investors guide - business zone podi 2012


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investors guide

investors guide

investors guideinvestors guide

investors guide




Dragi prijatelji,

Dobrodošli u Šibenik, grad bogate kulturne tradicije, prirodnih ljepota i zelenih industrija koji se kroz povijest razvijao gradeći izvrsne gospodarske i kulturne veze sa svijetom.

Okružen morem i rijekom Krkom, dva nacionalna parka i najatraktivnijim arhipelagom na Jadranu, grad Šibenik pruža mogućnost opuštenog i ugodnog života. Tijekom turističke sezone dinamičan i metropolitski, tijekom zime tih i opuštajuć. Mjesto gdje posao i zadovoljstvo idu zajedno.

Dear friends,

Welcome to Šibenik, a city of rich cultural tradition, natural beauty and green industries, a city that has developed through history by building excellent economic and cultural connections with the world.

Surrounded by the sea and the Krka River, two national parks and the most attractive archipelago of the Adriatic Sea, the City of Šibenik offers the possibility of a relaxed and pleasant life. Dynamic and metropolitan during the tourism season, while quiet and relaxing during winter. It is a place where business and pleasure go hand in hand.

Gradonačelnik / Mayor Ante Županović

Dragi partneri i prijatelji,

Šibensko-kninska županija obuhvaća jedan od najneobičnijih i ekološki najbolje očuvanih ali još uvijek nedovoljno poznatih dijelova Hrvatske.

Mnogi je ocjenjuju kao prostor velikih, neiskorištenih potencijala u proizvodnji, poljoprivredi i turizmu. Posebno smo ponosni na tradiciju proizvodnje električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora koja traje još od 1895. godine, a po kojoj smo vodeći u Hrvatskoj i danas.

Dear partners and friends,

Šibenik-Knin County is one of the most unusual and ecologically best preserved, though still insufficiently known parts of Croatia.

Many qualify it as an area of large, unexploited potential in production, agriculture and tourism. We are particularly proud of our tradition of electricity production from renewable sources that has existed since 1895, an area in which we are still the leaders in Croatia.

Župan / County Prefect Goran Pauk



Pred vratima Europske UnijeAt the gates of the european union

U što ulagati?What to invest in?

Perspektivan prostor izuzetne kvalitete življenjaA promising area with an exceptional quality of life

Strateški smještaj na raskrižju važnih prometnih pravaca Strategic location at an important crossroads

Regija velikih potencijalaRegion of great potential

Poslovna zona PODIPODI Business zone

Povoljan smještaj i izvrsna prometna povezanostGreat location and excellent transport connections

Usluge poduzetnicimaServices to entrepreneurs

Parcele prilagođene potrebama poduzetnikaPlots of land adjusted to entrepreneur needs

Infrastrukturna opremljenostInfrastructurally equiped

Projekti za razvoj poduzetništvaEntrepreneurship development projects

Partneri na projektimaProjects partners

Ljudi s iskustvomExperienced personnel














Republika Hrvatska postat će član Europske zajednice sredinom 2013. godine. Usklađivanjem zakonodavstva i normi s europskim standardima poslovanja, Hrvatska postaje interesantna kapitalu koji traži nova perspektivna i stabilna tržišta. Najveću priliku ulagači vide u nedovoljno iskorištenim potencijalima i prirodnim resursima Hrvatske. Hrvatska je pred ulaskom u Europu, vrijeme je da i Europa uđe u Hrvatsku.

The Republic of Croatia is set to become a member of the European Union by mid 2013. Through adjustments of its legislation and standards with European standards, Croatia has become an interesting destination for capital seeking new, promising and stable markets. Under-exploited potentials and natural resources in Croatia is the greatest opportunity for investors. Croatia is one step from entering the European Union, therefore the time has come for Europe to enter the Croatia.

