introduction - uvu

Introduction The purpose of the HIELG projects is to leverage high-impact engaged learning academic practices aimed at improving student retention and completion. Funded by a Department of Education, Title III grant, we are seeking several projects aimed at improving student retention and/or completion that will each be funded up to $30,000 per year. This funding will be available 2018-2019. We are looking for innovative, highly academically engaging programs that have, or can demonstrate, a documented effect on student completion and success, and are targeted towards UVU’s students’ needs. Although all proposals will be accepted and considered, funding will be targeted toward unique strategic objectives. As an Institution, we have identified 18 most enrolled and most failed courses (See Annex I). Proposals that target these courses will be given greater consideration. Submitted proposals should not be one-time academic engagement activities or excursions, but sustainable and long-term projects aimed at achieving a significant effect across multiple sections, programs, or student populations. The HIELG projects must target sub-groups (women, students of color, first-generation, etc.) of students in programs, and/or courses with low retention and/or completion rates. The project must be able to demonstrate that it is meeting an academic retention/completion need and will provide added value (above what we are doing now) as measured by student success and completion data. All proposals will require a robust assessment plan to include reporting names and student ID numbers of every student who is participating to track student success. The announcement with instructions on how to apply are available on the Office of Engaged Learning Website a Purpose and scope This document was developed to assist applicants in the preparation and submission of applications to the HIELG committee. It is intended as the primary document for use in preparation of applications via Where appropriate, relevant sections of the Title III Grant instructions and UVU policies have been incorporated by reference. Intended audience HIELG applicants include faculty from all departments. Students are not encouraged to submit research applications but should arrange to serve as research assistants to faculty members. The applicants must be working in course development that is related directly to enhancing retention and completion of the 18 courses identified. Candidate projects should include one or more of the high-impact practices (See Annex II) that focus on the students’ engagement aiming at enhancing retention and completion of the 18 courses identified. Instructions for submission Interested applicants must register for OrgSync under the OEL membership. All documents and instructions are downloadable on the website Software requirements Applications are submitted to under HIELG forms. Therefore, applicants will need to download a newer version of Adobe reader ( recommends Adobe Reader 10.1.4). Applicants may download and print a blank application and to develop their plan on a word processor, and then cut and paste the proposal into the application. Applicants will not be able to print the whole proposal until it is submitted and they will need signatures to submit. Continuous applicants must submit their proposals two weeks before the HIELG committee meeting is held. Verify submission is complete A copy of the proposal must be submitted to the Dean AND Department chair, and prior discussion between them and the applicant must be held. Applicants must upload on the OrgSync Signature page (See Annex III), the proposal, budget summary, detailed budget (justification). These documents are required for the application to be reviewed by the committee. Detailed instructions for submitting both required and optional documents can be found on the page indicated in the last column of the table. If the status of the application states ‘Pending,’ it is still under reviewing and waiting for the decision by the committee. Other options that may appear on the application status are Deferred, Reviewed, Approved, and Denied. Complete applications will be reviewed and scored according to HIELG rubric (See Annex IV). The HIELG committee will meet and discuss each HIELG project and give the recommendation to approve, deny, or ask for more information for further review. Monitoring and Evaluation The application must include a detailed description of the evaluation method for the project implementation and success. The PI of the HIELG project must provide a periodic report of progress of this project submitted by the project manager. The management of the Title III will have access to students’ information through IRI to investigate the effect of this project on their retention and graduation.

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Page 1: Introduction - UVU

Introduction The purpose of the HIELG projects is to leverage high-impact engaged learning academic practices aimed at improving student retention and completion. Funded by a Department of Education, Title III grant, we are seeking several projects aimed at improving student retention and/or completion that will each be funded up to $30,000 per year. This funding will be available 2018-2019. We are looking for innovative, highly academically engaging programs that have, or can demonstrate, a documented effect on student completion and success, and are targeted towards UVU’s students’ needs. Although all proposals will be accepted and considered, funding will be targeted toward unique strategic objectives. As an Institution, we have identified 18 most enrolled and most failed courses (See Annex I). Proposals that target these courses will be given greater consideration. Submitted proposals should not be one-time academic engagement activities or excursions, but sustainable and long-term projects aimed at achieving a significant effect across multiple sections, programs, or student populations. The HIELG projects must target sub-groups (women, students of color, first-generation, etc.) of students in programs, and/or courses with low retention and/or completion rates. The project must be able to demonstrate that it is meeting an academic retention/completion need and will provide added value (above what we are doing now) as measured by student success and completion data. All proposals will require a robust assessment plan to include reporting names and student ID numbers of every student who is participating to track student success. The announcement with instructions on how to apply are available on the Office of Engaged Learning Website a

Purpose and scope This document was developed to assist applicants in the preparation and submission of applications to the HIELG committee. It is intended as the primary document for use in preparation of applications via Where appropriate, relevant sections of the Title III Grant instructions and UVU policies have been incorporated by reference.

