introduction to wolfram alpha

Wolfram Alpha (an introduction) Julie Starr | nz

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Post on 07-May-2015




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A very brief introduction to what you can do with Wolfram Alpha.


Page 1: Introduction to Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha(an introduction)

Julie Starr |

Page 2: Introduction to Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine

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It doesn’t search the world wide web

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It computes answers from its own knowledge base

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It’s great when you want to add, subtract, multiply, square, compare, hear a chord,

see a colour, find out about fish production in France, remember past weather, imagine a

very big number and a host of other interesting things

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Imagine you’re dusting off a piano and trying to remember a chord

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Type in ‘D dominant 11th’ and Wolfram Alpha shows you the chord, notes, notation and lets you hear it

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Wolfram makes maths a doddle

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$250 + 15% = $287.50

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d/dx(e^(ax)) = what Wolfram says …

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… and it shows you the steps to get there

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Wolfram can help you picture what things look like

by la








by Oleg Alefirenko on Flickr

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Type in 49 trecedillion to get a raft of figures that describe it

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Type in ‘33g of gold’…

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… and you learn its volume, sphere radius, latent heat of fusion and energy required to melt it

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What makes orange? Ask Wolfram to add red to yellow and you’ll see. You get the rgb and hexadecimal too

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How many pages does 6,000 words fill? Wolfram says 12 and it’ll take 100 minutes to type, 22 minutes to read

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Type in ‘weather’ and a place and date and you get a snapshot of the weather that day

by darren131 on Flickr

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Type in any date and you find out how many days ago it was and what time the sun rose and set

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Search for ‘fish production New Zealand’ and compare it with France (add ‘France’ after ‘New Zealand’)

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Want to know how long it takes to fly from Auckland to Wellington?

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Type ‘Auckland to Wellington’ and Wolfram will tell you, along with the distance and local time and population

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Wolfram Alpha doesn’t know as much about New Zealand as it does about other parts of the world…but it’s learning

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Type ‘Raglan’ & you get information about a coat sleeve…

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…but only a little about our small but celebrated surf beach

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It has more to say about Auckland

by Light Knight on Flickr

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Wolfram can give you ‘internet users’ in Europe

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…and in New Zealand

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It can compare websites of a certain size (using Alexa) – type in the url of the two you want to compare

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In fact, you can compare any two things by entering them in the search box

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Even apples and pears

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by bootload on Flickr

That’s Wolfram Alpha in a nutshell. But it can do WAY more than that

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It’s worth checking out this link for more examples of how to use Wolfram Alpha

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The End

Julie Starr |