invasion tension sweeps europe after commandos’ thrust at...

FINAL CITY EmSaS- A SO E i CHOICE D}- AssoclAtrd rrtss • W^tM slx Ocmocrnls'SiVttx’ Rtntrt scIrclliiK ticlcgntcs, President Roose- velt mny rccclvc rnougti publicly pledged nnd clalmcd convention volM belorc lliLi weeK Is o' ;li-lenu nomluat: I liolltl t( he unnU'lt. While prnctlcn hna no doubV tor llic President could hmtlon on the first bnllol for the Mklns, ludlcntlot - - - [«rty next' few Uayi jAry 530 dclcKntM of todny. 416 of •who hn-tt btcn cl- or clslincil for Mr. (My. ■tyluu 3J VI vrllnble. ; dflt ............. .......... . .....add eight inor. fftvornble to UIr candlclncy, nnd lie- jwbV.cnia in «inv Rtme wlV\ elcct nine convention rcpre.*iciitniIveB. Ohio votcr-1 will partlclpnie In ptefcrenlltil prlninflcs tomorrow In wliich Uiey nrc cxpcctcd to ciccj 52 iK-lcRRtci tRVorlns a touttU term, , Wtst Virginia Democrata. voting the ig/.-nmc <lny. will pic): CHlly ii: I llkHy I -iH he trcJi t ^ihlch li-nd T heavily to Wllhout conntlni! rhc West V Rtiilft vtoMli. the PicsWciit's vledv and cinlmcd delcgntes will tolnl 1 If Ml&50iirl. WyonilnK nnil OI grouw go lor him and Rrc joli by Korth DnkoU Dcmocrt>t.i. w Ht.ui /iMrraipj Wrdnc.wlny. n niembera of I pnrt: e la f tufday r Supports Republican .Mile. C Brlckcr of Ollln 1‘ lliiure lienvlly In tlir <1 when Ohio * 50 OOP v. b<- ehown In Wes uiliislri s say I sUon* Btlckcr nmong the pandWntes, n of those running openly ............ TliDmM E. Dewey ot Metf Xnrlc. Tcnnes.iee Republlcatu ^ ' . 10 delegnlM lYldny. OEBUIOOm WASHINOTON. May 8 (flV-Thf vnys nnd i •oved t ti bill I public debt c ^IUhr tcom $!lO,QOQ,. 000.000 to IHO.OOO,000.000 after tlie Bdmlnl.iirrtlon, confronted, by vlg- orofis Htpiiblicnn oppoRlllon, re- ceded from nn original rctjucst for n 4260,000.000,000 limit. Daniel W. Bell, undtr-sercelary of the (reniury, told tho houBB wayg and mtins cotnmatee “it would be i\U rlgnt with uV to mnke the cut back, with the underfitnndlng tlmt the wSminlalratlon will moke a re- quest for A still higher telling early next year. The adralnlslrntlon originally orlslnnlly atked that the limit be __Lboasled_lrom—W1Q,000,«M,«»—KT *260,000,000.000 on an oMUmptlon the debt «-ould reach 1258,000.000.000 by June 30, IMS. However, when Republican mcm- ^J«r» of tlie committee Insisted on n W u t back and Rep. Dewey. R.. 111., asked Sell If a limit Of $310,000,000.- 000 'KO'iWn’t be autHcitnl, \sntn ntxV March, when the new congress is In srs.ilon, the treasury official replied “we would be perlcctly willing to do this, and come back In Jonuary to Mk for a new cclUna,- SIX FLIERS KILLED EUlUlA. M. Y, May a officers and enlisted men were kill- ed when an army cargo (rauport plana crashed and burned on a hill near Chemung county airport 6at» urday nUhl during a ratastarm. Supplies Lauded for Bcaclihead Troops Invasion Tension Sweeps Europe After Commandos’ Thrust at Italian Riviera HuppKe* pile up on beach of Emlrau blaml in the St. Slatlhla. group o 580 miles south of Trnk—after betiiR rushed ashore In lllfitlns boats frt operation waa on part of Japs when supplies were put to use. (Marine c< tallie on the UiUf r Uial iillotlng by employe.i ol red Morris. "A contra mplot !■ Victory t pr sentrrt llit'vmlon lU only vkiory ;hc election ordered by the natlona: Inbor relations board, wlllch wa.- Thursday and fYlday ni y, Riipcrt. Paul nnd Declc «Uil>lUhmfnt3 of Uie C, N. Camp- ^■11. L. L. Culbertson aiifl Slmpli,: irodiice companies. Tlie total voU 22 tavorina VUe union and 35 salnst. pine . that the union may ; votr of the o“ a final verdict ................ It by Mor- is (lint L, L. Ci:Ibert5Dn.-Ruport. Is rhnrged with Interfering with the roUviK o{ Ilk tmpioyes In Vlit eltc- It.ii. In n complaint filed with the regional labor relations board. Seatll s Challenge not itvtftl Iht implftlnt. but said li 1 CulbcrUon's firsi Concen MortUf'iovild lature of the c< lad to do wit challenging the vote of three o employee and then releashig ehnllenge. T ro of thc-^c votes 'mployes—wlio voted le against the union—and wi\s cMi by a supervisor, ngemeiit and the union agreed had no right to vote. Morris laid seven Ciilbertaon employes were .•llglblo to vote In the election, and hidlcatt'd that the complaint mlgUt, .........................rfered In Morris went to Burley Monday, nnd said he Intended to investigate other circumstances of the ele ..... with the po.«Iblllty that oilier plalnui might be filed. Gandhi Reviewing Events of World BOMBAY. Mny 8 (UPJ-Moluindas K. Oandtil. telensed last Saturday from a British political -'prison” In ;ho-Aga Khan'a pabce at Poona, ipent a busy weei:-end at the near- by home of Lady Vital! Das Thack- rsey catchUig up on news of wotW iffaln. which had readied him only n restMcted form during hla 31 montlia’ Inurnment. Thi-ee Walliouts Settled on Nation’s Wai' Labor Fronts By United Freti Striking workers a t Uireo Impor- tant war plants returned to worJ. today; those Jn a fourth plant wcro expected to rtwma woflt; aad Iftiportant announcement . ■ffiAiU\;UUI* •C4UlJt|.-U Av MIU »H olo com.. Dlunt-ln-Detrolt^m. Tioylnr ajM.workera wlwi had been Idle since last Tuesday and, also In the DettoU area. wotK n u resum- ^ RfmihHrjin AAnoimeemeat Near But the largest block ol men who had stopped work remained Idle at Uie Windsor, Ont, plants where an Important _M,OOftm(n.WM.anUclpflted_ " The DeBoto etnployu started work pending'settlement ol grievance* tar. H fliU uf lh»-Cl&-mftchint«f-tmloir — 'tljff-Tf»r-l*bor OUiM.' i7iB worxera. also were_6ummmied-tfl-U;e-Wa«h-- ' .......... ... i. ,lMloa;hMrln*.u>.teliwh?-Uie7 «Se^ —memben-of-the-CIO- Onlted "AUU>i — moDiie'WoilEeri uh]cm. had'proteit- ed reclaulflcatlon oT »U men. The . emptoyea at the Port Windsor plahte also bad «-alkm out in a quarrel over grterance*. nv.w>ii.r>. In more than 3.000 foremen remained Idle In a Heht tor- rccognlUon ot f'orenien’* Association of America li> Detroit. The shutdown affeeU 1! plants, all engaged Sn -war produc- tion. . - . . Stoppare Conllnne* Employes of th e Kebef-Hayes Wheel Co., In tho Dotrtlt areaj^t- «d-!0-to-one-ti3‘conutiue their w k stoppage/ In tno San Francisco bay regli 3W . ilths I three naval vessels pending • meeU ing of union otrjcen t« (ettle a Jurisdictional controversy. UeanUcne. A!T> oCtleteb ot ttie ...... ................ In tho San fVan- Bvcrtlmc rule. Of- _ WLB directive to resumt vork'aod put the finishing touches on Mew naval conslrucUoii. ■ tiio point Involved waa whether the Japs L6se Heavily in New Drive at Kohima ADVAN’CKD a l l i e d h e a d q u a r t e r s , KANDY, Cey- lon. Mi\y 8 (U.P.>—Jnpivncse Irwips, disreBBrdinR heavy iiave oiiened a ReiiLTal coinUur-offoimive nloiiK tlic Kdhmii' front ill a (iGsperutii UiQ posiliciiis cuiiluiyc by nrili.-(ii foixo.H last wcok. it wa.s unnounccil toiiay. Hciavy nttjicks were rt;iK)rlC(l ..........'' lalgn. was iiearliig a showdown to- lay, with ai two major dcvcl- ipmenl^ promised for this .week. Tlie first ts tho collective btirgaln- iig clcctlon among Ward's Chicago employes tomorrow, but U)' ‘ A«nlt llDliiij III labor U'udtrs and iiollllclan* I Judge Holly’s ruling tw the clear-cut, test of the Preal- ’s witrtinio poivors uml his policy ctlleniciit of Inbar dljputes. evloii.sly tlic Prc.ildi'nt liiu or- of Kohini diiy« ano. , whicli allitid arnioi'cd force.s pern rjipturiiiR d thcnueWcA rku> ' incd the Ja|. [irlvK ICohlni: the hcnv il around communique siilcl, enKngemcnt.1 tciwrlrrt in tt'e nonhrrw Ivllls, ^ the Jnpanr.'se artillery was enlri ed firmly. Tlin held pailtior difficult, rocltv anil bamboo-.'^ti If Koh pointed 0 c beslnnl -s SMvltftUe. T\iei h of the MaunKdnw-Hiithldnuii 1 . foHcwlng Oil" ■voluntniy wivV vfll from Buthldaung. Cattle Group to Meet on May 12 it Llvcblocn I'roductrs-asiocil ■in dLv:u.« recent Icgl.ilatlon nnd rulings affecting the cattle In- dustry at n mtcilng h « t Mny 12 and 13 of Uie Itinho C»iilpmcn> as- sociation, Leon U Weeks. Bolic, secretnrj-, said. OUicr speakers will indiide: Wil- liam n. WriRht. Dcettu Nev., fltsl vice president of the niiilonal clatlon: W. O. Bannister, Butte. MohU. ngtJit In chnTKc ot the Mon- tana nnd Idaho federal biirrnu of investigation otflccs; Llcul. Col. Norman B. Adklson. executive of- ficer of Idaho selective sen'lce; John T. Cnlns. 3rd, manager of the na- tional western stock show, nnd Oov. C. A. Bottolfsen. Olllctrs ol the Idaho association _re: President, Roland J. Hawrs. Boise: first vice president. Ray V. Swanson, Pocatello; sccond vice pre.tldent4. Clyde fitarr, Salmon and Joe H. NctUeton, Murphy. Rabaul Hit Four Times by Planes ALUED HEADQUARTERS IN 80UT1WEOT PACIFIC, May a W.K —Medium and light bombers of the I3th army air force attacked the Isolated Japanese base ot Rabaul. New Britain, four times wa* dl«Iosed today, to round out, 12 consecutive vreelu of an offensive to^neulrallie the - encmy'a-former Key ba»Uon In the Blainnrclc archi- pelago. (A tondoo- broadcast, quoting casting commtssion corre.<pondc In New Qulnen. latd allied patrols had landed nt Bougainville bay. 30 miles cast of HoIIandla. Just lnsld£ the border ot British New Guinea^ The dispatch was not conftnncd by U.S. Lists Paul Man __ Missing--ih-Action WABHINDTON. Nay S ar department today listed three Idalio aoldlcra missing In action In the Medllerraneon area. include Staff Set. Dai U .S .1YH [L EN Il parlnient nnd the federal publli roads ndmlnlstmtloii. tile Tline.s- ?5ctt-s wns Bdvlicd today by Joo D, Wood, Bobc. state public works the project could not U>1 r Uwi'i l«c«\sse ftdci now nrc procc-wlng the a traffic' as po.‘.,vlblc.' . UcltvlLs ot Vinnf. Improving iliLi imi r widening mmA id not be learned mniedlati'ly. It wns tmderstood, lowever. Unit .•inecUlcallons .would ipproxlmate those of n plnn long ronsldercd by the Tttln Falls Cham- >cr of Commerce, which calls for KldtnlnR to the HaMtn vicinity, t will c It bo glVi _ The to •cd length of Uie road. urface. li\al year or so .ti now said to coiuUtute a serious tlircnt to tires nnd trucks. Wood said he would confer local offlclaj.'s on the project ■...... ho comes here the latter port of thU week. TVafflc Is now being routed ovei the Addiwn avenue and mgar Ine- tory roods while Uie new bridge t? under construction. Hils bridge is being mnde wide enough to accom- modate a widened iilgliwny. Air Raids Blast Ploesti Output ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NAPLES. May 8 (U.PJ^LIeut. Oen. Ira C. Eakst reported today U\al allied bombing of the Romanian oil fields In reccnt weeks Had rcduced PloesU rcllnlng output to lea 25 per ctnl-of normal pro- duction. Eaker cold more Uinn 200.000 tor of bombs had been dropped by Uu alllea Isi U:ie Mcdlterrawati theater between Nov. 8. 1IM2. nnd last Fri- day. The dUclMurcs by Eaker. ___ mander-ln-chlef of the Medlierran- alr force*, were made when he ratulated Major-Ocn.. Nathan P. Twining, commander of Uie Unit- ed Btntea 15th air loree, on recent operations. CURTIS ENDS TOUR BOISE. May 8 CU^J—secrcwry of ,atat« Ofoipti* H C'lrtfT tr^«y cajnpalgn . of horUi fdaho. which he said ... believed will voU Democratlc at the general elcellon. CurUs U .. dIdata for the Democratic cubema.* ' toriol nomination. CASEMITEDAS m CmCAOO, M. LONDON. May 3 tU.R>— Allied cor (.•ation.s liloiiK tlip Itnliuii Riviera in i ilisiKitclws siiiii ttKii\y i\ft »ivn»ion tci Till* Hrilisli BroiKicji.stiiiK corporal ;losi'ly to their ruclios for iiiAtrucliot Hour of Decision for Nazis Expected Week After Attack inlnij I ^nUal elect hour of decl! II Sewell A tn , the iiiloa (CIO) did not r recrvinlic the valldlt brought about the plant by a platoon c JAPS DRIVE OEEP CHUNGKINO. Mny 8 fUB-Mech iiilzcd Japnne.w troops were rei»rt d prcMlng ntciidlly today from th .ith along tlic Pelpln* uikow , Honj ...- ......... ......... s military apokt. nnn announced the Chinese would .lot attempt a major defense of the 35-miIe rnilroud a-ctlon still In tlieli hnnd.'i. The enemy's northern force; rcachcd Loho. scvctal miles below Yenchcng, which they occupied Snturdoy in nn 8(i-mlle drive from Cliumateli A communique .^nld Chinese troops reputed two heavy attacks In thi witsklrts of Loynns. iiillllary bnsi on the Liingliel railway in westerf. Ilonan province. C8 miles west of Chengseln. (A Tokyo broadcast said IhnI Japanese forces also had broken Into Tenfeng. approximately' 32 miles southeast of Loynng. and were conVlnulng n drive •wcs\ward. An- other Jaiiancse bronc!»l claimed that 10 dlvlsloiu of Chinese troops, numbering 70.000 men, were tmppeci In the mountains 44 mile's of Clienslislen.l n view of the •’obscurc eondlllon' Loyang, the military spoke.imar MvW there would be no point in de- fending the Chinese-held section of the Pelping-Hankow railroad, which has been dismantled by the Chinese. iiiRkers ftce cxptcltd tbelr most fateful on about a weck~- or RO cither way— n full-.'icnlo allied In- ilte we.stcrn Europe. , as authorities here e m at of gambling y liy commlillns all nn effort to ilirow indlng of , >plte tlip dlKlculile, oil.' Hltack. Ui6 chance.s for a' ill.'ihirg the netunl landing* ar lie benchlicRds a t ifi ire considered good. >f crL'bi, for the nnz lor Oen. Dwight : ublL'li tifindos flc.stroyed newly-conatnictcd coastal'fortifi- serics of dnrintj week-emi rnid.-i, lUilian fascist prcsa ion mniinteil ih both'Britain nnd flxis Burone. II. mt'finlimc, ngnin iirRcd the I’rench people to Ifstcn on whnt lo do when Ihc allies invade western Eur- ope. but to hide their seta immediately after they bear ' e.'Tsential news every day. . Fntclst newspapers ceaelitaB Swltxetlntid acluiowlcdgcd thatsome Billed commandos, striking from Corsica antS Sardinia. ht«5 succeed- re-cmb.irklng after destmy- ...„ ..astal defen.w only recentl? • completed by the luUinn branch of Qermany# Todt construcUon agcn- forcej. U expected about, six or tight days when the Qermans hnve had tUne to as-icss the power nnd main striking posi- tion of [he allies. Should Uie nnrJs believe it pos- slble to nmaiiti the beactihead oc benchheads completely, they mny be cxpectcd ot tjse all their sUengUi U do It. . The best'bncked opinion Is Um the nnzls arc holding. flRhter plnm Blrength ngBliut two altemotlves. I they see a chance for decLMon whll. the lnvn>ilon U "Ull developing. ........... ............................ without ............ - . - e "quickly “ however, the newspa- 10 preserve ll ai a threat. Ufing being" strategy t the; apply to their navy. possible' as le "fleet In c Japanese Armada Begins Third Week of Air Assault r» and ttgUtctt bUt.w< great fleet of Flyl.m n Berlln-the balteret By AUSTIN BEALSIEAR 1X3NDO.W, Miiy B -Nearly 2,000 U, 8, bombe le liurlln nnd iirun.swlck areu today, with a drlrpv'fa [wuiiclnn lor the sccond straight day o vpHal Hint the Qermann now called "conflcnined lo aenin. Another nrmada composed entirely of Liberators hammered Bruns- Ick. IM miles west of Berlin. Tlie |)owerful forcc—almost equal to that pounding Berlin by dny- tflit Sunday—followed iilght aasaulUi from west and souUi upon Franco Germany iiud the Romanian capital o{ Buetoresl. Ihe Llbtra(ors and Fortresses today numbered cla« to 1,000, Mth out as mnny cscortlng Lightnings. Thunderbolts and Mustnngs. ■n>o Fonrcssfs dropped perhapi. SfiOO tors of ciplosivea on : lodiiy. - chare.n was lilt lost ulghl for hird Unie In 24 lloum 1 ; niarktuK Uic seven L , cwrrtlnaiffl opernUon Irom In and the Mcdllerrnncnn since Thursday nlKht..s«nlnst-Oermnny, FYimce nnti Galknns. Oermnn flglitera drove bitterly jnliwt the LtUccators boinblnR n said, 49 Planes Lost LONDON, May 8 i.Tf—Thlrty- slx American heavy bombers nnd 13 fighters were in todays bumbliiff of lierlln nnd Bruns, wick, nlllc<l headfiuarters nn- noiuwe^l. whU« U9 Ocnnati fighters wcro destroyed. tid Aome e.itlmnted Uiat as mnny I 150 nw,l pinlies engnge^ ir ' c at one lime. The Gcnnai icked In waves for half an he American fliers Mid It wo Cliengslen, while the southern unlt.i, first Qermnti fighter defen '|Hlr1 i'p nnrll' jjtitn ........................ BccUn. A heavv ovetcart forced tli Llbcmtors to bomb through th. clouds. Fink wns dcscrlbtd an light. At . least three crewmen lold o' seelng'Oermnn fighters ram or col llde with American bombers In tin -There were flKhlera n colUdlh* all ovtr the LIcut. L. Houston. Helenn, ship flew throuKh the v a couple of them .' •'One Focke-Wulf came ;o us UiAt I flsured lie control and going to mm down nnd he ' 1 .V) cIo.« ui out al I-nosed lien he no.ied ....................... . . .. 1 did.I don't tnow how we missed ench other." One crcwmnn snld n Me«er- Bclimltt. lu tall shot off. went down out of control, '-'then nosed up," hlt- Ung a bomber head-on. •n Pi'r. X . I) FDR Returas4eJWbite House After 4-Week Rest in South WASHIKPTON.' Mny 8 (U,PJ — President Roosevelt. restc<l nnd eag- er for government tasks after four weeks la South Carolina, waded Inw hU-White House desk-work-today, ready to defend his seizure of Mout- gomery Ward and Co. imed to-WnsWnglon—by ____ yestiSrday frotn Ttabcaw Bai ony. Bernard M. ljurucht* apmwUng leocoast plantation near George- Jee»r*-Or4tHe*6e-ecrer- -------- carefully presen'ed section. His vacation was one of «unbaUi- ..ig. mueti .flMp_nnd j»or fbhlng. Vice Adai.'ftoM T. Mclntlrc.,White House pl>y^tan, wm enthuslastts his patient's rccuperaUon." City SuBscriBMsT KTvlce on nU complaint* wtihln ths eity limits will be maintained until T.3(> p. m. A. Sunday morning Krvlce Is Conference /Readr First major Whit« House bu»lncM blg-four—ln-;jirhlch-Mrr-ltoosi!VCir WM ez|Xct«d to outline his legisla- tive’plans for th#-few weeks con- iress wIU remain In session before t\ext ttionUf# KCtss -th^m Uoaa) political cunvcnt«in'esHod. Lender. Alben W. Barkley, D. Ky., nnd Vice President Henry A. Wal- lace were Invited lo Uie White House confereiwe. Mclnilre said Nfr. RooACVelt was In •‘perfectly fine" health and. In his opinion, had thrown off all -traces of tht bronchlnl nnd sinus Irtltatlons which plnsucd him through the winter and early spring. To make scientifically certain. Mt ........................... .truusn imjMiiui check this week. Met by Hull Hardly had the special presiden- tial train stopped rolling yesterday morning tlian Secretary ot SlatA momuig uian eiecreuiry uuik Meeln; • The Prealdent.iftme - turbulut labor altuaUon. and before the week Is out. tie probably have aoinethln* to «iy on the c plicated situation arUlng from FLASHES of LIFE SALVAGED NEW YOIIK-Loslng ticket? hnve n puy-off v the-axls,-reports-Pier Brooklyn reprcsenlatl' producUon bonrd was cagc drive. During the five-week rn at the Jnmnlcn track IJO pnper nnd cardboard were snlvnged, he eald. -CmrrtJcj of the WB ! paper snl : meet Oilier c .. annihilated,- pcrs sail The Florence newspaper Noalons reported that while other commahdo ildi t)ud been carried out against It Italian coast in recent months, lever before have Uie attacks uched such a high number." Tlic newspaper also reported that ennan Marshal Erwlji nommel, Oermnnys anU-lnvoslon conunan- -'- liod arrived In itnJy for confer- ^3 -nil NfnrsJiBl Albert KesseU tl«8. commander In Italy, alter In- ipecUng defenses along thiS eouUiem loast of France. (The U, 0. office of war Informa- ;lon at Wa.shlngt.on reported that ic.stjipo ngenta. drc.*ae<t as allied pi- lots, sometimes W ’cre dropped by lute on occupied tcrrltoo". Pa- wUo ailemptcd to help them irresled, tlio rcport sald.) Other Develapmenti er developments contribuUng : groK-lng tension In Britain Europe with the obvious appronch of the zero hour for In- . islon Included: 1. Disclosure that Amerlcoo and British forccs rehenraing for tho In- ••nslon lust hnve completed tho greatest nlrbomo landings In his- tory. 3. An «Tllcle In the seml-Dlflclal Russian publlcnUon, "Wnr and tho 'Vorklng Cln&s." warning ihnt tba _____ ntui west have tic'en com- pleted." 3. Oenimn propaganda Uireats of coimltr-lnvaalmi of Britain to dis- organize the allied offensive. . -The-pnictlca landing e.tercEiea by llder nnd troops carrier force# wcro onducted with such secrecy that ven nccrcdltcd ncwRpapcrmen «cro lot i«rmllted to witness them- K .•■ts-ltnnitd;JioTrcvcr,tJlat America ti Rlldw lorccs liintletl by day nnd Brit- ish. by niRlit, slmllnr to the bomb- ing schedule now being carried ou: • y yie ulr forces of the two coun- HEMORIES NEW YORK, May e-HnmburKen md Ice crcam figure pcomitiently li\ Islons of victory for American Ilght- ng men. says Richard Pulge, 1 ■m EltclTlc company rnfilo •luslou nficr U&tenl nostnlRllo talk of soldier months. GUES.S PHILADELPHIA. May 8 - Saul Eskln won tlie loo's welglit gucMln for lt.i new bull guar. Hl.s RUc.'iS: 1,A50 pounds. iO ouncc.-!. ual weight HONORS GREEN RIVER. Utah. May 8- Tlierc is no doubt among tlio towr this year about the rclath scholastic standings of.members < Uie titgh scliool graduating clns The three members will mnke va edictory, salutatory nnd welcoming addresses. Nazi Patrols Hit A t Alliied Lines ALUED HEADQUARTERS IN NAPLES, May a (Jv-8t«mg Otr- laan patrols slabbed Uirough allied advance pwlUons in the upper Qa- ligljMio valley ol the main llllh army front. Saturday nigiit. but were driven off two hours later after being heavily alielled. Iieadquorten announced t^n}*. The acUOtt took place about tlUM miles south of 6anf Andrea, which lies about eight miles souUieast of Ca.*jliio, where, headquarwrs said, Oermati harassing fire had inercas- XtU • ' Draft Officials report projrtsa in the cuiwnt dnw lo get ntwunder 28 inlo.unUona. Headiiuutcn officials said the mi«U tn« Is not tor policy detcimlnaUoa The state directors will report Said Pefcated ‘‘llino has n' lEOS OPEN FINAL SmOPGLPUSH LONDON, May. 8 Moscow announced slorminff t>{ Scvnstopol’s fcnsca had bcKun. The communiqtic, rccordcd from Soviet broadaists. unid the assault «n Ihc hcavil.v fortified enemy pu.<iitions. Htarled Sundny and "ia t\vu day.s of hitter fiKhlinjf our troops have broken enemy resislance.” LONDON. %Ay 8 — Soviet bomberx a n d flgliters )a.ilied at ivastojiol in intense week-end aa- lults, Moscow announced today, Id axis iibndcnsts asserted that ;KUo.ocdlnavi' powcrfuV red army ' irces were assaulUrg the besieged Crimean port. The RuLslnns were allent about land ojKrailons a t Sevastopol, but Moscow customarily refmlns front prcilmlJiary announcmenta when' tlie red army launches major drives. Tlie German-*\igh com»MKl. Wntv ing mat the Russians had cracked AXU lines, spoke of a “flUctuaUn* batUe" around the fortress. In Romania, the Oehnoiu said, nntl troops captured » hlUlpoUtUui east of the Slret river and'tba red army failed in a prolonged attempt to break through between the Pnrt- and Moidava rivers. A Soviet communlqtie said that Russian warplanea. swooplng,on s«- wtofwl-from-dawn to dusk,'In- flicted heavy losses on C Romanian troops, blew nlUon dump.<.'wrecfcwi j j several •nd The axis gairlson, estimated at 39,000 men, has been holdbur out in Sevastopol since mfd-AprU under fire from BbvletaJeffeguni.- "

