ir^hl^briaaftcr - 21/saratoga springs...forward most freely did the argus en courage volunteering ?...

I- jHi L ";' Inloii S|ai« «'»uvre»«le>ai -. ^ ... .'•!!!:. «.! f-. k CnluU Male Cuniu,ttu»a> Laid ••olu-.uiit wan ;ndoi>U»c: •••'- -i "• * * ,- -*«w«M*»rt« ¥u»i'tk l Lui4uu sHaie Couvauuoli be Laid, Mjsy/autiiiv. u " WeinttdaY, tue ntt aw or tsepuiiu- \?i 1*4 i t w e'llon, noon, for the udtotaAUi* of vivcnvr, L*4U iu*!U-uovurnw. i anal U«aiialalmi. i», I .pastor oi t»i..iv Ptiaous.aud au t'aacnirnj TtaAas. ffa I«WI«B|BMPh/Ho StatAOf {few YOU wiu •< *«rs'iUua»o«u<sluouaJ unlnmuiiw ol the Psusto « It .... af*?** .. • ; 4tor Coasts!*tm Ma|t*p"'*W" l y l hTirW, »•> \ ! » .'r •!!* WSJ aud si) »JH and, Wtl<ii«ut i ,WM, ,IK. .\iini to sood Iruu euoa AMK'iaOly l>|a- .1 1 , u .-r -:c t< gal -, lu .ruruwUl UtVW lUMHiUk . c.iiui.;, UMi«iguui» to oe chosen at Cojivauitous Mlil.SWIJ.l, it. ti. ai i-.v\ AU;, OHAUXIW JUNKS, I'UrtNK UK' H U, J.U-UUJSKAU.. Wj«,S 1 INlJULJN, yviu.iAM «,*•" ' J " v. u.vmm JAUb.SC JACKSON, ttlUhiu yl.fcAN.iN, J'THfl A. &fH>K, Ol^AKK U. TUACV, .\A£Jua.L.*/'t DA&1U8 V BttK 1 UKtLUii, DARIUS V BktKKV, J. 1J. UOHM, hUti FIELD, Union tjiui.ii OommtUee. i lliOU CuUVCUIitfU 1M»|. H o . I . Mtou ui the lm A.«*emblv afmu^m, witl Oc tmi# «i t#*>4-^ J^-U .iSOtitlBtrttt Con ''uijrt ltblue, ,n tj;c village ol liallblou Spa, OU TlitUeV d»\ (be Ui d;- v of Sc|Ment>w next, at ** u'eiioefe, P. jh,.^ ItJf l!as-p-att*we» •* * tw^a*****,;. UlttLt a« ^jjuie.- iu itpifc ..- .i I iuUli Milt. l^iyUVcjij I4uil W fa' ^ - !< -\. i,.. .( . .if u ) ui tiepicttibt-i iit-xt, lor ::u;'.Gu < f c jilc u&iiCJLn- -kiao,, lu iliouttti ijve ^tn- - \r-uu*&.ii*iUi*.Mi iiuuu uuit a • amiiiluit; lur IlteiuUcr ^j'C'vu*!rp(ia:iuf lue jtubf i,*ugtif*qi\>u*i anuria,,, 'i ," i nn>U EN"iwtt o| «H«ftlown in tblt AsetcmbEj UiV id ii*mmil$et*u to scitfl lUr«« UflegatDd ^o rtipre i; i <. i. »> K O. V i.\ I/LUV OK J ui Hi. ui iii \ oral u.'wiii o*>iap«i*ii)g >! biiratwgtt (-UUIUJ , ajirj > ,.u 0.ri»ire , Ut uuo^litlL- L'ui.'ii, lliufcuprennjkcyul ._ L «».<.">'<-"*£ ft'L'tfi ' v u , >Wl-, Uiv caUee lUu#uof» bj v v'rjnh ','•: , u.i J u l u]'t JUL: lA.'.t.'l.l Uii.'tt!ii*, utt* Hi. V„ e,t- ij r., ,.a liiix-. deloyu s Ii .m e»,cft cl llu-ir iO»j,,a r iai-HfWiJJ I.- Uii'^iU 1* ». UUVOUllUU 10 In- {iK-'idt l •V-- = H ( ,: i*A:^*U -U. L*SiJ LTU, WJJ h i iUii> , JS«|>t. Lu BUM., . Jjiy^alei- to The State and t'uiJgrw*. public ipMker to > cr, c le of bit friendt, at one of tho hot_' J i QQ the day of the MV«^ AVM twatiMBto,, JaJbneo Dtvto it »ry. 1M of the libtfUea ol our coun tad he mu»i tod atitll tucetcd. I told WWJ—IIWI tn ibis noiwMtfi-twd fet Mid t 'Mr. -«,-. /iim<nt»<« «/ U,*«w •«*«< c a n / • > > / •» Nww§wiMfc«4»iw «*• F^« V •grnvtut «M, am) lb* Administration bave ilia flrtWH 11* o*cA MMM* »l#wl*m«D, we ha** fol lu tl*p Uu» wai /l m u t t btaliy<^<<. Ami, i! OU Abe ahould i w l l y be elected, w. have (ol to raiae * C4tunlc< - revolution, end Afar Uuuw the Vh»a«.furacil abolitwo horde" Here wo htve tho retl views, i'oul- twge ,j>wd jmrpoatm i i t J t s . £fi»«_toep^ with wkoei, it flwemt, Gov. Seymour •japkUilye.. tl«ui<U he Lit not j e t d*r»d opeuly to identify himself with *h»*. Tb« triumph of Jofi. D»rii U, the object at which th&y eim; tod if they oaouot aid bin by the election of a ditloyal President, theu they propose to iutugurito a Kuvolution in the North, nod fulfil tho promise of Ex-Preiide-ut Pierce, to " bring civil war to oar