Intended audience HIELG applicants include faculty from all departments. Students are not encouraged to submit research applications but should arrange to serve as research assistants to faculty members. The applicants must be working in course development that is related directly to enhancing retention and completion of the 18 courses identified. Candidate projects should include one or more of the high-impact practices (See Annex II) that focus on the students’ engagement aiming at enhancing retention and completion of the 18 courses identified.

Instructions for submission Interested applicants must register for OrgSync under the OEL membership. All documents and instructions are downloadable on the website

Software requirements Applications are submitted to under HIELG forms. Therefore, applicants will need to download a newer version of Adobe reader ( recommends Adobe Reader 10.1.4). Applicants may download and print a blank application and to develop their plan on a word processor, and then cut and paste the proposal into the application. Applicants will not be able to print the whole proposal until it is submitted and they will need signatures to submit. Continuous applicants must submit their proposals two weeks before the HIELG committee meeting is held.

Verify submission is complete A copy of the proposal must be submitted to the Dean AND Department chair, and prior discussion between them and the applicant must be held. Applicants must upload on the OrgSync Signature page (See Annex III), the proposal, budget summary, detailed budget (justification). These documents are required for the application to be reviewed by the committee. Detailed instructions for submitting both required and optional documents can be found on the page indicated in the last column of the table. If the status of the application states ‘Pending,’ it is still under reviewing and waiting for the decision by the committee. Other options that may appear on the application status are Deferred, Reviewed, Approved, and Denied. Complete applications will be reviewed and scored according to HIELG rubric (See Annex IV). The HIELG committee will meet and discuss each HIELG project and give the recommendation to approve, deny, or ask for more information for further review.

Monitoring and Evaluation • The application must include a detailed description of the evaluation method for the project implementation and success. • The PI of the HIELG project must provide a periodic report of progress of this project submitted by the project manager. • The management of the Title III will have access to students’ information through IRI to investigate the effect of this project on

their retention and graduation.

Page 2: Introduction - UVU

• All HIELG recipients are expected to participate in developing in-class engagement surveys, by allowing the students to participate in the in-class engagement surveys over the time of the project.

• Approved projects are expected to submit periodic progress reports (for template see Annex V), and end of project report, including a financial report.

Budget HIELG applicants must submit a detailed budget (See Annex VI) showing the manner in which funds for any proposed project would be spent by the applicant. The budget summary must include a detailed description for justification of faculty payments, regarding additional tasks they would do outside of their regular scope of work. Faculty salaries can be requested by the applicants and approved through HR policies. If students involved in projects receive wages, they must be enrolled at UVU. A separate index will be created for each HIELG project, and the approved funds will be transferred from the Title III index to the HIELG project index. The PI of the HIELG project, financial manager, Title III Director and UVU accountant will have access to the Index. Unspent funds will be returned to the Title III index.

Faculty and Staff Payment Faculty participating in the HIELG project can be paid through different methods as described in university policy and federal guidelines, policy Number 363, page 3. Title III Director and HIELG PI will determine final method before project start date.

3.7 Faculty overload payments: Payments to regular, salaried, benefits-eligible faculty on a temporary semester basis for faculty assignments beyond their regular, salaried teaching/workload requirement. 3.10 Faculty summer teaching payments: Payments to regular, salaried, benefits-eligible or adjunct faculty with temporary summer semester assignments for specific faculty duties, primarily instruction, course development, and/or concurrent enrollment. 3.13 Lump sum: Payments made in a single, one-time payment. 3.17 Project-based assignment payments for exempt, salaried, benefits-eligible employees: Payments to an exempt, salaried, benefits-eligible employee for a temporary, clearly defined, short-term projects outside the normal scope of the employee's primary duties as documented in the University’s official job description. 3.18 Project-based assignment payments for non-exempt, salaried, benefits-eligible employees: Payments to non-exempt, salaried, benefits-eligible employees for a temporary, clearly defined, short-term projects outside the normal scope and work hours of the employee's primary duties. Payments must be made at the time and a half in compliance with the requirements of the FLSA.

