ir -.- (j page i duplicat d uplicate2. p.o. box 20 4. expiration datenovember 30, 2001 route 15n and...

Ir -.- NRC r*RM 374 (J S.-NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION PAGE i 'OF, I PAGES. tL . ~- Amendmrznt No.4 -; D uplicate Duplicat - - . : ,< . .-.. ; ; . leu 7, . 8 0 ,Lcne' nube 37-28639-0ol1 1. BBA Nonwovens, Simpsonville, Inc. 2. P.O. Box 20 Route 15 and Hafer Road 4;, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 37 _ C In accordance with the hereby terminated. 2002, this license is I I C I1f~ For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Original signed by Kathy Dolce Modes Date April 22, 2002 By Kathy Dolce Modes Nuclear Materials Safety Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Saf ty W Dupligag 0 lou [ab te - Itqo russia, Pennsy vania Duplicate

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Page 1: Ir -.- (J PAGE I Duplicat D uplicate2. P.O. Box 20 4. Expiration dateNovember 30, 2001 Route 15N and Hafer Road ' 5. Docket No. 030s32U56 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Reference No

Ir -.-


tL .~- Amendmrznt No.4 -;

D uplicateDuplicat-Z. -. : ,< . .-.. ; ; .

leu 7, .8 0

,Lcne' nube 37-28639-0ol11. BBA Nonwovens, Simpsonville, Inc.

2. P.O. Box 20Route 15 and Hafer Road 4;,

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 37 _

CIn accordance with thehereby terminated.

2002, this license is



For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-Original signed by Kathy Dolce ModesDate April 22, 2002 By

Kathy Dolce ModesNuclear Materials Safety Branch 2Division of Nuclear Materials Saf ty

W Dupligag 0 lou [ab te- Itqo russia, Pennsy vaniaDuplicate

Page 2: Ir -.- (J PAGE I Duplicat D uplicate2. P.O. Box 20 4. Expiration dateNovember 30, 2001 Route 15N and Hafer Road ' 5. Docket No. 030s32U56 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Reference No

Il- - - __ -RC FORM 374 i' -< U A - 'OF` ;3AG.-E--A...


*MATERIALS LICENSE"Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438). and Title 10, 'C6de 'of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30, 31, 32. 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, and 70,'and in reliance on statements and representationsheretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire,' possess, and transfer byproduct,source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose(s) and at the place(s) designated below; to . ,

deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive It in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This licenseshall be deemed to contain the conditions specified In Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amn ded. and Is subject to all,'-'applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter In effect and to any conditions specifiedbelow. ----' ' - -

Licensee In accordance with the letter dated,

July 31, 1998, -'-

i. BBA Nonwovens, Simpsonville, Inc. 3. License number-37-28639-01 is amended in. Rk EE tfrti;ly to read as follows:

2. P.O. Box 20 4. Expiration dateNovember 30, 2001

Route 15N and Hafer Road ' 5. Docket No. 030s32U56

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Reference No. >1

6. Byproduct, source, and/or soeal 7 'ysi I 8. aflimum amount that licensee maynuclear material f possess at any one time under this

A. Krypton 85 ASbig u A. See Item 9. Not to exceed~ j200 millicuries per source and

c1uries total

9. Authorized use: IT

A. For possession and use in Kay Ray, Accuray, Ohmart, LFE1 Berthold Systems, Inc.,.Data Measurement Corp., Flow Measrment SystemrsnRonan Engineering orTexas Nuclear devices which have been e\luate'd and approved for licensing purposes and authorizedfor distribution under a license issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an Agreement State.


10. Licensed material may be used only at the licensee's facilities at Route 15N and Hafer Road, Lewisburg,Pennsylvania.

11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or underthe supervisin6rof,'Du'ane Eberhart, Robert Kremer,Charles Morgan, Scott Neuhard, Jeffrey Pahl, or J. Rogers.

B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is Duane Eberhart.

12. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not be opened or sourc removedfrom source holders or detector cells by the licensee. r9903160357 990204PDR ADOCK 03032156



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.Ucense Number --

3*1-28639-01 -g

MATERIALS LICENSE -- Docket or Reference Number;SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 030-32156

Amendment No. 03

13. Each gauge shall be tested for the proper operation of the on-off mechanism and indicator, if any, at no:longer than six-month intervals or at such longer intervals as specified by the manufacturer, not to-exceed' ;;3 years.

14. The licensee is authorized to transport licensed material in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR Part"71, "Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material." . -A '

15. A. Installation, initial radiation survey> rFjoFtio Rrm pValfrom service, or any similar activity withdevices containing licensed ma~e1 hall be perfo rie ry by persons specifically licensed by the'-7-Commission or an Agreenime ate to perform such servibsiThe licensee may initially mount the '-'device in accordance with@ritten instructions provided by the m-pufacturer, however, the device maynot be used until surve~Wed by a person specifically licensed by thbkmmission or an AgreementState to install gauge)s The licensee may repair the electronic equipment not associated with thesource or its shieldo.g . Do

B. Notwithstanding 1 Conditiogn 1 I.A., are authorized toB.Ntitsadigndiion persc des

perform external ea window rinentzand radiation surveys. 0

16. Prior to initial use andra'er in 7relo tismnment, ny other activity involvingthe source or removal of.the shieJ dng lienseesallassure fat a radi ical survey is performed todetermine radiation levelsaccebsibleare a'ro ddb'ove and1 eI~w the auge with the shutter open.This survey shall be per?&med d d totpkrfom such'services by the Commission oran Agreement State. A recrord of t ^ey u 1shall be maintained.

17. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventoryevery six months toiaccount for all sealed sources anddevices containing licensed material received and possessed~unde'r the license.

18. The licensee shall not acquire licensed material in a sealed source or in a device that contains a sealedsource unless the source or device has been registered with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission under10 CFR 32.210 or with an Agreement State.

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NRC FORM 374A;., . Z



- -. #¶!\-��- -'s..� -�

�.J,7. �PAGE�-�3� of �3'�PAGE5�


Ucense Number : .37-28639-01 -.--.-.

Docket or Reference Number _. -- -


Amendment No. 03 __ ̀f!-

'~ I.... - , I _'''' * _ a i

* . .. '-

.... .. ' -

19. Except as specifically provided'otherwise in this license, the licensee shall onduct its program in-....-.-".accordance with the statements, representatioris,- and-procedures contained in thefdocuments, irncluding ;any enclosures, listed below. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless thestatements, representations and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence are morerestrictive than the regulations. . ...... - -

_ _ ,. , - O .. , , ; Oe , . . ,._ .


Application dated March 13, 1991Letter dated May 10, 1991Letter dated July 15, 1991 'Letter dated September 24,91 rLetter dated March 9, 193OLetter dated July 31, 1i§e



7 . -, .. - ,...


k C


`<),- * -, Ir

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

- Original signed by Eric H. ReberDate February 4. 1999 By

Eric H. ReberNuclear Materials Safety Branch 2Division of Nuclear Materials SafetyRegion IKing of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406

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April 8. 1996 ; -;

VERATECATTN: Mr. DUANE EBERHARTRadiation Safety Officer --- - -

P.O. BOX 20RT. 15N AND HAFER ROADLEWISBURG. PA 17837 ' , -- .- _


Dear Mr. DUANE EBERHART - - -.

On January 16. 1996. the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) amended its regulations in 10 CFR 30. 40.and 70 to extend the expiration date of certain byproduct, source, and special nuclear material licensesby five years (61 FR 1109). The above referenced license was extended by this rulemaking and will nowexpire on November 30. 2001. Your license will not be amended to show this extended date until the nextroutine licensing action. Until then, you may provide copies of this letter to vendors and otherinterested parties as evidence that the license has been extended as a result of the rule.

The extended license authorizes the same activities and contains the same limitations as it previouslydid. There will be no change in the frequency that the NRC inspects activities authorized by thislicense.

The amended rules state that in the case of licensees who are granted extensions and who have a currentlypending renewal application for that extended license, the application will be considered withdrawn bythe licensee and any renewal fees paid by the licensee for that application will be refunded. This willapply to licenses with expiration dates after July 1. 1995. for which renewal applications and theappropriate fees have been submitted and the renewal is still pending. Refunds will be mailed tolicensees under separate cover.

All licensees, including those whose renewal applications were withdrawn by this rulemaking, who wish tochange their radiation safety programs must request amendment of their licenses to reflect thesechanges. Amendment requests must include the correct amendment fee since the NRC cannot apply pendingrenewal refund balances toward amendment fees.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the individual below.

Frank Costello. Chief Branch 3 - (610) 337-5275

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Donald A. Cool. DirectorDivision of Industrial and Medical Nuclear SafetyOffice of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards

Page 6: Ir -.- (J PAGE I Duplicat D uplicate2. P.O. Box 20 4. Expiration dateNovember 30, 2001 Route 15N and Hafer Road ' 5. Docket No. 030s32U56 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Reference No


v MATERIALS LICENSE Amendment-No. 02

_ Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act Of 1974 (Public Law 93-.438). and Title 10, Code O.\,' Federal Regulations, Chapter 1. Parts 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35, 36, 39. 40. and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made -

by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source,;nd special nucleart-material designated below. to use such material for the purpose(s) and at the place(s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to'persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Pan(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions

* specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations,-and orders or theaNuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

Licensee In accordance with the letter datedJune 22, 1995, - -

l Veratec 3.1LicenseNumber 37-28639-01 is amended inits entirety to read as follows:'

2. P.O0. Box 20Route 15N and Hafer Road 4.ExpirationDate Novemb'er 30, 1996Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 5. Docketor

.__ Reference No. 030-321566. Byproduct, Source, and/or

Special Nuclear Material7. Chemical and/or Physical

Form8. Maximum Amount that Licensee

May Possess at Any One TimeUnder This License

A. Krypton 85 A. Sealed sources A. See Item 9.exceed 120Cper sourcetotal

Not to) millicuriesand 12 curies

9. Authorized use

A. For possession and use inKay Ray-Accura, 'Ohmart,-iLFE, Berthold Systems, Inc.,Data Measurement Corp.,Fjlow Meas'urtemeht-Systems,- Ronan Engineering orTexas Nuclear devices which-have b-een"--valuated'and approved for licensing purposesand authorized for distribiution'under''a l'icense issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission or an Agreement State.


10. Licensed material may be used'only at the licen'see's facilities atRoute 15N and Hafer Road, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, D. Eberhart,J. Rogers or S. Neuhard.

B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is Duane Eberhart.

12. Sealed sources or detector cells-containing licensed material shall-not be opened orsources removed from source holders or detector cells by the licensee.

13. Each gauge shall be tested for the proper operation of the on-off mechanism andindicator, if any, at no longer than six-month intervals or at such longer intervalsas specified by the manufacturer, not to exceed 3 years.

14. The licensee is authorized to transport licensed material in accordance with theprovisions of 10 CFR Part 71, "Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material."

Pr. s, P ~ A 1 OP9510170276 950803 ^ -^ORD COPYPDR ADOCK 03032156 r- =--I r T 7C PDR

ML1Q( (\)\, !7 7*7 T .'~ T''IJ 77 **'7 *

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IR-rf--- . -- - - -

NRC Form374Ac. (584F




License number .- - . .-.

37-28639-01 'Docket or Reference number i

030:32l- .

Amrna~ntiont Nn_ -A9II- �-_

. I. .~

15. A. Installation, initial radiation surveys, relocation, removal from service, or -

any similar activity with devices containing licensed material shall-beperformed only by persons specifically licensed 'by the Commission 'or ann -Agreement State to perform such services.- -The Jlicensee may initially.mount the.-device in accordance with written instructionsa'provide'by the manufacturer;-however, the device may not be used until surveyed by'a person specificallylicensed by the Commission-or an Agreement State to install gauges. The-.licensee may repair .the' notia'ssociated..with the,'source or..-:,its shielding. -.-'.. -. ,

ditio.,15 et on - i9ae J rn,- 4:> - l

B. Notwithstanding Con in Condition 11.A.,.are authorized to perfotm~xt~enal -beta Thdo Sfleplacements"aidiradiatlon -

surveys. '-- -.