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A S O E i CHOICED}- AssoclAtrd rrts s

• W tM slx Ocmocrnls'SiVttx’ Rtntrt scIrclliiK ticlcgntcs, President Roose­velt mny rccclvc rnougti publicly pledged nnd clalmcd convention volM belorc lliLi weeK Is o'

;li-lenu nomluat:

I liolltlt( he unnU'lt.

While prnctlcn hna no doubV tor llic President could hmtlon on the first bnllol for the Mklns, ludlcntlot - - -[«rty

next' few Uayi jAry 530 dclcKntM of todny. 416 of •who hn-tt btcn cl- or clslincil for Mr.

(My.■tyluu 3J VI


; d flt

............. .......... . .....add eight inor.fftvornble to UIr candlclncy, nnd lie- jwbV.cnia in «inv Rtme wlV\ elcct nine convention rcpre.*iciitniIveB.

Ohio votcr-1 will partlclpnie In ptefcrenlltil prlninflcs tomorrow In wliich Uiey nrc cxpcctcd to ciccj 52 iK-lcRRtci tRVorlns a touttU term,

, Wtst Virginia Democrata. voting the ig/.-nmc <lny. will pic):

CHlly ii:I llkHy I

-iH he trcJi t ^ihlch li-nd T heavily to

Wllhout conntlni! rhc West V Rtiilft vtoMli. the PicsWciit's vledv and cinlmcd delcgntes will tolnl 1 If Ml&50iirl. WyonilnK nnil OIgrouw go lor him and Rrc joli by Korth DnkoU Dcmocrt>t.i. w

Ht.ui /iMrraipj Wrdnc.wlny. n niembera of I

pnrt: e la f tufdayr Supports

Republican .Mile. C Brlckcr of Ollln 1‘

lliiure lienvlly In tlir <1 when Ohio * 50 OOP v.

b<- ehown In Wesuiliislri s say I

sUon* Btlckcr nmong the pandWntes, nof those running openly ............TliDmM E. Dewey ot Metf Xnrlc.

Tcnnes.iee Republlcatu ' . 10 delegnlM lYldny.

O E B U I O O mWASHINOTON. May 8 (flV-Thf

vnys nnd i•oved t ti bill I

public debt c IUhr tcom $!lO,QOQ,. 000.000 to IHO.OOO,000.000 after tlie Bdmlnl.iirrtlon, confronted, by vlg- orofis Htpiiblicnn oppoRlllon, re­ceded from nn original rctjucst for n4260,000.000,000 limit.

Daniel W. Bell, undtr-sercelary of the (reniury, told tho houBB wayg and m tins cotnmatee “it would be i\U rlgnt with uV to mnke the cut back, with the underfitnndlng tlmt the wSminlalratlon will moke a re­quest for A still higher telling early next year.

T h e adralnlslrntlon originally • orlslnnlly atked tha t the limit be

__Lboasled_lrom—W1Q,000,«M,«»—KT *260,000,000.000 on an oMUmptlon the debt «-ould reach 1258,000.000.000 by June 30, IMS.

However, when Republican mcm- ^ J«r» of tlie committee Insisted on n W u t back and Rep. Dewey. R.. 111.,

asked Sell If a limit Of $310,000,000.- 000 'KO'iWn’t be autHcitnl, \sntn ntxV March, when the new congress is In srs.ilon, the treasury official replied “we would be perlcctly willing to do this, and come back In Jonuary to Mk for a new cclUna,-


officers and enlisted men were kill­ed when an army cargo (rauport plana crashed and burned on a hill near Chemung county airport 6at» urday nUhl during a ratastarm.

Supplies Lauded for Bcaclihead Troops Invasion Tension SweepsEurope After Commandos’ Thrust at Italian Riviera

HuppKe* pile up on beach of Emlrau blaml in the St. S latlhla. group o 580 miles south of Trnk—after betiiR rushed ashore In lllfitlns boats frt operation waa on part of Japs when supplies were put to use. (Marine c<

tallie on the UiUf r Uial iillotlng by employe.i ol

red Morris. "A contra

mplot !■Victory

t prsentrrt llit'vm lon lU only vkiory ;hc election ordered by the natlona: Inbor relations board, wlllch wa.-

Thursday and fYlday ni y, Riipcrt. Paul nnd Declc

«Uil>lUhmfnt3 of Uie C, N. Camp- ■11. L. L. Culbertson aiifl Slmpli,:

irodiice companies. Tlie total voU 22 tavorina VUe union and 35



. th a t the union may ; votr of the o“ a final verdict

................ It by Mor­is (lint L, L. Ci:Ibert5Dn.-Ruport. Is rhnrged with Interfering with the roUviK o{ Ilk tmpioyes In Vlit eltc- It.ii. In n complaint filed with the

regional labor relations board.Seatll

s Challengenot itvtftl Ih t implftlnt. but said li 1 CulbcrUon's firsi

Concen MortUf'iovild

lature of the c< lad to do wit

challenging the vote of three o employee and then releashig ehnllenge. T ro of thc-^c votes

'mployes—wlio voted le against the union—and wi\s cM i by a supervisor, ngemeiit and the union

agreed had no right to vote. Morris laid seven Ciilbertaon employes were .•llglblo to vote In the election, and hidlcatt'd tha t the complaint mlgUt,

.........................rfered In

Morris went to Burley Monday, nnd said he Intended to investigateother circumstances of the ele .....with the po.«Iblllty tha t oilier plalnui might be filed.

Gandhi Reviewing Events of World

BOMBAY. Mny 8 (UPJ-Moluindas K. Oandtil. telensed last Saturday from a British political -'prison” In ;ho-Aga Khan'a pabce a t Poona, ipent a busy weei:-end a t the near- by home of Lady Vital! Das Thack- rsey catchUig up on news of wotW iffaln. which had readied him only n restMcted form during hla 31

montlia’ Inurnm ent.

Thi-ee Walliouts Settled on Nation’s Wai' Labor Fronts

By United Freti Striking workers a t Uireo Impor­

tant war plants returned to worJ. today; those Jn a fourth plant wcro expected to rtw m a woflt; aad Iftiportant announcement

. ■ ffiAiU\;UUI* •C4UlJt|.-U Av MIU» H o lo com.. D lunt-ln-D etrolt^m . T ioy lnr ajM.workera wlwi had been Idle since last Tuesday and, also In the DettoU area. wotK n u resum-^ RfmihHrjin

AAnoimeemeat Near But the largest block ol men who

had stopped work remained Idle a t Uie Windsor, Ont, plants where an Important

_M,OOftm(n.WM.anUclpflted_" The DeBoto etnployu started workpending'settlement ol grievance* tar. H fl iU u f lh»-Cl&-mftchint«f-tmloir

— 'tljff-Tf»r-l*bor OUiM.' i7iB worxera. also were_6ummmied-tfl-U;e-Wa«h-- ' .......... ... i. ,lM loa;hMrln*.u>.teliwh?-Uie7 «Se— memben-of-the-CIO- Onlted "AUU>i

— moDiie'WoilEeri uh]cm. had 'proteit- ed reclaulflcatlon oT »U men. The

. emptoyea a t the Port Windsor plahte also bad «-alkm out in a quarrel over grterance*.

nv.w>ii.r>. In

more than 3.000 foremen remained Idle In a Heht tor- rccognlUon ot f'orenien’* Association of America li> Detroit. The shutdown affeeU 1! plants, all engaged Sn -war produc­tion. . - . .

Stoppare Conllnne* Employes o f t h e Kebef-Hayes

Wheel Co., In tho D o trtlt a re a j^ t - «d-!0-to-one-ti3‘conutiue their w k stoppage/

In tno San Francisco bay regli3W . ilths I

three naval vessels pending • meeU ing of union o trjcen t« (ettle a Jurisdictional controversy.

UeanUcne. A!T> oCtleteb ot ttie ...... ................ In tho San fVan-

Bvcrtlmc rule. Of-

_ WLB directive to resumt vork 'aod put the finishing touches on Mew naval conslrucUoii. ■ tiio point Involved waa w hether the

Japs L6se Heavily in New Drive at Kohima

ADVAN’CK D a l l i e d h e a d q u a r t e r s , K A N D Y , Cey­lon . Mi\y 8 (U.P.>— Jnpivncse I rw ip s , d isreB B rdinR heavy iiave o iiened a ReiiLTal co inU ur-offo im ive nloiiK tlic K dhmii' f ro n t ill a (iG sperutii UiQ posiliciiis cu iiluiycby nrili.-(ii foixo.H la s t w cok . it wa.s un n o u n c cil to iiay .

Hciavy Japiine .se n ttj ic k s w ere rt;iK)rlC(l ‘ ..........' '

lalgn. was iiearliig a showdown to- lay, with a i two major dcvcl- ipmenl^ promised for this .week.

Tlie first ts tho collective btirgaln- iig clcctlon among Ward's Chicago

employes tomorrow, but U)' ‘

A«nlt llDliiij III labor U'udtrs and iiollllclan* I Judge Holly’s ruling tw the

clear-cut, test of the Preal- ’s witrtinio poivors uml his policy ctlleniciit of Inbar dljputes. evloii.sly tlic Prc.ildi'nt liiu or-

o f K ohini diiy« ano.

, w hicli allitid a rn io i 'c d force.s pernrjipturiiiR

d thcnueWcA rku>'incd the Ja|.


ICohlni:the hcnv

il around communique siilcl, enKngemcnt.1

tciwrlrrt in tt'e nonhrrw Ivllls, the Jnpanr.'se artillery was enlri ed firmly.

Tlin held pailtior difficult, rocltv anil bamboo-.' ti

If Kohpointed 0 c beslnnl

-s SMvltftUe. T\iei

h of the MaunKdnw-Hiithldnuii 1. foHcwlng Oil" ■voluntniy wivV vfll from Buthldaung.

Cattle Group to Meet on May 12

it Llvcblocn I'roductrs-asiocil ■in dLv:u.« recent Icgl.ilatlon

nnd rulings affecting the cattle In- dustry a t n mtcilng h « t Mny 12 and 13 of Uie Itinho C»iilpmcn> as­sociation, Leon U Weeks. Bolic, secretnrj-, said.

OUicr speakers will indiide: Wil­liam n. WriRht. Dcettu Nev., fltsl vice president of the niiilonal clatlon: W. O. Bannister, Butte. MohU. ngtJit In chnTKc ot the Mon­tana nnd Idaho federal biirrnu of investigation otflccs; Llcul. Col. Norman B. Adklson. executive of­ficer of Idaho selective sen'lce; John T. Cnlns. 3rd, manager of the na­tional western stock show, nnd Oov. C. A. Bottolfsen.

O lllctrs ol the Idaho association _re: President, Roland J. Hawrs. Boise: first vice president. Ray V. Swanson, Pocatello; sccond vice pre.tldent4. Clyde fitarr, Salmon and Joe H. NctUeton, Murphy.

Rabaul H it Four Times by Planes

ALUED HEADQUARTERS IN 80UT1WEOT PACIFIC, May a W.K —Medium and light bombers of the I3th army air force attacked the Isolated Japanese base ot Rabaul. New Britain, four times wa* dl«Iosed today, to round out, 12 consecutive vreelu of an offensive to^neulrallie the - encmy'a-former Key ba»Uon In the Blainnrclc archi­pelago.

(A tondoo- broadcast, quoting

casting commtssion corre.<pondc In New Qulnen. latd allied patrols had landed n t Bougainville bay. 30 miles cast of HoIIandla. Just lnsld£ the border ot British New Guinea^ The dispatch was not conftnncd by

U.S. Lists Paul Man__Missing--ih-Action

WABHINDTON. Nay S a r department today listed three

Idalio aoldlcra missing In action In the Medllerraneon area.

include Staff Set. Dai


parlnient nnd the federal publli roads ndmlnlstmtloii. tile Tline.s- ?5ctt-s wns Bdvlicd today by Joo D, Wood, Bobc. state public works

the project could not U>1r Uwi'i l«c«\sse ftdci

now nrc procc-wlng the a

traffic' as po.‘.,vlblc.' . UcltvlLs ot Vinnf. Improving iliLi imi

r widening mmA

id not be learned mniedlati'ly. I t wns tmderstood, lowever. Unit .•inecUlcallons .would ipproxlmate those of n plnn long ronsldercd by the Tttln Falls Cham- >cr of Commerce, which calls for KldtnlnR to the HaM tn vicinity,

t will c

It bo glVi _ The to

•cd length of Uie road.


li\al year or so .ti now said to coiuUtute a serious tlircnt to tires nnd trucks.

Wood said he would conferlocal offlclaj.'s on the project ■ ......ho comes here the latter port of thU week.

TVafflc Is now being routed ovei the Addiwn avenue and mgar Ine- tory roods while Uie new bridge t? under construction. H ils bridge is being mnde wide enough to accom­modate a widened iilgliwny.

Air Raids Blast • Ploesti OutputALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN

NAPLES. May 8 (U.PJ^LIeut. Oen. Ira C. Eakst reported today U\al allied bombing of the Romanian oil fields In reccnt weeks Had rcduced

PloesU rcllnlng output to le a 25 per c tn l-o f normal pro­

duction.Eaker cold more Uinn 200.000 tor

of bombs had been dropped by Uu alllea Isi U:ie Mcdlterrawati theater between Nov. 8. 1IM2. nnd last Fri­day.

T he dUclMurcs by Eaker. ___mander-ln-chlef of the Medlierran-

alr force*, were made when he ratulated Major-Ocn.. Nathan

P. Twining, commander of Uie Unit­ed Btntea 15th air loree, on recentoperations.


,atat« Ofoipti* H C'lrtfT tr^«ycajnpalgn

. of horUi fdaho. which he said . . . believed will voU Democratlc a t the general elcellon. CurUs U .. dIdata for the Democratic cubema.* ' toriol nomination.



LO ND O N . M ay 3 tU.R>— A llied cor (.•ation.s liloiiK tlip I tn liu ii R iv ie ra in i ilisiKitclws siiiii ttKii\y i\ft » ivn»ion tc i

Till* H rilisli BroiKicji.stiiiK c o rp o ra l ;losi'ly to th e ir ruclios fo r iiiA truc lio t

Hour of Decision for Nazis Expected Week After Attack

inlnij I ^nUal electhour of decl!

II Sewell A t n , the

iiiloa (CIO) did not r

recrvinlic the valldlt brought about the plant by a platoon c


iiilzcd Japnne.w troops were rei»rt d prcMlng ntciidlly today from th

.ith along tlic Pelpln*uikow , Honj

...- ......... ......... s military apokt.nnn announced the Chinese would

.lot attem pt a major defense of the 35-miIe rnilroud a-ctlon still In tlieli hnnd.'i.

T he enemy's northern force; rcachcd Loho. scvctal miles below Yenchcng, which they occupied Snturdoy in nn 8(i-mlle drive from

Cliumateli A communique .^nld Chinese troops

repu ted two heavy attacks In thi w itsklrts of Loynns. iiillllary bnsi on the Liingliel railway in westerf. Ilonan province. C8 miles west of Chengseln.

(A Tokyo broadcast said IhnI Japanese forces also had broken Into Tenfeng. approximately' 32 miles southeast of Loynng. and were conVlnulng n drive •wcs\ward. An­other Jaiiancse bronc!»l claimed tha t 10 dlvlsloiu of Chinese troops, numbering 70.000 men, were tmppeci In the mountains 44 mile's of Clienslislen.l

n view of the •’obscurc eondlllon' Loyang, the military spoke.imar

MvW there would be no point in de­fending the Chinese-held section of the Pelping-Hankow railroad, which has been dismantled by the Chinese.

iiiRkers ftce cxptcltd tbelr most fateful

on about a weck~- or RO cither way—

n full-.'icnlo allied In- ilte we.stcrn Europe. , as authorities here e m a t of gambling y liy commlillns all nn effort to ilirow


of ,>plte tlip dlKlculile, oil.' Hltack. Ui6 chance.s for a' ill.'ihirg the netunl landing* ar

lie benchlicRds a t ifi ire considered good.>f crL'bi, for the nnz lor Oen. Dwight :


tifindos flc.stroyed n e w ly -c o n a tn ic tc d c o a s t a l ' f o r t i f i - s e ric s o f dn rin tj w eek-em i rnid.-i, lU ilian f a s c i s t p rc sa ion m n iin te il ih b o th 'B r i ta in nnd f lx is B u ro n e .II. m t'f in lim c , ngnin iirRcd th e I ’r e n c h p eop le to Ifs tcn o n w h n t lo do w hen Ih c a llies in v a d e w e s te rn E u r ­

ope. b u t to h id e th e i r se ta im m ed ia te ly a f t e r th e y b e a r ' e.'Tsential n e w s e v e r y d a y . .

Fntclst newspapers ceaelitaB Swltxetlntid acluiowlcdgcd thatsome Billed commandos, striking from Corsica antS Sardinia. ht«5 succeed-

re-cmb.irklng a fte r destmy- ...„ ..a stal defen.w only recentl? • completed by the luUinn branch of Qermany# Todt construcUon agcn-

forcej. U expected about, six or tigh t days when the Qermans hnve had tUne to as-icss the power nnd main striking posi­tion of [he allies.

Should Uie nnrJs believe it pos- slble to nmaiiti the beactihead oc benchheads completely, they mny be cxpectcd o t tjse all their sUengUi U do It. .

The best'bncked opinion Is Um the nnzls arc holding. flRhter plnm Blrength ngBliut two altemotlves. I they see a chance for decLMon whll. the lnvn>ilon U "Ull developing. ........... ............................ without

............ - . - e "quickly“ however, the newspa-

10 preserve ll ai a threat. Ufing being" strategy t


apply to their navy.

possible' as le "fleet In c Japanese

Armada Begins Third Week of Air Assault

r» and ttgUtctt bUt.w< great fleet of Flyl.m

n Berlln-the balteret

By AUSTIN BEALSIEAR1X3NDO.W, Miiy B -N early 2,000 U, 8 , bombe

le liurlln nnd iirun.swlck a re u today, with a drlrpv'fa [wuiiclnn lor the sccond straight day o vpHal Hint the Qermann now called "conflcnined lo aenin.

Another nrmada composed entirely of Liberators hammered Bruns- Ick. IM miles west of Berlin.

Tlie |)owerful forcc—almost equal to th a t pounding Berlin by dny- tflit Sunday—followed iilght aasaulUi from west and souUi upon Franco

Germany iiud the Romanian capital o{ Buetoresl.Ih e Llbtra(ors and Fortresses today numbered c la« to 1,000, Mth out as mnny cscortlng Lightnings. Thunderbolts and Mustnngs.■n>o Fonrcssfs dropped perhapi. SfiOO to rs of ciplosivea on :

lodiiy.- chare.n was lilt lost ulghl for

hird Unie In 24 lloum 1 ; niarktuK Uic seven L, cwrrtlnaiffl opernUon Irom In and the Mcdllerrnncnn since

Thursday nlKht..s«nlnst-Oermnny,FYimce nnti Galknns.

