invocation: out of thy pure ‘i am’ 18 st germain... · 2020. 7. 24. · vairochana, one of the...

INVOCATION: Out of Thy Pure ‘I Am’ Presence within through and All Around Us, We Call Forth From the Cosmic Christ Electronic Sacred White Fire Light Belt, Above the 9th Dimensional Earth Bound Existence, To Bear Witness to This Divine Petition. We Call Forth, Father/Mother God, Alpha and Omega, Beloved Godfather Helios and Godmother Vesta, Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, The Known Karmic Board of Directors, The Great Divine Director (representing the First Ray), the Goddess of Liberty (Second Ray), Ascended Lady Master Nada (Third Ray), Elohim Cyclopea (Fourth Ray), Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth (Fifth Ray), Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice (Sixth Ray) and Beloved Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy (Seventh Ray and Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. We Call Forth The Mighty 7 Divine Consorts of the Elohim and Eloah, The Mighty 5 Secret Elohim. We Call Forth St Germain, Lord Jesus the Christ, Lord Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron and Michael. We Call Forth The Gods and Goddesses of the Mountain Ranges to be with Us Now! We Call Forth All Chohans, Ascended Masters, Archangels and All Solar Spheres of the Angelic Realms. We Call Forth the Divine Directors of the Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host. We Call Forth All Masters of the New Ashramic Groups. We Call Forth All Members of the Elemental Grace Alliance Council in All Spheres of God’s Creation: All to Listen and Come Forward to Support Us in this Endeavour showing the Board of Directors Your Presence that We May have Once Again Magnetized to Us for the Execution of this Divine and Marvelous God Plan to Show Camaraderie, Solidarity and Unity herein to the Karmic Board, Through This Gathering of Kindred Spirit and Divine Service to Humanity, The Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host. We Call Upon Archangel Michael to Place His Mighty Legions of Angelic Presences’ Around this Beloved Petition, seeing to it that no outside influences affect this Sharing. With This Petition, We Create a Vortex or Tube of Impenetrable Light, Surrounding Each of Us Here and There, from anything or anyone who does not have the Eyes of God to See, The Ears of God to Hear or the Truth of God To Know! We Are Here and There, ‘THAT MIGHTY FLAGPOLE’ that Pierces through All Astral Dimensional Planes, archetypal programs, thoughtforms and manifestations. WE SEEK ONLY THE TRUTH! We Receive Now and Forever Divine Faith, Divine Strength, Divine Wisdom/Justice/Judgment, Divine Will, Divine Power, Divine Imagination, Divine Understanding, Divine Order, Divine Zeal, Divine Regeneration/Life and Divine Elimination, for this Petition, Application and Governance of Thy Great and Marvellous Laws, that We May Produce and Maintain Thy Perfection in Each of Our Lives, Minds, Bodies, Homes and New World from the time of any Grant Being Approved through this Petition to the Karmic Board. May Truth Be Our Guiding Light, Joy Our Guiding Expression, God Blessings, Our Divine Spirituality and Holy Vision, Our Strength to Hold onto Our Mighty Christ Self, Our Sight Beyond the illusions of this outer world where we have been existing up until Now!

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Page 1: INVOCATION: Out of Thy Pure ‘I Am’ 18 St Germain... · 2020. 7. 24. · Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. We Call Forth The Mighty 7 Divine Consorts of the Elohim and

INVOCATION: Out of Thy Pure ‘I Am’ Presence within through and All Around Us, We Call Forth From the Cosmic Christ Electronic Sacred White Fire Light Belt, Above the 9th Dimensional Earth Bound Existence, To Bear Witness to This Divine Petition. We Call Forth, Father/Mother God, Alpha and Omega, Beloved Godfather Helios and Godmother Vesta, Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, The Known Karmic Board of Directors, The Great Divine Director (representing the First Ray), the Goddess of Liberty (Second Ray), Ascended Lady Master Nada (Third Ray), Elohim Cyclopea (Fourth Ray), Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth (Fifth Ray), Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice (Sixth Ray) and Beloved Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy (Seventh Ray and Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. We Call Forth The Mighty 7 Divine Consorts of the Elohim and Eloah, The Mighty 5 Secret Elohim. We Call Forth St Germain, Lord Jesus the Christ, Lord Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron and Michael. We Call Forth The Gods and Goddesses of the Mountain Ranges to be with Us Now!

We Call Forth All Chohans, Ascended Masters, Archangels and All Solar Spheres of the Angelic Realms. We Call Forth the Divine Directors of the Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host. We Call Forth All Masters of the New Ashramic Groups. We Call Forth All Members of the Elemental Grace Alliance Council in All Spheres of God’s Creation: All to Listen and Come Forward to Support Us in this Endeavour showing the Board of Directors Your Presence that We May have Once Again Magnetized to Us for the Execution of this Divine and Marvelous God Plan to Show Camaraderie, Solidarity and Unity herein to the Karmic Board, Through This Gathering of Kindred Spirit and Divine Service to Humanity, The Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host.

