iom #southsudan crisis regional response (5 - 11 january 2015)

EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT 5 – 11 January 2015 IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis OVERVIEW Currently, there are 1.4 million IDPs displaced within South Sudan, and an addional 480,000 refugees have fled the country. There were also reports of fighng in Nasser and Maban counes (Source: UNHCR Sitrep: 9 January 2015). The security situaon in Benu and Rubkona was tense throughout the week. During the reporng period, an esmated 400 people arrived in the Protecon of Civilian Site (PoC), fleeing fighng in surrounding areas. Due to exchange of fire in surrounding areas, including at Unity oil field, movement of aid workers to Benu town and the PoC was temporarily paused, as were flights, though both had resumed by 7 January. On 9 January, UNMISS issued a report detailing two separate incidents of alleged human rights violaons in the ongoing conflict. The report claims that Sudan People's Liberaon Army in Opposion (SPLA/IO) forces killed hundreds of civilians on 15 April 2014 as they retook control of Benu, Unity State from the SPLA (Sudan People's Liberaon Army). However, the security challenges haven't hampered IOM’s humanitarian assistance. The report further documents another incident, in which a group of armed men approached the UNMISS protecon site in Bor on 17 April 2014, demanding the expulsion of Nuer IDPs, and then reportedly killed dozens of civilians in the site. Since the beginning of the conflict, 45,627 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Kenya, 194,546 refugees into Ethiopia, 119,709 into Sudan and 136,595 refugees in Uganda (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 9 January 2015). IOM RESPONSE CARGO MOVEMENT SOUTH SUDAN: During this reporting period, over 103 metric tonnes of cargo was moved in Juba, Malakal, Rumbek, and Bentiu using the Common Transport Service (CTS) - a free service provided by IOM for transporting humanitarian supplies in South Sudan. CTS trucks remain strategically positioned across the country to provide transport assistance to humanitarian partners. 1 South Sudan: IOM is leading the development of the new PoC extension in Malakal. HIGHLIGHTS Kenya: During this reporng period, IOM provided transportaon assistance to 96 refugees. IOM staff distribute high energy biscuits to refugees as they board a bus at the Nadapal border point © IOM 2015 (Photo: Joseph Kabiru) Ethiopia: IOM has provided transportaon assistance to a total of 184,656 refugees in Gambella and Benishangul‐ Gumuz regions.

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This report presents an update on the South Sudan crisis regional response and provides details of IOM's humanitarian activities in the area.


Page 1: IOM #SouthSudan Crisis Regional Response (5 - 11 January 2015)


IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis

OVERVIEW Currently, there are 1.4 million IDPs displaced within South Sudan, and an additional 480,000 refugees have fled the country. There were also reports of fighting in Nasser and Maban counties (Source: UNHCR Sitrep: 9 January 2015). The security situation in Bentiu and Rubkona was tense throughout the week. During the reporting period, an estimated 400 people arrived in the Protection of Civilian Site (PoC), fleeing fighting in surrounding areas. Due to exchange of fire in surrounding areas, including at Unity oil field, movement of aid workers to Bentiu town and the PoC was temporarily paused, as were flights, though both had resumed by 7 January. On 9 January, UNMISS issued a report detailing two separate incidents of alleged human rights violations in the ongoing conflict. The report claims that Sudan People's Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA/IO) forces killed hundreds of civilians on 15 April 2014 as they retook control of Bentiu, Unity State from the SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army). However, the security challenges haven't hampered IOM’s humanitarian assistance. The report further documents another incident, in which a group of armed men approached the UNMISS protection site in Bor on 17 April 2014, demanding the expulsion of Nuer IDPs, and then reportedly killed dozens of civilians in the site.

Since the beginning of the conflict, 45,627 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Kenya, 194,546 refugees into Ethiopia, 119,709 into Sudan and 136,595 refugees in Uganda (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 9 January 2015).

IOM RESPONSE CARGO MOVEMENT SOUTH SUDAN: During this reporting period, over 103 metric tonnes of cargo was moved in Juba, Malakal, Rumbek, and Bentiu using the Common Transport Service (CTS) - a free service provided by IOM for transporting humanitarian supplies in South Sudan. CTS trucks remain strategically positioned across the country to provide transport assistance to humanitarian partners.