Consultation • External consultants must sign a contract (See Annex VII). • Internal consultants of faculty and staff must sign agreements (See Annex IX), to justify the additional assignment they will

perform in addition to the regular scope of work.

Procedure: All faculty teaching adjunct or faculty with overload assignment (who are being paid out of the Title III) must complete a Personnel Action Form (PAF), and all other employees must complete a Semester Appointment Form (SAF). The PAF or SAF must be created and managed by the faculty/employee department or financial manager, and signed by the Title III PI as the second level, and will be submitted to human resources for processing. Utah Valley University policies “Supplemental and Adjunct/Overload Pay Methods” policy, number 363 states:

5.3 The following employee types will be paid a stipend by checking the stipend or lump sum box on a SAF: 1) Adjunct and overload faculty: A stipend should be used to pay adjunct and overload faculty for temporary, additional faculty duties, primarily instruction. The "Special Pay" portion of the SAF is limited to faculty duties such as course development and concurrent enrollment supervision. 5.4 The following employee types will be paid using a lump sum by checking the lump sum box on a PAF: 4) Project-based assignments, exempt, salaried: A lump sum should be used to pay exempt, salaried employees who are assigned to clearly defined, short-term projects outside the normal scope of the employee's primary duties as documented in the University's official job description. These payments may be paid as a single lump sum or in multiple lump sums at specific intervals during the project. 5.5 The following employee types shall be paid using the time input to record the hours worked by checking the hourly box and recording the wage rate on a PAF: 1) Project-based assignments: Time input should be used for non-exempt, salaried, benefits-eligible employees who are assigned a clearly defined, short-term project outside the normal scope and work hours of the employee's primary duties as documented in the University's official job description. These payments must be calculated and paid in compliance with the requirements of the FLSA (hourly rate/overtime rate on a per hour basis).

Page 3: Introduction - UVU

To be paid incremental payments, before the beginning project, faculty or staff must sign an agreement (See Annex VIII for template) with the Title III director, and the PI of the HIELG. The agreement includes a description of the additional assignment that faculty will be working, in addition to their regular teaching commitments. Faculty are expected to fill out the effort certification form (See Annex IX for template) for each semester they participate in this project.

Page 4: Introduction - UVU

Annex I 18 Highly Enrolled & High Failure Courses

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Annex II High-Impact Practices

High-Impact Practices: Eight Key Elements and Examples 1. Performance expectations set at appropriately high levels

Example: A writing- or inquiry-intensive first-year seminar in which assignments, projects, and activities—such as multiple short papers, problem sets, or projects—challenge students to achieve beyond their current ability levels as judged by criteria calibrated to students’ precollege accomplishment evidenced by placement tests or ACT or SAT scores.

2. A significant investment of time and effort by students over an extended period of time Example: A multiple-part class assignment on which a student works over the course of the academic term—beginning with a synopsis of the problem or issue to be examined and the methods or procedures that will be used; followed subsequently with narrative sections describing the methods, findings, and conclusions which together culminate in a completed paper; concluding with demonstration or performance evaluated by an independent third party or faculty supervisor.

3. Interactions with faculty and peers about substantive matters Example: Out-of-class activities in which students in a learning community or first-year seminar come together at least once weekly to attend an enrichment event—such as a lecture by a visiting dignitary and/or a discussion of common readings and assignments facilitated by an upper-division peer mentor.

4. Experiences with diversity, wherein students are exposed to and must contend with people and circumstances that differ from those with which students are familiar

Example: A service-learning field assignment wherein students work in a setting populated by people from different backgrounds and demographics, such as an assisted living facility or shelter for abused children, which is coupled with class discussions and journaling about the connections between class readings and the field assignment experience.

5. Frequent, timely, and constructive feedback Example: A student-faculty research project during which students meet with and receive suggestions from the supervising faculty (or staff) member at various points to discuss progress, next steps, and problems encountered and to review the quality of students’ contributions up to and through the completion of the project.

6. Periodic, structured opportunities to reflect and integrate learning Example: Linked courses in a learning community wherein an instructor of one course designs assignments that require students to draw on material covered in one or more of the other linked courses, supplemented by a peer preceptor who coordinates student attendance and discussion at relevant campus events, or a capstone course in which students submit a portfolio and explain the relative contributions of the artifacts contained therein that represent the knowledge and proficiencies attained at various points during their program of study.

