inventions, child labor, political cartoons, and unsafe ... age unit...chapter 7 section 3 –...

Name: _____________________ Inventions, Child Labor, Political Cartoons, and Unsafe Working Conditions! Industrial Age Unit Project Historical Method of Inquiry, Continuity and Change, Forces Throughout History Standards: History 1.1 Use the historical method of inquiry to ask questions, evaluate primary and secondary sources, critically analyze and interpret data, develop interpretations defended by evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources. History 1.2 Analyze key concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect, complexity, unity and diversity over time. History 1.3 Analyze the significance of ideas as powerful forces throughout history. Objectives: Knowledge and Understanding SWBAT demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through developed descriptions, explanations and examples. Thinking Critically SWBAT synthesize information in order to make valid, well- supported arguments Communicating - SWBAT structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format. Assignment: Choose 1 of the 4 available choices of products to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of a major topic from the Industrial Age. Use the resources from the Industrial Age Internet Research Project, as well as textbook chapters 6 and 7 to provide rich details for your products. Chapter 6 Section 1 The Expansion of Industry Chapter 6 Section 2 The Age of Railroads Chapter 6 Section 3 Big Business and Labor Chapter 7 Section 2 The Challenges of Urbanization Chapter 7 Section 3 Politics in the Gilded Age

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Name: _____________________

Inventions, Child Labor, Political

Cartoons, and Unsafe Working


Industrial Age Unit Project

Historical Method of Inquiry, Continuity and Change, Forces

Throughout History Standards: History 1.1 Use the historical method of inquiry to ask questions, evaluate primary and secondary sources, critically analyze and interpret data, develop interpretations defended by evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources. History 1.2 Analyze key concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect, complexity, unity and diversity over time. History 1.3 Analyze the significance of ideas as powerful forces throughout history.

Objectives: Knowledge and Understanding – SWBAT demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through developed descriptions, explanations and examples. Thinking Critically – SWBAT synthesize information in order to make valid, well-supported arguments Communicating - SWBAT structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format.

Assignment: Choose 1 of the 4 available choices of products to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of a major topic from the Industrial Age. Use the resources from the Industrial Age Internet Research Project, as well as textbook chapters 6 and 7 to provide rich details for your products.

Chapter 6 Section 1 – The Expansion of Industry

Chapter 6 Section 2 – The Age of Railroads

Chapter 6 Section 3 – Big Business and Labor

Chapter 7 Section 2 – The Challenges of Urbanization

Chapter 7 Section 3 – Politics in the Gilded Age

Name: _____________________

Choice #1 - Industrial Age Invention Project

You are an inventor during the Industrial Age and you have just invented a fabulous new

product! Your job is to market your invention and let people know how wonderful it is and

how helpful it will be to their lives. Develop a poster to advertise your product to the


(This project will be based on a real inventor and real invention from the Industrial Age.)

My Research Topic:

Inventor: _________________________________________

Invention: ________________________________________

Poster or other Multimedia Product? _________________________

Due Date: _______________

Inventor Biography:

Who are you? Where and when were you born?




What are some interesting facts about yourself?




What else have you invented? What skills do you have?




Why are you great inventor of the Industrial Age?




Name: _____________________

Don’t forget to include a picture of yourself!

Invention Description:

What did you invent? What is it used for?




What advantages does your invention have over the previous way of life?




Who will benefit from your invention? How does it make life easier?




What does your invention look like? Don’t forget to include a picture!

Invention Sales Information: (be creative with this section!)

What is your company name? (Ex. Happy Hargreaves Spinning Jenny Co.)

What is your company slogan and logo?

Where can people purchase your invention? Where is your company located?

Who should buy this invention?

How much does this product cost? Are there different models?

Name: _____________________

Customer Testimonials:

Include at least one testimonial from a happy customer.

Example: “I don’t know what I would do without the Spinning Jenny! My factory is able to produce three

times more wool than we could without it!”






*Remember, Google and Wikipedia are NOT valid sources!*









Once you are finished with your research, create your advertisement!