South Sudan: IOM is leading the development of the new PoC extension in Malakal.


Kenya: During this reporting period, IOM provided transportation assistance to 96 refugees.

IOM staff distribute high energy biscuits to refugees as they board a bus at the Nadapal border point © IOM 2015 (Photo: Joseph Kabiru)

Ethiopia: IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 184,656 refugees in Gambella and Benishangul‐Gumuz regions.

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TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE KENYA: During this reporting period, IOM provided transportation assistance to 96 refugees. The refugees crossing over the Nadapal border point are being relocated to Kakuma Refugee camp three days a week. ETHIOPIA: To date, IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 184,656 refugees in Gambella and Benishangul‐Gumuz regions since December 2013. Between 5 and 11 January, voluntary relocation of refugees from Gambella region to Fugnido campsite continued to decrease with only 20 refugees volunteering to be relocated. The average arrival rate of South Sudanese refugees to the Gambella region has remained low, with approximately 70 new refugees arriving daily. IOM is on standby to relocate refugees from flooded Matar way station to Pungido refugee camp. It is a two-day journey by boat and bus with an overnight stop in Itang way station where IOM, WFP and UNHCR are providing food, water and sleeping arrangements. So far, 1,374 vulnerable refugees needing medical assistance have been airlifted with an IOM medical escort on-board by a helicopter provided by UNHCR. Furthermore, the declining water level in Baro River has become a major deterrent to boat movement and is slowing down humanitarian assistance. CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT (CCCM) SOUTH SUDAN: In the Malakal PoC, site, IOM is leading the development of the new PoC extension. Over 20 per cent of the total works have been completed. The draft site layout has been circulated to each cluster for their space requirements in the new PoC. The current camp population remains at 21,420 IDPs. WATER SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH) SOUTH SUDAN: As lead provider of WASH response at the Doro camp, IOM continues to meet the needs of the camp’s refugee population. All key water, hygiene and sanitation indicators are currently above the minimum SPHERE standards. IOM aims to maintain these standards to prevent the outbreak of waterborne diseases amongst IDPs and surrounding host communities. IOM has managed to achieve the delivery of 25 litres per person per day in the Doro Camp which hosts 50,038 individuals—exceeding SPHERE standards. As WASH state focal point, IOM continues to lead the coordination of the WASH response in coordination with the health cluster in Upper Nile state. Based on the new figure shared by a DTM, during this reporing period the PoC population has now increased to 21,420 individuals. The

increase in the numbers has lowered the average amount of water available in the PoC to 11.4 Litres/person/day. A new water point was constructed during this reporting period at the PoC to cope with the population increase. Weekly bacteriological analyses were conducted, and results showed that in the PoC water is safe for drinking. House to house and focus group discussions on personal and water hygiene were carried out in both PoCs. HEALTH SOUTH SUDAN: In Malakal, during this reporting period, 69 children were vaccinated against Respiratory Tract Infections, Malaria and skin diseases. as part of the Extended Programme on Immunizations (EPI). Also health and hygiene education sessions reached 1,941 individuals in Malakal Protection of Civilians and 426 persons received eight hygiene sessions at the IOM static clinic. A total of 119 women were attended to at the Reproductive Health Clinic: 87 for ante-natal care, 18 for post-natal care, and 14 women who received family planning advice. Additionally, four babies were born in the PoC clinic. In Renk, the top medical conditions registered in the Renk Clinic were Respiratory Tract Infections and malaria. A total of 18 children and 8 pregnant women were vaccinated under the EPI programme. 247 IDP’s attended over 15 medical consultation sessions.

Refugees load luggage inside an IOM hired truck. IOM will transport the luggage from Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee Camp.

© IOM 2015 (Photo: Joseph Kabiru)

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IOM Preparedness and Response Division | [email protected]

Regional Emergency and Post-Crisis Unit | DANILA Bogdan Silviu | [email protected]