introduction to programming

Developed in collaboration with Introduction to Programming

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Introduction to Programming. ROBOTC Start Page. Displays the latest ROBOTC news, version of ROBOTC, and ROBOTC Resources. Platform Type. Select Innovation First, then Natural Language. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Introduction  to Programming

Developed in collaboration with

Introduction to Programming

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ROBOTC Start Page

Displays the latest ROBOTC news, version of ROBOTC, and ROBOTC Resources

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Platform Type

Allows you to toggle ROBOTC’s programming mode between the Natural Language (VEX Cortex), VEX Cortex, and the VEX PIC; enables features and commands specifically for the selected system

Select Innovation First, then Natural Language

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VEX Cortex Download Method

Allows you to specify:1. How programs are downloaded 2. Whether the Cortex looks for a

VEXnet connection when it starts up

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Sample Programs• To generate the Natural Language Function

Library, go to File, Open Sample Programs, PLTW, PLTWtemplate

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Function Library

The Function Library will be populated by all of the Natural Language commands. These can be drag-and-dropped into your program.

Place you cursor over the commands for more details about each one.

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ROBOT Motion

• Commands that cause the entire robot to perform a behavior

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• Allows you to specify what type of robot configuration you have from pre-specified models (RECBOT, Swervebot)

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• Commands that allow you to control individual motors / servos

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• Commands that control the more unique VEX Hardware – LED’s and Flashlights

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• Commands that allow you to create behaviors where the robot acts “until” a certain event. For example,– Button Press– Potentiometer Value

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• Commands that wait for an elapsed amount of time in seconds or milliseconds

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Includes in-depth explanations about the ROBOTC interface, commands, debugger, ect

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Help Documentation

Additional detail about the Natural Language commands can be found in the ROBOTC Help under “Natural Language Functions”

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Motors and Sensors Setup Menu

Allows you to configure and name all of the motors and sensors connected to your Cortex.

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Motors and Sensors Setup Menu

The information in ROBOTC Motors and Sensors Setup should match the schematic on your project lab sheets.

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• Comments are used to make notes for the human programmers

• // Single line comment – everything after “//” is ignored by the ROBOTC compiler

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• /* Multi-line comment*/ - everything between the “/*” and “*/” symbols is ignored by the ROBOTC compiler

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Let’s start a ROBOTC Program

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ROBOTC Practice Program• Open a Sample Program

Go to File > Open Sample Program > PLTW>PLTWtemplate

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ROBOTC Practice Program1. Rename file and save to student directory

2. Complete heading information

3. Describe task

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• Pseudocode is a shorthand notation for programming which uses– informal programming structures (if touch1 is pressed…)– verbal descriptions of code (move forward, stop)

• Emphasis is placed on expressing the behavior or outcome of each portion of code rather than on correct syntax (it should be reasonable, though).

• Your lines of Pseudocode should also be listed in the same order as they will appear in the ROBOTC Program

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ROBOTC Practice Program

• Write pseudocode turn the motor on for 3 seconds at full power, then off for 10 seconds. Then back on for 3 seconds at ½ speed, off for 2 seconds and reverse at ½ power for 3 seconds.

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ROBOTC Practice Program

• Complete Motors and Sensors Setup

• Notice the #pragma statements that are automatically generated

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ROBOTC Practice Program• Convert pseudocode to program code using the

Natural Language Function Library to drag and drop commands.

All commands belonging to task main must be in-between these curly braces

Defines the “main task” of the robot. Every program must contain a task main

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ROBOTC Practice Program

1. Save Program2.Connect the Cortex to the Computer (via

USB)3.Turn on the Cortex4.Go to Robot > Compile and Download

Program (f5)5.Run the program – Observe the motor turn

on and off and reverse.

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ROBOTC Practice Program

Edit the program to start when a pushbutton switch is pressed and stop when a limit switch is pressed.

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ROBOTC Practice ProgramYou may notice warnings or errors.• Make sure you spell motor and sensor

names exactly as defined in Motors and Sensors setup.

• A ; is needed at the end of each line of code.

• Don’t forget every open parenthesis needs a closing parenthesis.

• What is wrong with line 31?

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ROBOTC Debugger

• The ROBOTC Debugger allows you to view and manipulate all of the values of your motors, sensors, timers, and variables.

• Now that we’ve configured the motors and sensors, let’s view their values using the ROBOTC Debugger.

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ROBOTC Debugger

• Make sure your robot is connected to your computer and turned on, and download the program.

• When the Program Debug Window appears, press the Start button and make sure the Refresh Rate is set to Continuous.

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ROBOTC Debugger

• Open the Sensor Debug window by going to Robot > Debug Windows > Sensors

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Sensor Debug Window

• The Sensor Debug window will appear, and display all of the values of the configured sensors.

0 = on, 1 = off

0 = released, 1 = pressed

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ROBOTC Practice Program

• Modify your program so that an LED comes on when the motor is on, and goes off when the motor is off.

• Where in the function library are the LED commands?

• What do you type into the (digitalPort)?

• Compile and Download the program.

• Test

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–The ROBOTC Forum:

• VEX Cortex Video Trainer–

ucts/teaching_robotc_cortex/index.html• The FIRE Project:


• Robotics Academy–


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Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy (2011). VEX Cortex Video Trainer. Retrieved from