Your poster/multimedia product MUST include the following:

Invention Name

Inventor’s Name

Company name and slogan

Important information about your invention that will

appeal to the group of people who should buy it

Purchasing Information


Picture(s) of invention

Picture of inventor

Color and creativity!

Name: _____________________

Choice #2 - Industrial Age Child Labor Advertising Campaign Project

You are either a Supporter (for), or an Opponent (against), Child Labor during the

Industrial Age. Your job is to create an advertising poster to let people know how wonderful

Child Labor is if you are a business owner, or how horrible Child Labor can be on the lives

of the working children. Develop a poster to advertise your position on Child Labor

to the public.

(This project will be based on a real industries from the Industrial Age – think about the

Photo Analysis Activity!)

My Topic:

Industry: _________________________________________

Supporter or Opponent: ________________________________________

Poster or other Multimedia Product? _________________________

Due Date: _______________

Industry Biography:

What industry? Where is it located? What do you produce?




What are some interesting facts about your industry?




What products do you produce? What is it used for?




What does your factory look like? Don’t forget to include a picture!

Name: _____________________


*Remember, Google and Wikipedia are NOT valid sources!*









Once you are finished with your research, create your advertisement!

Your poster/multimedia product MUST include the following:

Industry/Factory Name and Location

Products Produced by the Factory

Who are the ads targeted towards? Elements of the Target Market include: Gender and Age Range, but

may also include Socio-economic status, rural – suburban – or

urban, race, family status, special interests. These interests can

include anything from political leanings to religion or nationality

What problem do the ads solve? Read Successful Ads Solve a Problem found below

How is the ad unique? How does your ad and your products or services differ from your


How does your ad cause your audience to act? See Successful Ads Cause the Audience to Act found below

Color and creativity!

Name: _____________________

Here are 4 characteristics of successful advertising that will help point you in the right direction

and on your way to successful campaigns!

1. Successful Ads are Highly Targeted: It is easy to think big when it comes to advertising,

however this isn’t always the best approach. Sure, the morning news has more viewers, but are

they the right viewers? It is important to map out your target market and seek out the media that

reaches this focused audience. Targeting will save you money and reach the audience more

likely to be affected by your advertisement!

2. Successful Ads Solve a Problem: What need or problem does your advertisement solve? Will

it save someone time? Save them money? Another way to express this point is to define the

difference between features and benefits. A feature is tangible. For example, you are a women’s

clothing store owner. You carry a wide-range of jeans across different brands. This is a feature of

your store. Adding a benefit takes it one step further. Since your store carries a wide-range of

jeans across different brands, the hassle of going from store to store to find a pair of jeans that fit

perfectly is taken away! What a difference this makes. If you don’t address a solution to a

problem, your audience will not realize they need to pay attention to what you are saying!

3. Successful Ads are Unique: Cliché, boring ads will blend in with the clutter of other

advertising, as well as your competitors. Determine what sets your advertisement apart and focus

on that aspect. There are millions of ways for people to spend their time. Why should they chose

to spend it agreeing with you?

4. Successful Ads Cause The Audience to Act: Which calls for a “call to action” in your

advertising. Grabbing attention with your advertising and keeping that attention is great, but if it

does not cause them to seek out more information or contact you, then it may end in

disappointment. Make sure your potential reader knows how to do that or what they should do to

take that next, important step. Does that mean directing them to your company? Inviting them to

come into your factory?

These things may seem a bit overwhelming and a lot to cram into small ad space or air time,

however, keeping these principles in mind and having a well-crafted message will hit these

points and be very effective.

Information provided by:

Name: _____________________

Choice #3 – Political Cartoon Comparing Big

Business of Today to the Industrial Age


1. One 8½ X 11 White non-lined sheet of paper (you must use the full sheet) or create some other Multimedia Product

2. Hand drawn if creating on paper (stick figures and “Photoshopped” pictures are acceptable for other multimedia products)

3. Colored (by color pencils only if on paper – no markers, pens, crayons, water colors, etc.) 4. The BACK of the cartoon should have:

a. Title of Cartoon b. Name c. Date d. Class period

5. It does not have to be one “big” drawing. It can be a comic strip format with multiple panels if you would like

How do I begin to create a political cartoon?