We Call Upon Archangel Michael to Place His Mighty Legions of Angelic Presences’ Around this Beloved Petition, seeing to it that no outside influences affect this Sharing. With This Petition, We Create a Vortex or Tube of Impenetrable Light, Surrounding Each of Us Here and There, from anything or anyone who does not have the Eyes of God to See, The Ears of God to Hear or the Truth of God To Know! We Are Here and There, ‘THAT MIGHTY FLAGPOLE’ that Pierces through All Astral Dimensional Planes, archetypal programs, thoughtforms and manifestations. WE SEEK ONLY THE TRUTH!

We Receive Now and Forever Divine Faith, Divine Strength, Divine Wisdom/Justice/Judgment, Divine Will, Divine Power, Divine Imagination, Divine Understanding, Divine Order, Divine Zeal, Divine Regeneration/Life and Divine Elimination, for this Petition, Application and Governance of Thy Great and Marvellous Laws, that We May Produce and Maintain Thy Perfection in Each of Our Lives, Minds, Bodies, Homes and New World from the time of any Grant Being Approved through this Petition to the Karmic Board.

May Truth Be Our Guiding Light, Joy Our Guiding Expression, God Blessings, Our Divine Spirituality and Holy Vision, Our Strength to Hold onto Our Mighty Christ Self, Our Sight Beyond the illusions of this outer world where we have been existing up until Now!

Page 2: INVOCATION: Out of Thy Pure ‘I Am’ 18 St Germain... · 2020. 7. 24. · Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. We Call Forth The Mighty 7 Divine Consorts of the Elohim and

Mighty Father/Mother God, Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence, Godfather Helios and Godmother Vesta, Beloved Members of this Karmic Board of Directors, Holy Brother St Germain, Lord and Christ Jesus, Members of the Elemental Grace Alliance Council and All Other Esteemed Members of Unity Consciousness Welcome and Thank You for Opening Your Hearts and Arms to Receive Us Here and There, as We Stand before this Board! I/We Come before You All Today, to put forward a Divine Petition requesting a Dispensation to be Granted to the Elemental Grace Alliance Earth Contingency, to move help Us Evolve Beyond Evolution that is presently held within the old human consciousness. We have been asked for too long now to step up accepting our Christed Selves in ways that no longer entrap us within the old ways of being!

This Petition We can accept, requires some very specific Qualification, if We are going to see beyond Our words and the clarity of our own convictions. To do that I/We could have to go into volumes, yet as Spokes Person for the Membership of My Brothers and Sisters, I will try to simplify by using quotes from multiple Discourses/Channels and Higher Guidance since 2008. I Am Going to list them as best I can, for our Own personal reasons, yet We Know You Are All very well versed with All such things without any words from us. Yet for the Petition at hand, as Part of such a Template for others who may follow our footsteps, then please bear with me as I go.

For a long time now my own understanding of my specific position has afforded me much in terms of Awareness of My God Role here in this Incarnation. In this, I have tried to Honour My Inner Knowing in Accordance to Cosmic Law and in so doing on too many occasions have fallen short of such expectations that that Role would allow me to accept for myself. I am sure, although I cannot speak for another here in the SOEPC or anyone else for that matter, it can only come down to that of “Creation is the visible form of PRIMAL IMPULSES drawn and bonded into individual shapes and entities all expressing differing facets and combinations of the PRIMAL IMPULSES in a myriad of ways. Therefore, the PRIMAL IMPULSES are the Reality which your eyes, ears, smell, touch, tell you are solid ‘matter’ but are really CONSCIOUSNESS IMPULSES individualized in order to be experienced, intellectually understood and appreciated emotionally.”

In the understanding of this Truth, I have, over my lifetime, just as most others here, have been working to not only free ourselves from the overlays we have placed upon these Primal Impulses, but to assist the whole of Humanity to do the same. This must then be the first step, before we can indeed step into a Greater Role of helping the Realms of the Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host Kingdoms. It has not been easy, not for anyone, yet one step at a time, We in this Elemental Grace Alliance Council with feet upon the ground have all, over millions of year find ourselves together in this one place, with this Mighty Divine Plan, Conceived and Inaugurated within the Chambers of Shamballa by You Dear One’s Who Are Here today Listening to Our Presentation.

Out of 7.6 Billion people, 33 Brothers and Sisters of God’s Love have found Their Ways into this Alchemical Class with St Germain. A Beloved Brother Who Knows Who We Are and must by all accounts Know what is in Our Hearts, not only showing Willingness to be here, but to Stand before Us as a Teacher of The Truth that We continue to seek so we may finally be Adorned with His Cloaks of Freedom. He said, TO BE FREE FIRST YOU MUST FIND YOUR

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So, We Come to you today to say to you, We Have Found Our Freedom! That is We Know what is needed and now we are here to ask you For a Dispensation to that Freedom due to the, not unbeatable conditions of the old world consciousness, but an aspect that still hinders our Claim to this Freedom. We can go on until the end of time, of course, and will do so if need be. But time as we know is coming to an end and so is the need to remain tethered to the old, when We are Ready to make the Transitions into the Next Realms of Consciousness, not necessarily alone, but as a Group! Everything points to this potential NOW, that is why We have come today, what more Proof is needed by You, beyond present conditions, beyond our controls, as a Unified Group.

