introduction to synoptic gospels

Introduction to Synoptic Gospels Rev Dr J Gareth Evans

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Rev Dr J Gareth Evans. Introduction to Synoptic Gospels. Overview. What is a Gospel? Theology or History? Four Portraits of Jesus Synoptics & the Fourth Gospel Authorship, date, intended readership, purpose Content Key Themes Reliability. Who were the Authors?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction to Synoptic Gospels

Rev Dr J Gareth Evans

Overview● What is a Gospel?

– Theology or History?● Four Portraits of Jesus

– Synoptics & the Fourth Gospel– Authorship, date, intended readership, purpose

● Content● Key Themes● Reliability

Who were the Authors?● Mark – Cousin of Barnabas and companion of

Paul and Peter– Acts 12:12,15; 13:5,13; 15:37,39; Col 4:10; Philem 24; 2 Tim

4:11; 1 Peter 5:13

● Matthew – Traditionally the tax collector and disciple of Jesus– “There is more to be said for the apostle Matthew than recent

scholarship commonly allows and more for Matthew than for any other candidate” - Leon Morris

● Luke – Educated Gentile and companion of Paul– Col 4:14

– Author of Acts - “we passages”

Purpose● Luke's Prologue (1:1-4)

– Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

● John's Rationale (20:31)

– But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Theological History

● Each Evangelist arranges his account of Jesus to convey a particular understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus.

● Arrangement and structure as well as content have theological significance.

● This does not detract from historical reliability. Compare treatment of current events by different newspapers – Guardian, Mirror, Time Magazine

First Recorded Action of Jesus

● Mark– Driving out demons– Healing Peter's Mother in law

● Matthew– Calling of first disciples– Sermon on the Mount

● Luke– Preaching in synagogue at Nazareth

Significance● Mark

– Jesus' power over evil– Introducing the Kingdom

● Matthew– Authority as a teacher– Upholding & reinterpreting Mosaic Law

● Luke– Applying Isaiah's prophecies to himself– Emphasis on God's global mission

Mark – Gospel of the Kingdom

● Peter's Gospel?● According to Papias, "Mark, who became Peter's interpreter, wrote

accurately, though not in order, all that he remembered of the things said or done by the Lord." And Irenaeus wrote, "Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, himself also handed down to us in writing the things preached by Peter."

● The Gospel of Immediate Action● A passion narrative with an extended introduction● Who is Jesus?● The Son of Man must suffer

Themes of Mark's Gospel

● Find two things Mark says about the following:– Jesus the Man– The Son of God– The Son of Man– The Christ– The kingdom of God– Faith– The Meaning of the Cross

Did Matthew write the Gospel?

● Matthew's gospel has been called "the most important book in the world"

● Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis around AD 120-140, recorded that "Matthew composed the writings in the Hebrew dialect [Aramaic] and everyone translated them as he was able." Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons towards the close of the second century and described as a hearer of the apostle John, asserted that this original document was written by Matthew while Peter and Paul were founding the church in Rome (the mid-sixties).

Matthew – The Jewish-Christian Gospel

● More of the Teaching of Jesus● Five Major Discourses

– Discipleship - Sermon on the Mount (5-7)– Mission of the Twelve (10)– Parables of the Kingdom (13)– Life in the Messianic Community (18)– The Future (24-25)

The Mission of the Twelve (Matt 10)

● Clear Target Group - lost sheep of House of Israel (5,6)● Authority over demons & disease (1,8)● Message: “Kingdom of heaven (God) has drawn near” (10:7)● Directions concerning their responses to different receptions

(11-13)● Not to expect to be received well (16)● Rely on God in face of hostility● Not to be afraid (26). God cares for them (30-31)● Eternal issues are at stake (32-33)● Complete commitment required (37-39)

What does Matthew 18 teach about life in the Messianic Community?

Luke – Gentile-Chistian Gospel

● The Holy Spirit● Prayer● Jesus' concern for women● Jesus' affinity with the unrespectable● Christianity as a Universal Faith● Christianity as a Lawful Religion● Jesus as Saviour

What does Luke's Gospel teach us about the Holy Spirit?

● 3:1-20

● 4:14-30

● 5:1-11

● 6:17-26

● 7:11-23

● 7:36-50

● 10

● 13:1-9

● 15

● 19:1-27

● 24

Why are the Synoptic Gospels similar?

● Holy Spirit inspired each author independently● Evangelists copied each other and used material

of their own● Evangelists used common sources (Q etc)● Combination of last two views

● Need not be a challenge to our view of inspiration

The Life of Jesus

● Birth● Baptism● Ministry

– Galilee & Jerusalem● Crucifixion● Resurrection● Ascension

Person of Christ● Son of Man

– Used by Jesus of himself. Context of suffering

– Overtones of Daniel 7:13

● Son of God– Unique relationship with God

– Mark 1:1,11; 3:11; 5:7; 9:7; 14:62; 15:39

● Christ– Hebrew “Messiah”. Lit. “Anointed One”

– Mark 1:1, 8:29; 14:61

● Lord– Used of God in LXX

Teaching of Jesus

● Kingdom of God● Gospel● Relationship to the Law● Christian Discipleship● Church● Death of Christ● Eschatology – Return & Judgement

Kingdom of God● John the Baptist the Forerunner (Mat 3:1-12)● Approached in the person of Jesus (Mat 4:17)● Disciples instructed to preach about it (Mat 10:7)● Belongs to poor in Spirit, persecuted, childlike

(Mat 5:3; 5:10; 18:1-4).● Not all enter it (Mat 5:20; 7:21)● Infinite worth (Mat 13:44-45)● Entry through grace not labour (Mat 20:1-16)

Parables● A Third of Jesus' recorded teaching● Parables of the Kingdom

– “The kingdom of heaven is like ...”● Different Interpretations

– Disaster is threating – choose now– An imminent coming of the kingdom – Fallacy of above views exposed by Howard Marshall

● Mustard Seed – Certainty of Growth● Net and Weeds – Eventual Judgement

Why did Jesus Die?● For the Gospel writers, Christ's passion is highly

significant.● Predicted (Matt 9:15; 12:40; 16:21; 17:22-23 etc)● Necessity (Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22)● A ransom for many (Matt 20:28; Mark 10:45)● Blood of the covenant, poured out for many for

the forgiveness of sins (Matt 26:27).– The cup was “the cup of the wrath of God” (Best).

Significance of the Resurrection

● Climax of the Gospels● A physical bodily resurrection● An empty tomb● Not just a resuscitation of the body taken down

from the cross for burial. A transformation. See Luke 24:31, 36.

● Followed by bestowal of Spirit, Ascension, Gift of Holy Spirit

Example● You have been asked to lead a discussion in your

house-group on one of the following passages:– Matt 14:1-12– Mark 7:24-30– Luke 24:13-35

● How would you structure the discussion?● What questions would you ask?● Is there any background information you need?● What challenges do you want to leave the group?