introduction to rare event simulation for processes with...

Problem Description Theory of Large Deviations Simulating Rare Events Extensions References Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with Light Tailed Increments Thomas Dean Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory Department of Engineering University of Cambridge Email: [email protected] October 2009 Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

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Page 1: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Introduction to Rare Event Simulation forProcesses with Light Tailed Increments

Thomas Dean

Signal Processing and Communications LaboratoryDepartment of Engineering

University of CambridgeEmail: [email protected]

October 2009

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 2: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Problem DescriptionWhat is a rare event?ExampleNaıve Monte Carlo Simulation

Theory of Large DeviationsLimit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsThe Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

ExtensionsMarkov ChainsSubsolutions

ReferencesThomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 3: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

What is a rare event?ExampleNaıve Monte Carlo Simulation

Problem Description

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 4: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

What is a rare event?ExampleNaıve Monte Carlo Simulation

Assume that a stochastic process {X0,X1, . . .} taking values in Ris given.

Want to estimate probabilities of the form

P , P ({X0,X1, . . .} ∈ A)

for some A ∈ B (R)× B (R) · · · when

P ({X0,X1, . . .} ∈ A)� 1.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 5: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

What is a rare event?ExampleNaıve Monte Carlo Simulation

Chemists often use models of the form dZt = ∇b (Zt) + εdWt toanalyse chemical reactions.

Let {X0,X1, . . .} be a discrete approximation to Zt

Xi+1 = Xi +∇b (Xi ) + εWi+1

where {W1, . . .} is a sequence of i.i.d. N (0, 1) random variables.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 6: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

What is a rare event?ExampleNaıve Monte Carlo Simulation

Assume that b (·) is a double well potential, that A and B areneighbourhoods of the two local minima and that X0 ∈ A.

Two probabilities of interest are

P (XT ∈ B)





Xi ∈ B


When ε is small these probabilities are very (exponentially) small!

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 7: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

What is a rare event?ExampleNaıve Monte Carlo Simulation

The simplest way to estimate a probability of the form P is togenerate an i.i.d. sequence of samples{X 1

0 ,X11 , . . .

},{X 2

0 ,X21 , . . .

}, . . . ,


0 ,XN1 , . . .

}such that{

X k0 ,X

k1 , . . .

}∼ {X0,X1, . . .} and to estimate P by

P ≈ 1



1{{X k0 ,X

k1 ,...}∈A}.

The variance of this estimator is equal to(P − P2

)/N and so the

relative error is equal to√P − P2



P≈ 1√


It follows that the amount of work required to estimate aprobability P is of the order O( 1

P )!

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 8: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Theory of Large Deviations

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 9: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Let Y1,Y2, . . . be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables such thatE[Y 2



Strong Law of Large Numbers: 1N

∑Nk=1 Yk

a.s.−→ E [Y1] .

Central Limit Theorem:√

N( 1


PNk=1 Yk−E [Y1])q

E[Y 21 ]

D−→ N (0, 1) .

This suggests that for any γ > 0, for N large enough

log P

(∣∣∣∣∣ 1



Yk − E [Y1]

∣∣∣∣∣ ≥ γ)

= O (−N) .

What can we say about the asymptotic decay rate of



∑Nk=1 Yk ≥ γ

)for large N?

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 10: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Let Y1,Y2, . . . be a sequence of centered R valued i.i.d. light tailedrandom variables, i.e. such that E [Yk = 0] and E


]<∞ for

all θ ∈ R.

For each θ let H (θ) , log E[eθYk

]and define L (α) by

L (α) = supθ{θα− H (θ)}

for all α.

Cramer’s TheoremFor any γ > 0


− 1

Nlog P




Yk ≥ γ

)= L (γ)

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 11: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Upper bound: For each θ ≥ 0 let Y θ1 ,Y

θ2 , . . . be a sequence of

i.i.d. random variables with probability law given bydPYθk

dPYk= eθY−H(θ).





Yk ≥ γ

)= E

[1{ 1


PNk=1 Y θ

k ≥γ}e(NH(θ)−

PNk=1 θY

θk )]

≤ eN(H(θ)−θγ)

Thus − 1N log P


∑Nk=1 Yk ≥ γ

)≥ supθ≥0 {θγ − H (θ)}. It is

easy to show that H ′ (0) = 0 and that H (.) is strictly convex.Hence


− 1

Nlog P




Yk ≥ γ

)≥ sup

θ{θγ − H (θ)} , L (γ) .