7. Opportunities to discover the relevance of learning through real-world applications Example: An internship, practicum, or field placement that requires that students apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their program of study, or supervisor-mediated discussions among student workers that encourage students to reflect on and see the connections between their studies and experiences in the work setting.

8. A public demonstration of competence Example: An oral presentation to classmates of the required capstone seminar product that is evaluated by a faculty member and/or an accomplished practitioner, or a narrative evaluation of an internship, practicum, or field placement by the work setting supervisor and/or supervising faculty or staff member.

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Annex III

OEL OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Amount Not Approved Notes: Signature Date

High Impact Engaged Learning Grant (HIELG)

Statement of Acknowledgement / Terms and Conditions

Department Chair I understand the scope of this project and fully support it.

Printed Name Phone:

Signature Email:


Does this HIELG proposal include funding for course release?



If yes, do you agree to allow the applicant one course release? Yes No

By signing below you agree to allow the applicant this course release, AND you will provide arrangements to cover the applicant’s course.

Signature Date: Financial Manager I have reviewed this proposal and agreed that it conforms to the budget rules of the University.

Printed Name Phone:

Signature Email:


Project Title:

Project Leader:

Total HIELG Request: Date:

Page 7: Introduction - UVU

Dean I understand the scope of this project and fully support it. I have reviewed this proposal and agreed that it conforms to the budget rules of the University.

Printed Name Phone:

Signature Email:


Does this HIELG proposal include funding for course release?



If yes, do you agree to allow the applicant one course release? Yes No

By signing below you agree to allow the applicant this course release, AND you will provide arrangements to cover the applicant’s course.

Signature Date: Project Leader The Project Leader must sign the form below to indicate they have read and understood UVU’s policies and procedures ( ). The grantee must also receive proper approval from the IRB if the project involves research concerning human subjects and will abide by all General Terms and Conditions of HIELG Grants*. Identifying any special terms and conditions at the outset is critical to assure appropriate post-award management of the grant. Acceptance of HIELG funds implies acceptance of these terms and conditions. Failure to comply will result in appropriate action relative to university policies and procedures. (e.g., if unauthorized funds are spent, those funds must be repaid through the grantee’s department or school).

*General Terms and Conditions of HIELG Grants Acceptance of a HIELG grant to conduct an approved project obligates the receiver to use the funds as specified in the approved grant application and within university policy, state and/or federal regulations. Any change in the scope or direction of an approved project must be reported to the Office of Engaged Learning before implementing the change.

When accepting a grant from the HIELG program, the grantee must become familiar with all relevant university policies, as well as any state or federal statutes, regulations, etc. that may apply. The Office of Compliance Services an assist grantees in addressing such obligations. The grantee must comply with the “General Guidelines for Managing a HIELG Grant,” including the timely designation of a responsible party to oversee the financial obligations of the grant. Funds cannot be accessed until the grantee attends HIELG Recipient Orientation and receives a BANNER index. It is important that the grantee put in place a sound plan for maintaining appropriate documentation of expenses and expenditures at the outset of a project. A plan for reporting project outcomes should be completed as early as possible in the project.

HIELG Grantees will be expected to complete all of the following:

1. The grantee must attend Recipient Orientation held TBD before access to the funds will be permissible. 2. Grantee report. 3. Online template for Accountability Report within two months from the completion of the project (this may be published

in the annual report).

Printed Name Phone:

Signature Email:

Page 8: Introduction - UVU

Annex IV

High Impact Engaged Learning Grants (HIELG) Scoring Rubric

HIELG Review Criteria - Office of Engaged Learning

THEME 1: What is the justification for the need for the project?

1. How well is the need justified? Low 1------2------3------4------5 High

2. How clearly defined is the project? Poorly Defined 1------2------3------4------5 Highly Defined

3. Rate the strength of the supporting facts and evidence showing a need. Extremely Poor 1------2------3------4------5 Excellent

THEME 2: Strength of the Project

4. How strong is the previous research, proven success, supporting the project? Extremely Weak 1------2------3------4------5 Extremely Strong

5. If applicable, how well does the project incorporate High-Impact practices? Not Well at all 1------2------3------4------5 Extremely Well

6. If applicable, rate how beneficial the research results would be. Not Beneficial at all 1------2------3------4------5 Extremely Beneficial

7. Rate the clarity and specificity, of target goals and objectives of the proposal. Not Clear at all 1------2------3------4------5 Extremely Clear

THEME 3: Evaluation Methodology

8. How strong is the methodology? Extremely Weak 1------2------3------4------5 Extremely Strong

9. Rate the validity of the assessment instruments. Extremely Poor 1------2------3------4------5 Excellent

10. Rate the potential expected impact. Extremely Poor 1------2------3------4------5 Excellent

Budget, Proposal Strength and Quality: 11. How well is the budget justified?

