investment proposition brochurev - one financial · we have researched the market for a robust...

Investment Proposition This document provides you with information relating to our investment proposition, created to help you achieve your desired outcomes, objectives and financial direction.

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Page 1: Investment Proposition Brochurev - ONE FINANCIAL · We have researched the market for a robust portfolio management service to fit the needs of our clients. We are now able to offer

Investment PropositionThis document provides you with information relating to our investment proposition, created to help you achieve your desired outcomes, objectives and financial direction.

Page 2: Investment Proposition Brochurev - ONE FINANCIAL · We have researched the market for a robust portfolio management service to fit the needs of our clients. We are now able to offer

Investment Proposition

This following provides you with information relating to our investment proposition, created to help you achieve your desired outcomes and objectives.


O ur philosophy, to ach ieve long-term real returns, is to choose investm ents that have the ab ility to invest in a w ider range of asset allocation benchm arks, in line w ith prevailing m arket conditions, in order to ach ieve a rate of return above inflation.

M arkets change, so w e look for investm ents that are ab le to invest your m oney w here there is m ost potential for rew ard and avoid those areas w here there is m ost potential for loss.

Portfo lios should be m ore than the sum of their parts and that’s w hy w e believe in inte lligent d iversified portfo lios that com bine investm ents that respond d ifferently to the sam e factors.

W e believe th is is a m eaningfu l w ay to provide a m ore stab le , consistent and im proved path to w ealth accum ulation.

O ur investm ent proposition

W e have researched the m arket for a robust portfo lio m anagem ent service to fit the needs of our clients.

W e are now able to offer you all the benefits of a d iversified portfo lio utilising a com bination of d irect shares, m anaged funds and other underlying investm ents, w ith the peace of m ind of know ing your investm ents are being professionally m anaged to prevailing m arket conditions.

W e are ab le to provide you the benefit of having beneficial ow nersh ip of a portfo lio of listed securities (if appropriate) w hich provides you com plete transparency and your ow n tax position to provide you w ith an optim al tax environm ent, w ith d ividends and franking credits.

O ther benefits include com petitive costs, ab ility to invest superannuation m onies & investm ent m onies, on line access g iving com plete see through of investm ents and regular updates to provide you w ith certainty of know ing your portfo lio is tru ly dynam ic to current m arket conditions.

W e are com m itted to help ing you achieve w hat is im portant to you, and that w ill usually m ean w e w ill recom m end the best possib le structure and strategy to ach ieve your objectives, m ost im portantly, w e w ill he lp m anage your financial behaviour, and w ill engage w ith specialists on your behalf in the execution and im plem entation of our advice.

Invest w ith the long term in m ind

Total flexib ility to m ove asset classes as m arket conditions


Truly d iversified portfo lios

Com petitive portfo lio costs allow you to keep

m ore of your returns

Com bine investm ents w ith d ifferent underlying drivers to m in im ise risk

Com plete see through of w hat is in your ow n

portfo lio

Page 3: Investment Proposition Brochurev - ONE FINANCIAL · We have researched the market for a robust portfolio management service to fit the needs of our clients. We are now able to offer

Investment Proposition

W e adopt the use of m odel portfo lios w hose objective m ay be return based rather than risk based, ensuring that any ongoing review s of your to lerance levels and perform ance are alw ays based around your objectives.

W e w ork w ith investm ent m anagers w ho focus on preserving and grow ing your savings. To determ ine the investm ent objective, w e start w ith the rate of in flation and add to that an additional am ount agreed betw een us.

Th is additional am ount takes into account your investm ent goals and risk to lerance. So your objective and ours are the sam e.

W e w ill establish your needs and requirem ents, w ith focus on w hat level of risk to lerance is appropriate in order to reach your objectives.

Through d iscussions w e w ill establish som e of your behavior traits w hen it com es investing.

W e m ay also ask you to com plete a short risk questionnaire , as part of our d iscussions on your risk capacity.

O ur aim is to help you m eet your future liab ilities by m in im ising risk and volatility for any g iven level of to lerance.

W e th ink about risk d ifferently using a m ore practical defin ition. W e define risk as losing m oney that can’t be m ade back.

W e have put in p lace professionally m anaged portfo lios that active ly and adaptive ly evolve via continuous m onitoring, security se lection and autom atic rebalancing. Th is helps deliver real benefits for you in accordance w ith your agreed strategies and your to lerance for risk.

O ur recom m ended investm ent portfo lios are not ‘set and forget’. Th ings change, and so w ill the view on w here the best investm ent opportunities are.

O ur portfo lios are supported by g lobal team s of analysts, continuously analysing and review ing every aspect of your investm ent.

Th is w ay w e’re ab le to provide investm ents focused on achieving the best investm ent outcom es w hatever the econom ic environm ent.

Provided that our core investm ent proposition is su itab le to your objectives, requirem ents, and to lerance to risk, w e w ill identify the m ost su itab le of our portfo lios.

Included w ith in our Statem ent of Advice are details of w hy w e deem our investm ent recom m endations to be su itab le , w ith fu ll in form ation re lating to your investm ent portfo lio .

Your portfo lio is m anaged on a daily basis by our investm ent partners and changes are m andated at their d iscretion.

W e w ill keep you inform ed of any changes to your portfo lio , including any securities so ld or bought, w ith reasoning, on a regular basis.

W e w ill a lso provide you w ith usefu l reports on a regular basis to ensure you a fu lly engaged w ith your investm ent and objectives.

You w ill have access online to see your up to date portfo lio , w hich w ill include seeing all underlying investm ents.

W hilst the use of m odel portfo lios is the core of our investm ent proposition, there w ill be instances w here it m ay be m ore appropriate to arrange an alternative m ethod of investm ent that fits in w ith your g iven level of to lerance and your objective.

Matching portfolios to future objectives

B alancing risk to lerance & objectives

A ssessing Your R isk Capacity Portfo lios

Professionally m anaged d iversified portfo lios

Page 4: Investment Proposition Brochurev - ONE FINANCIAL · We have researched the market for a robust portfolio management service to fit the needs of our clients. We are now able to offer

Investment Proposition

W e have partnered w ith w idely respected professional organisations, each bringing their ow n level of expertise , to input into vital aspects of the m anagem ent of our investm ent proposition in line w ith our philosophy.B y partnering w ith an extended team of experts w e are ab le to utilise g lobal investm ent m anagem ent expertise w hich is backed w ith independent research capabilities, and w orld class technology.

Professional Partnersh ip

Achievement through partnership

M orningstar is one of the m ost trusted nam es in the investm ent industry, both locally in Australia and g lobally.

They are a leading g lobal provider of independent investm ent research and investm ent m anagem ent.

M orningstar operates from 27 countries and em ploys over 3 ,800 w orldw ide

All the portfo lios w e use com e w ith a fu ll research pack. These packs contain ind ividual security research sum m aries w hich can be provided to you.

M orningstar Investm ent M anagem ent build investor-centric portfo lios by taking long-term positions anchored in-depth valuation w ork and inform ed by a fundam ental understanding of underlying econom ic and corporate drivers of the investm ent w hile considering a portfo lio ’s risk and return characteristics holistically.

Praem ium is an aw ard w inning m arket leading provider of investm ent portfo lio technology and m anagem ent so lutions w ith strengths in m ulti-asset adm inistration.

Praem ium ’s technology specialises in corporate action processing, CG T optim isation, and sophisticated tax and investm ent reporting.

B y utilising Praem ium ’s technology w e are ab le to provide you w ith your ow n secure unique log-in details, to an investor w ebsite , allow ing you to view your portfo lio including ind ividual hold ings.

The technology allow s you to view your investm ents on the go via a sm artphone or tab let.

Ventura have been assisting Australians in establish ing and m aintain ing financial independence for over 10 years.

They are Australian ow ned and operated and through their scale and expertise , our investors gain access to som e of the w orld ’s leading professionally m anaged investm ent so lutions and investm ent m anagers that w ould otherw ise not be availab le to retail investors.

Ventura M anaged Account Portfo lios (vM APs) is the next generation of portfo lio m anagem ent services.

D im ensional Fund Advisors w as founded on effective ly applying insights from financial science and academ ic research to real-w orld investm ent strategies.

Founded in 1981 w ith m ore than $400b (in AU D ) under m anagem ent and a team of over 750 em ployees p laced g lobally, applying consistent key princip les and research to their m ethodology.

D im ensional’s investm ent approach reflects an ab id ing belief in the princip les of m odern finance and the effectiveness of capital m arkets.

They are com m itted to being at the forefront of advancem ent in research and im plem entation that can benefit our clients.

Their approach offers investors the opportunity to fu lly participate in the capital m arkets w hile gain ing structured, cost-effective access to the d im ensions of h igher expected returns.