Oermnn flglitera drove bitterly jnliwt the LtUccators boinblnR

n said,

49 Planes LostLONDON, May 8 i.Tf—Thlrty-

slx American heavy bombers nnd 13 fighters were in todays bumbliiff of lierlln nnd Bruns, wick, nlllc<l headfiuarters nn- noiuwe^l. whU« U9 Ocnnati fighters wcro destroyed.

tid Aome e.itlmnted Uiat as mnny I 150 nw,l pinlies engnge^ ir ' c a t one lime. The Gcnnai icked In waves for half an he American fliers Mid It wo

Cliengslen, while the southern unlt.i, first Qermnti fighter defen'|Hlr1i'p nnrll' jjtitn ........................

BccUn. A heavv ovetcart forced tli Llbcmtors to bomb through th . clouds. Fink wns dcscrlbtd an light.

At . least three crewmen lold o' seelng'Oermnn fighters ram or col llde with American bombers In tin

-There were flKhlera n colUdlh* all ovtr the LIcut. L. Houston. Helenn, ship flew throuKh the v a couple of them .'

•'One Focke-Wulf came ;o us UiAt I flsured lie control and going to mm down nnd he '

1 .V) cIo.« ui out al

I-nosed lien he no.ied

........................ . .. 1 d id .I don'ttnow how we missed ench other."

One crcwmnn snld n Me«er- Bclimltt. lu tall shot off. went down out of control, '-'then nosed up," hlt- Ung a bomber head-on.

•n Pi'r. X. I)

FDR Returas4eJWbite House After 4-Week Rest in South

WASHIKPTON.' Mny 8 (U,PJ — President Roosevelt. restc<l nnd eag­er for government tasks after four weeks la South Carolina, waded Inw hU-W hite House desk-work-today, ready to defend his seizure of Mout- gomery W ard and Co.

imed to-WnsWnglon—by____ yestiSrday frotn Ttabcaw Baiony. Bernard M. ljurucht* apmwUng leocoast plantation near George-

J e e » r* -O r4 tH e * 6 e -e c re r- --------carefully presen'ed section.

His vacation was one of «unbaUi- ..ig. mueti .flM p_nnd j» o r fbhlng. Vice Adai.'ftoM T . Mclntlrc.,W hite House pl>y^tan, w m enthuslastts

his patient's rccuperaUon."

City SuBscriBMsT

KTvlce on nU complaint* wtihln ths eity limits will be maintained until T.3(> p. m.

A. Sunday morning Krvlce Is

Conference /R eadr “ First major Whit« House bu»lncM

blg-four—ln-;jirhlch-Mrr-ltoosi!VCir WM ez|Xct«d to outline his legisla­tive’plans for th#-few weeks con- iress wIU remain In session before

t\ext ttionUf# KCtss - th ^m Uoaa) political cunvcnt«in'esHod.

Lender. Alben W. Barkley, D. Ky., nnd Vice President Henry A. Wal­lace were Invited lo Uie White House confereiwe.

Mclnilre said Nfr. RooACVelt was In •‘perfectly fine" health and. In his opinion, had thrown off all -traces of th t bronchlnl nnd sinus Irtltatlons which plnsucd him through the winter and early spring. To make scientifically certain. Mt

........................... .truusn imjMiiuicheck this week.

Met by Hull Hardly had the special presiden­

tial train stopped rolling yesterday morning tlian Secretary ot SlatAmomuig uian eiecreuiry uuik •

— Meeln;

• The Prealdent.iftme -tu rb u lu t labor altuaUon. and before the week Is out. tie probably have aoinethln* to «iy on the c plicated situation arUlng from



ticket? hnve n puy-off v the-axls,-reports-Pier Brooklyn reprcsenlatl' producUon bonrd was cagc drive.

During the five-week rn a t the Jnmnlcn track IJO pnper nnd cardboard were snlvnged, he eald.

-C m rrtJc j of the WB

! paper snl

: meet

Oilier c . . annihilated,- pcrs s a i l

The Florence newspaper Noalons reported that while other commahdo

ildi t)ud been carried out against It Italian coast in recent months, lever before have Uie attacks uched such a high number."Tlic newspaper also reported tha t ennan Marshal Erwlji nommel,

Oermnnys anU-lnvoslon conunan- -'- liod arrived In itnJy for confer-

3 -n il NfnrsJiBl Albert KesseU tl«8. commander In I ta ly , alter In- ipecUng defenses along thiS eouUiem loast of France.

(The U, 0. office of war Informa- ;lon a t Wa.shlngt.on reported th a t ic.stjipo ngenta. drc.*ae<t as allied p i­lots, sometimes W’cre dropped by

lute on occupied tcrrltoo". Pa- wUo ailem ptcd to help them irresled, tlio rcport sald.)

Other Develapmenti er developments contribuUng : groK-lng tension In Britain

Europe w ith th e obvious appronch of the zero hour for In- .

islon Included:1. Disclosure th a t Amerlcoo and

British forccs rehenraing for tho In- ••nslon lust hnve completed tho greatest nlrbomo landings In his­tory.

3. An «Tllcle In th e seml-Dlflclal Russian publlcnUon, "W nr and tho 'Vorklng Cln&s." warning ihnt tba

_____ ntui west have tic'en com­pleted."

3. Oenimn propaganda Uireats of coimltr-lnvaalmi of Britain to dis­

organize the allied offensive. . -The-pnictlca landing e.tercEiea by llder nnd troops carrier force# wcro onducted with such secrecy tha t ven nccrcdltcd ncwRpapcrmen «cro lot i«rmllted to witness them- K .•■ts-ltnnitd;JioTrcvcr,tJlat America ti

Rlldw lorccs liintletl by day nnd Brit­ish. by niRlit, slmllnr to the bomb­ing schedule now being carried ou:• y yie ulr forces of the two coun-


md Ice crcam figure pcomitiently li\ Islons of victory for American Ilght- ng men. says Richard Pulge, 1 ■m EltclTlc company rnfilo

•luslou nficr U&tenl nostnlRllo talk of soldier months.GUES.S

PHILADELPHIA. May 8 - Saul Eskln won tlie loo's welglit gucMln for lt.i new bull guar.

Hl.s RUc.'iS: 1,A50 pounds. iO ouncc.-!.ual weight


Tlierc is no doubt among tlio towr this year about the rclath

scholastic standings of.members < Uie titgh scliool graduating clns The three members will mnke va edictory, salutatory nnd welcoming addresses.

Nazi Patrols Hit A t Alliied Lines

ALUED HEADQUARTERS IN NAPLES, May a (Jv-8 t«m g O tr- laan patrols slabbed Uirough allied advance pwlUons in the upper Qa- ligljMio valley ol the main llllh army front. Saturday nigiit. but were driven off two hours later after being heavily alielled. Iieadquorten announced t^n}*.

T he acUOtt took place about tlUM miles south of 6 a n f Andrea, which lies about eight miles souUieast of Ca.*jliio, where, headquarwrs said, Oermati harassing fire had inercas- XtU • • '

D raft Officials

report projrtsa in the cu iw nt dnw lo get n tw u n d e r 28 inlo.unUona. H eadiiuu tcn officials said the mi«U tn« Is no t tor policy detcimlnaUoa

T he sta te directors will report

Said Pefcated

‘‘llino has n'


Moscow announced

slorminff t>{ Scvnstopol’s fcnsca had bcKun.

The communiqtic, rccordcd from Soviet b ro a d a is ts . unid the assault «n Ihc hcavil.v fortified e n e m y pu.<iitions. Htarled Sundny a n d " ia t\vu day.s o f h itte r fiKhlinjf our troops have broken enemy resislance.”

LONDON. %Ay 8 — Soviet bomberx a n d flgliters )a.ilied a t

ivastojiol in intense week-end aa- lults, Moscow announced today,Id axis iibndcnsts asserted tha t ;KUo.ocdlnavi' powcrfuV red army ' irces were assaulUrg the besieged

Crimean port.The RuLslnns were allent about

land ojKrailons a t Sevastopol, but Moscow customarily refm lns front prcilmlJiary announcm enta when' tlie red army launches m ajor drives. Tlie German-*\igh com»MKl. W ntv ing m at the Russians had cracked AXU lines, spoke of a “flUctuaUn* batUe" around the fortress.

In Romania, the O ehnoiu said, nntl troops captured » hlUlpoUtUui east of the Slret river a n d 'tb a red army failed in a prolonged attem pt to break through between th e P n r t - and Moidava rivers.

A Soviet communlqtie said tha t Russian warplanea. swooplng,on s«- w to fw l-from -daw n to d usk ,'In ­flicted heavy losses on C Romanian troops, blew nlUon dump.<.'wrecfcwi j j



The axis gairlson, estimated a t 39,000 men, has been holdbur ou t in Sevastopol since mfd-AprU under fire from BbvletaJeffeguni.- " •

P n g e T w o TIMES-NEWS, T W IN FALLS, IDAHO Monday Evening, May 8, 1041

Promoted to Major

1 FLEEI RAIOS - KEY i / l C ll-S

• fii 11 oiicr....... irnl cnpiwil n :’1-hoiir pcrlpci inA'lilcti probatil> 6,000 nlUc<l pliiiirfi thundering Irom* iti Brltnlii iind linly. rolncd soitioihlnR like 10,000 Iona of exploslvM on Instn" Uon» wltK which Illllcr hoped - conitni llifl alllw wp»lcrn liivaalon am i-»ttm llis niiMltin flrlvo.

A (lee ot 3,000 nntwi-i

SAbbntii b lw 1

C flRllU.<1 of U hrn

0 porlmi

nnd II irAtt trhInM in Uic Inu Amerk Berlin eight n»y» previoii

At Almofit the Knms tli 1,000 American tltaly-bn bombern and Ilghierj Mummed ap ­proximately 1,200 Itns of Uomba oi the main rail yards at Biuh»rp.»i and It btldsa v.htcU wsk. i»r. onlj rtm alnlnj open mule on tlie Oi lcni BxprtM lino to 6o(la,

Slnco Uie daylight nlUrki> on Der- lin slarlfd Marth 4, AJiieilciiii bomb- m have dropi»d 11,000 ions o: bombs on (he cDpilul.

Tl^« IlM ' Ur& aUuckcd Ccvlln X times since It licgan itA lieiivy as. saulta on Nov. (I, lOn. dfi);>i>liin ai estUnaKxl 30,3i0 ions ul cxploslvci and Incendiary bombx.

Stoclcholm dlipalchM snld 1.001 pe r^ ns were killed lii yeaicrrtny'i Ameilian lald ^>n^Bt lln,

“Poppy Day” for Legion May 27th

S '"?.

Murtaugh^Mairjr Up Prom Ranka

n E A L a sn p iM Gi N w n i G i f

supply is pill 11 bfCoJllM II

i>fr tllP h

;TAU0H. May 8-M aJ. a i 1» one ot ihe few serHcei me lip from the raiiKa but also 0 background of West, roim

r In Hie SBlli Intnntry on Be J935. and almost two year* tnl ri-fSllll of i-cOmwilHrt^eJiaT ion. nns nppulnted lo atlrnd 1 lUr:i-arartrmy ftl Wett Point •prrftcnlntlve of I he prcond cc .'Innril rtl.Mflct of Idaho.

crcd V .1 Point 1.1 cradlinttd o

• :h ho rcpoi

ip. N. Y.. un ■t Ihn (M'lKln. clalitH U.I U.

n July

nrored ii

•nilcniy n:

; emplojniei I U ooordln

mored achool. lie I flr.M lleiiltnanl I coplnln nn Srpl. iniijor on Jan. 4, priTcni i-liins, ho o inllllnry acad- two-yi’“i' n.'»lgn*

n Kmi of Hip

r Bert i

PtocUlmlns May a t which time Amc rtUxlUar}- member.i will m on the slreeb. Mn

• Bwect said Monday:• “I do hereby'iirite Ihe ell Twin Fnlli to imrchn.<c the whSsh a te mado by ril*nWe<

•aw , in onlfi' lo Aisin In rnLMng------ lundrto-cnrry on the work of ■' " ‘

welfare and a.^Jlstlng dUnblcd

In fan t Buhl Boy Succumbs Sunday

nUlIL. May 8—Alvin TlicmpionI old I

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. 11..... .......C5tar layps. filed nl S p. in. Sunday,

lie wn* born Feb. M. i044. Oravenidfl cervices will be held n

2 p. m. Tueiday at Ihe Buhl crnic' ten', imdpr direction of the Evani and Johnson fimcml home.

Beside* hla pnrcntu, mmivora in-

tr , Johnny.

The HospitalEmergency bedi only wer« aviilU

atile at noon Moitdiiy a t Ihfi Twin ra ils coimty Renrral hospltnl.

ADMITTED•. Baby Kathleen .Ward. Maater

Norma ehaw. Kenneth Kinney. Mr*. M«no- floberlj, Prank Bchiibert and

• Richard Shaw, IV lfr Palls: Mra. S. H. Btrickling, Bulil; Oernid Wng- ner. Kimberly.

u n n ssE O Oeorsp Aiumano, O rb WiUli

and Mr*. V. C. HoM. TU’In r n —. Mra; Frin lt nich»r<H^tid ctsujhter, Bneahone; Mrs. LouWsJ^gpradorl^

• Richfield; Mrs. Orville D?Wtar«Kr- tha nelnks and.Mrs. Vern Johnion and daughter. Buni: Roger PouUon, oolclfy.


X bomiicclal n»- d elccllon .ipervljory0,000

em plo'fs will vote bnllotlnR will bs n' a fte r the polla close tomorrow nighU

filarlfd CoiilrBteny.Armed telture of the plnni and

the snb.itqiicnt oiwtcr of Avrry from hlfl office by two aoldlera tciiched off

natlonnida controversy and both e house and tenaift voted an in* .Mlgntlon. Doth nte echedulcd for

One other dcvrlnpmeiit scheduled Ja week la ttie heurlag fuc Paul . 0uwc'll. All injtiager'of “~^* lu faiia*i

the fiinnrr. ril mi a qiml ui nu.oou 1101

It i.I men will up ii iilhiH to CnrI Leoi1IIMI of the tpoiixi

fliiy with

DavU niKl Clifford Davla.

n i k i i t i i r e a -------or» ol ft cnr bclongli..

Cliiybtinip were dainuKcd maciilnc collldrd with am (o John BalAcIi on Addl' 0 Sunday, she told police.

Ip araiited

r 1S44HS tPalU. Mis

»ii and Por

p 200 block of Jftckf,(

Ifc. and-lcli

• arslgnmcrt

Re^Cross H om e: Nursing Classes Need New Spot

Buiil Magistrate Files Candidacy

•ere n . n . Love, tiidebaker. D. 1,. 1 la,W ,l>tP lio«r cr, all of Buhl. John Sa>

. J . nufc-K. W. r- ■ rrun, Fred Ih 5 tmd J . H. X

■. Muifiled .. for preclnce Demorrallo II

Deadline for III lay 13. Thus far 'cmuiTnlia eanrtli liu four Oourboi Irani". Repiiblica


fires, (wo 0 poMs anil MI tee candldati

Union Men Speed Work on Center

WEATHERParlly elaudy Cenlfht and Tue<

day; IIUI* Chance In U m peratun. lilgh ynlerday 7(; lfl« yrtlerday 41. Lew (hu momln* 40.

Mrs. Olive Dague Paid Final Honor

Funeral wrvlces for Mrs. Olive M. Dagup, who died mddenly Saturday niornlns, were held a t It a. m. Mon- dav a t the While mortuary chapel with Dr. O. U. Clark, ixu^lor of th( Prr.-byterian chureh, officiating.

—^Mr*. nu.ve11 Potter fang, playing her own accompaniments.

Honorary pallbeirence Thomelt. O.......n . Wllkpraoii. Bert H Plait. W ul Moseley *i Crowley. .

T il# body was shipped from sho- aliono Monday afternoon to Woos­ter. o ., former home of Mra. Dague. Mr*. Creath Barnard, her only daughter, accompanied her mother’* body to Ohl-


Jerry M.

donate tliflr labor lu the .evei IhLi week to .^peeli work of reini InR the Twin Falla .voutli cente

Fully a do«cn ciirpenlers tu out iJunday for tlielr fccond • parly, geUliis ll>o builrtins prepared for ctcctrlcal work, ‘fliml cleanup and then painting and calrlmlnlng, according to W. W, Frantr, build- ing committee chairman All labor Is being donated.

■ long thoee who worked Sunday JaycefJ, nirmlwra ol Hib origi­

nal sponsoring organlutlon for (he youth projrct which now la under direction of ihe cltywlde youth to- ordlnatlns commUtce.

Vl.ll Sallof Mr. and Mrs. Del Jenkliw and

Virginia Cpokc. Twhi Falls, spent the week-end a t fiun Valley vlsillng ClmrlM E. Cooke, aeaman arcond daw . who enterfd the convalcicenl hiMpltal there three weeka ago after he became 111 while comlnjc home oti leave from Farragut. Son of Mr. nnd Mr*. J. H. Oooke, Kimberly, he re­ports hi* condition now improved.

i.miber of cnum R fto

.e Moi. wcddln


iiip to Salt U kc Clly. Her hunbnnd. Tech. figt. I,, it. Bchaefer. will leave Twin FalU m d a y to report b.-ick lo lllll field, osden, where he Ii sutloned with the tiuarlermaater citrp.i of the air force. Mr*. Schacfcr was i l l is .Jtan-ltaac-P rlor. to her mnrrlage April 20 at Ogden.

the Dc-

I a suike

WLIV. 01 Uir Kt iver llic liroperty- !• ml (Ifty machlnlsl:

Weed Area No. 3 Gets Board Okay

Creation ot .Twin Falla county weed extermination area' No. 3 waf voted Monday by thfl Twin Fnlli comply board ot tCrnimlMlcmeiJ. \jpon petition by owners of the land li

Return rrom BoUe Mr. and Mr*. D. J. fcftvanagh

Mr. and Mrs. Ailicr B. Wlldoii have returned tn Tivin Fall* fdllowlng wcek'cnd biisliirrs trip to BoL'c.

Q r«ntc a itstinc 'Twin Falls Orange

a p, m. w«dj.e«lay a l Uio I- O. O.


. McCleai ighter, M

FalU, ovBoise. vlslleO their da Norrl* P, et<«liler, Twli IA6 week-end.

Parent* of OIrlMr. nnd Mrs. John M. Nymir

Twin Fall*, are thp parent* of i daughter. Rena Carolyn. W n Gun day morning a t a Twin Fall* homi

Back from Trip Mr*. Merle bxoddnrfl li«s relur

from Baton Houge. La.. wMer# spent tha pnai 10 day* visiting husband, Lieut. Don Stoddard, i Is in the army air forcc*.

andmother. Mri r. To-ln Falls, oi ncle, Elmer Lelch.

hu.iband. who la a

'^ming .tailon (h«e

■Illy Club Meet un ity club will hoi'

program a t 3 p. m. •• home of Mrs. . Each member la a.'k BUf*t. Mrs- Oeorge " cUftrgc o{ tl\e proctaii

1 Duylnc Trip ,Mra. Beulnh York i iicMullfii lm>e r

r."&„lonihs In the


and Mrs. J. H. Ball. I

: MrsIt the p

Ball's fathC) U. N- to Burley

jlt Mr. Balia grandmother. UW t MlVltr, and Mt». Anna 1. Tlicy were accompanied by

Mra. Florence Pratt, a daughter of . Ball.

Tlip lai Includfd is e hlKhllno a extending fro

hal lyin d lowlln- i the road

................. - t o Rockind Cottonwood dran e area Include* about

n.OOO ncrcs, and J. O. Eslllng Jat ipproxlmalely 3-500 acres was rep c.'icntrd l>y Hgncrr.

■ "Ing of owiirr* of land I) .................a t fl p. n'will be held t

Robert T. Aldous Passes Suddenly

BURLtY. S*)*-4:-noberi Thurs­ton Aldous. fl5, dle3~#l. 7:20 p. m.

ay 111 hla rwm a t Uie Palace h) Burley of a heart nllment.

He hiid been dnwntofive wl.en lie had ci............ .feeing 111 nnd relumed to lila n

: « ; e;Coroner Vem McCiilloch, Chief of

police W. W. Wllllfti ...............S.1U1 H. Clark who 1. death said that no Ir ifcc.vnry. Mr. Aldous was a t

of Mrs. Elaler nnd had lived eominunlty for many year*.

l^mefal artan(tfm«iitA are ixtidtcig ...■rival of other members of the fam* lly. Tlie body rests a t Burley fu* • irnl home. •

^ .f*P$l20>Ia Oampang, Lontjilmd Cfit, ff‘ >*■ Frueh ised ItotUer: r<pU.CeU So(tUa« CM apuy • ( TwId TftUa


Boy Suspected In Cash, Coat Loot

Two theater rmploj'Ps attributed thp lp.‘s of il3 and a font contain- Ing »3 M to youthful purne-inatchera when they reported to police, a tlu r- tlay night.

Mri". Jack Allen. Orpheum em- plovp. told offleera lha t 112 wn» taken from her pur** while i>he wa» working. A gray tweed coat, belong­ing to .Mr*. William Oarrella, with J3J0 lu the pocket wn» taken from

- t-lhMl>r thiI boy, f

wandering through the plae# jhortly nfK-r midnlcht. Mr..Oarrels said.

Police are Investigating - ------of suspect*.

BOISE, May 8 lU.Pj-sen. D. Worth Olark today Dcrtonivlly filed hU. potiuam Cot rc-nomlnalion on thi Democratic Uckct to the U. S. sena T6riSI“p S n te liiie lleld lor *lx yeari

Clark drive to idnfto from Wash' Inglon und was nccompiuiled by tw( of hl» lliree daughters—Nancy U e n , and H e l e ; ......................

wiui I and.uncle. Federal Judge and Mrs. Chasi A. Clark. Mrs. D. Worth Clfiric wll come (0 Idaho la ter with U>b other daughter. Dorothy, 8.

Olark U Iho flr*l to file for the Eouiiion ntanlimion. Ui» CFpponenU will be alen Taylor. Pocatello, tha >040 and 1942 nominee, and James 11, Hawley. Boise attorney. Oov. 0 . A. Uottolisen has filed for the Re­publican nomination to the

Phil Bran Presto filedpclltlons for the Democratic nomi­nation as second district congress­man. Ha is unopposed to date. Rep Henry D«orihak ha* yet to file hli petitions for (he - • ••

3pposed.II b'e u

e Saturday Harvey fichwcndl. NtwdfJe, former commission-

iciillu ................... ~1. « ltd for -the Re-

Uoyd':lerk of the Idaho t iie Republican nonil llstrlci congre.'sman.

flled-Lleut- Oov. William Dttwellet speaker Mllldn

Ddwln M. Nelaon, Htttelton, house

. .Horsley, Soda

Whltehcftd. Boise.

