investigation of bipolar plate and diffusion media interfacial structure

Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 3060–3070 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electrochimica Acta journal homepage: Investigation of bipolar plate and diffusion media interfacial structure in PEFCs: A fractal geometry approach Tushar Swamy a , E.C. Kumbur b , M.M. Mench c,a Fuel Cell Dynamics and Diagnostics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA b Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA c Fuel Cell Dynamics and Diagnostics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA article info Article history: Received 18 October 2010 Received in revised form 17 December 2010 Accepted 20 December 2010 Available online 4 January 2011 Keywords: Bipolar plate Contact resistance Diffusion media Interface Polymer electrolyte fuel cell abstract The imperfect interfacial contact between the bipolar plate (BP) and the diffusion medium (DM) can have a significant impact on the multi-phase flow and current transport in an operating polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). The objective of this work is to describe the impact of the BP and DM surface morphologies and the resulting interfacial contact on PEFC performance. In this study, the surface morphology of several BP and DM samples was digitally characterized using optical profilometry (OP). The benchmark surface data were then utilized in a microscopic model developed to simulate the BP|DM interfacial contact under compression. The microscopic model is based on the fractal modeling approach, which provides an accurate representation of the BP|DM interfacial contact by suppressing the resolution dependence of the surface profiles in consideration. Results indicate that the uncompressed surface morphology of mating materials, elasticity of these components, and local compression pressure are the key parameters that influence the BP|DM contact. The model results show that the void space along the BP|DM interface can potentially store a significant amount of liquid water (from 0.85 to 3.5 mg/cm 2 ), which can result in reduced durability and performance of the PEFC. The model predicts that a 50% drop in the DM surface roughness results in nearly a 40% drop in the BP|DM contact resistance and a 15% drop in the BP|DM interfacial water storage capacity. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) have tremendous poten- tial as a power source, which has led to an increased interest in their usage for various applications. However, certain performance limitations have yet to be fully explained for further system opti- mization [1]. In particular, ohmic and mass transport losses can originate at the various interfaces that exist between the fuel cell components, including between the bipolar plate and the diffusion media (BP|DM). Among the interfaces in PEFC, the BP|DM interface has some important implications on the performance, since this interface significantly contributes to the interfacial contact resis- tance of the cell (up to 20% of the total ohmic resistance in a PEFC under certain conditions) [2], and affects the channel liquid water distribution. Despite its importance, little is known or under- stood regarding the BP|DM interfacial structure and related effects on the performance and durability of PEFCs. Therefore, in order to close this gap in the literature, the main emphasis in this study was Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 865 974 5115. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Mench). placed on understanding the role of the BP|DM interfacial morphol- ogy, applied compression pressure, and material properties of the contacting surfaces on the performance characteristics of a PEFC. Due to the inherent roughness and morphological structure of the BP and DM surfaces, the contact between the two materi- als under compression is imperfect (illustrated in Fig. 1), which results in a loss of contact area and the formation of interfacial gaps between these two surfaces. The incomplete contact not only results in an undesirable electronic contact resistance (that typi- cally dominates all other interfacial contact losses in the PEFC), but also can lead to liquid water pooling in the interfacial void space. Water pooling can result in increased water overhead in the fuel cell during operation, making shutdown to a safe frozen state more difficult, and potentially reducing operational performance. There- fore, it is necessary to investigate the impact of the BP|DM interface to further improve the cell design. There are many modeling studies in the literature that inves- tigate the impact of BP [3–11] and the DM [12–19] on the performance of PEFCs. In general, these modeling studies do not consider a distinct BP|DM interfacial region; instead they apply numerical boundary conditions (i.e. flux and concentration match- ing) at the bordering control volumes of the mating surfaces that 0013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2010.12.068

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Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 3060–3070

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Electrochimica Acta

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nvestigation of bipolar plate and diffusion media interfacial structure in PEFCs:fractal geometry approach

ushar Swamya, E.C. Kumburb, M.M. Menchc,∗

Fuel Cell Dynamics and Diagnostics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USAElectrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USAFuel Cell Dynamics and Diagnostics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 18 October 2010eceived in revised form7 December 2010ccepted 20 December 2010vailable online 4 January 2011

eywords:ipolar plate

a b s t r a c t

The imperfect interfacial contact between the bipolar plate (BP) and the diffusion medium (DM) can havea significant impact on the multi-phase flow and current transport in an operating polymer electrolytefuel cell (PEFC). The objective of this work is to describe the impact of the BP and DM surface morphologiesand the resulting interfacial contact on PEFC performance. In this study, the surface morphology of severalBP and DM samples was digitally characterized using optical profilometry (OP). The benchmark surfacedata were then utilized in a microscopic model developed to simulate the BP|DM interfacial contactunder compression. The microscopic model is based on the fractal modeling approach, which providesan accurate representation of the BP|DM interfacial contact by suppressing the resolution dependence

ontact resistanceiffusion media

nterfaceolymer electrolyte fuel cell

of the surface profiles in consideration. Results indicate that the uncompressed surface morphology ofmating materials, elasticity of these components, and local compression pressure are the key parametersthat influence the BP|DM contact. The model results show that the void space along the BP|DM interfacecan potentially store a significant amount of liquid water (from 0.85 to 3.5 mg/cm2), which can result inreduced durability and performance of the PEFC. The model predicts that a 50% drop in the DM surfaceroughness results in nearly a 40% drop in the BP|DM contact resistance and a 15% drop in the BP|DMinterfacial water storage capacity.