At the gates of the european union

4 Hrvatska | Croatia

Pred vratimaEuropske Unije

What will investors encounter in Croatia?• A developed transport and telecommunications infrastructure• A developed financial services sector• Macroeconomic and political stability• State incentives and constitutional guarantees for investors’ rights• Operation within the EU

Što investitore očekuje u Hrvatskoj?• Razvijena prometna i telekomunikacijska infrastruktura• Razvijen sektor financijskih usluga• Makroekonomska i politička stabilnost• Državni poticaji i ustavna jamstva za ulagačka prava • Poslovanje unutar EU

What to invest in?U što ulagati?


AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYThe developed production of automotive parts aims to be included in production chains of large global manufacturers.

SMALL SHIPBUILDINGThe existing capacities, traditional connections with foreign customers and reorganization of Croatian shipyards open possibilities for investment.

METAL INDUSTRYDeveloped steel and aluminium processing industry. The majority of companies has already carried out restructuring and introduced international quality standards.

WOOD PROCESSINGThe rich forestry reserves are exported to foreign markets. Finished products, particularly high quality furniture, account for an increasing share of exports.

AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND PROCESSINGAgrarian crops prevail inland, while Mediterranean fruit and vegetables are the dominant cultures along the coast. Ecologically preserved areas offer opportunities for organic production.

BUSINESS SERVICESDespite the increasing demand, the business services sector still is insufficiently developed and leaves sufficient space for investments.

REAL ESTATE OPERATIONSWith accession to the European Union, market growth is expected in all segments - design, construction, sale, and accompanying activities.

TOURISMWith its high level of development, Croatian tourism offers possibilities of development, particularly in the field of production of goods to serve the tourism sector.

AUTOINDUSTRIJARazvijena proizvodnja autodijelova teži uključivanju u proizvodne lance velikih svjetskih proizvođača.

MALA BRODOGRADNJAPostojeći kapaciteti, tradicionalne veze sa stranim naručiteljima i preustroj hrvatskih brodogradilišta otvaraju mogućnosti investiranja.

METALNA INDUSTRIJARazvijena obrada čelika i aluminija. Većina tvrtki provela je restrukturiranje i uvela međunarodne standarde kvalitete.

OBRADA DRVABogat šumski fond izvozi se na strana tržišta. Sve veći udio u izvozu čine gotovi proizvodi s naglaskom na namještaj visoke kvalitete.

POLJOPRIVREDNA PROIZVODNJA I PRERADAU unutrašnjosti prevladavaju ratarske vrste, a uz obalu mediteransko voće i povrće. Ekološki očuvani prostori pružaju priliku za ekološku proizvodnju.

POSLOVNE USLUGEUnatoč sve većoj potražnji, sektor poslovnih usluga još uvijek je nedovoljno razvijen te ostavlja dovoljno prostora za ulaganja.

POSLOVANJE S NEKRETNINAMAUlaskom u Europsku uniju očekuje se rast tržišta u svim segmentima – projektiranju, gradnji, trgovini, i pratećim djelatnostima.

TURIZAMUz visok stupanj razvijenosti, hrvatski turizam pruža mogućnosti napretka, naročito na području proizvodnje dobara za potrebe turističke djelatnosti.

Nalazi se u središnjem dijelu Jadranske obale. Obuhvaća 285 otoka te unutrašnjost kroz koju prolazi rijeka Krka. U 5 gradova i 15 općina živi 112 tisuća stanovnika. Sjedište županije je Šibenik s 50 tisuća stanovnika. U Šibensko-kninskoj županiji nalaze se i dva nacionalna parka; Krka i Kornati.

Urbana središta pružaju mogućnost sadržajnog života u kulturnom, zabavnom i obrazovnom pogledu. Sigurnost i prirodne ljepote značajno podižu kvalitetu života.

Perspektivanprostor izuzetnekvalitete življenja

A promising areawith an exceptionalquality of life




The county lies in the central part of the Adriatic coast. It comprises 285 islands and the mainland, through which the Krka River flows. The population includes 112 thousand in-habitants living in 5 cities/towns and 15 municipalities. The capital of the county is the City of Šibenik, with 50 thousand inhabitants. Šibenik-Knin County also contains two national parks: Krka and Kornati.

The urban centres offer diversity in terms of cultural, en-tertainment and educational opportunities. Safety and the natural beauty considerably improve the quality of life.

