introduction to the holocaustintroduction to the holocaust genocide is the attempt to wipe out...

Introduction to the Holocaust

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Page 1: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Introduction to the Holocaust

Page 2: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Introduction to the Holocaust

comes from a GREEK term which means: “total BURNING” or “sacrifice by BURNING”

Page 3: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Introduction to the Holocaust

Holocaust is the systematic MURDER of 6 million Jews by NAZI Germany during World War II

Page 4: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Introduction to the Holocaust

Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc.

Turks killing Armenians during World War I

Page 5: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Introduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc.

more than 1 million people killed in Cambodia in the 1970’s

Page 6: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Introduction to the Holocaust

Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc.

Almost 1,000,000 killed in 100 days in Rwanda in 1994

Between 2006 – 2010, black Africans were killed in Darfur, Sudan

Page 7: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

How is the Holocaust different?!

Tried to wipe out all 9.5 million EUROPEAN Jews

Only act of genocide in a modern industrial country - use state-of-the-art TECHNOLOGY - scientists, PROFESSORS, & DOCTORS helped - technology made specifically for MURDERING Jews - killed many other people as well

Page 8: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

Why learn/teach about the Holocaust?!

To REMEMBER the events and the 11 million victims Shows the danger of HATE Warns us how modern TECHNOLOGY can be used negatively To keep something like it from happening again

Page 9: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

II. Brief Background of Jewish Culture

A. left the kingdom of __JUDEA__ after defeated by Romans in 70 A.D. 1. Jews fled and scattered across ___EUROPE______

a. This scattering is known as “the Diaspora”. 2. in recent centuries, Jews set up communities in Spain, __GERMANY_, ___POLAND__, and other parts of Europe

Page 10: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

B. Role of religion in Jewish culture

1. _SYNAGOGUES_ were the center of Jewish communities a. Jewish bible is the _TORAH_; code of laws is the _TALMUD_.

2. Rabbis act as religious leader and __TEACHER_ for the community.

Page 11: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

B. Role of religion in Jewish culture

1. _SYNAGOGUES_ were the center of Jewish communities a. Jewish bible is the _TORAH_; code of laws is the _TALMUD_.

2. Rabbis act as religious leader and __TEACHER_ for the community.

Page 12: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

B. Role of religion in Jewish culture

1. _SYNAGOGUES_ were the center of Jewish communities a. Jewish bible is the _TORAH_; code of laws is the _TALMUD_.

2. Rabbis act as religious leader and __TEACHER_ for the community.

Page 13: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

B. Role of religion in Jewish culture

1. _SYNAGOGUES_ were the center of Jewish communities a. Jewish bible is the _TORAH_; code of laws is the _TALMUD_.

2. Rabbis act as religious leader and __TEACHER_ for the community.

Page 14: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

C. History of persecution

1. in history, some early Christian leaders taught ANTI-SEMITISM

a. anti-Semitism is HATRED of Jewish people

b. told stories of Jews harming Christian children

2. laws prohibit Jews from being farmers; Jews blamed for epidemics

Page 15: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

D. Different lives in different places A.Jews in Germany ASSIMILATED to the German culture.

1. spoke German; wore German clothing; children went to German schools; lived among the Germans; many were doctors, writers, artists, and scientists.

Page 16: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

D. Different lives in different places A.Jews in Germany ASSIMILATED to the German culture.

1. spoke German; wore German clothing; children went to German schools; lived among the Germans; many were doctors, writers, artists, and scientists.

Page 17: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

D. Different lives in different places A.Jews in Germany ASSIMILATED to the German culture.

1. spoke German; wore German clothing; children went to German schools; lived among the Germans; many were doctors, writers, artists, and scientists.

Page 18: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

A.Many Jews in Poland did NOT ASSIMILATE to Polish culture. 1. spoke YIDDISH, lived by traditional Jewish customs, lived in small Jewish villages (like shtetls), worked as tailors, shopkeepers, and carpenters.

Page 19: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

A.Many Jews in Poland did NOT ASSIMILATE to Polish culture. 1. spoke YIDDISH, lived by traditional Jewish customs, lived in small Jewish villages (like shtetls), worked as tailors, shopkeepers, and carpenters.

Page 20: Introduction to the HolocaustIntroduction to the Holocaust Genocide is the attempt to WIPE OUT (kill) an entire group of people based on RACE, nationality, RELIGION, etc. Almost 1,000,000

A.Many Jews in Poland did NOT ASSIMILATE to Polish culture. 1. spoke YIDDISH, lived by traditional Jewish customs, lived in small Jewish villages (like shtetls), worked as tailors, shopkeepers, and carpenters.