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 12: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Lower bound: Let θγ be such that L (γ) = θγγ − H (θγ). Notethat then we have

γ = H ′ (θγ) = E[YeθγY−H(θγ)

]= E

[Y θγ


Thus for any δ > 0





Yk ≥ γ

)= E

[1n 1


PNk=1 Y

θγk >γ


PNk=1 θγY


”]≥ eN(H(θγ)−θγ(γ+δ))P


γ+δ> 1N

PNk=1 Y

θγk >γ

o) .Since δ is arbitrary it follows that


− 1

Nlog P




Yk ≥ γ

)≤ θγγ − H (θγ) = L (γ) .

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 13: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

Using exactly the same proof techniques as above one can showthat for any x and t ∈ [0, 1]


− 1

Nlog P




Yk ≥ γ

∣∣∣∣∣∣ 1



Yk = x

= V (x , t)


V (x , t) =

{(1− t) L


)if x < γ

0 otherwise.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 14: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Limit Theorems for Sequences of i.i.d. Random VariablesCramer’s TheoremSimple Sample Path Large Deviations

By definition L (·) is strictly convex. Thus it follows that for all x , t

V (x , t) = infψ:ψ(t)=x ,ψ(1)≥γ

{∫ 1




In particular V (·, ·) is a solution to the HJB equation

0 = Vt −H(−Vx)

where H(β) = supα {αβ − L (α)} = H (β).

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 15: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

Simulating Rare Events

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 16: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

Assume an i.i.d. Y1,Y2, . . . of R valued, centered and light tailedrandom variables is given.

Given N define the “sample mean” process{XN

0 , . . .}


XNi = 1


∑ik=1 Yk for all i ∈ {0, 1, . . .}.

Consider the problem of estimating the probabilities





Yk ≥ γ

)= P


N ≥ γ)

for some γ > 0.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 17: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

Suppose that the probabilities P(XN

N ≥ γ|XNi = x

)are known for

all i ∈ {0, 1, . . .} and all x .

Further suppose that we we can sample from a sequence ofrandom variables Y1, Y2, . . . distributed according to the law

dP Yk



N ≥ γ|XNk = XN

k−1 + 1N Yk


N ≥ γ|XNk−1 = XN




0 , . . .}

denotes the sample mean process for the random

variables Y1, Y2, . . ..

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 18: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

Note that the sequence Y1, Y2, . . . has the following properties:

I P(


∑Nk=1 Yk ≥ γ

)= 1 .

I Given Y1, . . . , YN


dP Y1,...,YN




N ≥ γ|XNk−1 = XN



N ≥ γ|XNk = XN

k−1 + Yk



N ≥ γ|XN0 = 0


N ≥ γ|XNN = XN


)= P


N ≥ γ).

Thus if we could sample from the random variables Y1, . . . thequantity 1{XN

N ≥γ}dPY1,...,YN

dP Y1,...,YNwould yield a perfect (zero variance)

estimate!Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 19: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

Unfortunately the conditional probabilities P (·|·) are unknown.

However we do know that P(XN

N ≥ γ|XNi = x

)≈ e−NV (x , i


This suggests sampling from the sequence Y1, . . . where

dP Yk


e−NV (XNk−1+ 1

NYk ,

kN )

e−NV (XNk−1,

k−1N )


Using elementary calculus we have the relation

dP Yk

dPYk= e




k−1N )+ 1


k−1,k−1N )+O




= e−(Vt(XNk−1,

k−1N )+YkVx(XN

i−1,k−1N )+O( 1

N )).

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 20: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

In practice we sample from the sequence Y1, . . . where

dP Yk

dPYk= e−(Vt(XN

k−1,k−1N )+YkVx(XN

k−1,k−1N )).

Recall that Vt − H (−Vx) = 0 so this does define a change ofprobability measure!

We calculate the variance of the estimator 1{XNN ≥γ}


dP Y1,...,YN



N ≥γ}


dP Y1,...,YN


= E


N ≥γ}(eN(V (XN

N ,1)−V (0,0))+O(1))2]

= e−2NV (0,0)E


N ≥γ}(eO(1)


Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 21: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

The Sample Mean ProcessZero Variance EstimatorApproximating the Zero Variance EstimatorAsymptotic Optimality

One can show that limN→∞1N log E


N ≥γ}(eO(1)


= 0.