Extremely Poor 1------2------3------4------5 Excellent

Should This Project Move to the Next Stage of Development? Yes No

Please explain thoroughly why it should or should not move forward. What are the strengths or significant weaknesses?

If You Recommend This Project to Move Forward, What Does It Need To Be Developed? What is Missing?

Page 9: Introduction - UVU

Annex V

Logic model - progress report

A logic model is a tool always used by managers and evaluators of programs to evaluate the effectiveness of a program. The logic model usually includes the impact component, but it is not included in this template because the impact is one for all activities, which is the achieved objective.

Title TITLE OF THE PROJECT Key performance indicators

Cost /Allocation KPI Current Target

Objective 1 Example: Pass rates (C or better) in the algebra course increased by 8% The indicator should be related to the activity.

What is the current pass rate?

What do you expect it to be?

Objective 2

Inputs (resources/materials)

Processes /activities

Expected Outputs

Date Cost Progress to date

Challenges (if any)

Changes required (if needed) Start End

What resources are required to implement this activity (ex. Text books, internet access, faculty time (this will help you in the efforts report) …etc.)? You may also describe the participants here (i.e. first generation, non-traditional…etc.)

List all the activities you are doing now in the intervention class. Some activities do not have inputs, such as travel, other than the financial resources.

One outcome may need more than one activity.

If no cost: NA

What have you accomplished regarding this activity?

What challenges hinder implementation of the activities, if any? If no challenges: NA

Insert any changes to the activities. If no Changes: NA

Ex. Revise the curriculum

Page 10: Introduction - UVU

Annex VI

Start Date: 10/1/2018 End Date: 9/30/2019 Year 1Title:

/ Premium ContributionRole on Project

Number of Months

Percent of Effort Base Salary

Salary Requested

Premium Contribution

Fringe Benefits % Fringe Total A. $18,618.00 Family Coverage

% B. $12,947.00 Couple CoveragePI 0 0.00% $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0! $0 C. $5,987.00 Singe Coverage

0 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $00 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $00 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $0 *Rates above are effective from: 0 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $0 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017

0 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0!0 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $00 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $00 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $00 0.00% $0 $0 -$ $0 #DIV/0! $0

Hourly Personnel # of wks Hrs/wk Base Rate0 0 $0.00 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $00 0 $0.00 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $00 0 $0.00 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $00 0 $0.00 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 0 0 $0.00 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0

Subtotals $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0


Total $0


Total $0


Total $0


A. $0B. $0C. $0

$0Total $0

$0F&A Base F&A Rate

Indirect Costs - Salaries, Wages, Fringe Benefits $0 38.0%

Total $0

*Note: This electronic form contains formulas that may be corrupted when adding or deleting rows, or deleting certain cells.


Principal Investigator:


1.Materials & Supplies Other Direct Costs:

Direct CostsEquipment: (Note: Minimum $5,000.00 per item)

4.Digital Media



3.Consultant Services



Participant Support Costs for Students:

Total Cost for Year 1

1. 38% - Research Projects2. 38% - Programs & Services3. 38% - Off-Campus

F&A RatesTotal Direct Costs

2.Student Travel3.Tuition4.Other



5.Subawards/Subcontracts - Indirect Costs are charged up to the first $25,000 only Subaward Total

Page 11: Introduction - UVU

Annex VII

Full Legal Name (as it appears on Social Security Card) (Please Print) Social Security Number (Required)

Street Address City, State, Zip Phone Number For

Services provided to Utah Valley University in the amount of $

as Date of Service (Describe Services)

I understand that I am not eligible for any employee benefits and that no Federal or State income tax will be withheld nor FICA tax paid by the college. It is my responsibility to report these earnings on my income tax returns. I consider myself an independent contractor and not an employee of UVU.

IRS Form W-9 Certification: Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:

1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and

2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and

3. I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien).

Certification Instructions: You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return.

Independent Contractor Signature Date

Before services are performed, the department has reviewed and answered the Classification Criteria on the back of this form. The majority of the responses support independent contractor status, and any “yes” answers are adequately explained. Department supervisor certifies that the services shown above were satisfactorily performed, that the charge is fair and reasonable and that funds are available for payment from the index as shown below.