On the 28th April 2008, I received a Communique, by a Being unknown to me by name, shared with me this information.

“We say unto you that all life upon the Planet Earth is an illusion of great magnitude and within it are processes that must be facilitated and conquered by the Power of the Divinity within those willing to go the extra inch, else the Journey Home cannot be fulfilled to the levels required to become completely detached from the illusion. Earth is a very powerful place to play games of Creation and once Mastered through the Alchemy of the Energies of Source there is nothing inside and nothing outside of your Power to Create or have dominion over. You of all people upon the Planet, understand this and now you are reaching a place where you need to pass through the ‘Gates of Hell’, so that you may tap into this Mastery of the Alchemical Energies of Source and the Freedom to move in and out of this illusionary world at will.” End Excerpt

I followed my Path, used my Powers of ‘Intuition’, ‘Faith’ and ‘Trust In’ all that I was given, and as my Diary’s detail, much has been achieved. Not for me necessarily as an individual, but for humanity in preparations that would support the Mass Ascension of the Whole of Humanity. To list all those Manifestations I do not feel is required here, as you Know them better than I, Dear Brothers and Sisters. But not I, but many who have come to be a part of all those manifestations, clearing, and rebuilding of Earth Matrices, yet another Group of Dear Hearts Stand here Together Knowing that Their Presence is being here at the right time and for the right reasons.

Recently We found that the Elemental Grace Alliance fell into a stagnant pause, due to the inability or free will of some of the EGA Members to fulfil their Own Obedience to their own ‘I AM’ Presences’. We stood back, Observed, Listened and followed Higher Guidance and made the changes needed. Many either removed their Seats here voluntarily knowing they had reached the limits of their Own Faith and Knowing, and others had their Seats removed more directly! The EGA Moved forward and once again with the incredible help of Master St Germain, even more Members have been removed or removed themselves. Today, The remaining 33 Members Unite ready to continue with St Germain’s IAMEGA Alchemy Class if He so Chooses.

This in itself could be seen as a remarkable achievement! Yet as He has shared this Class now complete in its Introductory Initiations, is unclear as to how We shall proceed as part of this whole experiment to find a New Way, Technique or Formula of Approach. Up until now, with many of the Discourses offered to the Class as Myself as the medium of delivery, not by Direct

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communication, Voice or Visual Aids, it has been brought forward suggested or implied aspects of how we might proceed from here. For example:

In Part 1: “It is my observation that the EGA now stands before a huge precipice of indecision and this we must clear up before you shall be able to cross this expansive chasm of a Cosmic Understanding and no longer trying to understand it from a human perspective.” The New Formula of Approach was entered into and offered many opportunities that have offered greater potentials for the Class. This Petition being one!

Part 1: “It is clearly acknowledged that you do understand the need to follow the Masters Instructions, especially that you have attained the Dispensations for the Petitions Granted you thus far. It has finally dawned on you, through Self-Realization that when the Masters say to you, ‘DO NOT BE CONCERNED WITH WHAT ANY OTHER PERSON OR GROUP IS DOING’ you can follow such Instruction without defaulting upon your Word to your ‘I AM’ Presence! Divine Order is understood also in terms that even if others are not ready to move forward by making Greater Choices, that does not mean we have to remain behind held within the Illusionary world of old human consciousness with them.

Part 1: “Be clear Dear Brothers and Sisters, be VERY CLEAR; there are some amongst you who will work outside of the main Core Group following your own Divine Purposes, and that We Accept with Joy.” Those who chose to do this, have now had their Seats Removed.

Part 1: “I will tell you, on behalf of the Elemental Grace Alliance Council, which as you know extend throughout all Seven Spheres of Influence, Your ‘Elementary Elemental Peace Treaty’ has been Agreed and Honoured.” Our Service to the Greater Whole continues at every opportunity.

Part 1: “You are going to be tested Dear Ones and make no mistake, if you cannot prove that you alone, through your own Individualization and Controlled mindset, then you will travel no further down this path until you can!” We have been tested and shall continue to welcome any tests thrown at us!

Part 2: So, I want to bring this to a more candid conclusion of this subject matter

regarding the freewill in Obedience to One’s Own I Am Presence. Each of you have to date,

earned your Rightful place to hold your Seat within this Alliance Council and therefore while

the ‘Laws of Freewill’ still apply, there is also the Condition that you have been Granted; two

major Grants, that We can no longer deny, when it comes to your ‘freewill’. Which means,

that We have your permission, your I Am Permission, to Call for your undivided Attentions,

where your Obligations to Your I Am Presence and God, through more than Ordinary Release

of Instructions to Follow Through, is ratified. Else We would not be spending this time to even

speak of it! The two Grants are:

1. The Cosmic Grant from the Great Divine Director - ‘By The Cosmic Law Of More

Than Ordinary Release Of Instructions Into The Combined Force Field, Known As

The Elemental Grace Alliance.