Strateški smještaj na raskrižju puteva

Strategiclocationat acrossroads

Okružena Zadarskom i Spitsko-dalmatinskom županijom i s BiH u unutrašnjosti, Šibensko-kninska županija nalazi se u središtu regije u kojoj u okruženju od 100km živi preko 500.000 ljudi. Područje je izvrsne prometne povezanosti i izgrađene prometne in-frastrukture.

Bordered by Zadar County, Split-Dalmatia County and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Šibenik-Knin County is situated at the centre of a region with a population of more than 500,000 people in a 100 km radius. The area has excellent transport connections and a well devel-oped transport infrastructure.

7Šibensko-kninska županija | Sibenik-knin County

MORSKI PROMETLuka Šibenik specijalizirana je za prekrcaj rasutih roba. S ostatkom Hrvatske i BiH povezana je željeznicom iz-ravno s dokova. Proširuje se gat za putničke brodove veličine do 260m.

ŽELJEZNIČKI PROMETŽeljeznička pruga povezuje Šibenik sa zaleđem (Drniš, Knin), Zagrebom, Splitom i BiH. Prostoji mogućnost izgradnje kolosijeka prema industrijskoj zoni PODI.

CESTOVNI PROMET Kroz županiju prolaze svi važni cestovni pravci: auto-cesta A1, Jadranska magistrala i državne ceste prema Benkovcu, Drnišu i Kninu, i BiH.

ZRAČNI PROMET U blizini Šibenika nalaze se dvije međunarodne zračne luke. Splitska (45km) i zadarska (51km).

MARITIME TRANSPORTThe Port of Šibenik is specialized in the trans-ship-ment of bulk goods. The port is connected with the rest of Croatia and with Bosnia and Herzegovina by railway, direct from the docks. A jetty is under con-struction for passenger ships up to 260 m in length.

RAIL TRANSPORTA railway line connects Šibenik with the inland (Drniš, Knin), the cities of Zagreb and Split, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is the possibility of construction of a railway track towards the PODI industrial zone.

ROAD TRANSPORT All major road routes pass through the county: the A1 motorway, the Adriatic Highway and state roads towards Benkovac, Drniš and Knin, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

AIR TRANSPORT There are two international airports near Šibenik, Split (45 km) and Zadar (51 km).

8 Šibensko-kninska županija | Sibenik-knin County

Regija velikih potencijalaIzvrsna pozicija, prometna povezanost, prirodni i društveni resursi u aluminijskoj industriji, ekološkoj energetici, pol-joprivredi i turizmu pružaju čvrste osnove za promišljena ulaganja. Uz institucionalnu potporu lokalne zajednice, te poticaje i usluge gospodarske zone PODI, Poduzetničkog inkubatora i pomorsko inovacijskog centra iNavis, vaša će investicija dobiti dodatnu sigurnost.

The county’s excellent position, transport connections, natu-ral and social resources in the aluminium industry, renew-able energy production, agriculture and tourism provide sound bases for prudent investments. Additional security for your investment is ensured through the institutional support of the local community, and incentives and services of the PODI business zone, the Entrepreneurial Incubator and the iNavis maritime innovation centre.

Region of greatpotential



Uz remontno brodogradište za servis i izgradnju brodova do 40m, u regiji djeluju servisi za tur ka i sportska plovila i manji graditelji obrtipa. Institucionalnu podršku

rveško - hrvatski pomorsko inovacijski centar iNavis.

Proizvodnja i usluge vezane za sportska i tur ka plo-vila, dijelovi za brodove, mala brodogradnja, povezivanje s tvrtkama iz Norveške.

In addition to overhaul ship-yards for the service and build-ing of ships up to 40 m, there are services for tourist and sports vessels active in the region, and smaller builders of the craftsman type. The Norwegian-Croatian maritime innovation centre iNavis provides institutional sup-

Production and services con-nected with sport and tourism vessels, parts for ships, small shipbuilding, connecting with companies from Norway.