very doors." This is what the Order of the "&oa» of Liberty" meant, and tho se- cret arming of disloyal men throughout the North. Is it possible that the peo- ple can longer be blind to these revo- lt lion t 1 A gentleman now in this village, and recently from Now Orleans, states that intelligent rebel sympathizers there say that the Peace men of the North have encouraged the rebel leaders to hold on until after the Presidential election, promisingfthwYt if the I^emooraey are successful, the "independence'' of the South shall be recognised. If Lincoln is re-elected, tbey admit that the rebel- lion will collapse, unless aided outside of the Confederate States. So the evi- dence accumulates on all hands of a de- sign to betray the North. degr exal| B*k0&mmm o»—» the i»dio*> tious were most aoitptoioM, and many of our shrewdest citiseos were led to pre fore. But MOB after, clouds began to gafheFip the ^ua^o^ V^^^^re- fh« miuui upon gold J ^ e g DAftUJ one hu»- ' dmd per <Mnt* 'm#kfM*e»n*,at tbT tndoBnite results of the great campaign of^the Army of tho Potomac, and the coufidouce of the bpldest was shaken by this untoward condition of affairs. All i 'Vt>\vu Vtittvus- •08 re 11 fr . t. 8 HUTtiiS, u J. HliU-i^U, D.nU.ct Couimiiryi'. ---:.'! i-atoiru SprtiigSr >! ;\ t')W!. of Saratoga Sprintfgi .; ii, Hieir hoirlitily 10 (TIP ens, ~w... !., iuui'l »L iilotFoputuaB J :..,jj 5.IJ . 1, lu »J4>Oll)l d e l * •j ^i^ in't Cuiivuution, aiid LO i- Cjf l,lj«l ui Wic Ulill/ii lowo C'oinmlHee. i u a , «ri> A -.- TO OIR PATROL *.• iit:c of TIic fc <iratOijian # a p e r " i'; 11'. At.iR we 'i re ( rr.p-jlleJ to raise rtie tub- *...i,«uli prx'.-vl lua .~>AHA!'JiiiA«. Within >-i^.it i . < k s *nst tt.<: TiTjc* of white paper haa i. i :i. :. ; :j to ;i\} i.cnli per pound, and the cor r,t I,, teoi f o o d kbd Clothing Wve io- cjeasrijin atiil greater proportion. We muat, ^i^n.'/u;e, (t(U*et , laisje PHI ratea, or aiop (jirtu.iii;, '. r w y-arts at'o. (*T of wi.ite paper was IP cents per poun 5—. ';• . ». ;-••'..:,-rf e f f h e p«- '-~- > --. —». . *.. <*>»' Oi IdiiOl, JooU iUid c-ioin-..g v\m pTO[-o l'lnftiy'low. Tben. we «.!),•; -,-dl T H S KMAT'CIAN at ?T per year, e.V'.- • er ; ::.jt. 13 ii now. -.ti .. ;. . Auguat, i/ist., our (i in-, ,• ; f l-M "11 , T TP c v HI .K ;^'J iii-- ? •-/-! •,.. ,. ; - p , iJi«.w &bie l H '.rill M^'.f . .... nl p e r " i t ^>_.;! y ' I ' - ''' - • ... ' . j e i. M V. f.V , . - , ** r ie. 1 ,«t } \ -c t.-. \ *i ;. fin i • * "1 ' ' :.e l.i, 1,* i U-« ! 1'iH .^ i .... 1. i Ben r npT l. Mail, RntOffice (1 *2.»S to Tillage ue Carrier. olu rates al ihe eai- »•• d trust lhat our and lielp To lustalll r.g '.he present peri- 1 is i,ul quite is »/-arre)y sufflrieot , i i * y nr-ws, local ; i r- 8oi.", 'Jetails .ii. "Ur regiments in rertnmly never was v a» more imlispen- cr. 'eevir to make ours The llypocritical Ai|jii». The Albany Argus, commenting up- on the necessity of a draft at this time in order to secure recruits for the army, breaks out in the following strain : The lime was when the people flocked to sustain a "War for the Union" pulsion, bounty, or prospect ot reward. The highways were filled with patriotic men, reaily and willing to peril their lives for the main- l*Hiat>ea*oHjjje Union! Whole regiments vol- unteered in a^weck's time, composed of eager, and earnest men, who were anxious to make a speedy end ol a contest in which tbey felt (he safety and honor of their country was im- pel rilled. Then