Seen Today

aft nllire alK

. . Clilmney 1

Magic Valley Funerals

BUHL-lto^ary tervlce for Eii- no J. Tliomcti will be held at R

ni. Tiif-'-lay nl Oip AibcrUoii ..Jieral liome chapel here by the Rev. Fr. K. F. Wlrtzberger. pastor of

B church at Buhl. Requiem mass ill be celebrated a t 10 a. m. Wed­

nesday at Ihe nuh! Catholic chureh by Rev, Father Wlrlsbcrger, with burial In the Tivln FnlU ccmetery,

fl\p dlrectlim ot the Alberiion funcrnl home.

IW/IN FALLS — Fiinernf sprvlcea (oc Mci. L. W. CUwmpUn. IB. will e held at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday nl hp Ttt-m wlls Churrh of the Nni.i-

L. H. Oliver of.Ing. niirinl I'lll

under> In

ihc Wlilte mortuf

B U nLEV -rim eral wrvipe.- for Mr*. Mary Catherine eimpron Nell- )on, 90, Jsekson plonrer, will be held a t 1 p. m. Tuesday In the Jackson LD .a-ffa rd church. Bishop T. W. Bamefl oHItUtlng, Tlte body may be

from noon Tuesday unillf n r c m ■ In Burlry ci

£ D i i c e i I e t l J M a u J s - N o t : ^ ^

Wisfe, Vicar Tells-Giaduatcsn.hlflhInterp

school f - ...... - ............... -.........ln-thc-Tpii:.':fror"tn6wIc3gc niid 18- aponsnjllltles of ndult life, the Rei “ U.Hlle Rclb. who gi ...............

griiduallng b'..............mi, look as h b I

Corinthlaru S:2. "WIiMvcr ImagUi-BHIT3S

tic ha.1 n Jitncd tknowledge doo.a 'I po«.knowledge' yei.’

Tlie concellcd man. no mail ,v much knowledge may be ster his mind. Is not counted in

educated, Tiie tru ly ' wUe man humbled a* he realliea tha t III* w: dom Is bill the commenceitietit All knowledge. In this sense t (hole world Is In the 'commcnc

jnenf."Soeiai Ceoperallen

Pointing out lhat "living” 1 includes much more man faUowiiig » vocation, Ihe vicar of Aseeiuic Episcopal church exhorted tradi lies lo reach out Into the coinmi

.ilty and associate with their fellow beings. "Educate yourself tha t yo leisure huUr* will become a bene 0 yourselves. An education' glv me the power of nppredatlon ai jlHcrvalton. You Uave ueen aotag school for 12 years or more, b ■' > 1s only the commencement.

•In whatever field you may iklng a commencement, let me r

Mrs. Champlin, 79, Called by DeathMr*. L. W. Chnmplln. IB. wiio had

heeiran Invalid the pa*t tliree yuir. , fl'tfl SMnflny M 3 ) \ TO. nv her Immc east ot Twin Falls.

Sho wa* born Dec. 27. 1I!S4. nt Des Moines. In., and wa* married here Dec, 27,1681, to John A. Boyd, ho died In August, 1011. She was

..inrrlcd lo Mr, Champlm Sepl. 1. »S8, and had lived In this area

iiember ofMre. Ohnmplln wns the a m reh of Hid Nuz servlci'i. will be held Wed •sday. May 10, a l 2:30 p. m. a t thi win F.ills Church of the Narn •lie with Ihe nrv . L. S Oliver of

..clatlns. flurlftl will be in T*h Falla cemetery under direotion o

e White mortuary, ne. kle.s her hiisbnnd. she w .‘iiir ,ed by three sons and a daughter ivld Ogden Boyd. Hansen: W1I iin A. Hoyd, Haie1t<»n; Cecil S >yd. Spokene: Mra. W. F. Ornham isfldeiia, Cnllt.: one atep-son :nry Chainphn. Klmbprly: a step

• -- 1. EmllyS. Mj -r. Mra.

d M

Air Patrol Goes On Flight to Dam

r nt. a feature

I Sunday afle;

on made

meetlns t inlcipal all

reepcetlvel: Qlen Jer

Frank Juddw and Dick llowar.d Blanchc M cDoi.....................ntivpll mid Marije Oiay. John r rrii and Miiry Harris and Harry

Harris und Marlnn Gillette.TliP fltRliL wa» planned ftiwl di­eted by A. O. (Ttil) Smith, fllBhl

All iiinii ’ f-qiiadroii iidetf. had military drill.

'nnv Hoaue, training and opern- : LffUer. announced th a t CAP ts will l«\\c ft raetUriB a t 1-.5C 1. Tic.sclay in the Idaho. Powei

'’rovblonal membeM of the cadet.i II mrei at S p. m. Tliursday a t the rk hotel. Hogue said.

37 Pay up After Safety Program

Rht diir1 drive, ig 42 f. . defective

Bob Oullpy, Dale ipclrr and Deiweiier Bros., fnc, iarold O. Waddell was relea.^ed

on pajm eni ot n *10 bond

fully sIiftUTilso rc.ip bountifully. He tliat sows 5|)arlnsly shall reap spor- Ingl)-. Vou are 'faclug Ilfo and some to rt of life work. Extrlcala Irom

:lllnklng the idea that you will

Ig to live ii■you .wfta Ihc B ftjli

I th a t J f*unexplored fields. Acquire t.. . . gree.of insight which wilt lead you to choose the grest. noble, mo.'t worth while things In life. Reach out from this «jmmcnccmcnt~tlierc u yet much to Se posiestcd. Lei him who IniAgUiea he has •ttnUied to some degree of knowledge know that ho docs nol yet pouess the trua knowledge."

Orfhettra PU)»

Bail with the prelude. "Oracle- Taylor, played by ths high ici orctie.Ura. Olaily* While

Nex >s the I......... , Clrtum:((ar. (o whlpii grsduslltig scnUiri iniirched to tiiclr pUoM. Tlie lnv»- cntlon wan given by the Rev. MarK C- Cronenterger. The following n - lectloiiB were given by the hlKl) school choir under the direction <il MIm Frances Pehrson; "Praise He

> Tlie " PalesHas LOsl lU Way,'' Dloirlch.

and 'T h e Spires," ChrHtlansen.Precc<llng Rev. Mr fwlls' addre.'-i

were « ocrlpture reading by the Itrv. H. a . McCalllster nnd another . c- lectloii by the orcheilra, "Fin­landia," Sibehus.

Concluding the services was a combined choir and orcheatra m- lecllon. “Ode to America," by Noblft Cain. Dr. O. L. Clark pronouiiccci the bencdlciloa. which was follow­ed by the reccsslonal.

5 W 0 H ,Ii HEAR 1SI I f

A Jurj- of 12. Inehirtlng five n. wn* hearing today Ihe 1 our criminal calendar trials ,prl1 term of district court, hp first lime in Ihe iilslory ourt tha t

Foil)’ Jur

n hsve

lo fla rt serv. .... Tlmlnal Irlnls of Bnirc M»r-

pa.'illig a forgpd ). 3 at .Mcrtford’.

Lt>uU.e Stldtoid, Brocery alore,- the

- • limed ttiac me chcck.



d .Mond.iy a■ llh R-iy

in netlig a i attorney lor t

;i arrciled. Marlin was out. K* pcnitenlUri’ on tJie secoi reprieve! granted bv the go :o allow him lo siipixirl ) nd children. IIU wile '

t this N> far

--.-ors hearing the trial a......... .F. Lind. Twin F.ilis; L, J. Prior. Haii- .vn: David E. Fox, Tsltl Falls: Mr.'<. lU icl V. Arnold. Kimberly; O. ( i- Etler and M. B. Corcoran,FnlU; W. R. MoiTl!.oii and Mr*. Flor-

ice Ring. Bulil; Mrs. D. Jean Day Id Wilbur Uuckfl, Kimberly; Mi.v eiv* Wilkinson. Bulil. nnd W. T.

Comb.i, Kimberly,

Brand C'ertlfiratslesl Kimbrough, route two. , hnfl recorded stale brand ccr- te here for the EK brand, lo ed on horses, cattle and sheep.

I t iG H iy CRAFT

' M onday Evenfnff, May 8, 1044 TIMES-NEWS» TW IN FALLS; IDAHO

WAaitlNQTON, May B <UP>-The two 45,D00.t0n-snpcNBlrcroft cnS rlcni now under corutnictlon should be ready to piirtlcJpatc In llic

______m’l'Irm .J ftran-riurinff-iniy-it-ttas.learned todDy.

CoiVitructloii on n Uilrd shl the ^ n c iyiK u i-clirdulcd to

^ th li aummer.Fln t o( Kind-

Tlicjc stili«, the first of their kind In nny nnvy. nrc deslsned lo carry mulll-ciiKlnrt bombcra ds psrt of their rcBular complement of pltuits. Ttiu.1, they wilt cnnble the navy to rxicnd Its wn-bomc nlr striking nnn by hundreds of miles nnd ^rlth n heavier punch-

■nie first of tticfO bit? cnrrlcrs- llclnlly rifslgnniwl ft* CVD'sclipiUilcil lo be liuinchrd Inle M’lir. Tlie fotutid la duo lo slide ilotvti the wnys enrly In 1£H5. Slncc llif nntlon’s niivnl builder* hnvc been nblo lo placc 45,000-ton bnttlo- slitjvi Into rommlsslon within Mi seven months nlifr Uunchtaj, was cxpcctrd Ihiit Ihe new type t rler/! could bi' mafic ready for ci bill within the sjtme period,

'Hie navy apiiari'iitly gave these cacrtcc?, IM«U ;itloclty tiitln?Ihplr conMrucllOK Uie of the first two were laid down only late liist yonr- When the fir ' hiunchtd lute UiU year, only n tlo more Ihnn a year will have b<.’cn consumed hi It.s conslructlDn.

Carry Ul( Itombers The lale Secrftnr>- of the Navy

Frank Knox, In iiu^closlntt the n plan t<i build the lilK carriers.Ilielr MiuIli-enKhKxl jilane.i would be hravler than the Mitchell 0-25 me­dium bombers Uint look off from the carrier Hornet to bomb Tokyo in the historic Doolittle mid.

Wlille II I.-! passible tor Iwc^enRin- ed nlrcrnft to take off from exIstlnK types of Iir,sl line carriers, they can­not Mfcly land becnu.'c of Ituufll- clent deck lenRth nnd width. Tlie

_ dtMRTi ot Ihc new big carrtcrs wUl ■ i overcome UiejM) problcma,

Methodist Meet Set for Rupert

nt;pEIlT, May 6—At 8:30 p. m. WcdiicMlay, Maj 10, al the fourth tiuiirurly eonleiencc for Melhodkt cimrchc.s of ilujM'rt nnd Paul, bchiK held in tlU' Rlijwrl Melhodbt church. Dr. George O. Raseberry.

irict, will speiik tind hear report* of the yrar',s work.

TMe inei'tlnR In Paul Is .scheduled for ’nuir.Mtiiy.

Dr. liii-'i liorry mi.'i a former r of the Mclhodlsi church here.

Masonic Degree To 5 Candidates

Tlie Roynl Arch degree wns frrred upon five cnnclldaUs when Ihe 'IVhi KiilLs clmjitcr of Iloyii Arch Mnsons met Krlilay nlKhl h the Ma-'onic temple wllh Ray Sluy ler, hiKli prlfM, pr''-ildlnK.

A .siK'tlal wiia Elmer Casad. hlKh priest of the nujjcrt ehoptcr nnd Royal Arch captnln of the Krand chapter, Royal Arch Masons ot lilftlio. lie UIL1 ncrumpnnled by lour other officers of the Rupert chapter.

Far five }<;aM befnte Jotnlns the -Kerp ’Em Flylnt'* tert field hpadijiinrters of Ibe Oxden air icrvlen rnmmand w hrrr he H ( ployed BS a radio meeliaiile. Or^illr F.. ChaUertnn manaerd s Iia warr store In Itupert. The lii«truniriil5 )ic repairs serve a< Ilie voice ear* of U-ZI I.lhrralor lianibm which are playlne sueh role In the Kurtipean onil south I’aeUic tlieatem of com (Offlelal photo U, S. armj- air forces)


tioVi of Innleei nnil busliieM meet­ings were held in nil common sclvool dlstrict-i In Co-wla county, and nc- -cortH ns^'M rs^l'tow f^'U rlin iK nc hujKrtnlcudeiit. only reportson the election of t l>tee. are In as yet. Tliey are us folltiws:

Elbn.''Floyd Lenvlti. Arlhiir Ward, R. M. Mnxfleld: Almo, J. L'. Trncy. Qus Errlcsoo. Wesley \V,ird; Ravston, John Ollson. Vida ituUcduc, Anna PaLwgllo: Mnlifl. Hope Gardliior, Gcorce Keddo nnd K; II. B.irlow; Basin. Herschel Dcdke, Afiu-l'.Fitlr- chlld. Rny Steel.

Haiel, J. E. Mliltlic"*.', Rom Kojle, lliumoh Koyle; DtliltjC, Roy' D. 01- .-on. W, L. Hawkins, lien V. Schmidt: Springdale.' M. H. Manniiin, P. Fillmore; Moulton. Cheiur nuller.s. Marj- Klrkpalrlclt. T. K. T.iylor,

Albion, Vartl ChJilbiiin. Curtis Mahoney, Ethel Tomlhi.Mm: Hexlnr. Claud Jensen, A, H. Kchlivlii,.Kinuia L. Batlerjon; Locust, Itdljiiul Crltfli- SlPlrt, HMold Bles«rr, tnnvnin sijin- j!cr; Island, Uerscliel Harm;,, Marie J, Paul, L. J, Predmrire

III SprhiKdale dlsttl.'t •» u,lnl trustee will be apjxilni' cl b*'< ausi- of

dialely benln construcHiin i>( u new •school house, since the lunucr mi»l- cm Um'c-rooMi siiu.'i-ir- hiimrrt down lajit winter.

[>erlod. T1 r by C iiihl. .


Twelve years of hardwnre inerchan^ (llslnR experience were temporiirlly shelved by Orville E. Chatlerton ol Rupert, Ida,, wlien he Jtilned Ihe ••Keep ’1^1 KlyliiK ' servUes at lllll Held heiKliiuarters ot Ihe Oiiilen

nrvke eoiiunand mon; Uian n

Now a riKllo mi the malnlciiance

5 and IraiVimltle^s employed icle Sum's larKest fimr-eiiKlne

bombers — Liberators and n ;- h e 1.'

It ICO Kitnlns .if/ t(m»

.1. 1C Ilsukhme.---- MrBiorrI ISO Chimbrr

IIiU xAfV Uil

... 'Three

ioa sW. W. Chiplln-ntwt:1S zScrcniJ* bj AmtrlrsHO xClem ttcCUrthr'i Si>oru Dlcnt !«S Tf« Tlm« lUrmonlrt

8:M lWllci£t:30 sKvmrlhInc for <>>• Oor>

11 K ’S r "6:30. lA pit« %v lth JvifT:oa

• , 7is« xK"lil>»r UcCm *(u1 Mollr♦ J lw S v X n

!;!! .........

of Rerd^s RKeway stores In Ru|W?rl.Except for n reiiuiatlon ns a

"KiulKcteer ' nnd an apUtude for me­chanics, Chatlerton c.ime here with lltllo beslde.s a determlnallon lo ninke a worthwhile coiitrlhullon lo llie •*i>r c!Ii>rt. Now, bo.vslinK " .specialized six montks course sup- jilemented by eluhl mnnlhs on-the- Job IralnhiK, Chattertoii Ls regarded as one of the most valued employe.^ lu the radio repair sectloii where tli« nppllcalKin of slreamliii<-d tralnliiu lechnluue;. have proved emhiently successful.

A native of Preston, Ida., he lived n l ffOO U btrecl In RUiwrt before eoinhiR lo Utah. His prevnt addre.' i

Final Rites for Edward Plocher

RUPEtlT. May B-Pvm«ivl strvkcs for Eilward Plochcr. 50, who died April 29 a t his home near Rupert following a long illness, were held a t the Trinily Lutlicrali ditirch witli tliu Rev. Q. \V. Holfttian otttclMtaR.__Mp j Ic for Ihe icniccs iiidudcJ ahymn by Uie cliurch conKregatlcin iind l«(> vwal duels by .Mrs. Cnrl Oiickeiibern and MLss Qernlcxi Quckrilbern.

Acting as l.allbearer.s llfh Sc-hi nk, Jciliu Maler, Jr ler, John DeWuld,Andrew Miiler.

Flower itrrannement.s were under Ihe dlrectlnn of Viola F^irworn, E iher SehiR'n, 13orls Bchoen, Floren Maler, Ida Maler. Lenh Maler, A (lena StUieiik and Adollne Slh.

Interment wiis in Kujxti ccmelerj^ under dlreelloii of the Ooodmaii mortuary.

Hdwiird Ploecher 24. 1887. in Ru«la,«nd MrK ChrUllnii Ploecher. He married MnKibilena Diets In Ru.s.sia in lUlO and they cmnc Ui the United Stales .soon adorward. Tliry moved to Idaho In 1D13, when they

■ived by hl.s widow, Mx lumhters, seven grand-

Kovemor of Roliirv. Four I,cm \

In atlendanee, C I) Uo Jack m R cy, Uuhl pfiM<l,iit. Curas. Buhl prcsiaeul-eliel, Lee Howard. Buhl secrelary,

OucsU at the Tliursilay mec I'ere Don Teeter. Buhl, and I

Slddowny, Twin Falb,

51ack~“TelIs of TwoYeafsTOver

Seas a t Grange

..................... 't ilt armed forees.n\ntrylnK Irish CoHeens," ssiltV Ro\>- eri O. Black, speaking a t the Han­sen arango meeting.

niark, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Har­vey Fornwnlt, Hansen, and fecenlly returned from Wq jetira' servlte In Persia, nortii Africa and north Ire­land, .spoke of his experiences ns a civilian airplane epeclallst employ­ed) b>'*the Lockheed Aain!fnft cor­poration.

“Wf arrived In Cairo. E o p t, Dec. 5, 1943, Ju.« In time lo nuike plans to celebrate the native Christmas (hat year, wllh the aid of the Ru. - sl.-ins nnd EnglL'limrn stationed in that clly.

Heat Terrlhlp •■Work, however." he explained,

"wiu. BomelhlnR else. "Our sehedule



o 6:30 n we V,orke<l In heat of lOB Heat was so terrific ihn vised coolers wore used t*. .some of the suffering '

Ulack told liLs audience U>eXlirrrt enmpnny b\nil hwpltals, me.'i'i halls nnd

o;uU, 0 • ••

-Mititan was ot my own Usue."Blhclc dwelt f.T some tlinj .

the 'fine work behiB done In north Africa by tfjc International Crtvu,

"Fresh meat in Egypt was mere­ly something wb dreamed about.


HAILEY, May 8 -B lalne county druft board has recIaMlfletl the fol- lowing:__.Rali)li_HaKe.._Rei— iUirctUscn, lUdph Shanks. Jnmea Tnmbiill. Jr., Uwls Stlmson, Hobcrt ilacPherson. Bryan Hall. Robert S till, .Merrill Tliornhlll. t^lcte Black. Roy SLslam nnd Lawrence Oorrlligo were rcclas- slllcd Into l-A,

Osctkr CUi\e. Alton RotniMil »mS Nance Miles were nko placed in l-A ns was Cook Lynden. Lionel Remier. previously iiiieltusjllled. was placed

Tliose liiken from l-A and placcd In J-A were Maurice Ulack-sten, Harold Hoots, and ■riiomn.s War­field. Donald Dixon, Cecil Sinllh and iiurrlcc Yowell were lraii.sfe red from l-A lo 1-C. David Hwe. nnd Arnold Albrethsen were tan fcrred from 1-A to II-H. will

(rlgeratldn eliminated nil meats from our diet.

finod Aurtlenep More lhaii BO persons were In the

niidleiiee. Tlie speaker was Intro- (hireil by Mrs. Oeorge Henry, ilnn-

■IVln I'M's. )llimeil the

> will I, plan.s alerinl-

17« In Ihe purchasing of m the w<!,tvii\ tswl ol Hftnseu be used for the site of the Oram;e litimc, Mrs. Vance Naylnr is In charge of the building committee.

Tlirec members received the Uilrcl nnd fourth dcdtec obllgftllon, nrnl

Grange member received tlie first and second degree obligations.

Richard Carson was taken from l-A and plAccd In Il-O, Taken from ll-A nnd placed In ll-B wna BruceUlevlns. ■.................... ......

Clarence Tjardes was irnn.iferre<l from ll-A to J-A-H. Marlon Hansen was placcd in 1-A-L and Norman Peck nnd-HeBcl-Hnskins transfcrrcfl from IV-A-H 10 Hugh P lti-Keralfl was taken from I-A -Il and Walter Savarla from U-A-H and boui placed hi il-D-


M“yJil.3 .hM te«ljlcsleatue<l«prlu»eleon-up week for Ho^cllon. U wn» ' announced U ut all t r u h propefl)’.. located would be hauled-nway bt Ihc^villagQ. somcUmo durlna Uit

c dlveii uuarYnt defp^ecs of > '

Two recenV reRlstranls were Lion­el Jtcniier, an in-year-Qld and A. J, Bullock, ilLscharKed from the naval hospital at Sun-Valley.


_F.ageTlMia ^


M n. Oeo. Hwrtott U erriott Bldg.. 2nd St. «kOd

2niJ K it. Wcat

TRY A LOAF! Discover Why


. In Salt I. wllh hU wife anil 11, and Riclianl, 6

t IcnlBlit (UWT)i'N-t!0-< ,. •J* »f Amerki! «:I9. lto»«rd

H O O T E S ^ 'K O D U C E^ _ ,:.i> R E S S E n -jp o iiL x R r/ '

W holeule anti BeUU'AUo Ctntom'DcestkMC

II {ci4 A. BMtik riM M jini

Burley Ships 711 Freight Carloads

BUIU£Y. May 8—Durhif April, 434 carlond.s of gravel Were shipped out of the Burley freight olflee of the Union Pncific railroad for use in ballast work along right of wiiy ii» fur ivviny as Olrniis i\ r r y ninl Niuiipa.

Acconlini: to Oeorge K. Booth, agent, a total of 711 car» left tlie freight office, Incliidlng, gravel. 431: SKiUtoe.';, 181; entile, H ; griUn. SO; beans, li; wool. 2: cattle, 14; iiog-s,

horse.'. 2; mlsccllaneoiLs. 17; beer ?s and bottles, one: tcriip iron.