Prerje gospodarska i izvozna

od 1937. godine. Uz aluminij, grane industrije

su vezane uz gradnju i servis brodova, te gri poslovnih objekata.

Usluge i proizvodi vezani za aluminjsku industriju. Usluge i proizvodi vezani za brodogradn-ju i gr e. Proizvodne djelat-nosti temeljene na ekološkim na elima i izvorima energije.

Aluminium processing is the most important economic and export activity in the county, with a tradition since 1937. In addition to aluminium, the most important industry branches are connected with the building and servicing of ships, and the construction of residential and business facilities.

Services and products con-nected with the aluminium industry. Services and products connected with shipbuilding and construction. Production activities based on ecological principles and energy sources.







Dominiraju maslinici i vinogradi, te velik broj malih proizv

Okrupnjivanje proizvodnje, organizacija otkupa, prerada, razvoj gotovih proizvoda, te povezivanje s trgovinom i turizmom.

Olive groves and vineyards prevail, with a large number of small producers.

Production consolidation,

-ucts, and connecting with trade and tourism.



Prevladavaju mali, obiteljski obrti skromnih kapaciteta izlova, uzgoja i prerade riba i školjaka.

Okrupnjivanje, organizacija otkupa, prerada, razvoj proiz-voda, distribucija kroz trgovinu, turizam i izvoz.

Small, family crafts with modest capacities for the catch, breed-

Consolidation, organized buy--

opment, distribution through trade, tourism and exports.


Proizvodnja elektr rgije odvija se u elektranama s obnov-ljivim izvorima - hidroelektrana-ma na rijeci Krki, te u vjetroelek-tranama Trtar, Orlice i Crno Brdo.

Prizgradnje vjetroelektrana na još nekoliko lokacija. Investicije u svaki oblik proizvodnje energije iz ekološki prihvatljivih izvora bit e tretirane s posebnom

Electricity production is carried out in power plants using re-newable sources - hydroelectric power plants on the Krka River, and the Trtar, Orlice and Crno Brdo wind power plants.

The possibility of construc-tion of wind power plants at several other locations has been

form of energy production from ecologically acceptable sources will be treated with special care.




Razvijena tur ka ponuda s naglaskom na sezonsk ki turizam. Izvrsni uvjeti za razvoj kulturnog i kongresnog turizma i širenje sezone.

Izgradnja smještajnih kapaciteta u gradskom središtu. Proizvodn-ja vezana za tur ku potrošnju, graditeljstvo, opremanje, proiz -vodnja i distribucija hrane.

Well developed tourism sector with an emphasis on seasonal and nautical tourism. Excellent conditions for development of cultural and congress tourism and expanding the season.

Building accommodation capacities in the city centre. Production connected with tourist consumption, construc-tion, equipping, production and distribution of food.

Središnja je i poslovna zona Dalmacije i površinom najveća u Hrvatskoj. Nalazi se 4 kilometra istočno od Šibenika. Zauzima površinu od 550 hektara (5,5 milijuna m ) na prostranom terenu izuzetno pogodnom za gradnju.

Projekt uživa institucionalnu potporu na lokalnom, nacionalnom i međunarodnom nivou. U njegovu realizaciju aktivno su uključeni Grad Šibenik, Šibensko - kninska županija, Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta te Delegacija Europske komisije koja se uključila u financiranje infrastrukture u zoni sredstvima iz programa CARDS 2002.

This is the most central business zone in Dalmatia, and the largest in Croatia. It is situated 4 kilometres east of Šibenik. It covers an area of 550 hectares (5,5 million m ), on spacious grounds exceptionally suitable for construction.

The project enjoys institutional support at the local, national and international levels. Active participants in its realization are the City of Šibenik, Šibenik-Knin County, The Ministry of Enterpreneurship and Crafts and the Delegation of the European Commission, which has contributed to financing the infrastructure in the zone with funds from the CARDS 2002 programme.