it W M announced by Con- gress, that it was a W i t r o * THE UNIOM, and tor the MAIMTKNANCE O F T H E UOSSTITV- TJON. At the time when volunteers came forward most freely did the Argus en- courage volunteering ? Did it then ap- prove the policy and conduct of the Ad- ministration » Not at all. The Argus is no more bitter to-day than it has been ever since the War commenced, jn op- posing and misrepresenting the Govern- oould see that the moneyed aud eom leyed 1sm mercial classes would tained at home to watch the varying tide of stoek and property values, and that many others would Be deterred from their usual summer trip by the greatly increased cost of tho coveted enjoyment. Bat the'fears of failure, based upon these self-evident facta, have not been realised. While we hawe had better seasons—a more numerous eompanjf, perhaps, ouoe, or twipe^jret wjl, here OO doub( that our [Society's prosperity in 1864 is fully equal to the average of the five previous yean. Un- der all the circumstances this wOl be aooepted as a nemarkable success*-for, ii proves that bowcreT greet ehe dietur* banees in the financial world—however fluotuatiing the values orprdpwrty--^irow> ever depressed the public heart by na- tional difficulties and dangers—-there are still people enough who oan, and will, avail themselves of the pleasure8 and benefits of a summer sojourn in Saratoga, to give assurance of constant growth and increasing prosperity to our village. It is entirely safe, therefore, to carry into effect any projects enter- tained to add to the beauty, or Increase the attractions, of this famous watering- place. T H E COPJPERHEAD NATIONAL GONVSN- TION met at Chicago on Monday morning at 11 o'clock, and was appropriately called to order by August Belmont, Ex- Austrian Consul at New York and nephew by marriage of the traitor John Slidell, on whose motion Ex-Gov. Bigler of Pa. was made temporary Chairman. Gov. B. on taking the chair made a brief address, in the course of which he re- marked: "The torminatie* «f Demo- cratic rule in this country was the* etfd of peaceful relations between the States and the people"—-which everybody knows is « flagrant and unblushing false- hood, Seoessien and Revolution hawing their origin under a Democratic Admin- istration, one-half the Democrats array- ing themselves against the Government, with the tacit consent of, the remainder. A resolution to allow delegates from rVUu •t tii»mH. of t veiy Bita- el4tjt*rvar, who, at art aware, wes held at far thirteen asewchetotee ving bean tie* of sis Vjuae, * and vkunly events winch took ho story ol hi tufa!jnft oi himself aud fallow-prisuutrt at the •anils oi tho tscttsioo bauds, tad ait flail glad welcoming of htwiiTtifirtt, was all lis , • . ,an—cg* . .ileal aOeyejattetejtjga >rfM«r'« Until. 7V D*t,ftt1*d vn (k* ilip w%U tat A«.ta|jay ..,.«.•^^ir^HL^Briaaftcr - addrott, The Lituteoaiit was [Fair and Cattle Show of Bunty AgrleuitUTwl sjo- ,Tue«ia» vfedeitedev I l k ! dSXL I I V V i V n '• «sf«iajWBB^BJW^B^»SBjajgfa^Bg| fB^BWjaagaj^ayaaBagjaj rtday oT next ww«.f- K •" iofamoof and dishonorable •"SltfMHuBeWwWei Tuesday Will be ide- to the enter log and to hit iuvation of Pau J% leiissTr iruni M, 3011. W.llace. oar line* tho Cup-. , and the owing to threatened m h tvo., aays ibis was the meat quiet day la some weeks, not a guo, i»iasliia| iort|. O^r lost U Thursday's battle e W t K » o then a t d {; ulueguns. !