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2. The Official Grant for the Acceptance of The Cosmic Laws to Take Possession of

The Atmosphere of Earth Becoming The Authority of What Is to Act Out Here,

Through The Elemental Grace Alliance Council And The Sun Of Even Pressure


We cannot wait for you any longer. You must make your choice one way or the other; simulating and being self-satisfied with your outer choices are no longer acceptable to move beyond this plateau of Consciousness. You need wait no longer, WE are placing before you within this Petition, the very reason why a Dispensation could mean the difference to wait for as long as it takes or take more radical steps to expedite this situation where neither You or Us will have to wait any longer!

Part 2: “So having Impressed My Ideas upon Peter, He has agreed to Formulate a Structure that We can All Work toward as another experiment to see if We can increase the Potentials of Raising the Consciousness of those who remain in a state of quandary within their lives herein. We the Masters need You now upon Our side of the Veil as much as We need you on your side of the Veil. Indeed you need this equally, if the Planet is going to Move Forward with Greater Ease and Gentleness. So Please Dear Souls, work as best as you can with Us as We take these New Ideas and play with them, Bridging this gap of physicality using your internet, while preparing for the Full Embrace of My Class.” I agreed to Formulate a Structure and have done so based on my life’s Work to date. Why would St Germain or any other Master come to Us offering their help, if they already Knew of the potentials at hand, even if We did or do not consciously know them? An experiment indeed! But as has been implied, You Need Us upon your side of the Veil, as much as You Need us on this side! We need this also. Potentials must be available here, playing with New Ideas and Concepts, Possibilities and Opportunities. How much easier would this issue of not being separated by time and distance but instead in physical presence? If this is all about Bridging Consciousness, how do past Achievements, Goals, Manifestations and New Formulas correlate and compare while we are held within the old paradigms of physical environments wasting huge reserves of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies, to what could be attained in a CLASS or Circle of Light In One location Living outside of the old attachments of those things, physically Standing Together One to ONE?

Part 2: “To clear and cleanse all energetic patterns that drain your energies, will allow you more time for communication with your I Am Presence, more time to be in that State of the Great Silence, more awareness as the Observer of your life not the participator of any human based belief or program.” If this is the aim of the Alchemy Class, then We are not only Listening but Working to make suggestions and applying Rightful Action and Cosmic Law to find new potentials, to find the Solutions to all Our Problems. The Great Divine Director told us in the Divine Economy Discourses individual problems are the problems of all Disciples and your problems are Our (the Masters) problems, albeit different because of the different Dimensionalities. Thus, you want Us over there, we want You over here. This Dispensation may be the solution to many problems for both!

Part 2: “Sometime, somewhere, every individualization of God the Father, must find his way back to the Father through his ‘I AM’ Presence, fulfilling his or her cycle or cycles of individualizations in the use of the activity of the outer self. The earth is the only sphere in which there is the density of the atomic structure that you experience. The conscious

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recognition and use of the ‘I AM’ Presence, which you are, steadily raises the vibratory action of your atomic structure, unclothing and liberating the Electronic Activity, which is hidden within the atom, enabling you to become Self-Luminous Beings.” We have come this far to be standing here before You All as unascended human beings still caught up in human conditions which can be untethered in an instant, if we had that helping hand we are now proposing within this Petition.

Before I move onto Part 3, I wish here to return to the Elemental Grace Alliance Proposals, specifically Proposal Number 7. (Directly from the book.)

“This option is about the endless notifications that we (humans) have heard about, regarding

humanity and first contact. I know that this has not yet happened due to the present state of

consciousness and the conscious controlling of humans by such persons as the Cabal or those called the

Illuminati, that still hold sufficient power to upset to equilibrium of the whole Consciousness Grid

Matrix of Earth.

“I am also aware that every world government has been contacted and warned about Right Action for

Compliance with Human Freedom and Human Rights. Is there any comments regarding this matter

that can be shared within the Elemental Grace Alliance?

“The other option here is that if sincere aspirants had visitations within the physical Realms of their

own private dwellings and lives, the emphasis that this would provide, I am sure would impact the efforts

of such Souls to do far more than presently is being done. I have no doubt that proof today would

massively swing the pendulum from ‘belief’ to ‘Knowing’ in a very short time. That helping hand would

have a far stronger impact if it could be grasped for Real from a physical perspective.”

“St Germain said as aforementioned, is this not what He was referring to, to give all His Assistants

unbound Freedom to Know the Truth?”

“No man can work with bound hands and feet nor with sealed lips and blindfolded eyes – I must

have My Friends walking in Freedom’s Robes if they are to assist me in the attainment of this glorious

destiny for our planet and its people.”

“It was indeed Beloved Omega Who Stated that it is time for less words and more action.”

“Now is a time where words will have less effect upon your lives than action will. So, this is, if I was

to offer any guidance as part of these Discourses, what I would say to you. It is time to truly place into

action what you have come to Know and feel as Truth. Nothing else matters! This I encourage you with

All My Heart, your training is over, time now to put into practice what you have remembered, there is

no need to repeat, repeat, repeat your lessons anymore.”

“Could I respectfully and humbly say, in Light of this Guidance from Mother Omega, that That

which is in Heaven is on Earth, As It Is Above, So It Is Below?

