introduction to professional portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . what is a professional...

Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012

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Page 1: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

Introduction To

Professional Portfolio 2012

Page 2: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

What is a Professional Portfolio?

“ a structured collection of different types of evidence that show the individual’s professional goals, competencies, career achievements and continuing professional development activities and experiences” ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2)

Page 3: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

Your Responsibility

  The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), through the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has developed national standards for the regulation of the nursing and midwifery professions within Australia.

Page 4: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

You have to demonstrate your skills

  As a Registered or Enrolled nurse you have completed an education pathway to gain your qualification.

  YOU now have to demonstrate annually that your have maintained your skills.

Page 5: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

Where to go for information    Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council (2009) Continuing

competence Framework, Retrieved on 10th January, 2011 from

   Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council, 4th Edition (Jan 2006). National Competency Standards For the Registered Nurse. Retrieved on 10th January, 2011 from.

   Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council (2002). National

competency standards for the enrolled nurse. Retrieved 10 January, 2011:

Page 6: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

A professional portfolio is divided into three sections.

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ONE   Recency of Practice

–  To maintain nursing registration you currently have to work 420 hours every 5 years. (approximately one, 8 hours shift every 4 weeks)

–  Nurses must meet the recency of practice requirements and set out in the respective state/territory legislation

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Recency of Practice

   Evidence: –  Copy of pay slips –  Records of service from Pay Office or Manger. –  Records of ongoing education in nursing. –  You have to register with APHRA each year –

you must answer questions and make declaration that all answers are correct.

( What is vicarious liability )

   Curriculum Vitae: –  how to create a CV is in the portfolio

Page 9: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

Curriculum Vitae

  Your CV is a written reflection of your nursing career. It is an individualised document but should contain the following headings.

  Personal details

  Memberships to professional Organisations

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  Career Summary - List of position held - work backwards in time

  Professional Qualifications

  Continued professional development

  Professional Achievements

  Communication Skills

  Professional Referees – two

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TWO    Assessment 1.   Annual self assessment of

performance in current role, against the relevant ANMC competency standards.

2.   Annual Professional review

3.   Annual self declaration of competence

Page 12: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

TWO - Component 1:

Self Assessment.   The ANMC, National Competency

Standards for the Registered lists the 10 competencies.

  The ANMC also list 10 competencies for Enrolled Nurses

  Each competency should be reflect your area of practice.

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ANMC Competancy Standards RN – Page 5

   Professional Practice:. Relates to the professional, legal and ethical responsibilities which require demonstration of a satisfactory knowledge base, accountability for practice, functioning in accordance with legislation affection nursing and health care, and the protection of individual and group rights

1.   Practices in accordance with legislation affecting nursing practice and health care -

EN – Page 6    DOMAIN: Professional and Ethical Practice

1.   Functions in accordance with legislation, policies and procedures affecting enrolled nursing practice

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TWO - Component 2:

Annual professional review:   This is your annual performance

review   Please attach the document.

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TWO - Component 3:

  Annual self declaration of


–   Write in your own word how you meet the competencies to practice as a registered nurse.

Example I declare that I meet all the competencies required to practice as a

register nurse



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THREE   Continuing Professional

Development (CPD)

–  Annual completion of 20 hours of relevant education.

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Mandatory Notifier   All registered and enrolled

nurses are now mandatory notifies.

  What does this mean to you?

  What is a non-practicing nurse and what can they do?

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It is your responsibility to meet registration requirements.

PANDDA is a professional association that represents the rights, interests and education of Australian Nurses employed in the field of ID/DD . PANDDA has provided this tool without prejudice. The tool must remain in its original form, any alteration is in breech of the Copy right Act Australia 1968. PANDDA accepts no responsibility or liability for the decision/outcome of APRHA to continue to register an individual nurse as a result of the use of the tool. Any PANDDA current financial members are free to use and make copies of this tool for personal of professional development purposes" ...

This package was developed by Janice Jankovic

Page 19: Introduction To Professional Portfolio 2012 · 2014-07-30 · 2012 . What is a Professional Portfolio? ... ( Andre & Heartfield, 2007. p2) Your Responsibility !The Australian Health

References:    Audre, Kl, and Heartfield, M. (2007). Professional portfolios: Evidence of

competency for nurses and midwives. Sydney. Elsevier

   Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council (2009) Continuing competence Framework, Retrieved on 10th January, 2011 from

   Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council, 4th Edition (Jan 2006). National Competency Standards For the Registered Nurse. Retrieved on 10th January, 2011 from.

   Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council (2002). National competency

standards for the enrolled nurse. Retrieved 10 January, 2011: