introduction to

 Chapter 1: 1. Define .Net Framework. A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and r unning applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop app lications and Web services.  It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library (FCL) and pr ovides language interoperability (each language can use code written in other la nguages) across several programming languages. 2. Explain main components of .Net Framework. a. Commom Language Runtine (CLR) .Net Framework provides runtime environment called Common Language Runtime (CLR) .It provides an environment to run all the .Net Programs. The code which runs un der the CLR is called as Managed Code. Programmers need not to worry on managing  the memory if the programs are running under the CLR as it provides memory mana gement and thread management. Programmatically, when our program needs memory, CLR allocates the memory for sc ope and de-allocates the memory if the scope is completed. Language Compilers (e.g. C#, VB.Net, J#) will convert the Code/Program to Micros oft Intermediate Language (MSIL) intern this will be converted to Native Code by  CLR. See the below Fig. There are currently over 15 language compilers being built by Microsoft and othe r companies also producing the code that will execute under CLR. b. .Net Framework Class Library (FCL) This is also called as Base Class Library and it is common for all types of appl ications i.e. the way you access the Library Classes and Methods in VB.NET will be the same in C#, and it is common for all other languages in .NET. The following are different types of applications that can make use of .net clas s library. 1. Windows Application. 2. Console Application 3. Web Application. 4. XML Web Services. 5. Windows Services. In short, developers just need to import the BCL in their language code and use its predefined methods and properties to implement common and complex functions like reading and writing to file, graphic rendering, database interaction, and X ML document manipulation. 3. Define IL in VB. Net. MSIL stands for Microsoft Intermediate Language. We can call it as Intermediate Language (IL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). During the compile time , t he compiler convert the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)

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Introduction to VB.Net


Chapter 1: 1. Define .Net Framework. A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services. It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides language interoperability (each language can use code written in other languages) across several programming languages.2. Explain main components of .Net Framework. a. Commom Language Runtine (CLR).Net Framework provides runtime environment called Common Language Runtime (CLR).It provides an environment to run all the .Net Programs. The code which runs under the CLR is called as Managed Code. Programmers need not to worry on managing the memory if the programs are running under the CLR as it provides memory management and thread management.Programmatically, when our program needs memory, CLR allocates the memory for scope and de-allocates the memory if the scope is completed.Language Compilers (e.g. C#, VB.Net, J#) will convert the Code/Program to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) intern this will be converted to Native Code by CLR. See the below Fig. There are currently over 15 language compilers being built by Microsoft and other companies also producing the code that will execute under CLR. b. .Net Framework Class Library (FCL) This is also called as Base Class Library and it is common for all types of applications i.e. the way you access the Library Classes and Methods in VB.NET will be the same in C#, and it is common for all other languages in .NET.The following are different types of applications that can make use of .net class library. 1. Windows Application.2. Console Application3. Web Application.4. XML Web Services.5. Windows Services.In short, developers just need to import the BCL in their language code and use its predefined methods and properties to implement common and complex functions like reading and writing to file, graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation.3. Define IL in VB. Net.MSIL stands for Microsoft Intermediate Language. We can call it as Intermediate Language (IL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). During the compile time , the compiler convert the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) .Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) is a CPU-independent set of instructions that can be efficiently converted to the native code. During the runtime the Common Language Runtime (CLR)'s Just In Time (JIT) compiler converts the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code into native code to the Operating System.4. Linq (Short Notes)Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) adds query capabilities to Visual Basic and provides simple and powerful capabilities when you work with all kinds of data. Rather than sending a query to a database to be processed, or working with different query syntax for each type of data that you are searching, LINQ introduces queries as part of the Visual Basic language. It uses a unified syntax regardless of the type of data.LINQ enables you to query data from a SQL Server database, XML, in-memory arrays and collections, ADO.NET datasets, or any other remote or local data source that supports LINQ. You can do all this with common Visual Basic language elements. Because your queries are written in the Visual Basic language, your query results are returned as strongly-typed objects. These objects support IntelliSense, which enables you to write code faster and catch errors in your queries at compile time instead of at run time. LINQ queries can be used as the source of additional queries to refine results. They can also be bound to controls so that users can easily view and modify your query results.5. Define IDE.Abbreviated as IDE, a programming environment integrated into a software application that provides a GUI builder, a text or code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter and a debugger. Visual Studio, Delphi, JBuilder, FrontPage and DreamWeaver are all examples of IDEs.6. Different programming tools used in IDE of .Net. a. Code Editorb. Debuggerc. Designer: Windows Form designer, web designer, class designer, data designer etc.d. Other tools: Properties editor, open tabs browser, solution exploler, object browser, team explorer etc. 7. Architechture of .Net CLR with diagram