. Introduction

Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) have tremendous poten-ial as a power source, which has led to an increased interest inheir usage for various applications. However, certain performanceimitations have yet to be fully explained for further system opti-

ization [1]. In particular, ohmic and mass transport losses canriginate at the various interfaces that exist between the fuel cellomponents, including between the bipolar plate and the diffusionedia (BP|DM). Among the interfaces in PEFC, the BP|DM interface

as some important implications on the performance, since thisnterface significantly contributes to the interfacial contact resis-ance of the cell (up to ∼20% of the total ohmic resistance in aEFC under certain conditions) [2], and affects the channel liquid

ater distribution. Despite its importance, little is known or under-

tood regarding the BP|DM interfacial structure and related effectsn the performance and durability of PEFCs. Therefore, in order tolose this gap in the literature, the main emphasis in this study was

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 865 974 5115.E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Mench).

013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.oi:10.1016/j.electacta.2010.12.068

© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

placed on understanding the role of the BP|DM interfacial morphol-ogy, applied compression pressure, and material properties of thecontacting surfaces on the performance characteristics of a PEFC.

Due to the inherent roughness and morphological structure ofthe BP and DM surfaces, the contact between the two materi-als under compression is imperfect (illustrated in Fig. 1), whichresults in a loss of contact area and the formation of interfacialgaps between these two surfaces. The incomplete contact not onlyresults in an undesirable electronic contact resistance (that typi-cally dominates all other interfacial contact losses in the PEFC), butalso can lead to liquid water pooling in the interfacial void space.Water pooling can result in increased water overhead in the fuelcell during operation, making shutdown to a safe frozen state moredifficult, and potentially reducing operational performance. There-fore, it is necessary to investigate the impact of the BP|DM interfaceto further improve the cell design.

There are many modeling studies in the literature that inves-

tigate the impact of BP [3–11] and the DM [12–19] on theperformance of PEFCs. In general, these modeling studies do notconsider a distinct BP|DM interfacial region; instead they applynumerical boundary conditions (i.e. flux and concentration match-ing) at the bordering control volumes of the mating surfaces that
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T. Swamy et al. / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 3060–3070 3061

Mean plane of DM

d Contact regions

Mean plane of BP Bipolar plate




Mean plane of

rough surface


Diffusion media

Fig. 1. 2D schematic of the BP|DM interfacial contact (not to scale).

orm the interface, ignoring the unique physical characteristicsf the interfacial region. Although, there exist a few experimen-al studies that have focused on BP|DM interfacial losses [20–27],ater management issues arising from imperfect contact at theP|DM interface are not yet definitely explored. Although a fewumerical studies have attempted to incorporate the BP|DM inter-

ace into the modeling framework [25,28–32], these models neglecthe morphological features of the BP and DM surfaces; instead theyonsider a lumped or macroscale representation of the resultingnterface. A few studies have attempted to model the BP|DM inter-acial contact resistance in a PEFC [23,33–36], some of which takehe average or a generic representation of the morphology of the

ating surfaces into consideration [23,33,35]. However, to the bestf the authors’ knowledge, the characteristics of the actual BP|DMnterfacial morphology and related effects on the performance ofEFCs are yet to be fully explored.

Although interfacial modeling has been scarcely dealt with inEFCs [12,23,33–41], contact models have been extensively devel-ped and studied in the field of tribology and electrical contactechanics [41–53]. To date, the most common approach to sim-

late the interfacial contact is based on the Hertzian theory ofontact and probabilistic modeling techniques, which can accountor the stochastic nature of the mating surface profiles [41–46].hese techniques can represent the surface roughness characteris-ics of the contacting surfaces by utilizing characteristic stochasticarameters that are extracted from measured variance of heights,lope and the curvature of the surface profiles. Since these geomet-ic parameters are dependent on the resolution of the roughnesseasurements, these approaches can be employed in cases where

he root mean square (RMS) roughness of the contacting surfacesre proportional to the sampling interval of the measuring instru-ent [37]. However, for the cases where the roughness metrics

re sensitive to the adopted sampling interval of the measur-ng instrument (such as in the PEFCs, where the average RMSoughness of the DM (∼25.2 �m) is much greater than the sam-ling interval of the surface measurements), a fractal geometryased approach is needed to describe the nature of the roughurfaces that are in contact [47–53]. Since the fractal contactpproach is independent of the sampling interval of the mea-uring instrument, and depends only on the surface profiles andaterial properties, it can be extended to simulate the BP|DM

nterfacial contact in PEFCs, once the reliable surface profile statis-ics are obtained, and the necessary model approximations areustified.

This study is motivated by the need to gain a better understand-ng of the BP|DM interfacial contact characteristics by consideringhe actual BP and DM surface morphology and mating charac-eristics. The specific objective is to characterize the BP and DMnterfacial morphology, followed by the development of a fractalontact based analytical model to predict the BP|DM contact resis-ance and the potential water accumulation capacity of the BP|DM

nterface under compression. The model is also capable of digi-ally reconstructing the BP|DM interfacial morphology via contrololume allocation, which can be further incorporated into a macro-copic fuel cell model to enable a more accurate quantification ofhe governing losses and the PEFC performance.