16. Prior to initial use and after installation, relocation, dismantling, alignment, orany other activity inviblving the source or removal of theshielding, the licenseeshall assure that aradiol.ogical survey is performed. to deteIi~ne radiation levelsaccessible areas arpqnd, ibov` d below the the sutter open.- Thissurvey shall be peiqfrmed o sons authoriA dto perform.such services by theCommission or an Agreement St- r'eco diof(th~ereisults oflthis survey shall bemaintained. _4-[/ ," \V f

17. The licensee shalY-condsealed sources and&devithe license.

t,'18. The licensee shall pot

that contains a sealed.the Nuclear Regulatory


f six months to account for allialireceive-d and possessed under

IZZr7'A t ki

acquX esi i _rate ] inaJ . sealed source or in a devicesource 6'ness/Aie turceworFdevice has been registered withCommission-undertf:O'CFR 32:210 or with an Agreement State.

19. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall conductits program in accordance withthe statements, representations, and procedurescontained in the documents, inc'udingg any.ericlosures, listed below. The NuclearRegulatory Commission's regulationstihal-l. govern unless the statements,representations and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence aremore restrictive than the regulations.


Application dated March 13, 1991Letter dated May 10, 1991Letter dated July 15, 1991.Letter dated September 24, 1991Letter dated March 9, 1993

AUG - 3 1995

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOriginal Signed By:

By JoAnn V. StambaughDateNuclear Materials Safety BranchRegion IKing of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406


Page 8: Ir -.- (J PAGE I Duplicat D uplicate2. P.O. Box 20 4. Expiration dateNovember 30, 2001 Route 15N and Hafer Road ' 5. Docket No. 030s32U56 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Reference No



Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10,'.I'Code of Federal Regulations. Chapter 1, Parts 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 39, 40 and 70. and in reliance on statements and epresentations'heretoforec-made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and specialnuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose(s) and at the place(s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such materialto persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditionsspecified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the NuclearRegulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.



x. Veratec 2P.O. Box 20

In accordance with letter dated- March 9, 1993,

3.Ucensenumber 37-28639-01 ls,-,amended inits entirety to read as follows:


2. Route 15N and Hafer RoadLewisburg, Pennsylvania

N m1be- - 19 6 .

Novdmber'30, 1996 - '--'',: '^

6. Byproduct, source, and/orspecial nuclear material

A. Krypton 85

nimum amount that licenseeI possess at any one timeer this license

A. See Item 9. Not toexdeed 1200 millicuriespfe)source and 12 curiestidal

9. Authorized use (

A. For possession aiData Measurementdevices which hasfor distributionAgreement State.

Id Systems, Inc.,ing or Texas Nuclear,poses and authorizedry Commission or an


10. Licensed material may be used * y'* t* l4+ as s facilities at Route 15N andHafer Road, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, J. Loss, J.Rogers or S. Neuhard.

B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this licenseis J. Loss. s.

12. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not be opened orsources removed from source holders or detector cells by the licensee.

13. A. Sealed sources and detector cells shall be tested for leakage and/or.contamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months or at such other intervals.asare specified by the certificate of-registration referred to in 10 CFR 32.210,not to exceed 3 years.

OFFICGIA RECORD COPY a 109310150211 930519PDR ADOCK 03032156C PDR, ,_, , _y

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I.. d. - -- __ '": 4' � -:. � - 17777 .7�_ .-�-- - --- - - - - - - _"T! NRC Form 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION -P A4E 2 . 4Ucense number

- 37-28639-01-MATERALS LCENSEDocket or Reference number


Amendment No. 01

(13. continued) CONDITIONS

B. Notwithstanding Paragraph A of this Condition, sealed sources designed to emitalpha particles shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervalsnot to exceed 3 months.