First you must ask yourself, “What is the issue about big business that I want to write about?” A good

way to decide is to look over your notes or the textbook. What issue stands out to you about big

business of today compared to during the Industrial Age? Meaning, was there something that shocked

you, something that you think is not right, something that seems hypocritical, something that you think

needs change, something that is emotional, etc.? You should write down your statement and then ask

yourself “why do I feel this way and what should be done?”

For example, please see the cartoon below:

Name: _____________________

For the example on the first page, before they did any work, I asked the student, “What do you want to

say?” The student said, “I believe that Iran is actually trying to build nuclear weapons (not nuclear

power for peaceful purposes), that the U.N. is just “standing by” and letting it happen, and that, in the

end, it could be very dangerous.”

I then summarized the main point by saying, “So you are saying that someone is being sneaky (not

paying attention) and that they are being tricked into something that might end up being dangerous?”

I then asked the student, “Can you think of another example of something that symbolizes your


The student said, “This kind of reminds me of the whole ‘Trojan Horse thing.’ The student began to

explain that Iran is acting like a “Trojan Horse” because, while they say they are working on nuclear

energy for peaceful purposes, they are actually working on nuclear weapons which will eventually

threaten the world.

As you can see, the political cartoon that the student created is an excellent example of this, and it

earned a 3 using the rubric.

Question(s) to answer:

What is your specific opinion about something we learned in class?

Name: _____________________

Why should we care?

What should we do about it?

Why is this important?

Who is to blame?

What does this say about what you believe?

Here are some links for political cartoon examples:

Please note:

It is very tempting to copy cartoons that have already been done. Some students believe that they can

take an idea from an artist, change a thing or two, and then claim it is their own. This is plagiarism and

will result in a “0” on your assignment. You must come up with an original idea!!!

Name: _____________________

Choice #4 - Industrial Age Unsafe Working Conditions Advertising

Campaign Project

You are a Supporter (for) of Safe Working Conditions during the Industrial Age. Your job is

to create an advertising poster to let people know the dangers of unsafe working conditions

for workers and reforms needed to make the workplace safe for employees. Develop a

poster to advertise your position on Safe Working Conditions for Employees to

the public.

(This project will be based on a real industries from the Industrial Age – think about the

Triangle Factory Fire Activity!)

My Topic:

Industry: _________________________________________

How to Improve Working Conditions: ________________________________________

Poster or other Multimedia Product? _________________________

Due Date: _______________

Industry Biography:

What industry? Where is it located? What do you produce?




What are some interesting facts about your industry?




What products do you produce? What is it used for?




Name: _____________________

What does your factory look like? Don’t forget to include a picture!


*Remember, Google and Wikipedia are NOT valid sources!*









Once you are finished with your research, create your advertisement!

Your poster/multimedia product MUST include the following:

Industry/Factory Name and Location

Products Produced by the Factory

Who are the ads targeted towards? Elements of the Target Market include: Gender and Age Range, but

may also include Socio-economic status, rural – suburban – or

urban, race, family status, special interests. These interests can

include anything from political leanings to religion or nationality

What problem do the ads solve? Read Successful Ads Solve a Problem found below

How is the ad unique? How does your ad and your products or services differ from your


How does your ad cause your audience to act? See Successful Ads Cause the Audience to Act found below

Color and creativity!

Name: _____________________

Here are 4 characteristics of successful advertising that will help point you in the right direction

and on your way to successful campaigns!

1. Successful Ads are Highly Targeted: It is easy to think big when it comes to advertising,

however this isn’t always the best approach. Sure, the morning news has more viewers, but are

they the right viewers? It is important to map out your target market and seek out the media that

reaches this focused audience. Targeting will save you money and reach the audience more

likely to be affected by your advertisement!