N ≥γ}(


dP Y1,...,YN



k=1 Yk ≥ γ) = 0.

This is known as asymptotic optimality.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 22: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions


Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 23: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

Let a probability kernel P (·|x) on R be given. For each N define aMarkov Chain


0 ,XN1 , . . .

}such that XN

0 = 0 and for all i


i+1 − XNi

)∼ P

(· |XN



We again consider the problem of estimating


N ≥ γ)

for some γ.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 24: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

Assume that for every x ∈ R all exponential moments of the formEP(·|x)




H (θ, x) = log EP(·|x)


]for all θ, x and

L (α, x) = supθ{θα− H (θ, x)}

for all α, x .

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 25: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

Under certain conditions it can be shown that for all x andt ∈ [0, 1]


− 1

Nlog P


N ≥ γ∣∣∣XNbtNc = x

)= V (x , t)


V (x , t) = infψ:ψ(t)=x ,ψ(1)≥γ

{∫ 1

tL(ψ(s), ψ(s)



In this case V (·, ·) is a solution to the HJB equation

0 = Vt −H(−Vx , x)

where H(β, x) = supα {αβ − L (α, x)} = H (β, x).

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 26: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

As in the i.i.d. case one can use the function V (·, ·) to define animportance sampling scheme. Further the same reasoning can beused to show that the resulting estimator is asymptotically optimal.

However in general the function V (·, ·) can be difficult to find,further the partial derivatives Vt ,Vx may not even exist.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 27: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

Suppose we can find a function U (·, ·) such that

0 ≤ Ut −H (−Ux) ; U(x , 1) ≤ 0 for all x ≥ γ.

Such a function is called a subsolution. We could then use U (·, ·)to define a sequence ¯Y1, . . . where






”+ ¯YkUx








”+ ¯YkUx



””]and use this as the change of measure for an importance samplingestimator.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 28: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

We can again calculate the variance of the estimator1n ¯XN

N ≥γo dPY1,...,YN




[1n ¯XN

N ≥γo(dPY1,...,YN




= E

1n ¯XNN ≥γ


eN“U( ¯XN

N ,1)−U(0,0)”




[e−“Ut+ ¯YkUx


≤ e−2NU(0,0)E


N ≥γ}(eO(1)


Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 29: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Markov ChainsSubsolutions

As before it can be shown that



Nlog E


N ≥γ}(eO(1)


= 0

and so the estimator has asymptotic relative error equal to






N ≥γ}(


dP Y1,...,YN



k=1 Yk ≥ γ) = V (0, 0)− U(0, 0).

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 30: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences


Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 31: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Large Deviations Theory

A. Dembo and O. Zeitouni. Large Deviations Techniques andApplications. Jones and Bartlett, Boston, 1993.

P. Dupuis and R. Ellis. A Weak Convergence Approach to theTheory of Large Deviations. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 32: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

Importance Sampling

P. Dupuis and H. Wang. Subsolutions of an I saacs equation andefficient schemes for importance sampling, Math. O. R., 32:1–35,2007.

P. Dupuis and H. Wang. Importance Sampling, Large Deviationsand Differential Games, Stoch. and Stoch. Rep., 76:481–508,2004.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 33: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences


T. Dean and P. Dupuis. Splitting for Rare Event Simulation: ALarge Deviation Approach to Design and Analysis. Stoc. Proc.Appl., 119:562–587, 2009.

T. Dean and P. Dupuis. The design and analysis of a generalisedRESTART/DPR algorithm for rare event simulation. Submittedto Annals of OR.

P. Del Moral and J. Garnier. Genealogical Particle Analysis ofRare Events. Ann. Appl. Prob., 15(4):2496–2534, 2005.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation

Page 34: Introduction to Rare Event Simulation for Processes with · Theory of Large Deviations Limit Theorems for Sequences

Problem DescriptionTheory of Large Deviations

Simulating Rare EventsExtensionsReferences

H.P. Chan and T.L. Lai. A sequential Monte Carlo approach tocomputing tail probabilities in stochastic models. Submitted toAnn. Appl. Prob..

J. Blanchet and P. Glynn. Efficient Rare-event Simulation for theMaximum of Heavy-tailed Random Variables. Ann. Appl. Prob.,18:1351–1378, 2008.

Thomas Dean Introduction to Rare Event Simulation