• It was tbt iftltbFtns sod not lMih If- Y„ which ctptdrod the battle tag ol the inn. the and articlet for o i - to all WW* ^toombort of the SoeHcty, offioetfj and' ethtbitort. Wednesday, Thursday iwi* Friday Will be devoted to the cihibitJwo. The gates will be opened at 8 el' eV., ttlft-'olbsed at 6 p'to'.' At 2 pi. m, of the fourth day, the Annual Ad- dross will be delivered by Hon. VS. Bs- WARDS ? President of the Society. A suffioieni pofico force will be'iu atteu- danoe to preserve order, enforce the ons and protoct its fi» as possible the property of exhibitors, night and day, to the close of the Fair. At the close of the exhibition, there will bo ft triM 0f ipecd of prize horses, under ihajlujeJiiiii nf the Aks&kiMsm&k .... .... I a%»|* ] " ' ro-etocrton of AbrstMte traetla to the 1 preti- Wttt aeiti meant :ei cjrwtkeWtba rsetj- lion tad eacia. | tho- war, aad fortmyod the dUhttritning effratjthM «|mfAc«ld hare, on tilt people of the 3outb, as their only romaitj- mg hope MM In the election to the presidential eb|ir oi tome one of their ••friends"—in the eelection of soma member of tat "rttee" or- ganuatiou to represent'their views tad do their bidding, and work at Waahingten ia the place of tbe present uicombsnt. Tbis stnte- iiient, coming from oiia WAV hat Ltd an iuside view of the rebellion for over a year, and who Is eogniunt IJOHB personal knowledge and ex- perience of facta and circumstance* which prove the truth of bis aaaeitiona, it deserving; oI great weight in the consideration of ovtry intelligent voter. , .. ,1. , Lieut. Robent closed bit tromarkt (which were followed by hearty applause) with an eloquent appeal : to hit fellowicltizent ' tio tendent. •" UiW2mm*TB of the:€o^brtofc4^? wle l:* 0 •* ^jiSStJ^i ^ oa9 l A i >'*-•• , '. Kiel* influence, or rtjseir. 8W4>rdt, thai cause dt forward the 1 - choice prodticts of their farms, and their finest animals ; let tie Ladies bring specimens oil their handy- work, anddeok Floral rfalf wifhlliei^iii- ful FfoWers"; and let the Mechanics displajf > dlr%knifoU creatio^aof their ingenious "labor. The citizens of our own villige, and especially its Business Men, ought to take a deep interest in helping »1OB| the Fair ; and itjs tote hoped that they will lose no time,in taking .sueV'iteps as will te,nd to make it a success. ment, and no more industrious in N f * • Territories andfron>SonAtni Statea 'Will t (I i' .A. II ..«•!{. |>:tvi« ©si Peace. :•'" it'erri' w -with Mr. Gilliborc t ' e •.*•* wor-ls of Jeff i. ' ' - \ v ore . ... . .riT, ire. that 1 shall 1 ' , . ...*' iPC i'. r i.ropopals for 1 PXI«II« ^I T'R I V"!'t'PNT>Ff»(H. It :;. about a n i n t h *g° , .j' r iv. rnt- to hold .. UrmUf btiii :it. ;.o t..-:pcnse of two (iiini'i)« a ua_ (imitig an ' nrrnistice,' tor it ' MTifTiA « t'' "r.t n 'inting'' with -f IVivic : X\\,r In the j mean' 1 Arc ii. j at'Uuus to give the reLcLs time to »i.<( t, uf iriui* eo ullage 'Usiy, or do they prrrpo/sr ft, ar ncrt ,iptT> t^rrns, and Com- mfrtAti nfgtlffuttftV; "fin (he basis* rjf Southorrj ,r '\u'3<*P'•'^^d , orl:•e'"' , Tf'c Trt'liatiapolis Journal of August 2,';L dates that Col, T W.Thompson, Protott ILiislial of the 7th Congres- nmTtl Distrieh, on V inrsHty nfternoon, nr'tfd from a Ftilorm^fcnwper in Tcrre I'nuto, who is n prominent mernber of the "Sons of Liberty," fifty-six kega, co.'iteinicg si&ecn ^u^fhed pounds o/ pouittr, which hnd boon purchased for tho use of members e4 that treasonable / rdoT,>nct 'wai/ m %ifebt " f <fe^fened R>r .vullivan county. n.