C. In the absence of a certificate from a transfebeen made within six months: prior to the transcell received from another person shall not be

D. Each sealed source fabricat rt eeconstruction defects,, Ad gara sealed source. t do,

E. Sealed sources

aror indicating that a test hasSfer, a sealed source or detectorput into use until tested.'

shall be inspected and tested for'i n prior to any use or transfer as

leak t ted if:

s or les sor

i of'beta a /or gamma emittingof/,a3pha erffltting material; or

(i) they

(ii) they


(iv) they contain imaterikair n1

(v) they ar 9t d&4hiij4t~ it l)1hparti '6• are 1ih storage, and are notbeing usa¶. Ho l mo from dDrage for use ortransfer at )esono / At vMt seen t s k within the requiredleak test \tttrval, thb y sKI1 befor se or transfer. No sealedsource or de3e)por cell sh m Lored for arb iod of more than 10 yearswithout being (ested for leakage and/or co Alibnation.

F. The test shall be capablexi ecting. te4resence of 0.005 microcurie ofradioactive material on the ts i I . Records of leak test results shall bekept in units of microcuries and shall be maintained for inspection by theCommission. If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or more ofremovable contamination, a report shall be filed with the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission and the source shall be removed from service anddecontaminated, repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commissionregulations. The report shall be filed within 5 days of the date the leak testresult is known with the U.S.-Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, Region I, ATTN:Chief, Nuclear-Materials Safety Branch, 475 Allendale Road, King of Prussia,Pennsylvania 19406. The report shall specify the source involved, the testresults, and corrective action taken.

G. The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by Accuray.Alternatively, tests for leakage and/or contamination may be performed bypersons specifically licensed by-the Commission or an Agreement State to performsuch services.


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i - - - - -- - le 'NW

F!1 , I IF 76"aw,

NWC Form 374A15-8.4)

U.S. NUCLM REGULATORY COMMISSION '- . Vanr - 3 Onr -4 : -P 1k


Ucense number^.- --- 37-28639-01 .: ;

Docket or Reference number030-32156 '

Amendment No. 01_


(Continued) CONDITIONS

14. Each gauge shall be tested for the proper operation of the-on-off-mechanism andindicator, if any, at no longer 'than six-monthzintervals:'o'r-at-:such longer,.intervalsas specified by the manufacturer, not to exceed 3 years. T' -_-

15. A. Installation, initial radiation surveys, relocation, removal from service, orany similar activity with devices containing -licensed material shall beperformed only by persons specifically licensed by the Commission-or anAgreement State to perform such services. The licensee may initially mount Udevice in accordance with wrAtMRn 1 ct'.the'rmanufacturer;however, the device may n 0stIeed b9Wytls.v yed by'a -person specificallylicensed by the Co mssao or an Agreement tltsko install'gauges. Thelicensee may repai 4 electronic equipment notl aociated with the source oiits shielding. sw {


.1 -


B. Notwithstandiiare authorize 4surveys.


16. Prior to initial ~ie and afte s all tlon, f eejatoon, dismany other activit % involving et the shirshall assure that-c radiolog - vey toidetenaround, above andJbelow t egUiiig . e hut ervopio)½ Thisperformed only by personj, K1 d 'yricesnAgreement State. C~ecori the J lShuch'Apv shac

17. The licensee shall NVductspi "ery 6 m nthssources and/or devic:'"reCeive the nyinventories shall be maiptained fo sfrom he dB f

18. The licensee shall not ac ire icensed material in aiealedthat contains a sealed source j1e th ehsource41r. device hasthe Nuclear Regulatory Commission *ider 10D R 32.210 or with

F in Condition 11.A.,fts and radiation

dattling, alignment, orde ing, the licenseee radiation levelsurvey shall bethe Commission or an

1 be maintained.

s to account for allse. Records ofeach inventory.

source or in a devicebeen registered withan Agreement State.


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A - - . 11 W W

NRC Fotrin374A(5*84)


- b. - 1- V, , ,F- 4 - - - --.

PACE . , -P 42i ~

-- - l e


. I : !

. . -7 I- -�� _'? . �_

License number_ 37-28639-01

Docket or Reference number . :- - - -

e t030-32156 - 01 >

-- Amendment No. 01 -'




Except as specifically provided''otherwise'in this license, the licensee shall conductits program in accordance with' th'e statements, representations, -and' procedures'-contained in the documents, including-'any enclosures, listed below. 'The NuclearRegulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the statements,representations and procedures *ln'the llcensee's application and correspondence aremore restrictive than the regulations`'.-;i;> -' ;-

A. Application dated March"13, 1991'-B. Letter dated May 10,j1991 . -RC. Letter dated July 15, 9 V19 I'

D. Letter dated Septembprl4, 1991E. Letter dated March: I1993


Co a<


r i

(O tV-'N .o

/,, v



leN- ****

MAY 19 1993For the U.S. Nuclear Re ulatory

OeigirallSTigneid Br.JoAnn V. Stambaugh



DateNuclear-Materials Safety BranchRegion IKing of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406


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____I ,;. , -, , :4,; I - I - .77 � --- - - -, , I __ -- z:- -� , - -, �, - . . . . I- - . - - � - I.. "U� .. - 11.

I I r I R- 'I

:t( I




. AT-E~tIA LICENSE - .. .:

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438). and Title 10.';Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1. Parts 30, 31. 32, 33, 34. 35, 39. 40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretoforemade by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and specialnuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose(s) and at the place(s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such materialto persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditionsspecified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the NuclearRegulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below. -


I. Veratec 3. License number 37-28639-01 i -P.O. Box 20 1

2. Route 15N and Hafer RoadLewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 4. Expiration date November 30,-1996 7

5. Docket orReference No 030-32156

6. Byproduct, source, and/orspecial nuclear material

A. Krypton 85

B. Strontium 90

* 7. Chemical and/or physicalform

A. Sealed sources

B. Sealed sources

8. Maximum amount that licenseemay possess at any one timeunder this license

A. See Item 9.Not to exceed 1200millicuries per sourceand 12 curies total

B. See Item 9.Not to exceed 70millicuries per sourceand 700 millicuriestotal

9. Autnorized use

A. and B. For possession and use in Kay Ray, Accuray, Ohmart, LFE, Berthold Systems,Inc., Data Measurement Corp., Flow Measurement Systems, Ronan Engineering orTexas Nuclear devices which have been evaluated and approved for licensingpurposes and authorized for distribution under a license issued by the NuclearRegulatory Commission or an Agreement State.


10. Licensed material may be used only-at the licensee's facilities at Route 15N andHafer Road, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of,J. Loss, J. Rogers or S. Neuhard.

B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is J. Loss.

12. Sealed sources or detector cells containing licensed material shall not beopened or sources removed from source holders or detector cells by the licensee.

13. A. Sealed sources and detector cells shall be tested for leakage and/orcontamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months or at such other inter alsas are specified by the certificate of registration referred to inl1QZSEX 32.210, not to exceed dI "I

Or- __ -9

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. .. -_ . . . . � -.- � - -1 ..- _L: .: - .�_ _. . . . -I - . -

r .-�E.

I I - -.i %mm=.NR- Oorm 374A'(5-84)



P . 2 , 'rPAS 1Lcense number

37-28639-01Docket or Reference numbe -.. .

030-32156 -

(13. continued) CONDITIONS -J". � - - -.1

B. Notwithstanding Paragraph A~of.this Condition, sealed sources.'designed to emitalpha particles shall'be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervalsnot to exceed 3 months.

C. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test-hasbeen made within six months prior to the transferi-a-sealed source or detectorcell received from another person shall not be put into use until tested.-

D. Each-sealed source fabricated&bitth R19risee shalltbe 'inspected and tested forconstruction defects, leak~g .?['rid tonb INaivJon prior to any use or transferas a sealed source. G '4

E. Sealed sources and~ditector cells need not be leak Beted if:

(i) they contain oAnyJbydrogen 3; or _--y

(ii) they con&i n only C

(iii)Wr- ~l I o(iii) the hal f-ife of t pe -A%'36 diI 1ess; or ~

( iv) they coni4in nomuro ' 1 -micr. of beta aa-7or gamma emittingmaterial r npha emAitting material; or

(v) they are rnt die to s iha a rtic if are jrlstorage, and are notbeing used. -o oye('from storage for use ortransfer tod'nothetperson,, be . een testd within the requiredleak test interval, they shall'e' est eforehre or transfer. Nosealed sourc&e'p detector ce&1lisha1l be stored-far a period of more than10 years without'being tested for leakage a n b& contamination.