Banner Index:

Approvals Supervisor Second Level Supervisor (if amount is $1,000.00 or more)

Payroll Business Office

Departments, please make a copy for your records.


Page 12: Introduction - UVU


An independent contractor is an individual (or non-corporate business entity) that provides personal services to the University in such a manner as to be free from University control over performance. Typically, the independent contractor has a principal place of business other than the University, has a business license, and offers services to the general public. External consultants are independent contractors who provide professional advice.

The following is some of the criteria used by the Internal Revenue Service to classify individuals as either independent contractors or employees.

Please answer all of the following (Yes or No)

A YES answer to ANY of the questions must be fully explained.

Yes/No Is the proposed independent contractor presently or formerly affiliated with UVU (as an

employee, student or independent contractor)?

Yes/No Is the proposed independent contractor an employee at another organization?

Yes/No Are the services to be provided comparable to those performed by other UVU employees?

Yes/No Will the contractor supervise any UVU employees?

Yes/No Will the contractor receive detailed supervision by any UVU employees?

Yes/No Will the contractor be assigned UVU office space and/or require UVU administrative services?

Yes/No Will additional services of this contractor be required after completion of this Contract?

Page 13: Introduction - UVU

Annex VIII Faculty – Title III agreement

Dates for Period of Performance: Title III HIELG PROJECT SCOPE Date OVERVIEW 1. Project Leader/Faculty name Name: 1. Project Title and Description Title: Description:

2. Method of Delivery Delivery: 3. Requirements Start Date-End Date Discuss Details

4. Compensation Payment method: reassign time/stipends (throughout the academic semester)/lump sum/ summer pay lump sum

Note: The e-PAFs will be created by the faculty’s financial managers (or departments), and the PI of the Title III will approve the e-PAFs as a second level.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation • Faculty is expected to fill out the effort certification form for each semester they participate in this project. • Provide a periodic report of progress of this project submitted by the PI. • The management of the Title III will have access to students’ information through IRI to investigate the

effect of this project on their retention and graduation. By signing this agreement, the faculty member agrees to adhere to university policy and federal guidelines to include:

Page 14: Introduction - UVU

Policy Number 363: 3.15, 5.4.4: ‘Project-based assignments, exempt, salaried: A lump sum should be used to pay exempt, salaried employees who are assigned to clearly defined, short-term projects outside the normal scope of the employee's primary duties as documented in the University's official job description. These payments may be paid as a single lump sum or in multiple lump sums at specific intervals during the project.’

Federal guidelines from the Uniform Guidance (2CFR 200) Applicable Regulations and to (a) The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99. (b) The Education Department suspension and debarment regulations in 2 CFR part 3485. (c) The regulations for this program in 34 CFR part 607.


We approve the project as described above, and authorize the team to proceed. Name Title Ala’a Alsarhan PI of Title III Faculty Name: _________________________________ ______________ PI of Title III Date __________________________________ ______________ Supervisor of the Applicant Date __________________________________ ______________ Faculty/Applicant Date

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Annex IX Utah Valley University

Effort Certification Report In order to comply with federal guidelines, this form must be completed and returned to the Office of Sponsored Programs Accounting within 30 days of the distribution of the effort certification report request at the end of each reporting period by every faculty member or professional staff working on an externally funded project. Name: Department: Reporting Period: Provide a breakdown of your activities for the reporting period. The total effort must equal 100%

Name of Research Project or Other Activity

Funding Agency Banner Index Type of Effort (Direct Cost or Cost


Percentage of Effort

(0% to 100%) Sponsored Activities: (Includes externally funded activities under all grants and contracts for the Reporting Period.) 0% 0% 0% 0% Curricular and All Other Institutional Activities: Examples: Instruction (teaching and teaching-related activities), administrative activities (e.g., department chair, faculty committee member), other activities (e.g., public services) 0% 0% 0% 0% TOTAL (of all sponsored and curricular/other activities) 100%

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above distribution of effort represents a reasonable estimate of all work performed by me during the period covered by this report. Signature of Employee: _______________________________________________________ Date: Click here to enter a date. In cases where the employee listed above cannot certify their own Effort Certification Report, an individual having direct knowledge of the employee’s effort worked for the period can certify below. This person can be the principal investigator or the employee’s direct supervisor. Alternative Certification: _____________________________________________________Date: Click here to enter a date. Printed Name & Title: _______________________________________________________ Date: Click here to enter a date.

**Please return completed report to the Sponsored Program Accountant, MS109**