ir 211: approaches to research benjamin graham · required materials • no textbook. •...

IR 211: Approaches to Research Benjamin Graham SOS B9 IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

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IR 211: Approaches to ResearchBenjamin Graham


IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Nuts and Bolts

• Syllabus and Course Information: • Syllabus will change during the quarter. Check online for updates.• Homework assignments and lecture slides will also be posted here.

• Lecture slides are not a substitute for good notes!

• My Office Hours: Fridays 10-Noon, VKC 305 • Joey Huddleston’s Office Hours: Wednesdays 10-Noon, VKC B42G

• Sections begin next week

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Required Materials

• No Textbook.• Responsecard clicker from Turning Technologies

• Available at the bookstore

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

How the Clickers Work

• Multiple choice questions in lecture• Click in your answer• Results go up right away

• Your clicker has a unique ID number• You get participation points just for answering.

IR 213: Introduction Benjamin Graham

How to Register Your Clicker

• It should be possible through blackboard• Alternatively, you can also use this registration tool:

IR 213: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Testing the Clickers

• I am a:A. FreshmanB. SophomoreC. JuniorD. Senior or Super-Senior

IR 213: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Testing the Clickers

• My major is (probably):A. International RelationsB. Other Social Science (i.e. poli sci, business, econ, sociology,

anthropology...)C. Arts/HumanitiesD. Natural SciencesE. Other

IR 213: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Testing the Clickers

• I have had the following research methods training (choose the most advanced that applies):A. Hypothe-what?B. A little bit in high school (not AP)C. AP stats in high schoolD. 1 university research methods class (stats or other)E. More than 1 university research methods class

IR 213: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Your Grade

• 5 Homework Assignments ................... 35%• Midterm ................................................ 20%• Final ..................................................... 25%• Participation ........................................ 10% • Reading Quizzes ................................. 10%

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

A preview of the course

• The big picture of social science research• Conceptualization, Measurement and Sampling• Causation and Research Design• A range of methodologies:

• Experiments, Surveys, Qualitative Methods, Historical and Comparative Methods and Quantitative Methods

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Quantitative Methods

• Yes, that means math• No, it won’t kill you

• We will use Excel• You can do these assignments in R for extra credit

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham


• Five assignments, worth 35% of your grade (7% each)• Due at the beginning of class. May be submitted ONLY in class.

• Late by 1 class period = 50% deduction. Later than that not accepted.• All homework must be typewritten.

• You may discuss answers with your classmates, but submitted work must be your own.

• If you discuss your homework with other students, you must list their names on your homework.

• DO NOT submit answers identical to other students. That will be considered cheating.

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Welcome to Social Research

• Social science involves bringing science to the land of amateurs. • Why are people homeless? vs Why does ice float?

• Sociology, political science, economics, social psychology, business...

• Social research skills are good for at least two things:• Making $$$• Saving the World

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

I keep saying that the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.

-- Hal Varian

Chief Economist at Google

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham


But I’m not training you in statistics




I’m training you in social research

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

Intergenerational Poverty

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Low SkillsLack of Education

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

Bad Health

No Access to Doctors Poor Nutrition

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today

Poverty Tomorrow

Bad Health

No Access to Doctors Poor Nutrition

Poor School Attendance

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Low Skills

Progresa: The Program

• Problem: An intergenerational cycle of poverty• Education, health, nutrition

• Progresa: Conditional cash transfer program, began in 1997 • Send your kids to school, get them to the health clinic for regular health

checkups, and you get $$ and food.• $50-65 per month (USD) -- up to $160 per family• Money is given to the mother

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

No Access to Doctors

Poor School Attendance

Bad Health

Poor Nutrition

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

Poor School Attendance

Bad Health

Poor Nutrition

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

Poor School Attendance

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Poverty Today Poverty Tomorrow

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham



But does it work that way?

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Progresa: The Evaluation

• Randomized evaluation conducted by the International Food Policy Research Institute

• Randomized at the community level. Control group received the “treatment” 18 months later.

• Children in “treated” communities did better• 20% school enrollment increase for girls, 10% increase for boys• 12% less illness for children under 5• Less malnutrition and stunted growth for children under 3.• Families spent 13% more on food, and ate a healthier diet.

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

Progresa: Some Questions

• What effect do you think the results of the Progresa evaluation had?• What would have happened if the Progresa evaluation had showed no effect?

• Could there have been any negative effects from doing an evaluation?

• What programs in the US are randomized?

• Is it ethical to randomize social programs?

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham

For Next Class

• Watch the first 15 minutes of a TED talk. See syllabus and my website.

• Also, there is an article about Progresa posted on my website if you are interested.

• All course info will be available on my website:•

IR 211: Introduction Benjamin Graham