F. The test shall be capable 4l-detecting the pitsence of 0.005 microcurie ofradioactive material on the teisHemsleZ< Records of leak test results shall bekept in units of microcuries and shall be maintained for inspection by theCommission. If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or more ofremovable contamination, a report shall be filed with the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission and the source shall be removed from service anddecontaminated, repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commissionregulations. The report shall be filed within 5 days of the date the leak testresult is known with-the U.S.-Nuclear-Regulatoryo-Commission, Region I, ATTN:Chief, Nuclear Materials Safety Branch, 475 Allendale Road, King of Prussia,Pennsylvania 19406. The report shall specify the source involved, the testresults, and corrective action taken.

G. The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis byAccuray. Alternatively, tests for leakage and/or contamination may beperformed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an AgreementState to perform such services.

14. Each gauge shall be tested for the proper operation of the on-off mechanism andindicator, if any, at no longer than six-month intervals or at such longer intervalsas specified by the manufacturer, not to exceed 3 years.

7_qVM_%0Z!NM - -

Page 14: Ir -.- (J PAGE I Duplicat D uplicate2. P.O. Box 20 4. Expiration dateNovember 30, 2001 Route 15N and Hafer Road ' 5. Docket No. 030s32U56 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Reference No


(584) - Ucense number -

MATERIALS LICENSESUPPLEMENTARY SHEET .Docket or Reference number:030-32156.

(Continued) CONDITIONS ' -i

15. A. Installation, initial radiation surveys, relocation,-removal fr'o'm.' oervice',or any similar activity with devices containing licensed material shall beperformed only by persons specifically licensed by the Conmission.or an-Agreement State to perform such services.' The licens'ee may'iritiallynmount the,device in accordance with written inst'ructions-provided by them'anufa'cturer;however, the device may not be usedijntil surveyed by aperson specif1&al1y a

licensed by the Commission or an Agreement State to install auges.'' The'licensee may repair the electronic equipment-not associated-withL-thesourceor .its shielding. '1 REGI

B. Notwithstanding Condit i those persons ignated in 'Condition 11.A.,are authorized to per Wm external-beta window rieh t ents and radiation.surveys. N.)

16. Prior to initial use., andter installation, relocati Mn hAntling, alignment,or any other activi~t-Pinvo6 i the source or removed theshielding, the --licensee shall ass&& that &~ifltlogical surveyA "formed tg determineradiation levels ascund, abov-I 'belo< be gn 6 the sKutter open.This survey shallh performed )by b - s zed to perform such services bythe Coniission or~ Agreement e. ~rseo d) results"-C this survey shallbe maintained. s- y

17. The licensee shalJ ondu A h{ e \fVery nth sZb account for allsources and/or deviees ret ;.'and < der t icen Records ofinventories shall be-naint f fi ate inventory.

18. The licensee shall not"acquire litensedIateg a1ya sea4ed~source or in a devicethat contains a sealedsoyrce unless ourceor'device . s been registered withthe Nuclear Regulatory Coimission under-4 CFR 32.210,%with an Agreement State.

19. Except as specifically provided,1therwise in thisjicense, the licensee shallconduct its program in accordance wir tpts'ftements, representations, andprocedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. TheNuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the statements,representations and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence aremore restrictive than the regulations.


Application dated March 13, 1991Letter dated May 10,-1991Letter dated July 15, 1991Letter dated September 24, 1991

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionOriginal Signed By:

r% _ Anthony S. KirkwoodDate

NOV2 3 iluclear Mat1e1iaf� Satety branch

Nuclsear mat iars satety branct;Region I tIKing of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406


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