion

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    The federal government should establisha policy to substantially increase nuclearenergy research and use in the US.

    Splitting Main Street: The Nuclear EnergyDebate

    Write down at least 3 pros or cons, either

    from watching the video or your ownoriginal ideas (hold on to this, you will beturning it in for credit)

    Nuclear Energy Discussion
  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    The federal government should establisha policy to substantially increase nuclearenergy research and use in the US.

    We will be participating in an open-discussion on the above topic

    Half of the class will go inside first, while

    the other half watches from the outside

    Then the two halves will switch places

    Nuclear Energy Discussion

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    The federal government should establisha policy to substantially increase nuclearenergy research and use in the US.

    While on the inside: Make at least onemeaningful contribution to the discussion

    Asking a meaningful question is OK too!

    While on the outside: Write down at leastone key point from watching the insidediscussion

    Writing a key question is OK too!

    Nuclear Energy Discussion

  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Nuclear Chem DTP


    If you have the following assignments,please turn them in: Predicting Products Postlab Class Notes on Techniques for SeparatingMixtures (2/26/13 Notes)

    Factors Affecting Solubility Inquiry Gravimetric Analysis Lab Report

    Collecting Student Work