Fig. 2. Schematic of mean separation, d, and contact regions for a smooth and roughsurface contact.

2. Method of approach

The key input parameters required for the BP|DM interfacemodel presented herein are a function of the BP and DM surface pro-file characteristics [51]. These parameters can be evaluated if thediscrete surface profile data of the two surfaces are known [51]. Forthis purpose, optical profilometry was used to obtain the BP and DMsurface profile data. A description of the measurement techniqueis given in the following section, followed by the interface modelformulation presented in this study.

2.1. Experimental

The surfaces of graphite and metal bipolar plate, and a widelyused carbon paper based fuel cell DM (SGL 10BB) were subjected toinvestigation to generate the datasets regarding the surface profilecharacteristics of these materials. It was observed that the surface ofthe tested DM samples exhibit higher roughness than the graphiteBP. Among the BPs, the metal plate was observed to have a smothersurface than graphite plate, indicating that the metal BP is expectedto have a relatively smaller effect on the BP|DM interfacial structureas illustrated in Fig. 2. Therefore, the discussion on the metal BP|DMinterface is omitted, and the main emphasis in this study is placedon the graphite BP|DM interface.

In this study, optical profilometry was used as an imagingtechnique to quantify the surface roughness and capture the mor-phological features of these samples. The key advantage of thistechnique is that it can perform non-contact, high vertical reso-lution and quantitative measurements of a broad range of areaswithin the tested sample [54]. Optical profilometry measurementswere performed using a Wyko NT100 optical profilometer in VSImode. The resolution in z-direction was approximately 3 nm, andthe scanned areas were 598 �m × 454 �m in size with a sam-pling interval of 0.82 �m in the x-direction and 0.95 �m in they-direction.

In order to accurately capture the surface characteristics by opti-cal profilometry, surfaces of interest should possess a high degreeof reflectivity. Based on our prior experience, the carbon based DMsurfaces possess low reflectivity, having light dispersive character-istics, which can limit data acquisition [38]. Therefore, for improvedimage acquisition, DM samples were sputtered with a thin layer ofgold (Au) to enhance the reflectivity of the scanned surfaces for highresolution quantification of the surface perturbations of the testedsamples. It is important that the sputtered gold layer thickness beoptimized to avoid any possible significant alteration of the surfacepatterns due to the sputtering process [54,55]. A special measure-ment procedure consisting of two steps was designed to determinethe optimum sputtering thickness that is required to perform opti-cal profilometry measurements on the DM surface. In Step 1, theDM samples, which were sputtered for different amounts of time,

were scanned using optical profilometry. Thereafter, the imagesobtained were compared to quantify the change of surface reflec-tivity of the DM sample as a function of sputtering time in order todetermine the optimum sputtering time for optical profilometry
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show excellent agreement, indicating that the present model cansuccessfully simulate the resulting contact interface between thetwo materials in consideration.

Reverting back to the BP|DM contact, the D and G values obtainedfor the BP|DM interface are provided in Table 2. Fig. 7 depicts

Table 1Measured surface roughness data of BP and DM samples (arithmetic mean val-ues ± standard deviation of measurements).

062 T. Swamy et al. / Electrochi

easurements. In Step 2, special screening protocols were per-ormed by SEM imaging analysis to quantify the change of surfaceatterns (i.e. particle growth, roughness) as a function of sputteringime and thickness. Due to the varying nature of surface topology,he changes in DM surface morphology with sputtering can onlye determined by examining the exact same region on the sam-le surfaces before and after sputtering. Since optical profilometryoes not satisfactorily allow for isolated measurement of targetedegions, the SEM images of the sputtered regions on the specimenurfaces were compared with the virgin case to quantify possiblehanges in the topological features of the sputtered surface. Afterll these analyses, the optimum sputtering time that yields suffi-iently dense quantitative profilometry data with minimal changesn the surface morphology was determined. For the tested DM sam-les, the sputtering times less than or equal to 6 min was observedo yield a dense matrix of profilometry data with no significanthanges in the measured surface patterns.

Although in this work, the data only for the carbon paper typeM is presented, it must be noted that the model described is capa-le of simulating the BP|DM interface of other DM materials (e.g.loth or felt) with comparable accuracy, given comparable inputata of surface morphology and material properties. Therefore, theata presented are applicable for the type of paper DM chosen only.aper material characteristics were chosen since this material is theost widely used in PEFCs.

.2. Model formulation

The BP|DM interface model presented herein requires two keynput parameters, the fractal dimension, D, and the topothesy, Gscaling constant), which are directly related to the BP and DM sur-ace profile characteristics [51]. The parameters D and G are scalendependent, therefore can accurately represent the BP|DM inter-acial morphology. The term D can take any value between 1 and 2,here a smaller value represents a smoother profile, implying that

he low frequency components are dominant in amplitude. As D isncreased, the high frequency components of surface data becomeomparable in amplitude with the low frequency ones [51]. Theopothesy, G, determines the amplitude of roughness on the sur-ace with larger values corresponding to higher degree of roughness51]. The discrete surface data from optical profilometry measure-

ents were first processed to evaluate these fractal morphologicalarameters (D and G) of the BP and DM interface. These BP and DMractal parameters were then implemented into the elastic–plasticP|DM interface model in order to obtain the mean separation dis-ance between the contacting BP and DM surfaces [52], which wassed to determine the BP|DM contact resistance [53]. In general, theodel formulation is divided into the following steps: (a) surface

rofile characterization; (b) elastic–plastic regime of contact spots;c) size distribution of contact spots; (d) surface separation calcu-ation; (e) contact resistance calculation. Formulation of the modelteps are provided in Appendix B. The reader is encouraged to refero Refs. [51–53] for a detailed description of the model formulation.he model results are discussed in the following section.

