invitation package for 6th lmsa ga


Upload: walid-gannod

Post on 30-Jan-2016




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The sixth LMSA meeting is being real for all dreamed LAMSian , That dream which make us proud enough to organize it . It’s the perfect time to complete the mission to reach the level that the LMSA –LIBYA compete by their counterparts Internationally . Today we stand after a few steps away from it , to prove to everyone that the LMSA is able to be the official representative of Libya in the world, and the Libyan young people are able to build their self and helping toward building their own country .


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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

Letter from the Organizing Committee:

"Action without vision is only passing time, vision

without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with

action can change the world." NELSON MANDELA

Dear LMSAian ,,

I'm remember the last GA that hosted in the Misurata

city, it was the first LMSA-GA that I'm attended , at

that time our LC was not fully registered but we hoping if have experience &

facility to host the 6th

GA in our city. .

It's about four years passed from the last GA, in which we worked hardly to

build Almergheb LC & developing ourselves at different levels by internal &

external trainings, organize projects & events, involving in transnational projects

& build our structure…etc

And today with great excitement and anticipation, we invite you to join us at the


national general assembly of LMSA in Zliten city. our Organizing

Committee has been working hard in a short period to ensure that our delegates

will have an unforgettable GA by coordination with LMSA executive board ,

supportive divisions & IFMSA trainers we prepare amazing agenda comprise of

trainings, SC sessions, plenary sessions & social program that ensure this

assembly will help to elaborate new activity in each LC & support structure of


Our friend member of LMSA-Libya everywhere in this beloved country we

welcome you to the Zliten city& wish you to spend a nice time with us, but don't

forget try to learn a lot from experience persons you will meet with them &

make a good friends.

Have an unforgettable GA …



OC President of 6th



President of LMSA-ALMERGEB

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

6th LMSA – General Assembly

The sixth LMSA meeting is being real for all dreamed LAMSian , That dream

which make us proud enough to organize it .

It’s the perfect time to complete the mission to reach the level that the LMSA –

LIBYA compete by their counterparts Internationally .

Today we stand after a few steps away from it , to prove to everyone that the

LMSA is able to be the official representative of Libya in the world, and the

Libyan young people are able to build their self and helping toward building

their own country .

Aim :

Finding the new creative begging with big ambitious to build LMSA structures

to be able to act locally and internationally .

Objective :

1- It is great opportunity to introduce LMSA & IFMSA to medical students

across the country .

2- Specific training for each standing committee to achieve its goals .

3- Developing the skills of each member , which will help them at next missions

4- Workshops on how to set a Standing committee and building a team working

on its projects .

5 –meetings to discussing how to make plan for the next year & and how to

manage projects in each standing committee.

6 –meetings to discussing how to develop the communication between the

standing committees and the LCs .

7- General meeting on how the executive board & Internal Guide Lines work.

8- Workshops for executive board from each LC to improve their management

skills .

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

Details of the event :

Accommodation : welcome for you in Zliten city , The Zliten Hotel is our hosting place & plenary

sessions will be there in alqurdapia hall . the opening ceremony ,training &

standing committee sessions will be in the Cinema building which lies about 10

minutes from Zliten hotel.

Duration: from 24 To 28 of Dec 2013 ( five days )

Transportation: - The transported will be from Tripoli International Airport to Zliten Hotel.

- The transported will be also from Misrata International Airport to Zliten


- The transportation will be available on the day of arrival 24 DEC 2013 and

the day of Departure on 28 DEC 2013 .

- There will be local transportation from Zliten Hotel to the Cinema Building ,

also for the Social program.


There will be a Three meals per day ( Breakfast , lunch & dinner ) also includes

snacks between the sessions.

Registration: The registration will be open on Sunday 15 Dec 2013 &

closed on Friday 20 Dec 2013, So if you want to participate in 6th


- fill the application form on the Facebook page of 6th LMSA GA or direct on

the following link


- Contact your Local Committee “LC president” (LMSA branch in your city).

- For Female participant should come with her family partner.

- Please select your interesting standing committee , members of each LC must

be involve in all SC sessions this is our priority.

Fees : only 60 LYD for participant & 80 LYD for the accompanying person

(Maximum 1 person for each female participant)

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

Topic agenda

Topics Time Attendance

Discussing of Internal Guide Lines

(plenary sessions)

7 Hours nearly two hour

per day

Executive board National officers

Supportive divisions LCs presidents

SCOPH session 12 Hours

four hours per day

Members of SCOPH

SCOME session 12 Hours

four hours per day

Members of SCOME

SCOPE & SCORE session 12 Hours

four hours per day

Members of SCOPE

SCORP session 12 Hours

four hours per day

Members of SCORP

SCORA session 12 Hours

four hours per day

LC Management session 3 Hours

One hour per day Executive board of

national LCs presidents 5 General training topics Two hours &half For all participants

Time table agenda

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

Social program:

we are planned to have a especial social program every day during the GA this

some pictures from sites that will be visiting & a lots of surprise will be waiting

you :

- Leptis Magna

- Ain Wadi Ka'am

- Traditional Music Ceremony

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

- Traditional Horses Show

- Zliten tour

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

Preview about Zliten City Location The name Zliten is given to both the town and the whole area. As a town, Zliten

is situated 160 km east of the capital, Tripoli, and about 35 km east of the

ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna. It is about 60 km west of the city

of Misrata and 40 km east of Khoms. It has spread over an area of about 8 km .

It is surrounded by the Mediterranean from the north, Misrata from the east,

Bani Walid from the south and Khoms from the west .

Education Zliten is home to one of Libya's most renowned Islamic universities, Al-Jamiaa

Al-Asmariya i.e. Al-Asmariya Islamic University. Faculties include the Faculty

of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Faculty of

Dentistry and Mouth Surgery, and the Faculty of Education. They are all under

the supervision of Al-Merqib University. There is also a higher vocational

training center covering various engineering fields.

Economy Zliten has several modern banking institutions, a major shopping center and the

Zliten Hotel, the city's top accommodation for tourists. In 2001, the Libyan

Government proposed a number of state company projects for which joint

ventures would be considered. These included an expansion of Arab Cement

Company’s (ACC) cement plant in Zliten valued at $169 million.

History and culture

There are many ancient Roman sites in Zliten, such as the Villa of Omira

('Darbuk Omira' ), and the Castle in Al-Jumaa. The town also contains the

Mausoleum and Mosque of Sidi Abd As-Salam Al-Asmar, a

revered Islamic saint who lived and died in Zliten during the 15th century. There

is some fine Arabic calligraphy in sandstone on top of the outer pillars of the

building saying al-mulk-'illah ("Everything to Allah"). The town is famous for

its olives, palm trees and citrus fruits along beautiful coastal shores. The Slat

Abn Shaif Synagogue in Zliten is a historic synagogue and Lag

Ba'omer pilgrimage site for Libyan Jews. It is over 900 years old.

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Invitation Package For 6th LMSA General Assembly

Contacts information Email:

[email protected]

[email protected]


Walid Ganod

OC president



Mohammed juan

OC president assistant