Nine Men From Area Accepted NavyBOISE, Mny B (/P)-Lc»l A ” er, Rexburg. enlisted in il

todny as a 17-year-old volunteer nnd men entering the scr\-icc throueli inductions included:

Richard A. Patterson, Leonard J. Baird and Ronald P. Peck, all of - ly^oyilford-T. SftVflbertft-Krteh-

noss M. Penney, Hfliley; Myron Spcnccr. Beryl n . Rupe ttntl

Arlcn P. Week*, all of Jerome; nnd William E. Miller, Blbss. '

HAZELTONMiss Mnrllyn Hadley. Twin Pnlls,

nnd Miss Qwendolyn Bolt, Jerome, former members of Hazelton high school doss of ’44, were attendants nt the ctn,«a grndualibn cxcrclses. "

Ocorgc Gross, nephew of Willard Wnrdeil and Mrs. n . W. Talley, both of Haicllon, W on furlough from Cnnip Hnlci Colo. He will return to duty May 0.

Cpl. Tom Hohnhorst has been on furlough visiting his parenla, J,ir. nnd MrB. Charles Hohaftorst.

Ciinrlca Crumrlno has been home on furlough visiting his t;Arenta nnd other rclfttlves.

American Legion auxlllaiy held ILi regulnr monthly meeting a t the homo o( Mnt. Ouy Dlxoa. A good a t- tcndnneo wns present

P ie. Vem Baum, eon ot Mr. e Mrs. Earl Balim, has been htane a 14-day furlough. He w « pn>sei»t for the high iichool gmdtiation of his brother, olenn Baum. Prlr&te Baum 1» steiSontd nV Camp Shelby, Miss. •

T he U ons cJu bwUl entertain vla- ser>-lce men, as u ]u custom,

. ...8 reeulor dinner meeting to be heW a t tA Vh« ^ h u rc h Ijsnquet -oom Friday evening, Mny J.

Pfe. Alvin RArlow, ion of Lester Harlow, nnd fotroerly of Hwelton.■ MlUii; UIlf utlQUgli recenUy. H t ■vJilting a t the t)om<).o( Mrs. Hnrlowi parenta Mr. and M rt. Orvnl Stephen^ Eden,

BUHL, May 8 — Presldcnt-clcct Ken Curtis gave n comprehensive rciwrt of the dktrict convention of Rolnry held in Iilnho Falls nl Uie regular meeting of the Buhl Rotary group, ••

He reported nbout 300 delegates n alictidancc from Idaho nnd

Utnlt. In a strcnm-llned business convention, he said tliey had some outslamling talent from the schools nnd Idaho Palls residents which was much appreciated by the eathcring.

AU Itnturetl Bpeaktrs ><J .the Utmost cooperation in the p'ost



- SJn)shone ______N o rth —

PhonoSS -.W '

W h o t V -M all Is—A n a u tom atic pho tog raph ic machine m okes a picture o f y o u r l e t te r - a copy so small th a t one cigorccte p a c k e t w o u ld ho ld 1,700 o f them . Overseas th is flylog-w cighc copy is enlarged to readable s iz c - tb c n th is colorge- m e at is sealed and delivered p riv ate ly like any o ther ! c « tf . Y our o r ig in a l le tte r a n d th e film sCro th«a destroyed.

^ F e s to r - s c f o r / l o o —V -M ail u n o t on ly many tim es foster tbaa boa t m a il—it is also safer. Fo r It is less likely to be intercep ted a n d destroyed by enem y action. V -M ail is so safe, so sure, th a t over 400,000,000 letters ha>-c been carried overseas w ithou t the loss o f « aiogle le tter!

Here’s what to d o -1 G et V -M ail p a p er a t aoy sta d o n ery co unter. You musi use this paper, because o f ia specia l size ofld shape.

■ 2 F o I Io w tb e s im p Ie d iitc tlo n sp r ia te d Q a th e b a c k o f th e 'p tp e r .B e su re to p r in t fu ll nam e, r a n k , se ria l nU m ber, m ilita ry u n it oad iC p .O . number. 3 M ail you r le tte r a t any p o s t ofEce o r le tte r box. Postage 3 ccno. The sortie k ind o f stim ip y o u use o n s le tte r to a oe ighbo riug tow n w ill send yotir le tte r overseas b y »pecding plane.

IT V-MAItr— Jt!^’’s private

H elp lick th is b ig |o b l —O rd in a ry m a il now takes enarm ous cargo space in bu o d ted s of sh ips—ships needed fo r food a n d am m unitioa. Food a n d m un itions can’t b e red u c ed to flying w eigh t—b u t le tte rs caa . A n d must, o fiidals fear, i f th e g ro w in g mounttSIn o f m a il is to be kep t m oving. So send tn try overseas le tte r V -M ail—save tim e, save ships.

G oneral eimn^L.V-Ma}l S9rvlt9 U a ^""'^SUratloa

O ne o f a se rie s 'o f o d v o r lije m e n h sp o n so red b / ' PeeHo/in., diTiniera*of W a l i ^ i beluKft Bourben'

'-TIMES-NEWS; TWIN FALLS, IDAHO --------M o n d a j^ E v e n ln g ’, M ay-8 ,-IM *!—


—-.iT h c . iu n c tlo n th e sc tU cm eiU of Uj WUS SpOtllglllCll 111 A m erican N ew spiipc c onven tion In N ew Cruw lorcl. boiiicl i:li;A-ssoclalloii or M am il p u pc r in ro m m iltiii o .de lega les . la "one b 'lu rlng cieric luncy’' In a good w nrllm o Job by th e A m erlc iin p ress.

M r. C raw fo rd c o m p la in e d th a t h e could n o t f in d In n n y n e w s p a p e r th e fa c ts re ln t ln g to '•the s c c rc t of i t a l l— th o p ro d u c tio n of w e a lth w hich-ls th e so u rce o f Jobs." H e to ld of .seeing •'endless sc ra p s o f .speeclic.s o r s ta te m e n ts "

_ .sca ttered ha p liu isu ra ih ro u K h th e piipers. B u t th e se , h e siiKI, w ere n.siially cii)inlon.s iiiul s e l­dom w hole truth.';.

T ho op in ions , h e c o n tin u e d , w ere those of “ te ac h ers , p rec iche rs . polltlclun.s, thcorlsUs, S oc ia lis ts . crnckpot.s. bu.5lne,ss m en a n d la b o r le ad e rs , , . c o lo red by i)rcjudlce.s o r p ro p a - R anda or h a te o r hope.^’ H e de fied a n y re a d e r to find h i th e pres.s o n e s e t of fncLs on w h ic h to bu ild h is eco n o m ic f iiti ire .

We a ll w ish , w ltji M r. C raw fo rd , th a t th e re w as one s im p le s e t o f f a c ts to .solve Our p o s t­w ar p rob lem s. B u t s in c e n o com plete ly p a ra b le s i tu a tio n h a s e v e r c o n fro n te d th i s c o u n try , a r e a d y -m a d e so lu t io n Isn ’t eiwy.

Few people will d i s p u te t h a t p ro d u c tio n of w ea lth is th o so u rce o f jobs. B u t th e re Is a lso a g e n era l fee lin g t h a t th e p ro p e r d is t r ib u ­tio n of w e a lth Is t h e so u rce of p ro sp e r ity . W h a t c o n s titu te s p r o p e r d is t r ib u t io n l.s on ly one of m a n y sn ag s.

T h e te a c h e rs , p ro a c h e rs , etc., th a t M r, C raw fo rd m e n tio n e d re p r e s e n t a p re tty good c ro ss -se c tion of th e p e o p le w ho w ill h av e to so lve th e p ro b lem . “ T h c o r ia ts " lik e B e rn a rd B a ru ch a n d J o h n H a n c o c k . "po lltlclan .s" lik e th e s e n a te p o s t- w a r c o m m itte e , h a v e a lre a d y m a d e a 'p r o m is in g s t a r t . B usiness a n d la b o r lenders h a v e o f fe re d v a lu ab le suggcstli N a tu ra lly th e se su g g e s tio n s a re co lo rcd by p rc ju llce . B u t w h a t o p in io n on a c o n tro v e rs ia l

^ s u b je c t Isn ’t?I f M r. C ra w fo rd w e r e to d e fin e th e '-w h o l ,

t r u th s " h c m e n tfo n e d , h e w ou ld p ro b ab ly f in d h im s e lf v u ln e ra b le t o th e s a m e c h a rg e by th o se of d i f f e r e n t e c o n o m ic ph ilosophy ,

B u t how I s - th e A m e ric a n p ress to rem ed y I ts " g la r in g d e f ic ie n c y ? ” By g e ttin g to g e th e i n a tio n a l ly a n d c h o o s in g "o n e s e t o f facUs’ fo r a ll r e a d e rs? T h a t w o u ld be n o t o n ly v i r tu ­a lly Im possib le, b u t in c o n s is te n t w ith freedom of th e press .

T h o f u n c tio n of t h e p re s s in th is s l t u a t lo r w ill s ti ll b e to r e p o r t Im p a r t ia l ly , a n d to ob- serve , c o m m e n t a n d s u g g e s t e d ito r ia l ly . And, If th is be “g la r in g deX iclcncy ." to p le a d gu ilty ,


L a te s t a n t ic o f J a m e s C a e s a r P e tr lllo . h e a d of th e A m erican F e d e ra t io n of M u.slclans, h a s been to c a ll a s t r ik e o f 10 m u s ic ia n s In a C h i­cago rad io s ta t io n b e c a u se th e s ta t io n w ould n o t h ire m o re m uslc lan .s . T h e s ta t io n sa id M r. P e tr lllo In sis te d t h a t I t h l iP e tr lllo s a id I t wa.s o n ly th re e . B u t h e d id n o t den y th e s ta t io n ’s a .ssc r tlo n th a t ! t d id n o t h av e e n o u g h w ork f o r th e 10 s tr ik in g m c p , w ho e a rn e d f ro m S75 to S105 a w eek for 25

'h o u r s ’ w ork , o r t h a t t h e s u p p le m e n ta ry '•m u­.s lc la n s" w ere to b e h i r e d a s " p a n c a k e tu r n ­e rs”— m e n w ho p u t o n a n d ta k e o ff t h e t r a n s c r ip tio n r e c a r d s p layed on p h o n o ­g raphs.

Wc d o n 't b la m e A. F .-o f L, P rosld(?nt W il­liam G re e n fo r p u b lic ly d e p lo rin g th e w a lk -, o iit a s a b re a c h o f t h e 'n o - s t r lk e p ledge by th e A. F . o f L .. o f w h ic h th e A. F . o f M. Is a p a r t . B u t M r. P e tr lllo h a s d o n e m ore th a n - b re a k thtJ n o -S trlk e a g re e m e n t . H e h a s c o m m itte d a n u n p a tr io tic a c t I n a p e rio d d e m a n d in g g re a t e f f o r t by a ll a v a i la b le m a n p o w er by c o n tin u in g h is t r a d i t io n a l , a n d now w astc^ful a n d n o n se n s ic a l, m a d e -w o rk po licy . .................


B ack h o m e fro m I t a l y . L ie u t. E rn e s t C h ild ­e rs a n d S g t . C h a r le s (C o m m a n d o ) K elly gave th e p ress In W a s h in g to n a n a c c o u n t o f th e h c ro lc so ld ie r in g t h a t w o n e a c h of th e m th e co n g re ss io n a l m e d a l o f h o n o r.

W h a t th e y sa id w a s m a d e a ll th e m ore i n ­sp ir in g by th e m o d e s t, s t r a ig h tfo rw a rd , u n - d r a m a tlc w a y in w h ic h th e y sa id it . A nd p e r - h a p s 't h e m o s t m e m o r a b le s ta te m e n t of a ll w as th e o f fh a n d r e m a r k w ith w h ic h S g t . K elly f in ish e d h is s t o r y : " T h a t w as a b o u t a ll o f th a t b a t t le . W e w e n t b a c k a n d g o t rea d y f o r th e n e x t o n e .”_____________________________ '

X le u Tle a v e . W h en t h a t Is o v e r th e y 'l l go b a c k a n d g e t re a d y f o r t h e n e x t o n e . A f te r t h a t th e re w ill be a n o th e r n ^ t o n e a n d a n o th e r , u n t i l

___ th a _ R a rJ s . .w o n .o t . .a s - lo n g - a s . . t h e y - c a n h e lp. to w in lU T h e re Isn ’t m u c h , t im e o f f Xor l i g h t -

.In g m c n .,e v e n w h e n t h e y ’r e h e r oes. 7 r r~ ~ tl i s t r im g B rT C ‘ 6 ^ 6 t h I n E r i d .b e a r i n m in d - r '^ l i e n ^ S a t i l r d a y s u n a h ln o o r M o n d a y h o n g - : : .v p « r .te in p t« .u s to f o r g e t t h a t m o s t o f u a h e ro i.v r .lia v e .a sm a ll p a r t l n '" g o t t l n g re a d y fo r th e


Wlipn AUomcy Oenfrnl Diddle ordered United eintcs Boldlcr* to forclbb’ ejcct the mnnsRer of Mont- Bomcrj’-Ward (tore In Clilcngo and lake over Uie l)u.slncM. He pulled one of tlie blg(jc»t blunder* of Uic wnr period.

Montgomeo'-Ward’s elore In Chlcngo Is In no wise n wnr plant. U Is cln.ulftea exnctly the .vinio na is nny retnll Atorc in Rii|>cri. KtiowliiK edectlvo Scnice

tloiis not one muii In the Chlcoco Mtnbllslimcni of drnfl aRc Is cntltle<i to deferment from mlUlnrj' acrvicc. In fact, the rcgulutlotu plainly Indlcntc Umt such rrtnll stores ore non-e.veniltd so far n.i the wnr clforl Is conccmecl nnd connccted uiUi It are lion-dctnrnblc. f'cr thirty years the poatolllce has a bmnch In the store, but this had been rc> movfd before Diddle'* dra.itlc order.

We know little or noihlni; of Moiitgomcrj'-Ward'.i ....................... labor. It may b e ............

t Inkr

dcier llie rlKhl tc call jii.itlci.'—-<]cmo

If Attorney Qe sclic tliK property ucilnn. then he newspiiper. your t

The con.iiltutloi

. ny'» rlghl for It* m a man commlta n murder, no t, the constltuUon gives the mur- a trial in court. TlUi Is what we

racy—freedom.icrnl Biddle or his sui>erlors can if Montgoniery-Word without court ind they can forcibly »elM thU ore, or your form.

rilele c e billnis about Bclcures: "D ie right of tJia

peoi>lc to be secure In their persons, houses, papers nnd etfccts against unreuonnble searches and sel- lures. shall noi be violated."

n i ls Incltlcni should place all of us on the home front on yunrd. we lose the very thing a t home Umt our sons, our brothers, yes, and our daughters nnd sl-stcrs. are fIgUtUig lor abroad.—Minidoka County

THE GAS THAT THE D0MBEB8 U.SE If you are ironderlns why you are not able to get

Ik bit more gasoline for Uie old bus to rt]n about town sn, consider the.-« Ilgures, a-orked out by a competent, itutlstlcian. Our liOO bombers th a t la st’ Saturday made round trips of about 1,600 nilles each to .lj im , iarget£ In Oemiany consumed 3,350,000 gallons of gas. Tlm t means • approximately M.OOO barrels of gasoline. Tliere were about S.OOO airplanes In the a t­tack. IncludliiR the heavy bombers. In tha 24-hour pnrtod they dropped la.OOO tens of bombs. Baldly

it this way: With 60 tons of bombs to a raUwaycar It would require five trains of 50 cat3 each to deliver the bomlM to the plane* o t the air fields. Our mea of the Rlr are keeping the British rollrondi movlnr

jkuoajpecd-and-our-shlpt-on-tiie-w e-m tot-be-feirty- sliuttUng bacic and forth between America and Britain to se t the bombs over there. We have In the United

^atfsJHiLtcflnerlea-lttrKa-aiHl-wnaHrProduclng-thg- Dctane eB-nllne,'which these bombers use and are steadily bringing more Into pn^ducUon to m eet'tbo tremendous war defand. Is It any wonder t tu t there'* little gas te r tiie domestic demand for ]u.<it illUterlng around toTO in the old Jalopy?—Pocatello IVlbiine.

strong hard-boiled rule to keep me country In reasonably good or­der and relieve Uie rescuing armies

■ • w lcans and

erous Ingratitude and poll«

DcOaulle seems to forget th»t U rt was the Inthire oC Prance that now ~ has made It neccssary for tlie In­vaders to storm the beaches- Men who were there In IB18 and again In 1040 reported tha t the French tol- dlcra of. 1D<0 were no true sons of their father# and tha t elements of ihn nmiy whlcti were Infected with communL^m gladly quit because. In those days In France as well as here, the communlsU were octlvely help- Inu Hitler. Yet DeOaulIe has sc- ceptcd communlsta os good and worthy Frenchmen.

Prance will be fortunate to b« (invi'cl at nil and DcQaulle's own eonlrlbuUon ho* consi.ited mainly of obalructlon and political qulbbllnK rcmlnl.scent of the dlsajitroa^ and dUgraceful pnrty squabbles In the chiimbcr of deputies before the col- laiwe. And the French people can

comrs when .. to ntl«m|)t to hold electlnn.i bo cohsldcrilbly leis painful the nile of the iinzLv

ha.s had some gto- tPMiup lllii.Mons about France ami (lie Preach chnraccer, a finti(j-oier at the great cnish which twgnn be­fore lOH and cooled somewlmt when rtench mobs prowled tho aUect.i shouting, -Down with the debtl" nnd Jeering Americans In '- lh« elreeU. ff tho United States ever owed a debt to Lnfayetto It was pnitt In full long ago. nnd while there U no false Iclen now tha t the Impend­ing Invasion Is Intended for the ; bcncflt.5 of France, alone, tlie >oI-|&

hu do the Job and tho.'-e b e -^ lioui a t home cannot Ignore ict tha t olhcru'tse Frame remnln In flavery Indet-

long enough to get the bigger w u the Atlantic ended. Thi

...... j ago Chnlrmnn Wllllom.Davl* of the war labor board want 9 sit dOT.71 wltli Avery and talk tlie /hole thing out.T hat was ot the beginning of

Avery’s private war. The trouble then was not In Montgomery Wi but In the Unlied States T3ypsi

Aver)' ri-ftisi-d to meet I Ither In WR.shlnKton or In Ct 0, Thereupon Davls persuaded his

> os a kind of unofficial mediator Id to try with aU Uie weight of Li national iiiid International pres- Ke to Iron oiii the dlfficuUlej, YoiiHK had lunch with Avery In

ChlcuKo. Tliey talked all afternoon. They talked imlll 0 o'clock In the

'ng. Young really Uioughl he Betting fcomeft'here. Finally


1 yet.''

n iu t say the bo-Mc contention e u a r labor board seems to me

sound. You can't unscramble war from non-war when It'a on the scale *of Montgomery Ward. To compare a concern with 78,000 em­ployees. Including complicated man­ufacturing Industries. wlUi a cor-

:r grocery Un't logical or fair. Dnvb nnd Uie members of hla

ftoard know that the balance they've able to hold between iwacc and I on the labor front Is as dcll- as a wateh spring. To allow a

big-strike to go on In Chicago would have been to risk a prairie lire of strike* spreading acroi.1 tha coiuitry.

— frec-wheelli«-lndepcndenU. Ifi been our strrngth and our weakncw Sewell Avery Is a tremendously cf- fecUve bu.tlness head—hard work- hiK. Imnnlnntlve. consclentlol^s. HI.' success has been outstanding. Slm-

irly, John L.'s success In biilldlng s union to wealth and power has

been outsundlng.But In wortlme you can't mn

. jur.own rule:<. In a complicated I dustrlnl Kociety ihe umpire has

aiiUiorlty.Mippose many people tlUnk

feltiiartyr. B for

y for the two soldiers whou, ■ mill mil. 1 iL.iift IT, m , -set to figlit Hitler and Hiro- and then finding j’ourself hi t

battle with the boss of Montgom' try Ward and compoiiy.

FILERMli-i Maxine Gentry Is vWtliii

^Ir. and Mrs. M. M- McCall cn rout< a Los Angeles. Calif., where shi vill be employed by the Dell teIC' phone company.

^^r5. Ronald Flidtim, who has bcei visiting nt the home ot her cowln. Mrs. F. Hudson, has left for her Jfcme at Butte, Mont.

Mr*. Boyd Pond and small son ind Mrs. Dale Penwlck are here or a visit a t the A. E. Pond home.

Mrs. Pond has been visiting her parents a t Kansas City. Her hiis- land. Boyd Pond, radioman ftrsl :lubS, who received third degree lums In a plane critsh In the south

Pacific, Is still hospitalized In that and will undergo skin grafting

hi* lt«5. Mrs. Fenwick's husbBnd, Lieutenant Fenwick, la also over-


»7”YEAH8 AGO. MAY 8, 1917Word was received yesterday by

L. I. Benoit of Twin FalU from his son, Harry, a t present attend- ng the Georgetown unl«ralty at Washington, D, C.. ot the Utter'a

secretary to the recently organlied military and naval board of censor- ilp. --------

d ty- trea*urer;-W .-J.-Sm lthrpoilce

WlUlatn J.-Taylor. chief of police; Pred Ham and Q. H, Huffman, pa- trolman, a n d Alex Murray, l i r a Jjlef.-

IJ YEAKS a g o ; m a y «. 19UMbs Thelma Barton, Wendell, as awarded Uie first prize, a. Carter >unuin pen and-pencll In the pen­

manship contest conducted by the...................... "lilllns.Oregg buslnes.1

end prize, a G r« g fountj__ ......Homer Ramsey. Twin Falls, and MlM Berma Newman. Twin Falls,

Mrs. E. M. tlajbom . Mrs. T. D. Wilson, >llrr, ■ awl-.-Mlts Froncas- Wltson entertained with on attrac- tiv« bridge luneheoniat the-W lbon homo Saturday to r 18 guesta. Honor* a t bridge were received by Mrs. A. J. Daum. Filer, and MUs Adlna Crowder, Jerome. M rt S. L. Ray- bom. Twla Falls, a glie«t.




Dear Potsle:Moat rushing business In town,

they tel! me. Is tJie Invasion pool gotten up by HnisworUl William Mc- noberts. You ateps right up and picks your day—apd pays your money. If the day you pick goes past without any Invasion, you steps right up and pick* a n o th e r- and pay*. You'd be surprised how many guys flKure they know as mucli about It as Oen. Et^nhower.


Taea"Where are all those 'ship by

rail' signs?"FYom your old friend

—Kid From Ihe Sticks


Dear Pot Shots;As you no doubt know, there are

stUl thousands of boys going through Pocatello on troop trains. We have noticed tha t. Uiey are especially eager to receive copies of the Read­er's Digest, no matter what the date may be. Afost of these boy* arc gO'

iicl an cf/lclcncy matched only by elnrlch and Hlmmicr's.Motivated by hatjcd for Ainerl-

ins. Brlton.< and patriotic French- len, and by rear of punljhmcnt

from the Allies, thL' mysterious evil i-iiius Is the key man!ii by Iltler to liead an ■ Invasion cab lncf nd to smiuih any uprising of his ountrymen.Only brief references to him have

ppeared In the press. But. accord- ig to Uie Frcnch underground, he

is an Implacable enemy of whom wc shall hear more when Uie Anglo- Amerlcan.i land. Pctaln Is rated as

misguided, senile figurehead; Deat, a windbag pubUclat; Lavnl. a scheming politician. But Dnmnd Is

Jiard-bollcd copper of the same ;rlpe as Pouche. Napoleon Bona­

parte'* terrorist Minister of Police.

ANGER — Darond organized the African Phnl • • - -

Ing ( eclate

In Libya. Loral promoted him to lead the French mllltia In the su[>-

•e.'jlon of rcsl.stance group.?. After- ard ho organized a sort of Oalllc :stapo to snoop hito the activities ■ rival Vichy poIlUcal cabiils.He waa boosted to Uie position of

food controller and one of his henchmcn was given charge of the department of Informnllon and propaganda. Now his title Is scc- retars'-general for the roalutenance of order. He manages all security

gencles w ith -an execiitlva skill ortliy of a better t seems paradoxical to say tha t

because of tha Invasion threat theUiese lltUe Digest* no t only because of the variety of reading matter, •lut also for the reason Uiey ar« ible to tuck Uiem In their

1 link Uiem withhoi

Our truckllnes and buses ar« very good about bringing thing* to u«, and we will be very happy to reeelva all the Digests you are able to col­lect and get to our Hut.

Thanking you and the people of your community for your continued loyal support,

—Sin. Edna Sm ice (Director DBG Hut, PocateUo

P. 8 .-W e would also appreelata recclvlsg decks of P la in s cirda. no m atter htiw bld'if uiey uo'complete.

WHO-S CONVERTED? Neatest comeback, all In fun. of

the week:A certain prominent Twin Falls

-Ba'iHQE-------- -----------------------his thu.’ily:

"Kella, you unconverted Metho> d U t" ,

------- FAMOUS-LAST-LINE---------*■.. . L eft fo fb b ln t a l Salmett

—« r will loinebMly inoop a l the ‘O' card? . . ."


near victory but because of Darand's energy they are closer to exUnctlon thah ever before. Vichy gendarmes on occasions tvere sympathetic to patrtola and merely went Uirough Uie motloai. They allowed tlio tiatl ge.^tapo and soldiery to do the dirty work and Incur thS" anger of the populace.

GANGSTERS — The new sUong- ..rm man haa shrewdly kept the Oermans from promlneace In the picture.

He reUred fifty department and more than two-Utlrda of the regional pr^e«t*. Ue ousted the police chiefs of Lyon, Dijon, Marseilles,' Toulouse and other large cities. H e.pursed the • civil - adm lnlstratlon-and-gen- dannery everywhere of lukewarm

trapped wolves who know they will be killed If the alllM win and are

V iw M mlllUa- len and 100,000 policemen who taka- n oath of allegiance to B ltle r-no t

‘o j ’slsjn- Amoiig their leader* Carbone “ V enture known In .... P s ils -underworld M the “Coralcon

" and.other'flrattlng and gang!

TRAITORS-The B. B. C. In Lon­don broadcast* dally the nam’ea of Darand'a* home guards and detec- tlTM so th a t patrloU may be on the lookotit lo r them. But the new

The Miiquls. hidlni; In the Alpitic Jl^trld.i to e.'capc fotctd labor, have Iji-cn attacked by cannon, and vil­lages In the area were burned flat In rcprbal for aiding them. Tlieir spokc.'mnn warn that unless smu cnn ?oon bo smUKKled to the youtlu Hipy may all be wiped out by th»^'^

wi-slcrn Franco.Before ncrcl Pctaln lost control to

more aifgre.islvc collaborators there wa. some semblance of Justice In French courts. Many JiirlsU gave the accused the protection of the reiml.Uc’« Matute.i.

But Darand hiduccd Laval to l.wue decrtc-.s KlvinK him supreme author- lly liver all police procedures, em­powering him to suspend ordinary criminal laws and to Institute co<irt5-martlal by his subordinates.

Patrlot.-i who would help tha Amerlcaai and British are In double Jeopardy from the gestopo and nszl military forces, and from the even more vindictive French traitor*.

CARME.S'T»-If the textile ihort- agc h not relieved fairly eoon, moth- er. of growing boys will hSve fresh lroublc-1. Cotton scarcities are de­veloping a t tho mills in the belter grndi\i of cloth. Loom* that made broadcloth and popliil are now pro­ducing wlndbreaker* for the army____and-nsTj—an-rlemcntnhiirTlltrtnB------troys’ wear Industry.

New York Karment trade *pokes-j'\ men arc disturbed by federal sUv-V tlstlc.s which show tha t around 10,- 614,000 linear yards of textile goods were turned out in 1813, a'drop of 5.8 per cent below 1043 figures. But some Jeremiahs predict that the 1041 output will fall off 50 per cent.

Boise “Sneak” for Hazelton SeniorsHAZELTON, May 8-Immedlately

a fter baccalaureate ser^'lce* the IB ncmbers of tho high school senior :litM, accompanied by their sponsor,Mrs. Betty B. Cochran, left for a 4irce-day "aicak" to BoUe.

Highlights of Uie trip Included a •rip to Oowen field, flight* wer Boise from UiB Floating Festlier airport and a tour tlirough Uie state house with a guide who was ar­ranged for by G ot. C. A. Bottolfsen.

JEKOME, May ft-PatlenU su - ,., I tud to St. Valentine'* hosplUl ^ ;

Wendell, during the past week were: ? 'Marvin K elthrAilettrJerom *, tiiedli-----cni. April 5fl; Mr*. Charles'Kays. Jerome, medical, AprU 33; M ia Pat-

A p n lz t. and Linda Olbson, Jer* Tie, surgical. May 1.PaUenta discharged were U Roy

Riddle, surgical. April 96; Mr*. Wnyil' . T in ’'**’-April 37: Mrs. lAurel Barber and infant daughter,'Haxelum, April.

Bonnie Dltmang, Eden, lunlcal. and-M ri.- sm e a t R « < riiW ln f» n t-r- eon, Jerome, aU AprU SO; Unda Oitaon, May 1; Mra. Ouy Hays and Infant daughter, and Mrs. Eltner Moeller and Infast daughter, aU M aya.

“Morfdny E v e n in g , J fay 8, 1914 ■-IXAIES-j^SW SrjW N-PAtlfcg; TDAIIO- P a g e F iv B ..

‘Memory Arph’Tnaiignrnfpfl foi-

Inaupjrallon of a “mcmorr arch'' In honor of teiilor (Irli. s i a climax (n the nnniial iriilAr r ln u lircak* taat. w u made Monday inorninc at Twin I'alli lilfh ncliool b}’ Junior cU u clrla xtlio hrid the crossed cIo.m colon alod to form an arch, and u n r an senior (Iris Ic(( the bulldlntr foIIouIn{ (he breakr:i!it in the cym* nsalum. A* they reachcd the end of the arch, each Mii)or wa» prtscntcd with a con-ftsr- rfclure lirrc, fir>(

I to pa« through the double lint of Junlftr jlrlj, are MIm Dona Eelicrl aiul .Ht« fase j-rMtuan i«-celved their conaees. (Staff phnln-rnttavlne)

Senior Class Breakfast Features Life in Army

('■h?vor “life in an arm y cunip" Ihrnip w a s 'fcaluied nt tile chiM day bronltfast Monday nioi'iiini' ut Tw in Fall.s ln;,’li ai'liool ill h o iioh-of senior sliu ic iiis . anc-i' u l iic h senior Kirls w ere honored a t Ihe iniiUKunilioii by jiin ior pirlp o f a “ motn- ory arch" cerem ony , in w liirli liiry le ft ilic l)iiildinK and m arched beneath an arcli o f clas.-s c<»iors, lirld alol'1 by jun ior iriris, w ho Han ' Ihc ROnior.s jm^stid by an<i presented them w iih corsHffes in c lass co5or;w hen th e y reachcfi tlic end of Ihc double line o f jun ior ijirli

M iniature la tilis , nirplaiie.s and o th er ar tic le s o f u i cleverly cnm oiiflaped to form ib c tu\)lo ( iecn ra tion s: plarc; card,s w ere t in y trn ls with 0 |iL-ii flaps on w h ich nnme.-i w ore im prin ted .

At BtvcD-lhlrty slwrp was sniindrd. M to Shlrlpj- Haycj wns tO(\stmt.Mrrs.s viltli Art UccUci Rlvlnn II wolcnmr, Ali la l t i aere In f humorous vuln.

Ml.y Corrlne MtBcUi nccompnii- ^ t i S Hordt Slnllord, who snnR tw(

wnr jioMKs. "ni-cominl.vmncp" un.i the topic of M1.V1 Mnrll>ne Brooks, nml MLvs Mnrllyn Ilndlfy plnjf'd soiiii- popiiliir miinbers.

Miirrny NnrlJi six)ke on "OI." fol. lowed by # duet. "Ml 5ca You Agnln" by MIm Jnnn Llntlcnninn niicl Mlsa Fulth Klmicy wiHi Murray North nrcompnnyltiK them.

"Camouflngp" wns the topic of Don 'I'rnvU.

MIsi Shirley Hoyca then present­ed "medals" to deserving "soldier*." - John D. n a t t . principal, delivered (. fttewell to hte ttoops. U te i •Khlch the group wna led In MnBlng fay M lu Joan Llndenman with M lu Beverley Bloclc accompanying.

Commltle# lor the apeeehca slven a t the b reak fu t Included Miss Oor* ethy Krengel. chnlriflttn; Ml«« Jonn. Llndenman. Mls« Carmen Vnzquej, Ml»» EUecn Ty»or. Patil Dcy and Lyle Oordon.

Decorations commltteo waa under the dlrceUon of Mins M yma Hansen vlLh M lu Alice Bos. MlM Betiy June OamtTrel. MIM Bettv I.amen. MIm . . . . . . -i-M urphy, .......... . “ “

46tli Anniversary Of Couple Feted At Dinner Party

lluiii’rliic iho iGUi ucddhiK im* nUtT.-ary of Mr. Mrs. W. S. Parish, Mr. nnrt Mr.*. John I'arWi and Mr, and Mra. TTiomaA liiicl;Iln entertnlncd at dinner at tlie yncklin hoine. Mrs. BuckUn the dnURhtcr of the hniiori’c, and John Porl.ih is tlK'lr on,

S|irhiK IlovnTs and a tliTcil wcd- dlnj: cake, which was cm by Ihe bride of 4S yoare ago, tlccorn^tii ttw .dlnnor tnblc.s. Many lovely RlfUwcre

^wntcd to thi-m by guesti, who y.nt thr evening Informally. AmoiiR WiHsiv svcrc Mr. .inrt'

Mrs. S. T. piirLsh. Buhl; Mr. :i d Mr*. Will Parish. Mr. iind .Mrs. n M. and Mr. and Mrs.%Vll.ion, n« oI Twin Fall'!. Four Krandehlldren of the honoreM iil.'iO present.

Recent Bride

hand a t the Instrument h« hoc chosen. He taUBht this new stray play. K« ployed llw ccUo th a t tei.. and did little else anywhere In the law rooms or the shop.s.Tile third term he jald he wanted

to play the plMio and the teacher enid he would glRdly help him. The teacher discovered th»t pUylng the piano B’B« easier than talkloff for tWn boy. At the end of his third lesson he played th« Moonlight So­nata, nnd played It n-t It should be played, Hli teacher selected phrases, difficult pnssaRcs'cf great beauty

•Bill J . . . .group of sophomore boys, in

^ i n y fatlque coatume.i. aer^’ed as mess hall attendants, cleoring away the breakfftat K tne a t Its close, nhWe firls were honored by Junior girls outside the building during the ‘•memory arch” ceremony.



The admission clerk studied the card tiie new tray handed her and It w u plain «he did no t like what slie found written there. She took the card to the Head and said,

' "Look. He's not been In school more than a few scattered days, term after term. He's ftftecn-sUteen, no passing m ark In any aubject. What are we to do7’'

-Give him • vlitUng caM and let him 60 about the school with guide lor ■ few doj's. W ell u . where he stops longest and begin t h tn on the sub)t2t th a l e a u h u bb Interest."

The only room he lingered In was the music room. He seemed to vnnt ys stay and listen so he was allowed A d o Just thAt. ITie l i n t term he

__ j»as_*b*ent_foUfcClght_timt*;-Uje,second term, twenty-thrc«, and the third term he'was first boy od hand and last to leave dally. Ra had found » place He could rest hts mind on. He wanted to play the cello.

------Tlte-Ouj Kiiu IJlunKl Ule'ceUTwosone' very ilko ' himself.-<dl*llklng school subjects, In fact unable to do RtisrUiln* In them, atul yet a. »**Ur

Y O U G A N ’T

- —tbileaBdomonferreiiOutansuiM .

.. ______ j. Wortd's4. 3 8 u h l.u ,s0 ^ jll» i BL Joaepb Aiplrla.

and the next day he played tlwm to perfection.

No, he la not doing book lesjions. Hs won't get marks In acadcmlo work .The only rccotd he win make In thnt school Is h'ls music rccord and th a t will bo sky-high. No, he needs no arlthmetle. He counts’ and he tneaaurts his m\sslt. Mo. He needs no English. He reads his music, and he reads Instructions, and notes about the music he is playing. No, H# wiu gel no grammar, no history no geographj-, no nothing of the course of study but w hst ha a ‘ ' his musical education and tl more, much more, than many gets out of his full eourse.-

He Is ottendlng school every ses­sion and Is busily engaged la e v m . tng Into useful, successful, happy maturlly. W hat else Is a school for?

• w h« (. r»«ir»rin« f» n itn lUnmt An-

assiirvs"kit t». SUtloB 0, Vtw Yerk .*». K. T.

# bo>-

-Mrs. Leonard Hiiddleston. whn Helen Cocak prior to tifc

ni:irrl.ise to tlie vildlrr whn hns Ju t returned to Ihe st.Ttes nflcr two In the AljiiHann. (Staff

Helen Corak and Pfc. Huddleston M arry in April

MISA Helen Corak. rtauRhter of Mr. and .Mrs. M. P. Corak, Hollister, tjccume the bride of Pfc. Leonard Huddleston, Atnstcrdam. nt nuptliiLi performed nt the Pirsbytedan in Twin Falls April 8 by Dr. O. L. Clnrk, pastor, friends were told thW week.

M l» Bitty June onmtrel and Ronald Ifiuirllc.ilon, brother of the brldKcjroom, were nttcndnnts.

Botli Ihp bride and brldegroo

Wins Applause of Pleased Crowd

Chnnnliigly gowned in a rose taf- feta fr«k;-MlM-BcUy Crononbortt- cr dliplnyeil excellent U'chiitQue and ............. ............. greiit fuicisaWllcn she appenred lii n recital claislciil-plflno music 8uncl»y after- noon at the Chrlstlon church. Eiu- ilent of Mrs. Cffle Rlherd Hlnlon, fhe won the applause of ovei persons m she went ihroiigh first portion of her recliiil program of numbers by Beethoi’en, eibellua, Chopin and Kubcnstcln.

The 11-ycar-old daushler of the Rev. and Mra, Mark C. Croiienbcm- er, she won the heart* of iicr nudl. ctvce wtUi her dcUghtful pluvls^g t>' Beethoven’s "SonaU Opii.s a7. No,

The assurance with wiiidi she ploi’ed reflected her pa.'V e.xperlence. wVilEh btsan when s,lve Knvt h tr (Irsl recital ot tlie ngo of fuur.

During the Intemilssion, buth she and her brilliant lusl.nnm. Ml.>.i IJlxle Jltnsliaw. vocal Rliiik'nl ol -Mr. . Nellie Oatrom. were iire.sented tt-ilh lovely bouquets. .MLv >'r

J ’ehrion. who played Ml.w IIlii.* uccompunlmenia. a l s o received imich comment for her delicate louch In accompanying '"n;IJoKcrs; "A May .Mornini;,iiul "Down Here." Brahp.

Cllnuix to Mb-s Croiii'ntierKer'.i liroK-rnm was her fine lnt<-riiri'i»llon *>f ilie dlHieull ■‘Polichtnrltn •• niniilno/<.

Ushi-rJ were MLvs DoroiJn Allen iind,.MW Barbara Lehman

:/■ t *

Lutheran WomenArrange AnnualGuest Day Event

Charming propom was prcsenti-cl by Immanuel Lutheran Ijidlea' Aid

ty members when they enter- lalnwl a t their annual rup. i <Iny parly a t the church p.irlors. Mrs. W, C. DavU gn^e tliu nddrc.-a of «;i'IcV>1iie. and a brief repori was :lvrn by Mr*. Sophia Relukc. whoin.", a dplc«alr to Ihi' I.iiiliiTiiii.Vninpn'< leanufl convenllon rerpiitl.v n Portlnncl.

Mrs. Dorothy D olw, Mt> Uir-Aln i’:ileiitlne ^nnri Mrs. ^Nrirui'v noii-

vhlrll opriird «'ltll n pliivlrl, bllBhlly ExnBReralcrt." In ulilch

iibprs ............... ‘Intl.niiither. Mrs

1 Dnhsp. Mr»

olrnnd-Mnr-HTTed Albion Btate N'ormnl and teaching flt Hollister.

Private Huddle.iton has been tioncd In the Aleutian Inlands for the past ttt-o years, and Is now at Comp Shelby. Mti*.

The bride plans to Join lier hu,«- band at the close of tiie school

.M1.-4 Niutliie B oitc-hrr !ihiv<,i

llerln Riistli'anii." nieoinpniilptl I ll.y. Belly HcllBr. A fkli. -n IrsL Hl.sculLi." wn.s nlvi li by Mi

Marnucrllc Elilers and Mrs. Mntlh iDltren. Clara Druiie »jii; Mother" accampi'iitcd by .ML

Alicf Bliri' Ntvs O'-!-

re-ipnled ror«nre- Mrs. C. 11. •Silii.'..! 1s t for opcnin i; i'

C alen d arItPKiilar Itcd Cra'-s sc’.vlnp meet-

Inn fur the Mentor chib will bp held WednesdHV at 1:30 p. m. at tho home of Mrs. Ed Tolbert-

¥ ^ ^Community Ijttie.s’ Aid soclcty

ulU nicct Wvdnvsstu!,-, May 10. {of u 1 p. m. ixil-luck luncheon at ihi; home of Mm. H. W. Rledeman.

Tttin y«;l thnpVei, Ortitr ol the A*tern Slur, will meet at a p. ni. UMrtav at the Mft-‘'onIc temjile. Pi's! introns nnd ii;vst patrons will be In iinrge ol n musical program at thu la« of the meeUng.

» » ¥Sunshine Circle club will meet at

the homn of .Mrs. F, E. Hatch Wed­nesday, May ID. nt 2 p. m. for the annual Mother's day party. Each mother will bring somebody's moth,

r as a guest.¥ ¥ ¥

Women's Union Label league will hold the lurjnthly social W^di.. day evening at union headquarters. Members will brliiK covered dishes, sandwiches aud table xen-lce. Pociv- teUo sYitnilwrs be uuabletc


Mrs, Oliver Clayton entertained nt dinner in honor of Sgt. Elmo Os- key, Mrs. O.'kcy and their son. Cov­ers were IflM for 16 friends of Ser- gennt and Mrs. Oskey,

.Y0ungJEfidtalis^-|— H i T W s J R B F e a f e f a s r l o r S e n i o r s


Mt<s Msrlljn . fB<o , rrtlrlnr prevldrnt of ihr : n'lio Kill (IIkcI elub uetlvlllei whrn II m uiiiri netr tialf Sundar mornlns at llir l';irk liulrl Ir linht. *K Ml« Oli.rSa TatUrU.»«p Hliij:and MIm Krrn Salmon. Standliij. lefl lo rljl.i. , hine .•(IcIIedi. ML., lleverir Block. Ml.s K.a Sl.,k, riccpUoo ol Uit ocv prealdcnt. ail filtli rlrtured

leT anehil cliih, pin* a mretlnj* In tlir fall, a

I honor of 15 »pnlor it inm, MIm Mason. Miw rr Ml., Marlljn I

roriaito on Ml«a Donnie nincham, llir annual »lven hy thn inhrnt of the rlub. Heated, left ti> [Jlntham, MIts Katherine Tliomrl* , MIxs, Donnalre Smllh. Mlu Cor-

Navy Mothers a t ' Gay Supi^er Party

pnl-li••iilley Na\) .moiiut.s cnu) nuniucrs 1 Ihe home of .Mrs J. W. Ailiinisoii.

Ilostc.«es wpte Mrs, Irctio Drake and Mrs. Qerlrudc Denton,

Mrs, Belle While and .Mrs, If. E. [alone were giip.sls of the club. Musical enlcrlalnment wa.i of­

fered by Mrs. Nellie Oitroui. who presented MLy Mnurlne Boren In ft variety nf mtulcal selections and

her arromimnlmeni;-.Clifloiil Thwiui.',, .Mrs. Vr.slft ami Mn. Bp.sMe U;,rUur were

n.iiiitd to mllppl iitlilrilc Ri-nr for roiivslpvent hn.spital at

5iin Viill(y.

Lucky Twelve a t Regular Meeting

taln>'it l.iu'ky 'IVr lvp elub members.

Iii|; a t which It 'viis voted lo .vend Mother's dny cards Ui motlwCK ot ;Ul niembrrs. and report was given that Easter eartLi had been sent to all meniber's son.» In service,

Eiiclvtnci^^btr bto«flht a bundle ot waste paper for roll call. White ele-


f^VEUTON MATHtESS CO 128 ti«ond A-te. a. Ph<in« SI W

phaiit v.eiii (o Mrs, S f

» « # ■

Farm bulldlnn plan book—Illus- tratloiis and plaas for all farm btilldinus. Aik for free copy. Full InSorwMlon on coiicTtto Wm Xx.


Jjldward'l! aimer,.,:: Washington Girl

To Wed May 13Rcddlng o f Edward S. P»Uner, Buhl' boy, to Joyieiie Jean Browfi'- rtmtoh. te r o fT ilr . and' tilri. MurroU B. Urown, Tacoma, Wa.ih., Saturday, evening. May 13. a t the Calvaty Methodist church.

Mr. Pallner attended Buhl schools,0.1 many friends In Buhl and vi­

cinity. Left an orphan st an early nge, ho ‘laade tils home with th« Tom ainllli family while he vas at­tending school. He has a brother. Jack Shaver, Buhl.

. member of Uve siatlost&l gMaifl, left Buhl In Octobsr. 1910. and

has been In Awtrolla for two years, • Hccently he relumed to tho contl*

- a . conopontStnc# InilScates will make a visit In Buhl before present leave expires. . . - .