. Results and discussion

.1. Experimental results

Optical profilometry results indicate that both BP and DM sur-

aces exhibit a high degree of roughness, having structures such asigh hills, large valleys as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Table 1 providesset of three roughness parameters that were used to compare

he surface roughness of BP and DM surfaces. Specific roughnessarameters (�a, �q and �t that are described in detail in [56]) gath-

-l/2 l/2 x0

Fig. 3. Geometry of a contact spot of length scale l.

ered from optical profilometry measurements, suggest that DMsurface exhibits a relatively higher degree of roughness comparedto BP surface (Table 1), indicating that the stiffness and the uncom-pressed roughness of the DM are the two key parameters thatcontrol the interfacial contact characteristics at the BP|DM inter-face.

Optical profilometry images of the BP and DM also suggest thatthere are significant differences between in Figs. 4 and 5. The sur-face morphological features of the BP and DM in terms of theirorientation, size, shape and depth, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Fig. 4clearly highlights the constituent fiber matrix in the DM materi-als (that has randomly oriented fibers), which is responsible forthe observed contours on the surface of the DM. It is very likelythat the existence of the randomly oriented fiber matrix on DMsurface results in large void regions and irregular surface perturba-tions (Fig. 4), yielding relatively high degree of surface roughnesspatterns, as indicated by the roughness metrics given in Table 1.The presence of large void regions indicates the existence of pos-sible water accumulation sites at the BP|DM interfaces. While theDM exhibits considerable surface roughness, Fig. 5 indicates thatthe graphite BP surface contains regions of different roughnessvalues distinctly separated from each other. However, the BP isobserved to experience a relatively smoother surface, where themeasured surface perturbation seems to follow a more homoge-nous trend, as also suggested by the roughness metrics in Table 1.The existence of these distinct regions can be attributed to themachining process employed during fabrication of these BP mate-rials.

3.2. Model results

Prior to conducting a parametric study of the BP|DM interface, averification study was conducted to determine if the present model,adopted from [52], was implemented correctly. A parametric studywas performed in [52] to demonstrate the relation between non-dimensional contact area and load. The same study is repeatedusing the current model for comparison, where the variation of thedimensionless contact area versus the dimensionless load (Fig. 6)for a different contact problem given in [52], were simulated. Fig. 6shows a comparison between the model results in literature andthe current model predictions for the case given in [52]. The resultsfrom the current model and reported model predictions in [52]

Sample Mean roughness,�m (�m)

RMS roughness, �q

(�m)Crest-troughroughness, �t (�m)

BP 1.38 ± 1.12 1.64 ± 0.84 14.36 ± 1.43DM 19.65 ± 2.15 25.21 ± 1.43 161.56 ± 23.54

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Fig. 4. 2D and 3D optical profilometry images of

Table 2Average and location specific fractal parameter values of the BP|DM interface.

Location D (unitless) G (�m)

1 1.58 2.422 1.64 2.613 1.71 2.544 1.59 2.235 1.86 2.596 1.79 2.477 1.82 2.298 1.77 2.389 1.83 2.5110 1.71 2.46Average 1.73 2.45

SGL 10BB DM surface at various locations.

the variation of the BP|DM contact resistance as a function ofthe applied compression pressure in a PEFC. A comparison of thecurrent model prediction with the data reported in [23] is also pre-sented in Fig. 7. A comparison between the results is warrantedsince the experiments performed by the authors of Ref. [23] usedSGL-10BB DM and XM9612 graphite BP as the interfacing com-ponents. The authors of Ref. [23] performed interfacial contactresistance measurements using a Tetrahedron MTP-10 press to pro-vide a series of prescribed clamping pressures, and a Quadtech1880 milliohmmeter to measure the electrical resistance. The DM

layer was sandwiched between two BPs, and this assembly wasplaced between two gold plates. The total system resistance wascalculated, and knowing the bulk resistances of the materials andthe BP|Au contact resistance [23], the BP|DM interfacial resistancevalue was extracted. Fig. 7 clearly shows that the current model pre-
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3064 T. Swamy et al. / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 3060–3070

ages o



Fig. 5. 2D and 3D optical profilometry im

ictions and the experimental/model results from [23] are in goodgreement. Fig. 7 indicates that the BP|DM contact resistance isignificantly high under a compression pressure of 1.5 MPa, whichypically exists inside the cell. This observation can be attributedo the fact that due to the highly rough nature of the DM surface,relatively small number of asperities located on the DM surface

ome into contact with the asperities on the BP surface at nominalressure. The decrease in amount of contact points can impede thelectron flow across the interface, thereby resulting in an increasedP|DM interfacial resistance.

