invasive, endangered, and reintroduced species of pennsylvania by: colleen smith


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Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania By: Colleen Smith. What is an endangered species? An endangered species is a group of organisms who run the risk of becoming extinct. 5 Most Common Reasons for Endangerment: Habitat Destruction Introduction of Exotic Species - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith
Page 2: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith
Page 3: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith
Page 4: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

3 Endangered Animals Found in PA

Delmarva Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus)

Timber harvests continue to threat the Delmarva Fox

Squirrel’s habitat.

Eastern Puma (Puma concolor couguar)The Eastern puma is endangered due to hunting and trapping this species.

Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis)Pollution of the waters and deforestation to opening

caves resulted in decreasing the main food source of the Indiana bat, mayflies. Also, gates were put up in caves to

keep people out but disturbed the bats only habitat.

Page 5: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

Endangered Plants found in PAVirginia Spiraea (Spiraea virginiana)

Road construction, unmanaged recreational use of river corridors, industrial development, lack of watershed management, and uncontrolled development of river corridors all play a part in endangering this plant species.

Northeastern Bulrush (Scirpus ancistrochaetus)

This plant species depends on wetlands for its survival. Water pollution, excavation, and when dry, by off-road vehicle use will prevent the Northeastern Bulrush to die down leading it to a spot on the endangered list of plant species.

Virginia Spiraea

Northeastern Bulrush

Page 6: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith
Page 7: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

5 Of The Most Common Ways Invasive Species Come into our

Country• Pet trade• Ships- can carry organisms living in water• Wood products- insects are able to get inside

wood• Ornamental plant- some may escape into the

wild and become invasive• Human transport

Page 8: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith
Page 9: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

3 Invasive Animals in PAZebra Mussel

(Dreissena polymorpha)The Zebra Mussel is native to the

Black Sea. What are some problems the Zebra mussel causes? It causes

threat to biodiversity by causing turf wars which will lead to the loss of

native mussels, disrupt food chains, and decrease biodiversity in our

watersheds. Secondly, they cause health risks by passing on

contaminates up the food chain. Lastly, they will cause economic costs

by clogging intake pipes in facilities that provide water and power to local communities. This mussel will count

down the population of pearly mussels.

Page 10: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

3 Invasive Animals in PARusty crayfish

(Orconectes rusticus) The rusty crayfish is native to the Ohio River Basin. The crayfish causes

problems like displacing native crayfish with their aggressive personalities. They also will destroy aquatic plant beds and affect habitat like reduction

in fish production. The rusty crayfish works as a scavenger and also provides food for large fish, raccoons, turtles and herons.

Page 11: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

3 Invasive Animals in PA

Page 12: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

2 Invasive Plants found in PA

Kudzu(Pueraria lobata)

The kudzu is a plant native to Asia. Its

niche is to reproduce. The kudzu causes

problems like covering them under

a blanket of leaves causing them to degrade and die.

Page 13: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

2 Invasive Plants found in PAAmur Maple

(Acer ginnala)The Amur maple native to

Japan, Korea and China. The Amur causes problems like

maple will cause other surrounding plants from growing. Its niche is to

provide shelter, shade and beauty.

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Page 15: Invasive, Endangered, and Reintroduced Species of Pennsylvania  By: Colleen Smith

Reintroduced Species in PA

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