Poslovnazona PODI

PODI Business zone


11Grad Šibenik | City of Šibenik


Poduzetnička zona Podi smještena je u u neposrednoj blizini grada Šibenika, administrativnog gospodarskog i kulturnog središta Šibensko - kninske županije.Zona je povezana s gradom, željezničkim kolodvorom, međunarodnom pomorskom lukom i autocestom A1 najkraćim mogućim cestovnim putem. Autocesta povezuje zonu sa okolnim gradovima Zadrom i Splitom za manje od sat vremena, što zajedno sa šibenskim područjem čini regiju u kojoj živi preko 500.000 stanovnika. U krugu od 50 km nalaze se dvije zračne luke (Split i Zadar ).

Povoljan smještaj iizvrsna prometnapovezanost

The PODI entrepreneurial zone is situated in the immediate vicinity of the City of Šibenik, the administrative, economic and cultural capital of Šibenik-Knin County.The zone is connected with the city, the railway station, the international sea port and the A1 motorway by the shortest possible road route.The motorway connects the zone with the neighbouring cities of Zadar and Split in less than an hour’s drive. Together with the Šibenik area, the region has over 500,000 inhabit-ants. There are two airports (Split and Zadar) within a 50 km radius.

Favourable locationand excellenttransport connections

13Poslovna zna PODI | PODI Business zone

Usluge i pogodnosti zapoticanjepoduzetništva u zoniKreirali smo pakete kojima dodatno potičemo poduzetništvo u zoni.

Services and advantagesfor stimulation of entrepreneurship in the zoneWe have developed packages to provide additionalincentives for investors in the zone.

Financijske pogodnostiIzrazito povoljna cijena zemljišta – 5 €/m• 2

Proizvodne djelatnosti oslobođene •komunalnog doprinosaSmanjena komunalna naknada•Porezne olakšice za investitore•

Financial advantageExceptionally favourable price of land• – € 5 /m2

Production activities exempted from •municipal contributions Reduced municipal service fees•Tax incentives for investors•

Administrativne / zakonske pogodnostiProstor gospodarske zone je od velike strateške •važnosti, pa je uvršten u sve ključne dokumente razvoja regijeUbrzan proces izdavanja građevinskih i •lokacijskih dozvola Stjecanje terena u trajno vlasništvo •

Administrative / legal advantagesThe area of the business zone is of great strategic •importance, and as such has been included in the key regional development documentsAn expedited process of issuing building and •location permitsLand in permanent ownership•

Stručni tim zaposlenika tvrtke Podi Šibenik d.o.o. prati poduzetnike u svim fazama investiranja. Savjetodavne usluge, upoznavanje s potencijalima tržišta, asistencija pri traženju dozvola i zajednički rad na optimizaciji parcela potrebama poduzetnika samo su neke od usluga koje pružamo. Uspjeh svakog poduzetnika u zoni i naš je uspjeh.


Services toentrepreneursThe professional team of Podi Šibenik d.o.o. assists entrepreneurs in all phases of investment. Counsel-ling, acquainting investors with market potential, providing assistance in applying for permits and working together to optimize land plots to meet entrepreneur needs are but some of the services we provide. The success of each entrepreneur in the zone is also our success.


Korištenje usluga poduzetničkog inkubatora sig-urno je imalo značajan utjecaj na činjenicu da smo preživjeli ovo turbulentno vrijeme obilježeno padom gospodarskih aktivnosti i recesijom. Sutra, kad kao mala i stabilna tvrtka napustimo inkubator sa zadovoljstvom ćemo ga preporučiti svim početnicima.


Using the services of the Entrepreneurial Incubator certainly had a considerable influence on the fact that we have survived these turbulent times marked by a decline in economic activities and a recession. Tomorrow, when we leave the incubator as a small and stable company, we will be pleased to recom-mend it to all newcomers.

Dario Huljev,vlasnik

Veličinom, smještajem i infrastrukturom, parcele se mogu prilagođavati različitim potrebama poduzetnika. Svaku ponudu kreirat ćemo individualnim pristupom, prema upitu i zahtjevima investitora.

Namjena Industrijski, poslovni, obrtnički, gospodarski pogoni, skladišni prostori, upravne , uredske i trgovačke građevine.Poslovni, upravni, uredski, trgovački i uslužni sadržaji, robne kuće i trgovački kompleksi bez negativnog utjecaja na okoliš. Minimalni koeficijent izgrađenosti iznosi 10%.