Fig. 8 shows the virtually-cloned BP|DM interfacial structurender homogeneous compression of 1.5 MPa (e.g. under a land). Theirtual interface structure shown in Fig. 8 clearly depicts the mor-hological features of the two contacting surfaces, demonstratinghe relatively smoother nature of the BP surface as compared to

f graphite BP surface at various locations.

the DM surface. The virtual interface (Fig. 8) also shows the exis-tence of large interfacial gaps and some deep cracks, which mostlikely originate from the highly rough nature of DM surface andheterogeneous fiber matrix constituent within the DM material.The separation between mean planes, d, was determined to lie inthe range of 15–20 �m. The maximum gap width was found to beclose to 30 �m. It is evident from Fig. 8 that the BP|DM interfacialgaps are relatively larger in dimension as compared to the aver-age pore size in the DM layer, which supports the results reportedin [1]. This observation suggests that the BP|DM interface can act

as a locally low capillary pressure region, which can store signif-icant amount of liquid water (e.g. especially under landings, asobserved in neutron imaging studies [60–62]). The material prop-erties of the BP and DM materials used in this work are listed inTable 3.
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Non-dimensional load









ct a








Model resultModel result from literature [52]

Fig. 6. Verification plot of non-dimensional area of contact versus the applied non– dimensional load, comparing current model results with the data reported inliterature [52].

Compression pressure (MPa)3210





ct r



ce (


2 )









Model resultExperimental result from literature [23]Model result from literature [23]


Fig. 7. Predicted BP|DM contact resistance (CR) versus applied compression pres-sure. Experimental and model results from literature [23] are compared.

X (mm)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Y (












DMInterfacial void


Mean plane separation, d

Region of contact

Fig. 8. Virtually created BP|DM interface structure using present model.

Table 3Material properties of the contacting surfaces.

Properties Material Value Units Reference

Young’s modulus DM 10,000 MPa [57]Young’s modulus BP 10,000 MPa [57]Electrical conductivity DM 300 S m−1 [58]

(through plane)Electrical conductivity

(through plane)BP 20,000 S m−1 [58]

Fig. 9 shows the predicted variation of the BP|DM contact resis-tance as a function of the applied compression pressure for differentdegrees of DM surface roughness. It should be noted that since theDM surface exhibits a higher degree of roughness as compared tothe BP surface, the surface characteristics of the DM is expectedto dominate the interfacial region, and consequently the BP|DMcontact resistance. It can be seen from Fig. 9 that lowering theroughness of the DM surface by 50% (i.e. reducing the topothesyof the DM by 50%) results in nearly a 40% drop in the BP|DM inter-facial resistance. This significant drop in the contact resistance canbe attributed to the fact that as the roughness of the mating surfacesis reduced (i.e. smoother contact), the number of contact points atthe interface increases, which in turn, facilitates the electron flowacross the BP|DM interface. A similar result is also expected forthermal contact resistance within this interfacial region.

Fig. 10 shows that the impact of the variation of Young’s modu-lus of the DM and BP surfaces on the BP|DM contact resistance fora homogeneous compression pressure of 1.5 MPa (a typical com-pression under the land). It is observed that a 50% drop in theYoung’s modulus of the DM and BP yields approximately a 38% dropin BP|DM contact resistance. The strong dependence of the con-tact resistance on the Young’s modulus of the interfacing materialscan be attributed to the fact that a drop in the Young’s modulus ofthe DM and BP surfaces results in the softening of these materials,enabling the surfaces to exhibit a higher degree of conformationunder compression. The increased conformation of these layersenhances the local interfacing percentage. As a result, a highernumber of asperities come into contact, and the BP|DM contactresistance is lowered, as predicted by the present model (Fig. 10).

Utilizing the mean plane separation, d (obtained as a model out-

put), and the BP|DM surface profile information, the capacity ofpotential water accumulation (i.e. interfacial water storage capac-ity) in the BP|DM interfacial gaps can be predicted. Quantificationof the maximum water content in the BP|DM interface with respectto the total amount of water in a PEFC is critical as it allows us to

Compression pressure (MPa)





ct r



ce (


2 )







Measured DM roughness50% higher DM roughness50% lower DM roughness

40% drop in BP|DM contact resistance with 50% drop in DM

roughness (topothesy, G, is altered)

Typical land compression pressure

Fig. 9. Predicted BP|DM contact resistance versus compression pressure for differ-ent degrees of DM roughness.

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3066 T. Swamy et al. / Electrochimica Acta 56 (2011) 3060–3070

Young's modulus of DM (GPa)

4 6 8 10 12 14 16





ct r



ce (


2 )








Softer Stiffer

38% drop in BP|DM contact resistance with

50% drop in Young’s modulus

of DM

Reported value of DM Young’s

modulus [57]

Fig. 10. Effect of the Young’s modulus of the DM layer on the predicted BP|DM con-tact resistance for homogeneous compression pressure of 1.5 MPa (under a typicalland).



m w







2 )





4Typical channel

compression pressure

Typical land compression pressure

From 1.5 MPa CP under the land, 100% drop in CP (under the channel) results in 300% increase

in the maximum water content in the BP| DM interfacial gaps



Position (µm)1000800600400200


er t



s (µ








250 mA/cm2

420 mA/cm2

500 mA/cm2

600 mA/cm2

BP|DM interface


Compression pressure (MPa)

ig. 11. Effect of the compression pressure (CP) on the maximum stored waterontent in the BP|DM interfacial gaps.