-it.D—T{rc Unrolling Board of this district will not make cuay more exam- faatJons of p'ersotM claiming to be ea> gesting arguments to dampen the pa- triotic ardor of the people. At the very time of which it speaks, when volunteer- ing was most active, tho Argus came out in favor of a " draft." A few months later, when volunteering fell off, and the Government ordered a draft, the Argus denounced it as "unnecessary !" And uow, after more than three years of war, when labor is scarce, and busi- ness intensely active, the Argus bra- zenly asserts that if the war had been differently managed, volunteers would be plenteous, and there would be no oc- casion for the draft. Out upon the canting, prevaricating hypocrite! Shame on this persistent, cowardly habit of stabbing the Union cause under baseless pretexts ! If the Argus is to carry the heart of a rebel, let it act a manly part, and don the rebel uniform altogether. PRESIDENT PIERCE O N T H E REBELLION. With regard to the propriety of ex-Pre- sident Pierce becoming the nominee at Chicago, the Biblical Recorder publishes the following note from the Rev. Mr. Pratehard of Raleigh, N. C : 'Last spring a prominent member of the church of which I was pasti.r, in Baltimore, met at (he j3t. Nicholas Hotel, in N e w York, ex-President Pierce. Mr. Tierce manifested *he warmest sympathy lor the South in thin struggle lor independence, declared that the only hope for freedom on this continent was in the iiwcess of the South, that ohl as he was, he should bave been in the ConfedVtate army but tor the health of his wife, and that 'he deeired no higher earthly honor than to be a private in the ranks ol the Southern army. Ex-President Pierce was the chair- man of the Democratic State Conven- tion of New Hampshire last year. Com- ment TO "Unnecessary. STRAWOB PEACK Door*r»E.—Mr. Joel Rogers, of Jefferson county, was one of the Speakers at the Syracuse Peace Convention, in alluding to the Draft he told his hearers that if the United States Officers came to their houses to enforce ft, to "Bky them on the spot." These are the teachings of the apostles of Penew—the harmless creature* who hare such a horror of shedding blood.— it is all wrowaj to make war on the rebels who «rctoytogr^ daatroyfteTJAioB^but M PWKV% M# Wt*as*VVt 1 *>*> *a B HVVVtMr* W^ "V«SaMeVej%«tff &«>*># the United Statof. Ji *!•! the Peace which eke loyal people of the North are invited to participate la * ma annual report on the railway* in India for 1864 shows that 2,887 miU- •rWiiaf•JMNadw m now ia% cxwefiid to etitrttoing * *jb*U*ot»s asd "a4# W*3t rffl The W.TCI imm m mm t*; Ul l»JM • ' 0 if»t ^ »it»rw "e'» '<**hfF* «Wr a* >«rit«tria mm to to««t<*it £8,8«0,00O hate bean c x ^ ^ e d U tho work daring Ac fttat wwile the whoto ewaissl rtotad tor the fm tf|toT>« taw t mi,i jpr, ** ^**i»# qt Wif^i*|ew aHiKBl* rtfawo •41 mil ii9*>'lij«it» lw.4, to sit in the Convention, hut not to vote, was sent to the Committee on Creden- tials. Committees on Organisation, on Credentials, and on Resolutions, con- sisting of one from each State, were ap- pointed. Vallandigham represents,Ohio in the platform committee. None of the opening speeches even alluded to the existence of a rebellion against the General Government The only danger, in the opinion of the speak- ers, threatening the Union and our free institutions, is the exclusion of the "pa- triotic" Democracy from power. The war was called an " unhappy difficulty," