iphone game development

Relevant Market Predictions For App Developer In Perth The time for isolated apps seems to be drawing to an end with micro-moments becoming a part of good app ideas for the future. As any competent developer will tell you, developing applications today has become far easier than before. If market predictions are any indication, things may not remain the same in coming times as some key changes are likely to rock the mobile world. Trends, as developers know, just might be shifting with little scope for complacency. According to market watchers, trends are shifting away from apps towards micro-moments that are contextually relevant. The delivery of such moments will be across devices, offering customization options to app developer in Perthso that they can meet the unique needs of the customer. A host of software and hardware ecosystems is available to developers; and as they grapple to make the most of such variations, the existing market seemsto be going in for a shift. There are a lot of changes on the anvil as more companies are ordering apps for mobile devices. Some significant features of these impending changes are as follows. Decreased demand for standalone apps New opportunities due to hardware-driven innovations Mobile front-end experiences dominated by composition Increased merger of digital and physical worlds High-definition mobile context Besides this, good app ideashave to make the most of design API tools and service virtualization associated with development Toolbox. Low-code platforms may now move towards aggregation tiers without any hope of acceptability in common market. Underlying all above factors is the need for contextually relevant customer interaction and faster iteration. In API design, there is the need for well-defined ecosystem to make front-end mobile experiences flexible. This way, they will be able to change in keeping with customer demands when needed. Minus flexibility, firms will have to maintain backend separate architecture related to every front-end channel, not a scalable proposition. Working in modules helps to compile betterand testing is a must. Embracing micro-moments is becoming the need of the hour. For app developer in Perth, proliferating and profound fragmentation is a big challenge. This includes device fragmentation for screen sizes, operating systems, and more. The problem relates to mobile landscape in general,yet poses the biggest problem for Android developers. Intentional app use restricted to few hours every day is no longer feasible. Now, developers have to consider ways to engage their customers multiple times everyday in interactions lasting 5-10 seconds. The shift of development focus is towards cross-device interactions, widgets, and notifications. Modern experiences are moving away from apps to encompass analytics for interaction information, and app developer in Perth needs to be aware of this fact. Micro-moments require deep understanding of customer needs besides the where and how of critical information delivery. Information comes through aggregated operational, historic, and local context requiring real-time integration of data.

Upload: android-development

Post on 22-Jul-2016




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Page 1: iPhone Game Development

Relevant Market Predictions For App Developer In Perth

The time for isolated apps seems to be drawing to an end with micro-moments becoming

a part of good app ideas for the future. As any competent developer will tell you,

developing applications today has become far easier than before. If market predictions

are any indication, things may not remain the same in coming times as some key

changes are likely to rock the mobile world. Trends, as developers know, just might be

shifting with little scope for complacency. According to market watchers, trends are

shifting away from apps towards micro-moments that are contextually relevant. The

delivery of such moments will be across devices, offering customization options to app

developer in Perthso that they can meet the unique needs of the customer.

A host of software and hardware ecosystems is available to developers; and as they

grapple to make the most of such variations, the existing market seemsto be going in for

a shift. There are a lot of changes on the anvil as more companies are ordering apps for

mobile devices. Some significant features of these impending changes are as follows.

Decreased demand for standalone apps

New opportunities due to hardware-driven innovations

Mobile front-end experiences dominated by composition

Increased merger of digital and physical worlds

High-definition mobile context

Besides this, good app ideashave to make the most of design API tools and service

virtualization associated with development Toolbox. Low-code platforms may now move

towards aggregation tiers without any hope of acceptability in common market.

Underlying all above factors is the need for contextually relevant customer interaction

and faster iteration. In API design, there is the need for well-defined ecosystem to make

front-end mobile experiences flexible. This way, they will be able to change in keeping

with customer demands when needed. Minus flexibility, firms will have to maintain

backend separate architecture related to every front-end channel, not a scalable

proposition. Working in modules helps to compile betterand testing is a must.

Embracing micro-moments is becoming the need of the hour. For app developer in Perth,

proliferating and profound fragmentation is a big challenge. This includes device

fragmentation for screen sizes, operating systems, and more. The problem relates to

mobile landscape in general,yet poses the biggest problem for Android developers.

Intentional app use restricted to few hours every day is no longer feasible. Now,

developers have to consider ways to engage their customers multiple times everyday in

interactions lasting 5-10 seconds. The shift of development focus is towards cross-device

interactions, widgets, and notifications.

Modern experiences are moving away from apps to encompass analytics for interaction

information, and app developer in Perth needs to be aware of this fact. Micro-moments

require deep understanding of customer needs besides the where and how of critical

information delivery. Information comes through aggregated operational, historic, and

local context requiring real-time integration of data.

Page 2: iPhone Game Development

App Developer Sydney – Common Causes For iOS App Rejection

Dealing with an app submission rejection? Every app developer in Sydney is well versed

with design, content, and technical criteria for iOS app reviews. This is important

because even the most common issues can lead to rejection of developed software.

Some of the major reasons for disapproval are as follows:

Bugs and crashes: Submission of app is only possible when it is fully ready for

publishing. So, adequate testing is extremely important to identify presence of

bugs and instances of crashes.

Placeholder content: Apps in progress are at risk of rejection, so companies need

to hire iPhone app developer who finalizes associated texts and images before

sending. Presence of placeholder content makes it unfit for distribution and so it

cannot gain approval.

User interface is substandard: This is another common reason behind rejection of

apps during review. There is high emphasis on user friendly, refined, and clean

interfaces. Developers need to follow associated dos/don'ts and guides. It is best

to refer to the terms and conditions before submission.

Broken links: Apps should have all functional links. Ensure that there are no

discrepancies. Updated contact information and link to support are must-have

features. For free subscriptions, auto renewable and kid’s category link to privacy

policy are added requirements.

Incomplete information: The iOS app developer in Sydney has to provide all

required details for effective review or court rejection. This includes special

configuration setting, demo account valid password, username, specifics, demo

video, or hardware itself for unique hardware requirement. Up-to-date and

complete contact information is important as well.

Serving advertisements: Does the app use advertising identifiers for serving ads?

You will risk app rejection in the absence of ad functionality or proper display.Hire

iPhone app developer to test apps on iOS devices before sending for review

purposes as it will ensure there are no bugs or issues. You will get the status

‘Invalid Binary’ if it uses advertising identifiers but you provided wrong


Repeated submissions: Submission of same app or similar apps repeatedly does

not work well with iOS reviewers. It is better to combine these apps together as

one to improve experiences for prospective users and reviewers as well.

Substandard apps: Reviewers will determine whether your app is useful and

engaging. It should incorporate unique iOS features. Non-iOS formatted web

content with limited online interactions may be the cause for rejection.

Inaccurate descriptions: Convey functionality ofapp in clear and precise terms

through screenshots and descriptions. This promotes understanding among users

and ensures positive experiences in app stores.

No clearly defined values: The main aim of app developer in Sydney is to offer

value to users. If it does not offer good content and functionality or caters only to

a niche small market, the chances of rejection are high. The aim should be to

provide better experiences than existing apps in the store.

Page 3: iPhone Game Development

App Developers Melbourne - iOS 8 Is Here

Here is some good news for app developers in Melbourne! They can add spectacular new

capabilities and features to the software they create, with 4000+ new APIs available with

iOS 8. Deeper integration allows you to improve functionality and content significantly

for expanded reach. New technologies increase scope of game development for creation

of immersive, responsive, and incredible gaming experiences. Brandnew capabilities are

now available toiOS developer to explore with expansive services and APIs. So, create

brandnew categories of features and apps such as,

App extension to SmartWatch: Deliver innovation with SmartWatch through

enhancement and reimagining of functionalities associated with iOS apps. Simply

extend existing apps to SmartWatchusing state-of-the-art features like actionable


Touch authentication: User authentication for content access now becomes more

fool proof. Fingerprinted data remains protected barring access for both other

apps and iOS. This increase security o the mobile device automatically and the

data on the device.

Application extensions: App developers in Melbourne can extend content and

functionality of apps using iOS 8. Extension codes enable use of custom

functionality in user task context. With extensions, developers can provide app

power when users need it the most.

Secure payment: Secure and easy payments of services and goods are now

possible with touch authentication feature. It can be reservations, groceries,

tickets, and clothing in relation to developed apps. Users can make the most of

single touch to provide shipping, billing addresses, contact and payment

information to apps when making purchases.

Photo edit feature: New APIs are available for video, photo assets for iOS

developer to use. Apps can do photo edits directly in camera roll without the need

for imports first. The key features of this are thread-safe architecture to catch

and fetch full-sized assets or thumbnails, request asset changes, and undertake

asset content-resumable editing. It allows observation of changes as made with

other apps.

Manual controls for camera: Users now have a chance to take fantastic photos

with the camera features. App development is possible for taking direct control of

white balance, exposure settings, and camera focus. Automatic capture of images

is possible with bracketed capture using varied exposure settings.

Health, fitness services: Developers can allow their users to access health-related

shared information at one place. Storage of information in a centralized, secure

location is possible with control of data sharing that rests with the user.