ualitatively estimate the impact of the BP|DM interfacial struc-ure on the mass transport losses. Fig. 11 shows the variation of theredicted maximum water content in the BP|DM interface as a func-ion of the applied assembly compression pressure. Fig. 11 indicateshat the BP|DM interface can hold approximately 0.85–3.5 mg/cm2

f liquid water when fully filled. The lower and upper limits of therediction are at homogeneous compression pressures of 1.5 MPai.e. under the land condition) and 0.0001 MPa (≈0 MPa, i.e. underhe channel where no interface exists), respectively. Recent neu-ron imaging results [59–62] suggest that nearly 5–15 mg/cm2 ofater can be stored in a PEFC under normal operating conditions.omparing neutron imaging data and current model predictions,

t is estimated that the BP|DM interface can store nearly 5–16% ofhe total water content in the PEFC, which is significant consider-ng the overall water balance in PEFCs. In addition, cross-sectional-ray radiography results [63] (shown in Fig. 12) supports this find-

ng, suggesting that the BP|DM interface can store a considerablemount of liquid water (550 �m water thickness at 600 mA/cm2)ue to the interfacial gaps at the interface. As it has been shown

n recent neutron imaging studies that water tends to accumu-ate under lands, minimizing the interfacial gaps via more smoothontact at the BP|DM interface would be one potential solutiono reduce excess liquid water storage in PEFCs. It must be noted

Fig. 12. Experimental quantification of liquid water distribution in a PEFC via X-rayimaging, showing significant water storage at the BP|DM interface (Figure adaptedfrom [63]).

that the water storage estimation provided in the article would beaffected if post compression morphology of the contacting layerswas used as input. However, it is argued that it is only at the contactspots where the post compression roughness of the layers wouldexperience a change. In addition, to further investigate this issue,special experiments were performed at different compression togauge the effects of compression on the surface roughness charac-teristics of carbon paper diffusion media. Optical profilometry scansshowed negligible change in the surface roughness characteristicsof the DM in response to different compression loadings, indicat-ing that compression appears to have minor effect; therefore themorphology of the layers at the void regions would incur minorchanges. Therefore, it is pointed out that although the post com-pression morphology data is necessary to more accurately predictinterfacial water content, the change in the interfacial void volumeis expected to be relatively small, and may not greatly affect thewater storage values estimated by the present model.

In terms of compression, the current model predictions sug-gest that an approximate 100% drop in the compression pressureresults in nearly a 300% increase in the maximum water con-tent in the BP|DM interfacial gaps (Fig. 11). This suggests thatthe local compression pressure in a fuel cell has a significantimpact on the maximum potential water content that can bestored in the BP|DM interface. It is not suggested here that theentire BP|DM interfacial void volume is indeed normally filled withliquid water; instead, the present model predictions underlinethe existence of a significant potential storage location along theBP|DM interface, which can potentially be reduced through furtherengineering.

Fig. 13 shows the predicted impact of the DM surface roughnesson the maximum water content in the BP|DM interfacial gaps. It isestimated that a 50% drop in DM (same method in Fig. 9 is adoptedhere to achieve the drop in roughness) yields nearly a 15% drop inthe maximum water content at a compression pressure of 1.5 MPa(i.e. under landings). The predicted drop in maximum water contentmay be attributed to the drop in interfacial void volume due to thedecrease in DM surface roughness.

4. Summary and conclusions

A fractal geometry model was developed to investigate the effectof the BP and DM surface morphology and the applied compressionpressure on the ohmic and mass transport losses at the BP|DM inter-face in a PEFC. Results show that the roughness of the DM surface

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Compression pressure (MPa)1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0



m w







2 )






Measured DM roughness50% lower DM roughness50% higher DM roughness

Homogeneous compression pressure (under a typical land) = 1.5 MPa

15% drop in the MWC with a 50% drop in DM roughness (topothesy, G, is altered)











ig. 13. Effects of the variation in DM surface roughness on the maximum waterontent (MWC) in the BP|DM interfacial voids for a range of applied compressionressures.

nd the elastic modulus of the interfacing materials have a signif-cant impact on the polarization losses associated with the BP|DMnterface. The main conclusions are summarized below:

1) The results indicate that the DM surface tends to exhibit muchhigher roughness as compared to the BP surface. Therefore, it ismore beneficial to tailor the DM surface morphology to improvecontact at the BP|DM interface.

2) The BP|DM interface contains large interfacial gaps, which canresult in significant water pooling at this interface. The modelsuggests that the BP|DM interfacial voids can hold approxi-mately 5–16% of the total liquid water content observed in thePEFC during operation.

3) For a homogeneous compression pressure of 1.5 MPa (i.e. undera typical land), a 50% drop in the Young’s modulus of the DM waspredicted to yield a 38% drop in the BP|DM interfacial resistance.In addition, a 50% drop in the DM surface roughness results in a40% drop in the BP|DM contact resistance and a 15% reductionin the potential water storage capacity of the BP|DM interfacialgaps.

4) Results indicate that a softer DM would perform better underthe land, maintaining better interfacial contact; however, astiffer DM may be favored under the channel, as it can coun-teract the drop in the compression pressure on the DM surface,minimizing the DM intrusion to the flow channel to reduce thepressure drop in the flow channel.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Liming Chang, Professor ofechanical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University for

roviding useful insight and support in developing the interfaceodel. The authors would also like to thank F.E. Hizir for optical

rofilometry measurements, roughness analysis and other valuableiscussions on the analysis of some of the results.

ppendix A. Nomenclature

height of asperity (�m)topothesy (�m)fractal dimensioncharacteristic length scale (�m)spatial frequency (�m−1)

cta 56 (2011) 3060–3070 3067

A contact area (�m2)R radius of curvature (�m)H hardness (MPa)Y yield strength (MPa)Ei Young’s modulus (i = 1, 2) (MPa)�i Poisson’s ratio (i = 1, 2)P compression load (kg)s size distribution of contact spotsp compression pressure (MPa)� standard deviation (�m)d surface mean plane separation (�m)� average resistivity (� �m)R resistance (m� cm2)� roughness (�m)

Subscriptsr reall largests smallestc criticale elasticp plastica apparentm meanq root mean squaret maximum height of the surface

Superscripts* dimensionless

Appendix B.

The steps of the model formulation as mentioned in Section 2.2are described here on.

B.1. Surface profile characterization

The BP and DM surface profiles are modeled as a fractal profileusing the Weierstrass–Mandelbrot (W–M) function as described in[51]:

z(x) = GD−1∞∑


cos(2�nx) (2−D)n


There are three unknown parameters in Eq. (1) which are thetopothesy, G, the fractal dimension, D, and n1. The value is aconstant which determines the frequency spectrum of the surfaceroughness. An initial value of = 1.5 was chosen to provide phaserandomization and high spectral density [51]. The lowest frequencyin the frequency spectrum is related to the characteristic length (L)of the sample, which can be described as [51]:

n1 = 1L


whereas the discrete W–M power spectrum can be approximatedas [51]:

S(ω) = G2(D−1)

2 ln()1


In order to find the proper G and D values of the interface, thepower spectrum of the BP and DM surface profiles was compared

to the power spectrum equation in Eq. (3). The average slope ofthe W–M power spectrum on a log plot was taken as the fractaldimension (D), whereas the topothesy (G) is the intercept of theW–M power spectrum on the power axis [51]. The D and G valuesof the BP and DM surfaces at ten different locations were evaluated
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sing the measured roughness datasets that correspond to eachegion, and the statically averaged values of these parameters forhe two surfaces were used as the D and G values for the BP|DMnterface (Table 2).

.2. Elastic–plastic regime of contact spots

The roughness of the BP and DM surfaces is approximated toe statistically isotropic and the interactions between neighbor-

ng asperities are assumed to be negligible. Additionally, the workardening due to plastic–elastic transition, variation of materialardness with depth from the surface, and the frictional forcesetween deforming asperities are considered to be negligible.oreover, the radius of curvature depends on the size of contact,

nd therefore is incorporated in the fractal model.Eq. (4) below represents the relation between the roughness

mplitude, ı, and the length scale, l, which can be obtained fromhe W–M function for a single frequency mode of n = 1/l. For thisase, the roughness amplitude (ı) can be correlated to the sampleength (l), as [52]:

= GD−1l2−D (4)

Consider the interface between a statistically isotropic roughurface and a smooth plane (Fig. 2), where the contact spots aref different sizes, and distributed randomly over the contact inter-ace. Let the size-distribution of contact spots be n(a), such that(a)da is equal to the number of contact spots of area between and a + da. Then the actual area of contact, Ar, can be correlated to(a) as follows [52]:

r =∫ al


n(a)ada (5)

here, al and as are the area of the largest and smallest spots,espectively (as = 0).

Now consider one spot of area a, and the characteristic lengthcale l = a1/2 (it is approximated that the contact spot is circular).he idea behind the fractal model is to first determine the con-act spot area a, then predict the deformation required to obtainhat spot area from Eq. (4), and finally predict the load required foruch a deformation. For a given contact spot of area a, the height ofeformation can be calculated from ı = GD−1a1−D/2. The spectrumuggests that the roughness is composed of sinusoidal waves of dif-erent wavelengths and amplitudes superimposed on each other.rom the W–M function, it is clear that for a wavelength of l = �n,he roughness is a co-sinusoidal wave for which the asperity shapeefore deformation can be described as (Fig. 3) [52]:

(x) = GD−1l2−D cos(



); − l

2< x < x



The radius of curvature, R, at the tip of the asperity is given by52]:

=∣∣∣ 1|d2z/dx2|x=0

∣∣∣ = lD

(�2)GD−1= aD/2


Depending on the radius of curvature, R, and the deformation,, the contact spot will be either in elastic or plastic deformation.he critical deformation, ıc, for the inception of plastic contact of aemisphere can be shown as [52]:

c =(



)2R (8)

here Y is the yield strength of the softer material, and E, is theomposite elastic modulus, which can be represented as a function

cta 56 (2011) 3060–3070

of Poisson’s ratio (�) [52].