P.M.* club.irs. Nellie Orlggs entertained P.

M. I'lub mpnibcrs a t luncheon ptc» cedlhK their nfternoun of Red Cross .•owing. Mrj. w . O- Jacky was a Kue.n. Mfa. E. H, Maher wUl be JunilIMlCSS.

To remove faee ponder .from ft

: : : F riB id -Y cn tlinU d ^

F u r

S t o r a g e

F u r S h o p

PHONE 4131

i l i

S&few&p Mmt Mmt Pk&se f$&%G O O D -E A T IN G M E A T —th a fa w hat Softs wny olTcrB you! M eat witich miut bo completely onturnctory. W o menn th n t 80 ainccrely wo r fiw a t the unconditionnl Safeway guaronU-c: if tlio m eal you buy from us doesn’t please you l 007c, your money will bo chwrfuUy rcfu itd ii .

Special ValuesBOUND STEAKS

113 Piiliilj lb.)

Tender I) Steaks ...................A grade 111.


2 9 ^

. r J u i S a e j w x i

5 ways to cook meals

tV fl HfAR of Uieso do!ectabIe.iBeat. } <lish names; "Mock Oystcra”—

•'Pcnnywuo Steak"—."IJacon Cut j leta” —"BarbccuedDreastofLamb”? I Ever try them? They're surprisingly

aimple. And my. liow they do inu«

Pork Chops S . “ " 37c

Ration Free ItemsTEAS Ti'nilcr SR-cet Unirradcd X 'X c

DEANS Cut Green Tender X 2 C

d u c h e s s ' -Top Quailty" salad .....n tDressing, pint .....................................>...COOKlKiS Pllfrlm nr Butter._B;i-r-urily,-p;ift-r



8ple«d LunehtOB

REAI. ROAST Peanut BUtter2 lb. Jar V... . ' ..............................KKLLOGG'a Ritiln Brarv

OATS Morning Olory Quick o:ReRUlnr, larxe ptg....................SUORTENINO Hojal Satin I Iba, ................... .....................

r l « C -

Frank Eastmans H osts a t P arty

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Enatinan en­tertained three couples a t dinner and pinochle games Saturday even­ing o t their home. Novelty of the evening resulted when Mr*. I. T. Creed ond Stanley Walters. wIki be-

partners a t the opening of Uio games, p l a y e d together

Uiroughout the evening to win high score honors.

Mrs. Clinton Dougherty i . - ..........Guests were Mr. and Mrs. I. T.

Creed. Twin Palls; Mr. and Mrs. Btsnley W alter and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dougherty, aU of Filer,

Wipe off meat with a damp cloth as soon as It conics Into the kitchen, place flat on waxed paper OT dish nnd store in Ihe coldest part of Uie refrigerator. Meat should not be jonked-as It will lose flavor ond vlta- mlnes.

Coffee "Coffee

Pop SoapWhite Magic ____



_ i . . 2 8 , . '

. 2 0 / 2 5 / 10/

. 1. r . . . , Kationeil ItemsTangteed'i ____ ..Turn ..Sardine]

Kruuna iieci, i cup cooRca lomatj-i cup cracker crumba, 1 «bb, 1

Bmall, oyslcr-sliaped patties, l-iy slo\vly in small amount shortening un til browned on both sides, about 3 rolnules. ■Remove to heated platter or (itrvinp dish: keep in warm place,

I Servo wiih pan gravy or tomato aauco. Serves C to 8. . _

I P en n yw it Sttak:I Iba. groundbeefo.

anil, y i tap. pepper, 2 taps, Worces­tershire sauce. 3 tbapa. grated onion, 1 egg, and H eup mUk:,mix wiUi

34/3 2 / .37/ - I

....................... .................... 11/m M® 39/m Milk 5.vr”””' 39/|6| Cheeie "’’' ' '" '" . “ J'" '..* .... 21/ ill Baby Fooi) e*«. 19^10] Spinach Ig c|31 Ju ite o?*Af?“u o i 3 1 c

M-iBch thiclc, and brush with melted shortening. PJae* in heavy trying pan or on heated broiler fan . and

,------ --------------------- -- ...viler-DnltrBroil about 10 minutes, or until well browned. T urn and broil oUiei side similarly. Serves 6.Bacon Cuifrts: C ut th in rtrip* of bacon in half, crosswise. Dip in well heaton egg, then in cracker cnmibs. Sauto 6 m inutes'o r until golden brown, in araall smount hot raeUtd shortening, turning once. Drain oa •b sorben t paper.

|2| CocHail ’'•“ 'i 15c

■ H jcili salter MONtfllV '

Tou wtio (uSer tucH pain wttb tired, n e ^ u s trrltable— u ! ^ d tor LrdU E, Plakbam’s Veceiable Compound to nllere r-*- frrapla-ns. Here's a produet

H>mx. U 1« also a Has is toniel rollsv Ubd d:

sm m y 0 ARAmtD m sft m m eM o n th « e f-M o y f ro s h f ru its a n d v « o tt ta b le t a r » a t th e ir b a s t In S a f a w a y — b o y th o rn oeei»rof*/y, b y th o pound !




ond Bn Brochettes): Let 2-inch squares o f lamb soak for half-hour or Jongei in a baibecuo-typo sauce con­ta ining oil. vinegar and Rarlle. S tring (Quares of Ismb on sxewer alternately wiih thick slices of toms- to , onion and oianpe. Broil for 10 to 16 minutes, turtung ooc«.

BoT^eeuei Brttui of Lomht Plan for H lb. or lamb r e r person. L«av. whole, o r cu t into pieccs /or serving. P lace in single layer In drio csa; sprinkle w ith salt and pepper (do not add w ater and do not cover). Roait in moderately hot ovea (400* F.) ab out I how or until browned- • n d ^ w e a t is doa^ turning occa-.

tqh-ldaho-C olif.-W evacio-O rR gnn:

iO JH L D llT R A m F ^tll-Write. or Phone--------



^W « Connect .WIUi V M -BsnrW A ayw liet# to AmenM,

TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS. IDAHO ,JIonday E veninff,-M ay-8rl944

^ ME M A T ^ iTfffirarrs

Contest for Indians’ Cubs Fail Gnmm on Retmn

Ball Field TomorrowR U ilL , M ny &— T h e t?am e th a t will jro a lon« way ir

cidinff tliG in y tl iic iil M aK'c V aliey Iiik Ii scliool, ImHubjill h iim piotw hij) w ill l)e p lnyud heru tom orrow nfteriinon w hen

Coiicli I lu lo ii B u (Ik<; nti<l h is Hurli-y Hohu-al.s moct Supl, GoorfK! I.ikeiiL 'ss’ B u h l Iiu lia tis,

I f th e I n d ia n s w in , t h e critics w ill a lm ost liavc (o han il em th e c n tw n , Im l i f th e y los« th e y 'll lu 'cd u triiim iih . . .

" ‘will i-'all.H Uriiiiis to Rain

Giant SturgeonOHANnVIKW, May fl i-?'i

sh)i r^(lwn. How. if K iirlry triiimpliH th e y )(‘ c f r ta in of a t Itjast a 'I- tlie rnylliical hoi)

i ( ] o a .s l

! (i(>ls IV o -H itlc r

rijrhthiiiicl.T w ith th e !,<« Aiifri'h's AiiK'i'l'<. !)itclii'(i a si'V- I'li iiminjT iio -h it. no n iii

;a';nJisl th,- S a n J’-|-an- (■isc<i Si'al; voHlcrtlav jn w hicli thi' (inly baiU^r l(. n-nch first

s hit by a p itc iiw i IhiII. lie iiltchtnK pcrtonnaiicc; Have AiiKcl-1 n 2 to 0 win itml a split

Hit Bimilny c's".M lvnK««(icr, Snn Frnncl.'.eo won tlic flrjt 1C, S to i.. WHS ttu' first no-lilt K‘>nie In IrnKilo KlllCi- curly in tlio 1043

•nip Tillmmi. Burley

Jcrnmc nnil Kilrn, whllp dcfcntini Iliilit, IJiirlcy nut) flupcrt oiicc facli

■nn ttcnplnrc somi of Itic Inxtcr with ftlilch tlicy stnrt rd llie -;rasnn by Jltfrntlnif Jeroau,

iftornwin, niipcrt tomorrow mill Hiilil on Sntlirdi

y niRlii I , clo^c

The first nri.)n i nij- Ituw tl. tlip 'I ' a Koplinninrr In hi

school nine- with ivhlrl F tatl rcvlvcxl biiM bull In I And hc> still sold 10(1 p Rti.vcll. Why till- Ind's n

'n ic .'(^niid l)oy rcfin Bubsk. Wlinl n iiro.'i|)i( nnd can lilt, n l^ lu no Ing may he n .b it unn

Jaycee Best-Ball Tournament to Be Held at Local Links May 21

G o lfe rs from all p u r ls of th e iMuKic V alley a re Mchedtil- od to com pete in th e second a n n u a l Ju n io r C h a m b e r of C om m erce bcst-bal! to itrna - n ie n t to be .sta«e<l a t th e T w in F a lls m tiniciiial «o lf co u rse on M ay 21. T h e classic will fo rm ­a lly op en th e r‘ 'leral to u r n a ­m e n t .‘tea.son in th is a re a .

An u son o! (irilUutmity tn Ihc H'miiK <>I tlic inurnamciit -stiijon, aurRo Ntii.ilfr h’ri.«l Stone .nlai;cd ii atcli play anni'ctlllon between *ln i^ilU and ymil teams Snmiay. ivcuty cultcri. Iroiii Uuhl made the Ip to the local cnur.',c ivnd H ot

Herman Regained 118-Pound Title After Losing to Lynch

(Another of a «erlf*)

Pcle Hrrma two, welshed IKjund-., yet w

IlOCICK >un neferfe, stood only live no more than

.................... lilyhhiK but miiscle-bounil s and alionlilcrs ol a II Many r^in.ildcrrd lilra the ot InflpUl tlKhtcrs. Hr get

maintained a cyclonic pncc, lilt

• up 0/ II

ClIAItl.II-: GItI.MM a t t r who returned (o direct Chic.-i»o Cul,. a Mllivaukee In Amrrlran aMorlallon. T ht Cul It fame under Ills new managrrstilp.

Grimm Back as Pilot But Bruins Still Lose

C-llOkd wii.s thill of aiu rli . who had piir-tquiilllnK 3J

but could do no better than 80 for Uie 18 holes.

Emil Dordcwlck p.iced the Buh! BoUcrs. He hud an 85 with nlac-lioU rounds ot 13 ond K.

Lucklnc tiractlcc because their course Is now in the proc(^ of rc- buIIdhiK, the Dull! golfers lost to ■' Twin l 'nlLi llnkiincn, 31

likeH innan, who broke in at 17, twlci

*on ilic biinianiwi'ialll cliajnplolv ship. He first acqulri'd the title Iron Kid Wlllliims In a KrucHni: ao-roimc

:aKcmcnl In New Orleans: Jan. 9

tliictlon for lour yc.irs, lo^t It In IS round.s to tall Joe Lyndi ot old Mad. Ison Square Garden Dec. 22, 1920. Just before sailing for London tiicklc Jimmy Wilde.

Dlliidness Ends Career.Somu suspicious chamctcrs clal)

■cl a t the time tha t Herman h nerely lend-lensed Hit division Icn ■rship to Lynch, and. a.< far aji i mlt* were conccrncd. tha t turr >ut to be what he had done.

.Swiirlhy, black-halr.’d It.Tni

lU ’I

h(i.-ie jxior Chivakrii ( 'n l)s j, e rd a y . T hey lo st a do iib leh ead iir li* i ’i

th e f i r s t m a jo r li‘aKin‘ I 'ldb in 21 y*;ar.s to ■ n ies thi.s e a r ly in th e s.-a.sdti.W ith C h a rh 'y G rim m , th e i r l li ird m ana

Jiaek on tlie eonchiiiK line.s a f t e r an al)s<m' H rnin.s d rop iied tw o o v e r lin ie s trii^ 'u le

M i iiriKs

Major Scores

M cCarthy to R eturnAMHKRST, N. V.. Miiy H u l',-

nliiht to rcjohi

i.'< a bi^r lo ii /u e te am dr(i|i))ed I m a n y e a r ly .sea.son


‘ Mta. Home Airbase I Loses Two Contests

DOISR .May 8 .,r;-Cloivcn flcli. he I

peratncnt for n tiaschall pljvrr. Anil nlial-a more the kid looks like lir’II be able io h it and he «ure ran s«

■ se t lliem hi the outflelil.Tlierc ari! others, too, whom Ye

Oltft Sport Scrivener wilt dLiciis.s Inter In a siimnintlon of the Mai:lc

' Valley hlRli school sea.<ion. Yo.s. .sir, the t.ilent Ls In the Mni:lc Valley iind now lt’,1 up to the ciders to see thnl It Ls devcloptd,

IJon’l sell ilie kids ■■ hort, 'm ere are two niort- Janies on the HruliLi' night schedule. Go out nnd Klve the kl(U yalir siipiwrt, and don’t be over, ly crltlcnll

Pimlico Field To Be Tougher

LO UISVItiF , Ky., May 8 (U.P.V- . Calumet fami'n plucky Pensive and

five of his 15 Kentucky derby fol- lowers were* headed for Baltimore today where Uic Kamo chesliuit coll win nttemnt to add llr.'t fuiitls Ir

-----PlmllCO” TiiTiViicsa to •Hla~blue-gra.'j cla.-alc prize money.

I t win be n different and. soiiit horsemen bcll»vc, a toucher Held wlien they n n i Iw the Vilacii-eycrt susaai o t the hllltip Saturday,

Prom thosy who followed the Cal. um et colt iindcr lh^ Chutchlll

• Down’s wire, flvt were uncouvlnccd tlia t they were bealcn by a betii horse and they m e all ,^ct to kUc th. ron of Hyperion another whirl. Orcentrec .stable's Stir tip. the fav orlte who ran a fading third in th. Kentucky c.wler, and A. C. Ernst's n t h plAcc Alortcr already have-sat ta ll for old Baltimore, Scheduled to entrain today were Pcn.sivc. Bobanel stable'* Oay Bit. which ran sixth; Mrs. A .-J . A bd's Ommjis ImnRC, UiC ciBhth place finisher, and M. B, G off’s dlsappolntlnB B k y t r a c e r , which tramped home ninth.

And waltlnc lor them la Uic antlciue burns a t Pimlico will be

; aeorgo D, Wldener's Plnller: Mrs. Ethel Jacolxs’ Stymie; Mrs. DonnW Peter's Bull Dandy; Mrs. Tllyou Chrlatcfplier'a Del nclEli and W. L. Brann’s Pocotoc.

W A M T E ® I

talned I. Utah, Ijoiiibcr.i. Saturday. , indavcr eame buck stroni: from tarller defi-at to plii-sler thc |

Mountain Home nniiy ulr biue n

. . . MAN to feed cattle. S teady work. M ust be experienced. Call in person.


• Son. 0 1 a3 ihc C'lilciiKO While 1 4 In 2.

Inth Inning

Mrs.’ Gilkey and Stan Grom Win Mixed P in Event

The firs t,o f n series of mixed . jlQUhlc.evcwla-lo-bc-hcld-wecU--

ends dtirlns Uic lumnier sea.' on tros raUed n t the 'Bowladrome Sunday night.

Crotn rallied in th d r ffiinl overcome a lead set up by M rt. a iad r« 8lu>w and W. I. Johnson to v ln the ln»ueurat event. n « y totaled I.WO to beat

I the Bhaw-JotmMQ tetun by

I$y Tlie A-isoflatrd P r r n Georse .Myatt. Kenntors. nnd Bob

Ijitalcll.-v. Athlrtlcs - M yatl's' 10th limlns-iliiKU drove In-winnliiB-nin- as Wa.' hliiKton bent Plilladelplila 2-t In opener; &tnUOIa lilt single, triple and homer to give A's even break by wlnnlni; second. 1-3,

mil nirtrich nnd Tony Cocclnrllo, White Soj—Dietrich scattered seven Detroit hits to win first 4-1; Ctic- clnello hit two run single In n inth to decide niKhlcup. 4-2.

Jack Kr^mrr. ilroivus. and AlUe Iteynoias, Indians—Kramer won lits fifiU gatnc in opener 7-4: Reynolds held Bro»nlos to seven scattered hlla to give Cleveland nn even split, winning 3-2,

Johnny Ituckrr, Giants, and I^ate Andrews. UraVn — Rucki-r'a shigle In ninth won first game for G iants 5-4; Andrews blanked Olnnts 2-0 In nightcap.

Hob EltloK nnd AI Rubellni, P ir­ate*—Hllott h it two homers In open-

0 Itad PlIaU.^ \o C-5 victory CubS In llr.M; Rubellng'a home In llUi won the sec '

3r2.Max la n lrr. AI Jurhlch and !>an-

/ IJtnliller, CardlnDls--LanIcr w< fourth straight In beating Reds, 5. , In opener; Jurlslch hurled aJiutoul In miihtcBp to win. 1-0. aj " whllcr h it home run for only

s s a i i i i

‘ijrnn and llutrher %Wr» >0.1 KnllrP U iT A K ljE A m P

CHICAGO. .May 8 (,7>) - Frank i fUfty) Coyle, Providence. R. I.. ui set defending cluimplon J(» Plata ChlcaBo. 31-15. 31-10. to win nation­al A, A. U. handball tourney.

Riieker'! gle broke a »lx-i;amc lo^lt eak for the New York Glant.s :

the Ottmen bent Jlin Tobin nnd tl 5 Ki 4, In the fir

........ ................I bill. 'Hie Hrnvoa1 gained a .split by taklni: the second,

a to 0,-■VVa.shlni;(on'and the Philadelphia

; AthlctlM al.-,o dlUdcil n bargain bill, I 'Hie Senators won the oiiener, 2 to

. on George Myall',i 10th InnhiK ltn;le. A'a grubbed tlic ufuc-

. piece, 7 to y.TliB scheduled doublehendcrs be­

tween the Uaslon Red Sox and the New York Yankees- and the Phlla-

\ and the Brookljn; Dodgei I rain.



Armstrong Meets Zanelli Friday

NEW YORK. May 6 (U.R>—Henry Annstrong, former triple champion, continues his come-back' activities 'Kith t \ft-rourvd boMl hkbItisX Ralph 21anelll nt the Boston G arden P rl-............ght. -Jfnturlnr thU g/<flr-i...........i boxing schedule.

On the same night, heavyweight Joe Baksl meets Buddy Knox o l WllkcsJJarre, Pemt.. In n tune-up for his return brawl w ith I«e Sa- vold Bt Madison square garden oo May,.36U ,


Now available a t - jCARTER’S

INDEPENDENT MKT.---------Kxclttaire-Axenlt— -Ij


t Call us—We will also pay cashfor old, worthless or dead horses, cows, sJieep. hogs,

* CALL COLLECTTwin Falla 314; G oodinc .il:

Riipirt U

IDAH O HIDE & -Tallow Co.

We'li be here up tlie r a n u c sell find It always pays to »ee Fonl Dealer first. Como ir cheek over these local u

Ford Super Deluxe. Coupe liuick Special Fordor Sedan. Bulck Super Club Coupe * Puntlnc Torpedo Sedan Olds Deluxe Fordor Sedan Mercury Club Coupe Mercury Tudor Sedan PlymouUJ Dlx. Tudor Sedan Ford Super Dlx. Turtor Sc<!nn Pontiac Silver Streak Sedan Ford Deluxe Pordor Sedan Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan Bulck Spcclal, Fordor Sedan Studebaker Cliamp. Sedan Ford Std. Tudor Sedan Ford Deluxe Fordor Sedan .Ford Std. Tudor .Sedan Ford Deluxe Cotipe PlymouUt Deluxe Pordor Plymouth Deluxe Coup# • Ford Tudor Sedan Ford Fordor Sedan Ford CO Coupe Ford Fordor Sedan Plymouth Deluxe Coupe Pl^'mouth Spec. DtL, Fordor.

' > m t y / y t i ' . ! f / / f o l / / f d ' -


_-.ilra_S lu iw _had_*-4M -«ajn«r Rhlle Crom camo thKiugb with a

— ■ SSO. to-toiW ^ nO T-fay jU nejlB t: T O rihfilngTe gainc nonon!. — T hird were •Haztranfl'Roy w a r lor. M l; Mildred and Bua Cow-

and Jtcbo . i n d Jim

Monday P v«»nt TIMES-NEW S, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seveni

They Lead Class.


by CHARLKS 8. FOLTZ MAY a £/P>—A O cnnnn ncft'spiiper.

.....................PmnrienblaU. *enlJt# Pm Is coTrespontlPhi lo Anntcy rrcenUy to ascertain how much fic­tion tt-n» In the utoo' of the reslitAnc#

I iKuinst O cnnnn occiip.itloB by* tho < mnnjuls oS »pr«r Btvvoy, 111a thor-

ou»h dctcrlptioii of condition* In Boutheiulem Prnnce covered a page »nd R half of the pnper nnd mUht b« tonjldcTca one ot the grer biitfs Ift FTpMcli reolstJincc.

••OnlyPnrl! iUtlRBnHambiirc npw.’.Hpa(vr. wlilcli hn rcftdicd here, ••there 1* a real 6 fmnl."

«'ore Vichy Unlfonn For hid trip, Brnutlgnm said, he

donnwl tlir uniform of Joseph Diir Hand’s Vichy mllltlii. Tlic slBht o lhl» uniform, ho Mid. led ........

NEW ACE s c o u t si m m m E

GOODINQ. Moi' 8-7 'Iem il C. Ooodlns, W.1I chosen county chiil

of the natlonnl foundntlon for iniikMllt paroljsls chnplcr n\

feting h e In IIOilier officers named were

Gordon renlancl, vlcc-chalrmftn; 'A tv Pcnlnnrt, *ecr«nry; M lu Jiia- illn Mendtolu. trciiaurcr.

Prcitnl At Ihc meeting «m> Mrs. John E. Knyes. Twin Fftlh, aUite Tepiescmnvlve for the lounflntlon, who ipolce About the progmm snd

nimllan of local ehnpters. Mr .1-5 fxplaliicd^tii (trin

cimpler nml told iiboiit iilliiblc from local clmi Sho stated that the e

hall cl »\1 money tumril .titlonnl fiinrt^ Li UJfd fo

The oiie-hnit kept

Spure *Ufnp No...........»tjunp No. 37. is lo bfl 111 for canning suinr. Mi,n.

■, consiuiitr.. rep; ujjjSdn-EiUi. cu;j rd. rm|Uia.',l2 il j

A numb*r of the hirih I been rccclvcd nt iiif

otllcc e-nrt I t ha& u.0 mall them back, refiiilrli

OHTl! AlRTOnCK K ion 'n-;ii

InB fi0 thMi

ratlon-1, Uie o:

Gas, No Coupons, Ends AWOL for . Oregon Soldiers ^OOODING. Mny 8 -A *(:.((

nnd I T. Oro„


i for1 Anne uranl "ta a

Eot nottilng but carrota."The corps of refllntnnce,

formed hv the 2711) reK llif chiisseiir'/i nlpln«, the lamed •Blue Devils- of pre-wnr Fninct, and -mnny iinlla ot the Itiillnn smiy."