In the book ‘Seven Mighty Elohim Speak’, Beloved Arcturus says;”

“In early Golden Ages, Beloved Ones, when the Archangels and the Ascended Masters just naturally

walked and talked with unascended mankind, the magnificent perfection which was drawn forth by the

Power of Invocation was brought about because of the understanding of the necessity of Rhythm of

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Invocation and its Application. This was necessary to have the Constancy of the outflow of the Energy

from Above.

“This constancy of the release of perfection called forth from the God Head, made it possible for the

atmosphere of Earth to be kept completely free from disease, disintegration and all manner of human


I know that we are not in that place right now of what Arcturus describes above yet, being at the

beginning of a New Golden Age. And while the mainstream may hold onto old conscious beliefs, there

are those who do indeed Know the Reality of the earlier Golden Ages.

Therefore, can I propose that the God Dispensations for Higher Beings that have already been given

the permission to open communication once again with humanity, now be extended to this previous

Reality of Earlier Golden Ages, albeit in selected situations? The physical contact, not just mental visions

or with/in communication by clairaudience or impressed Light Language that requires specific

interpretation on the part of the recipient, but in a physical form that would be fully embraced and

recognized through Self-Realization by those Souls who have committed and declared their Allegiance

and Alliance to Serve Humanity and Earth in the Name of God and the Christ Jesus in them?

It was St. Germain again who said,

“Now that the Spirituality is accepted, albeit not fully understood, then the partaking of the Truth

about Being Spirit must go hand in hand with thoughts, words and actions.

“A lower level of consciousness is now able to be transcended and elevated to Higher Levels of

Awareness and Truth. Truth never stops expanding and to keep up with these rates of expansion one

must make new decisions constantly within their lives.”

Does this not mean that once one is fully engaged with commitment and dedication to God that the

Truth of Spirit can manifest? Spirit in Matter? Spirit as Matter? There can be no separation at these

Levels of Awareness! Hence the direct physical manifestation of Higher Beings who can lower their rates

of vibration sufficiently to touch the Heart Love and Light of those human Souls Who so Lovingly

Desire such Heart connection and Service under a Master or other Divine Light Being. Is the Truth not

in the eating or the experiencing? For me a physical visitation would unquestionably remove any doubt

of such Divine Reality for so many! I do not doubt the Reality of this, but the Presence of God in this

way I believe could open New Doors, New Potentials, New Levels of Awareness. I And God Are One!

‘I’ mean each human Soul not I as the personality of that Soul but As the Pure Radiation of One in the

All That Is. I And God Are One!”

“All that ever acts is Life. From the smallest to the greatest thing, there is a definite action. Life is

Action – Life is not Quiet. Life in its freedom of action is always dynamically positive.” ADK Luk

We could change the word Life to Love or God; it is very Powerful.

Can I propose another Dispensation for this purpose? Maybe the Walking in Freedoms Robes


In The Name of Our Beloved Mother and Divine Father and The Holy Spirit; In the Name of My I

Am Presence and the Christ Jesus in Me; I Lovingly Invoke the Services of All Those Divine Beings of

Love and Light Who may help Us in this Causal Healing! Bless You! And So It Is! As Above, So Below!

I Give Thanks, I Give Thanks, I Give God Thanks!

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So here is the First part of this Petition! St Germain tells us in Part 13.

Part 13: “Knowing how tenderly the Brothers and Sisters of this Course are hanging on My every word, I Am also Imbued with a sense of Reverence for the Service at Hand . I cannot conceive of how We can do less than Answer the Calls made unto Us in Accordance with the Great Cosmic Law. Even an Ascended Being in close contact with mankind can become almost possessed with a sense of urgency and a desire to cut the chains which hold any Blessed Soul in bondage! Yet it is only possible for Us to Point the Way and Give such Specific Guidance and Service as the Karmic Board has Prescribed ”.

Then if this is so, as We are here to look for Solutions to All World Problems, and to Create New Laws that will help humanity in their transitions of “A lower level of consciousness is now

able to be transcended and elevated to Higher Levels of Awareness and Truth. Truth never stops

expanding and to keep up with these rates of expansion one must make new decisions constantly within

their lives.” Then would a New Law / Dispensation, not be applicable as long as it complied with Cosmic Law within the Realms of this Human and Earth Evolution Experiment. Is the time not Now to come together and write such a Law. If We Are Human Beings Made in God’s Image with the Same Powers of Creation and asked, as God Mother Omega said, “if you think you are Gods then begin thinking, speaking and acting like one”, rather than thinking we are still disempowered and lock into an old paradigm of lower victim consciousness?

This Dispensation alone, would without a doubt in my mind, if a Master came to a person who has risen to levels of Awareness and given proof of their Obedience, even for 5 minutes in the physicality of that individual, what doubt would not disappear in a nano-second? St Germain said in one of His Discourses, I could come to man as easy as you turning a dial upon one of your home devices. If that is True, and I have no doubt for a second that it is, then it is only the Cosmic Law sustained by the Karmic Board that prevents it.

Could that Law be afforded NOW another Dispensation as it was for “the God Dispensations

for Higher Beings that have already been given the permission to open communication once again with

humanity, now be extended to this previous Reality of Earlier Golden Ages, albeit in selected situations?