Additionally from counting your footsteps or how much distance you have cycled,

apps keep a tab on your physical activity, helping you understand the calorie


Cloud integration: App developers Melbourne can make the most of cloud

integrations available with iOS 8. Retraction of app data now becomes similar to

structured data access. App developments based upon client side is possible now

as cloud features do away with the need for written application logic from server


Page 4: iPhone Game Development

App Development In Brisbane Has Secrets To Develop Successful Games

As every successful game developer knows, high-quality designs do not ensure game

success. App development in Brisbane has to consider strong game flow and mechanics

to provide an immersive experience to players. This way, minutes will turn to hours

during play without them being aware. So, what are the basic concepts of game

development that make some succeed while others fail? Effective marketing…. Even the

best games will fail to work if developers forget about social sharing or creationof short

playing sessions. Add to this a compelling design that is visually appealing and there is a

winner in your hands. The iOS game development can be successful only when the

developer is well aware of latest trends and knows very well what works and what does


Good developers take time to research the desired demographic to know their playing

patterns and devices they use for gaming purposes. The length of playing session is

important. You will be amazed to know that many people prefer short-duration games

that they can play any time they want,like for example, while waiting for their turn at

grocery store line. App development in Brisbane cannot ignore these key aspects when

taking up projects. Immediate designs that take users directly into play experience,

while having negligible overheads, work the best. Casual games that focus on single

mechanics may work well, but the most successful games are those that contain new

and complex core mechanics.

The associated complexities and depth unravel for players over time so that the question

of getting bored with basics never even arises. Social sharing is the key in iOS game

development, so designs that are ideal for socializing naturally enjoy big advantage over

others. Turn-by-turn asynchronous multiplayer games tend to be popular as existing

players help in recruiting new ones. Developers should encourage gamers to access

social networks from the game itself to announce their achievements, contact new

players, or communicate experience. Sharing the information helps to let the other

people in their network know about the apps and the gaming potential increases


Strong and visually compelling design presentations help users to show off their game

and draw attention with effective use of screenshots, icon, name, and app descriptions.

In case of paid games, video creations can create the buzzword to let prospective users

know what the app is going to offer.App development in Brisbane needs to utilize the

unique strength of iOS, such as its touch screen features. Traditional game forms tend to

put off users, so you need to give them something unique and different. Aligning the

benefits of users with the aims of game development leads to the most successful

results. Gentle guidance to the fun and good portions of the game is important without

seeming manipulative. And that is the secret how gaming apps become trendsetters of

the industry.

Page 5: iPhone Game Development

How To Ensure Addictive App Development In Melbourne

App development in Melbourne can offer desired returns provided you know what your

audience wants. Before starting out, good developers thoroughly understand limitations

and potentials of their target device. Finalizing on the idea first and then adapting it for

iPad or other devices may not work as expected. The iOS is different from traditional

desktop and laptop. So, instead of simple mobile apps, you should give your users

unique experiences that lead to addiction. Psychologically satisfying intuitive applications

tend to work the best and instantly become a hit with target audience. Before creating

illustrations or codes associated with iPad app development, clear and focused concept

needs to be there.

Addictive apps depend upon context, drawing from real-life compatible interactions and

objects. It may come as a surprise to many, but users in general tend to skip

instructions. So, completely intuitive app developments with easy-to-understand user

interfaces become an instant hit with them. You should put yourself in the place of users

to understand what they will make of things presented before them at each stage.

Delving into the psyche of the audience is the key to addictive app development in


Single-purpose apps that fit into daily lives of users naturally become popular fast.

Instead of outright, quirky, and fun, you could go for functional presentations that solve

common day-to-day issues. Ready information anywhere at any time is whatusers want,

and now you can easily give it to them to make apps addictive and irreplaceable. You

must hook and engage your audience bigtime with ingenious and useful iPad app

development. People should be able to interact with each other, provide notifications

when they do something. Rewards for user behavior lead to addiction, and pushing them

towards social media can make your app go viral.

Mobile apps, as a rule, work well simply because they provide users with access to

required information instantly, which is not possible with websites. So, more and more

people turn to apps as their first choice for fulfillment and information. The fundamentals

of addictive developments are visibility, quality, and stability; and with these three

together, developers can have a winner on their hands. Besides associated design and

development, addictive app development in Melbourne needs to consider other factors

like strategic planning, customer support, marketing, and copywriting. Bringing together

all these varied aspects can spell success for developed apps.

For successful marketing of app, it is important to identify its unique selling point. Does

it offer something special, available for the very first time to users? What are the

features or capabilities of this app that makes it addictive? Developers need to ask

themselves these questions to plan the most effective marketing strategies. Hiring

marketing agencies that specialize in mobile advertising and social media channel

advertising can help you get the word out.