2. Successful Ads Solve a Problem: What need or problem does your advertisement solve? Will

it save someone time? Save them money? Another way to express this point is to define the

difference between features and benefits. A feature is tangible. For example, you are a women’s

clothing store owner. You carry a wide-range of jeans across different brands. This is a feature of

your store. Adding a benefit takes it one step further. Since your store carries a wide-range of

jeans across different brands, the hassle of going from store to store to find a pair of jeans that fit

perfectly is taken away! What a difference this makes. If you don’t address a solution to a

problem, your audience will not realize they need to pay attention to what you are saying!

3. Successful Ads are Unique: Cliché, boring ads will blend in with the clutter of other

advertising, as well as your competitors. Determine what sets your advertisement apart and focus

on that aspect. There are millions of ways for people to spend their time. Why should they chose

to spend it agreeing with you?

4. Successful Ads Cause The Audience to Act: Which calls for a “call to action” in your

advertising. Grabbing attention with your advertising and keeping that attention is great, but if it

does not cause them to seek out more information or contact you, then it may end in

disappointment. Make sure your potential reader knows how to do that or what they should do to

take that next, important step. Does that mean directing them to your company? Inviting them to

come into your factory?

These things may seem a bit overwhelming and a lot to cram into small ad space or air time,

however, keeping these principles in mind and having a well-crafted message will hit these

points and be very effective.

Information provided by:

Name: _____________________

Industrial Age Unit Project Rubric

Standard 4-3.5 3.0-2.5 2.0-1.5 1.0-0.5

History 1.1 Use the

historical method of inquiry to ask questions, evaluate primary and secondary sources, critically analyze and interpret data, develop interpretations defended by evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources.

Objective: Knowledge and Understanding

The student completes all components of chosen project using a wide range of terminology accurately and appropriately and demonstrates detailed

knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through developed and accurate

descriptions, explanations, and examples. Work is turned in on time

The student completes all components of chosen project using a range of terminology accurately and appropriately and demonstrates good

knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through accurate descriptions,

explanations and examples. Work is turned in on time

The student completes most components of chosen project using terminology that is accurate and/or

appropriate and demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through adequate

descriptions, explanations, or examples. Work is late

The student makes a limited attempt to

use some relevant terminology and

demonstrates basic

knowledge and understanding of

content and concepts with simple

descriptions and/or examples.

History 1.2 Analyze key

concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect, complexity, unity and diversity over time.

Objective: Thinking Critically

The student completes a detailed analysis of

concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments; effectively analyzes and evaluates a range of sources

in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations; thoroughly interprets a range of different perspectives and their implications; synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported products. Work is turned in on time

The student completes a satisfactory analysis of

concepts, events, issues, models or arguments; satisfactorily analyzes and/or evaluates a range of sources in

terms origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations; interprets different

perspectives and their implications; synthesizes information to make valid products. Work is turned in on time

The student completes a simple analysis of

concepts, events, issues, models or arguments; completes a simple analysis and/or evaluation of some

sources in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and limitations; identifies

different perspectives and their implications; makes connections between information to make simple products. Work is late

The student makes a limited attempt to

analyze concepts, events, issues, models or arguments; describes some

sources in terms of origin and purpose and recognizes some

values and limitations; identifies

different perspectives; makes connections between information in a limited attempt

to make products.

History 1.3 Analyze the

significance of ideas as powerful forces throughout history.

Objective: Communicating

The student clearly communicates the information and ideas effectively and creatively

by creating a product that is consistently appropriate

to the audience and purpose; structures information and ideas in a product that is consistently appropriate

The student clearly communicates the information and ideas by creating a product that is often

appropriate to the audience and purpose; structures information and ideas in a product that is often

appropriate to the

The student communicates information and ideas by creating a product that is sometimes

appropriate to the audience and purpose; structures information and ideas in a product that is sometimes

appropriate to the

The student communicates information and ideas by attempting in a limited way to create a

product that is appropriate to the audience and purpose; makes a limited attempt to structure

information and ideas

Name: _____________________

to the specified format; consistently documents

sources of information using a recognized convention. Work is turned in on time

specified format; often

documents sources of information using a recognized convention.

Work is turned in on time

specified format; sometimes

documents sources of information using a recognized convention. Work is turned in late

in a product that is appropriate to the specified format; makes a limited attempt to document

sources of information.