The physical contact, not just mental visions or with/in communication by clairaudience or Impressed

Light Language that requires specific interpretation on the part of the recipient, but in a physical form

that would be fully embraced and recognized through Self-Realization by those Souls who have

committed and declared their Allegiance and Alliance to Serve Humanity and Earth in the Name of God

and the Christ Jesus in them?”

St Germain and Jesus presented themselves to the Ballards and the Students of the ‘I AM’ Discourses Activity. We are told this happens often where the Masters remain in physical contact with those in their Guidance. Not many perhaps, but are there any Dispensations for this already? If so can these be amended to extend in a larger field of Intercommunication with us? Was this not done within the Meetings of the Group and who asked Bob Singleton to become part of the Gold Mining Venture and it Higher Purpose which exposed him to the Truth of St Germain, detailed in “The Magic Presence Book?”

This potential at this time could change the lives of 33 Dear Souls in a flash, which could change the dynamic of the whole fabric of Humanity.

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The Second Part of this Petition is directly linked to Part 1. For with such a radical shift within 33 Minds, the requirement for all or any number to relocate to a specific area would be so dramatically enhanced with choices made in a very short time. God Knows the best location that Our First Radiation Light Pyramidal Temple and Ashramic Group Headquarters could be best placed in the world, perhaps more than 1?

The Divine Economy Discourses tell us we now need financial assistance; St Germain says this can be done easily. He could give 10 million Dollars to the lowliest of man, the question being the lessons as to its use and dispersal. I also refer here to the past history of EGA and its attachment to money, its use and Compliance to Cosmic Law, so if all this were taken into consideration all SOEPC Members herein remain short of financial abundance to make the choices, Money could free them from the old constraints I see Greater potentials in the making! I sense the rise of questions around Alchemy!

But I can speak from my own experiences. I have never tried to manifest anything out of the Ethers, knowing deep within I could, in fear, and I use this word because I have never heard of the story of Jesus being Tempted by his alter-ego before, that if I did, it would only be to simply prove that I could! Now I wonder if I have also been tested by my alter-ego. For me I have no need to Precipitate anything as I always have exactly what I need. Yet, if Precipitation was engaged for other Higher Purposes then is this still an exercise to see if I could or could not?

St Germain in His Book on Alchemy said try! He gives us all the Instruction and Guidance, yet I consider what do I need for such, nothing actually for myself, unless it was to prove I could? The question that comes to my mind, and I share in all humility and respect, who is asking for proof? My alter-ego? My I ‘AM’ Presence? The Masters? You the Board of Directors? I see myself Precipitating in my mind all the time, even in the EGA Book I shared such dream experiences far beyond mere precipitation of food or drink or money. I have just never been placed in a position to Need it for my Service to Humanity, or to satisfy my own needs in excess of my what I already have!

Again I cannot speak for others, but you Know My Heart Dear Ones you Know the Hearts of My Brothers and Sisters. You Know the Truth and Integrity in what I Am saying here. If money is needed to step into the Consciousness and create an environment that supports such a Manifestation, then let it be God’s Will, the Will of the I Am Presence for the Greatest Good of All Concerned.

The Third and final Part of this Dispensation which Links directly into Part 2 is that of the Consciousness Shifts or removing Oneself individually and as a Group severing the tethers from the old Consciousness Matrix around the Planet, 60 miles above the Earth to the New Consciousness Matrix awaiting us in the Core of the Earth. A Consciousness that is Pristine, Untainted, Precious, Balanced and Pure. Waiting for the New Christed Beings to come and Walk and Live there like a Master Painter enters a Blank Canvas and begins to Paint His or Her New Masterpiece. Here is where the New Adam Lilith Kadmon Human Race will Reside. A Dimension of Unprecedented Beauty, just as it was 2 million years ago here upon Earth.

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So Beloved Masters, could We be there Now with your help in this Petition and the help of All Those Present here this day? This Land was called “Ar u te a”. The Paradise Gardens of Earth. Perhaps this is not the place we are Creating within the Core and the New Matrix of Consciousness, but I would like to close this Petition with the Vision that this Communication Resonances within the Hearts of All Here? True or False? Only One’s Heart Will Know! I give you “Ar u te a”

Dear God, I Am who is everyone, everywhere, I wish to tap into the energies that Sue was connecting to regarding the MaT He MaT painting, so that she may have a little insight as to its meaning or purpose? It is with great Joy that we join with you again and smile upon those who open to the resonances of a past time that holds a great deal of information about the present, the past and the future. As Cara, The Blue Crystal Skull, has spoken to you about the many periods upon the planet that humanity has forgotten, in Truth this forgetfulness is only part of the illusion and the evolution of the processes that are now coming to Light and being activated within each of you.

Memories are beginning to resurface, and the triggers are those encodements just like the ones you have shared within your Live Art. The energies that Sue was tapping into have long since passed, however, it was a time when such pristine beauty reigned upon Mother Gaia. It was a time when those who lived here were in total harmony with all of nature. These lasted thousands of earth years, and your connections are way beyond those that you hold within your consciousness now. We speak of a time nearly 2 million years ago.