Parcele prilagođenedjelatnostimapoduzetnika

The plots of land can be adjusted in terms of size, location and infrastructure to meet the different needs of entrepreneurs. We will develop each offer through an individual approach, according to the investor’s inquiry and requests.

PurposeIndustrial, business, craftsman’s, economic plants, storage areas, administrative, office and commercial structures.Business, administrative, office, commercial and services, shopping centres and trade complexes without a negative environmental impact. The minimum development coefficient is 10%.

Plots of land adjustedto entrepreneuractivities


Objekt-Izgradnja d.o.o.

Smještaj zone omogućava nam jednostavan prijevoz sirovina i gotovih proizvoda, a strateški smo izvrsno pozicionirani jer imamo jednostavan i brz pristup svim većim centrima u regiji.

Objekt-Izgradnja d.o.o.

Location of business zone enables easy transport of raw materials as well as our final products. We are strategically well positioned because of easy and fast access to all major centers in the region.

Sandra Šelja,direktorica



15Poslovna zna PODI | PODI Business zone

VODOOPSKRBA I ODVODNJA OTPADNIH VODAPodručjem je položen magistralni vodoopskrbni cjevo-vod dimenzija 400 mm i glavni odvod za otpadne vode, promjera 600 mm. U neposredenoj blizini izgrađen je vodospremnik.

TELEKOMUNIKACIJETelekomunikacijska mreža izvedena je optičkim kabe-lima, položenim u glavnim koridorima ulica. Izgrađene su bazne stanice za mobilne uređaje.

ELEKTROENERGETIKAHEP etapno gradi objekte za elektroopskrbu, u skladu s potrebama potrošača u zoni. Elektroopskrba je trenutno bazirana na trafo stanici TS 30/10(20)kV kao prvoj etapi do izgradnje TS 110 kV (8 MW). U drugoj etapi planira se proširenje do 16 MW.

CESTOVNA MREŽAMreža prometnica prilagođena je raznim vrstama specijalnog cestovnog prijevoza. Omogućava siguran i neometan pristup teretu i ljudima svim tvrtkama u zoni. Mrežu prometnica prate infrastrukturni priključci i mreže.Planirana je izgradnja željezničkog priključka, izravno povezanog sa željezničkom mrežom i teretnom lukom.

WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER DISPOSALThe main water supply pipeline with a 400 mm diameter and main wastewater disposal line with a diameter of 600 mm have been laid in the area. A water tank has been con-structed in the immediate vicinity.

POST AND TELECOMMUNICATIONSThe telecommunications network has been executed by optical cables, laid in the main street corridors. Base stations for mobile devices have been constructed.

ELECTRICITY PRODUCTIONNational utility company (HEP) has constructed the electri-cal power supply facilities in stages, in accordance with the needs of the consumers in the zone. Electrical power supply is based on the TS 30/10(20)kV transformer station, as the first stage until the construction of a TS 110 kV (8MW). In second stage station will be upgraded up to 16 MW.

ROAD NETWORKThe road network is suitable for all types of special road transport. The network enables the safe and undisturbed access for cargo and people to all the companies in the zone. The road network is accompanied by infrastructure connec-tions and networks.Construction of a railway connection is anticipated, to be connected directly to the railway network and the cargo port.





Poduzetnički inkubator – PIN ŠibenikPoduzetnički inkubator namijenjen je pomaganju razvoja malog poduzetništva. Tvrtkama početnicima nudi povoljni najam uređenih i opremljenih poslovnih prostora, besplatne poslovne usluge i savjetodavnu pomoć.

iNavis centarPomorsko inovacijski centar iNavis zajednički je projekt norveške i hrvatske vlade. Namijenjen je poticanju poslovanja na području tzv. poduzetništva mora. Poduzetnicima pruža savjetodavne usluge i drugu podršku povezujući norveške i hrvatske tvrtke na području brodogradnje, ribarstva, školjkarstva, pomorskog prijevoza i drugih djelatnosti vezanih uz more.