'•Ab(jvr all. fJie Rlory nnd troiiinon of Ihe Blue Dovll.i have drftwii tiioii. Kands of Frenchmen Into the Alpine band.i. -Many Frnnch fiiUicr.s consid­er,It iw honor Ihiil thcjr


Anno . he sof

>f this fi

and •ronds and mllrouds from Annecy frequently tire attncked. mMt travelers waiting for an armed convoy.

He found the city cnllrcly *ur- roundwl by relnforccd conercto pill­boxes, macliincBun nests, warch- WlMs ftntl ligh t "Anntcy la

^..not a city, but n mllllari’ Rrvrrlson,

r* hn\ iniribnieck FaRln,

lllc Orpheum und Idnho Mis . Bftllty said.

The chnpter requires •pnce for three beds, a quantity of linen, and cla*sroom flnd demon- Mratlon space lo r iho homn purs InK Rolnp. It wa* emphnslrcd.

"All nvBllnblc leads have been followed up by Mrs. VnuRlin Price »n4 Ui5» ofllce. b u t a new homo for the c!n.«room haj! not been found, according to Mr*. Ballpy.

le iD iGass

■31 CheiiTQlet. 4-doot ■37 Plymoutn. Deluxe. 4-deor ■37 Che\Tolet S tandard coupc ■3B ro rd Deluxe Coupe

All Locally Owned Alt Have M4 U cetues

» Sod A*e. n tM

oi the paralysis. lor the . « of brncM, cnltchr.v for

portntlon nnd other piirimses

;oplM of Ihe book on Ihe ienncy Ticaiinenf /or Ir

P arn ly^. One cop> uill ’b '

uch of Uie hospltiils ill Ihe t Qoodlng and WcndelL It aiLi filv) voied 10 Invr

lanRlcd with the li bi'ciinie A.W.O.L. 1111 up bv GoodlnK Coun S. CralK.

Staff Sgt. Lawrene and pvt. Wnyne E. 1 Ihe sheriff they hue monlW fighting In i and had just rriiii

of fveil !l l i e mrrlliiK

by rc[irwntal( orRaiil^ iIlmi.-. nnd club:

•e.Mcd piT.soii. ,Inr 10 the 8 o'clock ni(

dlJincr wiu served officers county chapter and the guest speaker. Mra, Hayes, a t the Llti-

• I cafe.

Sheepman Claims Flock Stampeded

Shoulder Crushed In Wagon Accident


Inin pini e lo form a wiill previ-nlliiK nisy f'c.-iix. from or easy entriince Into thr rlty, nil bound logellicr by barbed wire."

Many Arrc*(/'d The people arTn.'.trd In lhl< clean­

up. Ihr Oemiiin said, Inrliidrd thr

Father of Five In Service Dies

Claude C. Cardv.rll. 58. fiilher of

rlilef'a.'sWant tn the Vlfliy prefect, who himnelf w_ai an officer ot the

p. m. Saturday Oip 'i'-win I-’ivIIa cDimly gcncrnl whrre he

I ’•FrancA Ccrpfl.""li li ea. lly imder. tofKl how dlffl-

had been a pitlent for two weeks tOllowInK n stroke.

ihat thk.wlinlc fttcft Is lIliTally n b.mlefrmt."

Bo!1\ 3, iRKS, Rl R l>Mhllr,Kail., he hiKl bi'Hi 1. Twill Kills l■. ll u tor ilir past 30 vciir.i and

during mo.M ol that lime had bedi a

Red Cross Field Agent H ere Soon

Twin Falls' rental problem ha.i hit the local chapter of the Ameri­can Red CroMi..

New qunrtera for (he home nurs-

ncit. he was sUll an ctniiloye of the city.

His wl/t. Ceclle L. Caraurll, died

De.-lclc;. H chllilreii, he Is .Mirvlv,'d by his father. NcL-on D. Caidw.-U. Rppublle. Kan.

Soiw In Ihe jervlre Include Wll-

thlrd floor o f ’the Orpheum (heater bMtWl'.ig, Rre nerded by Mny IS, bt- caii.'e the space ha. been rented. Mn. Helen Dailey, executive secre­tary, aald Monday.

For the- JWu t year th e pie jrn t

llnm N. Cardwell, wlili (he ainiv In llaly. I.aVerne Cnrdwcll. with IJie army In Sioux Citj. Ta.; Merrill Cardwell and Darrell L. Cardwell, with Ihc nnvy ot FurraKUt, and Claude c . Cardnell. Jr.. wllh tho nnvy at Orent Lakes training stn-

Telephone calLi lo ttii’lr 1 mandlng officer troiii ii;- ..1; r.ot permission for Die Uiy,- ui tlnue to Ihelr new cniiip. TheyIn custody of the provost Twin Falls until omrlal p;iperj yime lUlougli froni ttielr C, O.

A telegram to Sheriff Criilg frt... IJie 0 , O. s ta led thi.t Ihe wldlrrs 1 had been A.W.O.L, Mnce Ap;ll 2

. affair tlunlly,c Friday iifteriu-.m.

McKinley Infant Dies a t Hospital {E

h.i|lr.s W lllTntr^K uilri. ,.„r, o( "

Falls county Kcneral tiwpii.i) m;,-;!-

ward Catholic t

•r direction 0

Im- A. n . Sllv«.

xiirrcd Jiwt south

rear ttagon skidded 1 •.itccp dccline. ovciii: on which Silva wn.s

ert Youth Wins nniial Scholarship

!Si\nV.Uend aska S'iSft a

Decio Man Hurt In Car Accident i • i.n i TO MKKT

BUrtlF.Y. Mny , Dcclo, uho li ■rnl hospital Sni

- D . M. liuffmar lUt Hupen Btn

irdny nlKht an

R e a l E s t f l t e T r a n s f e r s

Markets and Financem m '

B Y P R O F T M E S LM a r k e t s a t a G Ignce

New York Stocks

Time T ab les

Other chlltlren arc Melvin Can icll. Mrs. DiJilne Webb. Mrs, Har:

HiiWe, Mr . I-iVern PoullKtiot., Mi . Carder'oiid MLs! Delores Card-

well. all of T^vln Falls,A brother. Fred Cardwell. Seattle ■n. h., ttl«j ju n ’lves.Funeral Benlcra are pending the Th-Bl ot his .w s. Tlic body , the Wlilte morluar}-.

•rtio-lnvthat Hiilfman tried lo pass on tho .•rriMK side nf the roiid,The cars collltlp<l nnri Huffman’s

uto. nvcrliirnlnB five or fix limes, ■•ns compli-trly clrnii'll'hed, Werks •11s unlnjuri'cl. but Ihc fentli Is rar were sma.shed. ’niero 0 paR.wngers in either

bloraniy H l~T. t.

59th AnniversaryPAIRFIFXD, May 8-M r. nnd Mr.'s

o?;cph nm rbi-r celebrated the ir 60th •cddlng annlver.sar>- Sunday a t

.Ihclt__hoiuc_ju__ralrlleW ——TJiolr-daughier. Ednn. and,husband. Mr and Mrs, James McCluer, and *01 Robert from Wendell, were oiit-of' town gue. ts. A famlly-rcunlon ^-a;. held and many friends callcd throughout the day.


Se« (he newC O M M O N W E A L T H

B A T H TU B AnUibIs Without P riorltr

ROB’T E. L E E SA LES CO.U6-4M Main 8. - Fbone 1E8W

Burley Will Hold Band Music Meet

BURIXV, May fl—, clinic. IlrtV ol 11s kind, will be held n t Burley high school all day Wed' nesdsy, Mny 10. ns a .^ubstltutc for the former dislrlct band festival, nccordlng lo Hollis GraiiRe, Burley cllrector. A free concert In the

_nins3'iiLc!imi‘Xjli!L.cvcnt-------Bands from Rupert, Heybum

Oakley high schools, will meet with the Burlty senior high and Junior high bands, during the morning for Individual program.^.

H. L. Fftwson. direclor of music Poentcllo high school, will be gue. t critic nnd conductor, and will con­duct the evening conccrt made up o t best players from everj- band. ThI.s group will practice prepared plece.i during the afternoon. Other spcclal numbers ore being attanecd for tho concert.

= = W O O L = =Will boy and pay for lots of wool Bp to 3000 Ibi. Also <rlll aeeepl

- larger lots on eonslgrimcnt u ( rttubtlons.

Nellie Pcrreleii, SIO. LoU 5, 6,'Wuc 57. Twin Falls,

Warranty deed—G, M. Slmp-wn I H. HahoUT $1. SESEINE M 10 17.

W arranty d c e d - J . L, Barnrs I C. F. peionoii. Sli;,000. NESE. SK NE 23 0 IS.

Q ua chMiH riertl->J. L. Bnrnr.s 1 C. P. Peterson. SI. part NWSW 0 IS.

Quit claim d e e d -T . W, Walto to M, T . FWlcr, 11. Lot H block K ■ Elm Park.

rialm d e ed -M . T. Ftshn........._ine, i l , Siinie.

VJarranty deed—A. B. Olson to ] A. P. Lane. t20. Same.

W arranty deed—Lou West to (P. Thomson $10. Lot :block 4 Ir

^st. First.W arranty <lecd—A. C. Larsen (

n . Anthls. $lijVLot H bloi:): 1 Nai Oddltlon.

MAY 4Quit claim deed—Me! Carter t . A. Kluiplon. 8900. Lots 13, 14 !

block 7, South Pnrl:.Warranty d rc d -C . C. Slver lo

. , Henson. $20, Lot 6. block BIckel.

W arranty deed—E. W. MocRob- i -rts lo Martha T lckner 110. Lot 8. j Lincoln Tfrrnce.

Warranty <Ieed—Am I W. p. Down, SI. Lot S, blocU H .

Twin FaUs,Quit claim deed—J . L. Dames to ,

C. F. Peterson SI. P a rt NWSW 23

Republl.nrynoltl? Tobscco B _______Sfarft rt n'hiif'K ............

. Socoiiy vticfiiiim ............ .^ outln■ l Cjilllftiiilii l.'d .....

' SoiitDerii i'tiplfle ...................Kii.nclanl Hrniids ..........Standard Oil of California ....

Inndarii Oil of New Jeraey _

i«rraiti. B u s .\r - 1 '• ‘P 1


, Bring h yoor eof, trtjck, fraeJofj iodlo Of f«nc* eortroflw bottery for airofl.bottofy reehorflt. No obllaotion what- io«ver. Tho tam« reliobls dow rala diorga-no qu id etiorglng. UmH on« to o cuifomer. Brlr^ II

—thli affa f fa

CoiTMMM^ r a m d r o i d d o a f A9rpW)9tri>ctftarM




i - S

,’alBreen Diiii; .. \Ve.Mrm llnldii Tel . .

I'.stlnRhoiisc /ilrlinikp ■ Wcstlnshou'c Electric ..

r. Woolnorth Co....

N. Y. CURH STOCKS: Btmker Kill...............................

Electric Boiitl & Share..............

KiWup tonaitbn.. >

lo>'r, Jut; <i<D, Drr. tl .lc tirtiM I

WnnI lcr« futurn ft

• IT*'., /- u. tVolr). i;n inl-n ... Ii.n 11,. ::o II-.irBKrmtrnown cr'i'io; c..>.i n .

v S

rilfr, f,",1

’In.l 'tiM.l BOO.0 Th-lM

*ciiVtS.'' *


«?*. s ‘ f |


on £CN>] l> (hoir* Ibi. .Ilk 1

CHICAOO, May 8 (m -A firm . markei developed In ryo today when

ic May conuact advanetfl more inn a cenl following an onnounce- cnt by Oenerol Foods corporation lut u had not soM any of tts etoelu \ ihp cAbh RTalt\, O au were &ttndy 1 wet weather In the hlch hailed farm work and cbr- lled corn marketings.At ilif cU»e whcni was imehanged I ’.c hlRlier. Jtily S1.60H to J1.70; it-s wrri! unchnn«ed lo l-c higher, ily Tfli.f. nifd ryo was ahead He 1 r . r . May Jl.;t»^,-v/ Tliero was

trading In barley.

< nnAi>fa <,n—Whr»l! Norn I1.SS U f,


BiiUer and EggsrmcARo rnnnucB

Potato and Onion • Futures


Stock Averages( Till AMoclitH T

T^vin Falls Markets

'■ B r in g i t h e re w i th confido ticc . . . a n d

e ’ll p le a se y o u .


(Via Elra *1111 HiMltoa)TIVI.S FALLS^RAKSlt Snulb n s. U«r. l-wrli>« Soi.l corn..

■ in u il rih W»f« lUnk aod Tniit

rtijd No. Ill Kmt. BoblVsl

CaptAlbanNowWASHINOTON. May 6 (-TV-Harry

Albatu urmy medlc&l eorpi ond !oi- mer Klmbetly, Ida,, physIcJon surgeon. h*j been promoted to ( tain, the w r departm ent, pounced. Rt >* at ErooJty «m nrmy nlr field, Saluia, Kan.

LIcut. Jack ElKOod sm cdlcy, In- , fantrv- Hi n nrlh r ‘


Hanseti'WAC Given WriKht Field Post


UVESTOC* Cbolu bauhtn. 200 '• eliM bulth*™.

loeiil f»4n <]«tDiind.erlf«« qo<>t«d U*------,— IUU4 b

no V lf)n« dialir 0«u. too to._PoTA Toea-

•M ert.-m rir4nnoune«-___ _ -Prior to her uTrtvjd * t th is »lr.

c raft eacpertmenla!. produeUon lo|- low-up and procurement cen ter, Pri. vat« Browiu w»a (UUaoed aC Tbrt D«a U olnu, \ t.


iT n ilnUn qtMUdI

a or U .a ^ ifoar d«Jm.sI ttaa thmloW to tba p u t ao y e « v

11 NoKti«rri J it NarlherM I


KtiC.* andrr


K s s a t :


“ '■ ( S M s S M I E D A p V E R ' f l S f f l G '“’S ’‘'

WANT AD RATES•rorfw d*7

;W A N T E D -R E N T , L E A SE M i s c . K O n S A L E



In England

S P E C IA L N O T IC E S•.orV rhoi..

’'“ '‘h.5’ 'nn’ j “ ‘'iun.“ s.* tS 'sK rj.r;” .'

iiKMi.sfs rt;Mr’B ani1rh. i:o



n. '' nnottij, „


c l a s s i f i l ; d —


A ro w dtchiiiK tf'fl Siilo Coliiniim o f i Ik'

TIMES-NEWS Classified Ads

am i ccrtfilii fo r ou r clii."- f in l iiftlroiiH. I’liutio in n<) tlinvl

D U M c-m ucK S r o n balk

W , C. RobinsonOy»''Kns*NEw”[,OAN V til'’*ICB

Jil i i


H O M E S FO R S A I.E i FA R M S A N D ACIU :a i ;E S- ---------------------- -


i u ‘i;( iN ic iM V A L K i-:it

a U TO S E R V lC E n n d 1*ART^

i.iE i tr . o n v i r a. je n b b n. . . W ofd U«» b«n r^c.fUed hr

Mnt. O, A. Jrnun, Jerome, tliat U<-iilrnn<it Jrn<rn. her huib«n(l. ha< a rrltr il narrlr In Enflund, lie hs» hrrn In «i» armed »erTle«»■liirn IMZ. Ill» innllirr, M n . A. 0 . Jrn.fti liiij. nrrI.Kl from liff Call'

J P L M L i LBy HOWARR W. Ut!tKEST.Ep-----NET.V W R K , May 6 (/tV-Projrcas

»ltli two protnL'iina types of vncclno,•• fordyBpntcry. one of tltts wir'RtTinJor

inlUtnrj' problems, were reported to (tie Boeicly o t American Bacicrlolo- pLiU, nlilcli recently ended Iti {Irsl ■nrlime nirellnB.T l« work 7,-RS done wnrttT con-

rAct.1 with tlie office of sclcntUlo- researcli nnrt tlevelopmcnt, Woslt- ' Innlon. Six vncclnea nlrendy nrc rou­tine In oiir mllltnry forccs—typliu.i, cliolrrn. tclaiiUK, yellow fever, ty* phold nnrt nmnllpox.

SJiVK. t5>rrnitty iJt probnWy wore wlflpflprrnd tlinii any of tho fix; I t brenk.1 out In nil parUi of the world.

One of llir ii'-w vnecliips reported , rotfctrd chlldrrn oRiiliMt tl* type*,But m widely vnryliiK degree. Tlio chlklren tlld not linvc dysentery. 0«V Ih tlr blood senini, tiller vqe- «ln»tlon. Bhowetl an Inerenxe in power to kill dy.'cntrry germs. Tlie inereanel tftnsed tcnm 212 times jreAter, do».-n to only four.

Til* othi*r »«cciiif wns mnde by i an entirely different, a t tlio nockeleHer liuiiuiic. New York CHy. ItvMfad of (lie ceriius' bodlcji. llie Rockefeller* iiie<l the antlKcns wUlcli rteslvoy rtvs»si\pry. 'n i ts t nn- IlftDn* are protein rjnd auBai' co m -- poundi found In the blood of lui>

■ nd anlmi\Is re^l^Tniit to

« I I f l l i H P

H A Y , G R A IN AND r E E l ) 1 -j'heSE NOW

I ■ nl fe'ES-NEWS?1.B0

C H I C u u r r , n iK r.

. lE A i r L 'S 'f A T E r O R .......


co iT .'ry . JACK nilEND.

r 'c O U R T c . ..._

Vcul ntc lu'u'liy

.........I ixrniy ilRjii of iho nervice

' j S S i i

T H E T Ij\lE S -N E \V S



F O R SA L i:

MTKACTIVEn u s i N i ' : a s -



A I’A R T iM E N T llo U S E S

W in^^& ^C O M PA N Y

L IV K S T O C K -P O U L T R Y" i i

M A C ; F ,L A L : T 0 C 0 M ! - A N V

m m m .

II rub. April 24. M.i'y 1, 8, IS, 22. lOH,


m m mm m m


“ E l aViAUAMs rsoM M. SW IM I N V E S T M E N T CO |


D I R E C T O R Ym SH A B LE ,.:


HAILEYiri or

bv lU'Uu M. V of 411, « .M;,/-

,v . r . « . . . . r r , ; s ! : , i

BuhlW Cl'USets Contest Tuesday

A poster co» t« i Blfo bcJng

i S s s s i i',s i r ,E

S r H H - f i l S


Deep Creek Holding Graduation May lOtli



CnlK.. Uns been vlfW«R ftt tf it Vic-

l l S s s e -

iO jcos|i^d rd '#U ,^ le ;


H t - - m © - o n s s <

w h e n y o u b u y a W a r B o n d

i l S l S

?W h e n y o u b u y War Bond, it affects a great many people.

FIRST, it buys weapons for the American -boys'overseaa:

SECOND, it enconrages our fighting allies, by demonstrating that the American people are in this scrap to the finish.

THIRD, it brings cheer to the starving and oppressed in Nazi-occupied te rrito ries,

because it means a quicker end of hunger and tyranny.

FOURTH, it d isco u rages Hitler and Tojo- and is a punch a t the morale of tiie German and Japanese home fronts.

FIFTH, it helps to guarantee peace and liberty to future generations of Americans.

AND THE BLANK SPACE? Put y o u rse lf in that picture. For when you buy a War Bond,

i t certeinly means as much to you as to anyone else'in the world.

I t’s a wonderfully advantageous way to in-■ vest“y ^ inone ^ every $3 you

put in. I t’s safe. And it’ll give you a finan­cial nest egg—a nest egg you can use after the w ar for such things as buying a home, educating your children, and traveling.

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O. & Aodenon Co. , Lmal(>inited Soimr Companr'

B M W d Agio Co.a G m rcra' WaftboBse AsMclallni

BUiiBi Oyclery BerUta CampbelJ-i Btora

Df. WalUeo B o n d _________

Jc9se H . ChaM CIm Oook SInr*

Continental Oil Co.

Delireilcr Uroi, Inc.

Oomsi-W araer Maile Store

FldeUtr NaUonal Bank r-Anto'tatcr-liw tT*Bce-E:

n r i t Fcdenl S a r in n A Lean AsoclallonH m BowUdramo

BsoUoc TTMtor Co.••BrowB-MQUrATOfnUnM-Car.—T......... -- — F o n r tf tn s f e r —- MOM J . BMwnlnx, I M - Gleb« 6c«d « Feed Co.

□omo Lumber A Coal Co. Ilootler Furnltnra Co. noward Tractor Co.

' nudsoO'Cfark'Sboe Store * *

Idaho Dcpafimeiit Stara

M. II. K ln t Co. K rt iiic ii* ' '

K nskr’i J e n tlc n* « ..................

Dr. J. E. Lantcnwaltcr

"TH aEr^?in*i^dntM rCo^opA »sod3iioB~ Idaho FkcUnr Co.

Idaho Old* A TAldff Co.

Maf*| Aoto Co.Msfle V allr; ProcctKing rompan;

ntatlo CItr Foci Co.Tha Maj-fair Shop"

MtVcj*! Implemtnt a llafdwart

Wye Bros. City Fntl Co. J , . . — Oranre Transportation Co.. Inc.

The Orphenm u id Idaho Theater*Ostrtndcr Lotober Co. - -------

raclfic Dla«oBd-II B a j Cotnpany The ParU Co.

>.D nr.Cl«w r i -The Pw kU otcI

Klxuty*! Wholesala Co.

sm a rt Morrison Tire 8hop NaUonal Laundrr & Dr? Clcaoeri

&-B,-Neb<ra,-!nc.-----------—tlo^fnoa IIoUl A Co(re«/8hop

_ Co. ia tB inv fitorca. Ina.

J. SuTfMor-Drus -Or. Gto. P. Scholer, OptontelrUt

Sawtooth Co...................Self flUBofacturin* Co.

Sherwood Typewriter E«rh>ncc_

6ean<Boebtick and Co. BheU OU Co. B. J . DoUnea

Sterllnf Jewelry C«. Snoiner Sand a Gravei Co.

_ T w |n_F «m _B inJi-* -& Twin Falli Flour

............. Twin Fall* Moto:Twin Fall*

Twin Fallj Motor

Onion Moior Co.

. Trinidad Bean A E len to r Co.

ffari>e^ Brot. Coal * T n n tfer Co. ~ ■ W hlii M artin^ ' ' ' - “

WaahliKtoii Mufcft

• T h is ia an official U.S. T roasury advortiaemont-;^prepajred u n d e r a u s p ic e # o f Treasury D e p a itm a n i a n d W ar A dvertising C ouncil

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