This was a time when humanity was not affected by any outside influences and neither knew imbalance nor experienced it in any way throughout this period of time. Languages were not even spoken, because you had a very highly developed telepathic communication system. Between each other there was no need for language, for thought and feelings were an innate attribute amongst each group, and community. Your community was called “Ar u te a” but it

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was never written like this or expressed in this way, it was a thought form of absolute Grace and Divinity within. Your Origins came from the Star System Sirius. Your connection with nature was highly skilled but in communication with them you used sounds, many sorts of sounds. Most however emanated from deep within the throat and when expressed created harmonics that are not heard upon the planet today. You are beginning also to activate these sounds once again and if you allow yourself to express any feelings through sound these will, through your inner knowing, begin to activate these memories once again. Like Angels singing the Praises of Heaven, indeed very open and very revealing.

Your communities were very advanced, not in technologies but in communing with nature. Nature provided everything for you to survive and you through your Honour and Love, you shared everything with nature allowing them to express themselves in a very different way back to you, than they do today.

The dark feeling in Sue, was not dark as one would know this today, for the darkness that has since oriented in fear, did not exist in that time. In that time Darkness was the Pure Connection of Divine Love, that of the Mother Life. But there did come a time, when you had to leave this beautiful place, this Paradise upon Earth and as this was so precious within your hearts, to leave, filled you all with much sadness for you knew at a higher level, you would never see this again for many, many lifetimes upon Earth.

Today you are all remembering these times and they are driving you forward to see Earth as it moves and Ascends into its New Potentials again, your experiences of the past, or perhaps we could even say the future, are now offering you a place of experiential remembering, so that you may re-create what you KNOW is Real by knowing you have lived it once before. Are you getting the picture?

And so, we return to the future from spending time in the past and the remembering allows one to transcend all time in any direction, in whatever way one can perceive.

You are Blessed Dear One’s and know that the Truth is within, and that is where you shall meet yourself again in Ar u te a; The Paradise Gardens of Earth.

I Am/We Are One.

To summarize then, Beloved All,

This Petition for a New Dispensation is based on 3 Parts.

1. For the Masters to be Given Permission to Come and Walk and Talk with Us, the Dear Souls who have Committed Wholeheartedly in Obedience to Their ‘I AM’ Presence, to such Divine Plans as The Elemental Grace Alliance alike or similar Plan to be of permanent Service to Humanity, the Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host, and Declare Their Readiness to make this Next Transition, not just in Consciousness but also in Physicality if required.

2. For those human unascended beings Granted such Dispensations as in Part 1, be given the Resources and Abundance to make the physical moves necessary for the Building, Construction or placement of the New Radiation Centres and/or Ashramic Group Headquarters, thus releasing them from all old paradigm physical restraints.

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3. To be Granted the Aid and Closer Services of the Masters on every level to help those above through Conscious and Physical Shifts from the Old Consciousness Matrix based 60 miles above and around the Earth, to the New Inner Core Matrix, the New Adam Lilith Kadmon Man and Woman Consciousness.

In The Discourse Lord Melchizedek - Guest Speaker - Narayana and Divine Grace - The Elemental Grace Alliance Council 25th November 2015, Lord Melchizedek said to Us! “It is time Beloved for you to tap into your deep emotions which will allow Us to Unite even closer now, with a much more concentrated and contemplative effort, for humanity is calling and through the Melchizedek Consciousness, Humanity’s suffering will be Transformed, Transmuted and Transfigured. I have many Gift’s to give those who are ready to come forward now and so without further digression let’s get down to the brass tacks, if I may put it that way! The Elemental Grace Alliance is setting a precedence for what will come, and that is why I have Commanded to come forward now to Speak of these Truths. You needed to hear all this from Me, else you may have delayed things further, due to lack of confirmation of your Real Work now. Now you have no room for any more doubt or excuses. The Time is NOW! And Dear One I Am not just giving you a little ruffling of the hair, this is for all of those who remain in doubt and wonder, worrying whether they are ready to make the next move, or in which direction to take at the next crossroad. The fork in the road has arrived, make your choices! Christed One or Not!”

Another excerpt I fell may help draw Light upon this Petition, it is from the ENACA Series Discourse 13, the Beloved Maha Chohan tells us this:

“The Maha Chohan has reminded Us that it is the inability for humans to see beyond their own

human difficulties that drives them. How wonderous is the Divine Plan that causes these

aspects of humanness to keep looking for solutions. The ‘Principle of Pain’, felt within the

emotional body is indeed a potent teacher. In of Itself, this is a major contributing factor in

their inevitable drive to transcend the inability to see beyond their own human difficulties. It

is this very Paradox that has yielded so much to the Observers of this Human Experiment; this

might be considered to be the Essence of Humanity Expanding Itself in the Fullness of God Life.

“Would humanity not benefit in the long term to see that their efforts in cleaning up a certain

amount of such things as Nuclear fallout, radio-active contamination or chemical destruction?

“Would humanity not be inspired to stretch their rubber bands to breaking point, if they saw

with their own eyes that their Invocations and Decrees were actually making a difference?”

“Any benefit in the long term cannot interfere with the reconciliation of the various bodies in

the Work of the Infinite Way. This includes the fragility of humanity coping with life’s

challenges even as the seed program (Alpha) and the harvest program (Omega) converge into

this scale of human temporality, and specifically into the Interplanetary Exchanges of

Knowledge and Experience. The Work of the Order of Melchizedek, “to Know One’s Identity

in the Higher Worlds as a ‘Volunteer’ with the Abilities and Gifts to help train All Light

Movements, Denominations, and Dimensional Perspectives to Work in Co-Ordination and in

Unity with the Father” must be factored into this Petition. Any implementation of technology

ultimately reflects a use of an effect (technology) treating Cause, and thus must work in Co-

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Ordination and in Unity with the Father. In addition, benefit to humanity, in the cleaning of a

certain amount of contamination or destruction, must encourage the Development of Unique

Gifts and Resources for the Collective Welfare of the people.”

Could these Excerpts not also be considered also in conjunction to this Petition to the ‘work in Co-Ordination and in Unity with the Father’ for such an Opportunity here to be considered in Greater Depth?

The final excerpt comes from Beloved Serapis Bey from the Discourse Part 1 of the ENACA Series, He says,

“In the Fourth Sphere, which is My Privilege and Honour to Guard, dwells the Holy Christ Selves of the Human Race. Here these magnificent God-Free Beings worship together in Temples of such magnitude that many millions may gather and send up adoration through song and the spoken word. Here I become well acquainted with the Divine Pattern of every ego who belongs to the evolution presently enjoying progress upon the planet and around it.

“There comes a time in this Sphere, during the long course of Evolution, when the Holy Christ Self of an individual will signify by its auric light, that the ego or personality which it has sustained has attained to a Point of Evolution wherein the Ascension of that ego is a possibility, through the sublimation or transmutation of the outer self. These particular Christ Selves are then drawn together and segregated from the greater mass. They enter into Special Temples, under the Direction of the Angels of the Ascension Flame. Here they receive instruction from those of Us Who Are dedicated to the education of the consciousness in the drawing of the Sacred Fire which makes possible a final Transmutation of Consciousness.” End Excerpt

Another interesting point of reference that may substantiate the timing of this Petition?

NB. None of such a Shift, does not mean moving away from the surface of the Earth or continue Living and Interacting in close proximity with those still held in the old consciousness, but as St Germain has told us, that this will take place by the Shifts in ATTITUDE and Rightful Application to God Life, not necessarily physical participation.

We Now Entrust and Commit this Petition for your Review and Due Diligence letting Us Know Your Responses at Your Conveniences!

Just before I step aside, I wish to say that I apologize for not having completed the Petition Appeal for The Galactic Federation – Elemental Grace Alliance Planet Earth Nuclear and Chemical Affairs Alliance Council (ENACA) Series of Discourses, due to the fact that I felt the EGA had to Prove Itself first: That Is, that We Are Serious about this Work. And just because We have made our mistakes in the past and may also in the future, We Are True to Our Word and Our Commitment. We have moved the EGA into a Finer State of Divine Order and We shall continue to do whatever is required to continue this Love In Action, at any cost! I hope and Pray, that the Petitions that were included in the ENACA Series of Discourses, have not been detrimental to Mother Mary’s Petition and Maha Chohan’s Petition therein.

I did not know how to Prove Ourselves as a Unified Group. Other than to Follow Our Given Path. I Hope that since your denial of that ENACA Petition, Our Work to arrive at this Petition, Shows Our Dedication and Commitment to this Elemental Grace Alliance Divine Plan, not a human plan!

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We look forward also to St Germain’s final analysis of the Group Class to date, and whether He Sees Merit in continuing as We are, changes the current Format or even cancels it altogether. We are Here in Service to The All That Is, in whatever is decided.

In God We Trust!

For The Greater Glory of God, We Go!

Peter for and On Behalf of the Sun Of Even Pressure Council.

BENEDICTION: We Give Praise and Thanks to The Cosmic Christ Within Each of Us, that Now is Always and, in All Ways, Enfolding Us in God Life. We Give Praise and Gratitude for the ‘I AM’ Presence Majesty and Power that Commands Our Obedience to the Cosmic Laws of all that is of the Inner and Outer World of the Service to Earth, Humanity, The Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host. We Give Praise and Thanks for the Power of Divine Love that Governs Us and Consumes all unlike God Itself. We Give Praise and Thanks that ‘I AM’, a Great Jewel Within the Heart of God, the Lamp of Illumination Lighted by the Eternal Cosmic Sacred White Fire Light within Us which is Ours to Hold Eternally for All. We Give Praise and Thanks to Know ‘I AM’ the Chalice, the Crystal Cup, Holding Within Us, Within and Without the Pure Radiance of Freedom’s Robes, Abundance, Peace, Health, Prosperity, and Illumination of All Those Who dwell within Thy Mighty ‘I AM’ Embrace. May All the World Feel Thy Radiance and Be Blessed By It. Peace! Peace! Peace! And on Earth Goodwill and God’s Will, Be to All God Life.