Projekti za razvojpoduzetništva

Entrepreneurial Incubator – PIN ŠibenikThe Entrepreneurial Incubator is intended to assist the development of small business. The incubator offers reasonable lease of arranged and equipped business premises, free corporate services and advisory assistance to new companies.

iNavis centreThe iNavis maritime innovation centre is a joint project of the Norwegian and Croatian governments intended to stimulate business in the field of maritime entrepreneurship. It provides entrepreneurs with advisory services and other support, connects Norwegian and Croatian companies in the field of shipbuilding, fisheries, shellfish farming, maritime transport and other maritime activities.

Entrepreneurshipdevelopment projects


Razvoj gospodarske zone PODI, Poduzetničkog inkubatora i pomorsko inovacijskog centra iNavis realiziran je kroz suradnju s brojnim domaćim i međunarodnim tvrtkama i institucijama.




Razvoj gospodarske zone PODI, Poduzetničkog inkubatora i pomorsko inovacijskog centra iNavis realiziran je kroz suradnju s brojnim domaćim i međunarodnim tvrtkama i institucijama.

Partnerina projektima

Partnerson projects

Zagreb Montaža Grupa

Odlična koordinacija voditelja projekata zaduženih za pružanje administrativne podrške našem timu osigurala je brzu i efikasnu komunikaciju između nas kao investitora i gospadarstvenika s jedne strane te većeg broja tijela uprave državne i lokalne razine s druge strane. U tom procesu uspješno su koordinira-ni postupci projektanata, nadležnih javnopravnih tijela, pribavljene sve suglasnosti i konačno ishođene potrebne dozvole koje su bile preduvjet potpisivanja kupoprodajnog ugovora, gradnje objekata i početka rada u njima.Ovakav način poslovanja čini Poduzetničku zonu PODI-ŠIBENIK poželjnom zonom za realizaciju oz-biljnih poslovnih zahvata....

Zagreb Montaža Group

Great coordination of project manager, in charge of supporting our team, made sure that we, as an investor, have fast and effective communication with number of institutions and offices of local and national government. During that process there was a successful coordination between project design-ers and local administration, all the consents were acquired and at the end necessary permits were issued which was precondition for land purchase agreement, building construction and start of the production activities. This kind of business approach makes Business zone Podi desirable for development of major business undertakings…

Europska komisijaEuropean comission

Šibensko-kninska županijaSibenik-knin County

Alen Čović,predsjednik Uprave

Tvrtku čine visokoobrazovani stručnjaci s izvrsnim znanjem poslovnih procesa, menadžementa i administracije. Tim posjeduje veliko iskustvo u realizaciji razvojnih projekata, suradnji s državnim i međunarodnim razvojnim agencijama i fondovima te velikim brojem tvrtki i poduzetnika različitih profila i veličina.


Ivan Pašalić (projekt menadžer / project manager)[email protected] +385 99 21 258 19

Jakov Terzanović (zamjenik direktora / vice CEO)[email protected]

Vjeko Kaleb (direktor / CEO) [email protected]

Ivana Košuljandić (projekt menadžer / project manager)[email protected] +385 99 21 258 15

The company consists of six experts with university qualifications and excellent knowledge of busi-ness processes, management and administration. The team possesses great experience in actualizing development projects, cooperating with state and international development agencies and funds, and a large number of companies and entrepreneurs of different profiles and sizes.

Ljudi s iskustvom


Poslovna zna PODI | PODI Business zone

Podi Šibenik

Nakladnik:Podi Šibenik d.o.o


Fotografija:Fotolia;arhiva Podi Šibenik d.o.o.

Grafičko oblikovanje,obrada colora i priprema za tisak:Kreator_ATK

Tisak:Šibenik, svibanj 2012.

Podi Šibenik

Velimira Škorpika 17b22000 ŠibenikHrvatska

tel.: +385 /0/ 22 218 041tel.: +385 /0/ 22 200 947fax.: +385 /0/ 22 200 [email protected]