E =[

1 − v21

E1+ 1

1 − v22




The yield strength Y can be expressed as a function of hardness(H) and an arbitrary coefficient K [52]:

H = KY (10)

Substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (8) gives:

ıc =(



)2 aD/2


where = Y/E is a material property. If ı > ıc, then the asperity is inplastic contact. Using Eq. (4) and Eq. (8), it is found that for a contactspot of area a to be in plastic deformation, it should satisfy therelation a < ac, where ac is the critical area demarcating the elasticand plastic regimes, and is obtained by equating ı and ıc [52]:

ac = G2


This suggests that small contact spots lie in the region of plasticdeformation, whereas the large contact spots are in elastic contact.The reason for the less deformation for a small contact spot canbe explained by the fact that the small area of contact (Eq. (7))yields small radius of curvature, which results in a lower value ofthe critical deformation ıc. Since both R and ıc vary with aD/2, andı varies as a(2−D)/2, the condition of ı > ıc can be satisfied only bysmaller contact spots of area a < ac [52]. On the other hand, if thecontact spot area is greater than the critical area (a > ac) then thespot can be considered in elastic deformation region, and thereforethe relation between the area, deformation (ı) and the elastic load,Pe can be described by the Hertzian theory as [52]:

a = �Rı (13)

Pe(ı) = 43

ER1/2ı3/2 (14)

Substituting ı and R in Eq. (14) from Eqs. (13) and (7) gives us[52]:

pe(ı) = 4√



If the contact spot is in plastic deformation (that is if it satisfiesa < ac), then the load on the spot can be given as [52]:

Pp(a) = KYa (16)

Combining Eqs. (15) and (16), the total load on the surface canbe evaluated using the size distribution of contact spots, s(a). If thelargest contact spot has an area greater than the critical area (thatis al > ac), then the total load can be given as [52]:

P = 4√



∫ al


s(a)a(3−D)/2da + KY

∫ ac


s(a)ada (17)

For the case of al < ac where all the contact spots are in plasticcontact, the total load can be written as [52]:

P = KY

∫ al

s(a)ada = KYAr (18)


As deduced from above formulation, to obtain results from thefractal model, the size distribution of contact spots, n(a), must beevaluated, which is the subject of following section.

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.3. Size distribution of contact spots

It has been shown that the cumulative size distribution of theontact spots essentially follows a power law [52]:

(A > a) =(




here S is the total number of contact spots with area larger than. The distribution is normalized by the area of the largest contactpot (al). From the cumulative distribution in Eq. (19), the size dis-ribution of contact spots, s(a), can be obtained by differentiationEq. (20)), such that the real area of contact, Ar, can be written as52]:

(a) = D






r =∫ al


s(a)ada = D

D − 1al (21)

Finally, the size distribution in Eq. (20) can be used in Eq. (17)o obtain the load-area relation, which can be represented in itson-dimensional form (for the case: D /= 1.5) as [52]:

P∗ = 4√



[((2 − D)A∗




− a∗(3−2D)/2c


r a∗(2−D)/2c



1(D) = D

(3 − 2D)

(2 − D



2(D) = D

(2 − D)



∗ P

AaE; G∗ = G√


; A∗r = Ar

Aa; a∗

c = ac


∗ = √�G∗1/2








]+ 3K






a∗1/4c (26)

.4. Surface separation calculation

The compression pressure, p, applied to the fuel cell assembly isnown, and given by:

= p


Using the load (P) from Eq. (27), the contact area, Ar, can bevaluated either using Eq. (22) or Eq. (26) depending on the valuef the fractal dimension, D. Assuming that the surface heights, z(x),ollow a normal probability distribution, the surface mean planeeparation (d) can be obtained by the relation [52]:


Aa= 1√


∫ ∞


e−x2/2dx = 12




here erfc is the complementary error function. After determininghe surface mean plane separation, a digital reconstruction of theP|DM interface (showing the structure of the interfacial contact)an be created.

.5. Contact resistance calculation

It has been shown that the contact of two rough surfaces isegligibly different than the contact of a smooth and an equiva-

ent rough surface [45,46]. Such a rough contact produces a large




cta 56 (2011) 3060–3070 3069

number of contact spots, with each imposing a certain resistanceto the flow of electrons across the surface. This resistance is com-posed of a series of resistances as a result of small asperities stackedon bigger asperities in a self-similar manner. Since all the contactspots co-exist at the contact plane, these resistances act in parallel,resulting in a series-parallel resistance network. As the number ofstacked asperities becomes infinite within the limits of an infinites-imal area, the flow of electrons follows an infinite and extremelycomplex network of resistances. The complexity of such a networkcan, however, be reduced by using the fractal nature of the geome-try of rough surfaces. The network model developed by Majumdarand Tien [53] uses the feature of self-similarity to reconstruct thenetwork of resistances by repeatedly adding a simple group of resis-tances in a self-similar pattern. Due to the complex nature of themodel, its derivation is omitted from this discussion, however acomprehensive description of the model can be found in Ref. [53].In this approach, the interfacial contact resistance can be calculatedby correlating it to the characteristic fractal parameters (D and G),the material properties of surfaces in contact, and the compressionload [53], such as:

R = Aaf (R/�)(�GD−1)



(2 − D)A∗r





D(1 − A∗r )

(2 − D)A∗r






)= [1 +

√1 + 4(R/�)]

2(R/�) + [1 +√

1 + 4(R/�)](31)

where L is the characteristic length of the interfacial profile, � is theaverage resistivity of the BP and DM surfaces, and R is the BP|DMcontact resistance. Since this approach depends only on the surfaceprofile characteristics and material properties, it can be extendedto evaluate the BP|DM interfacial resistance.


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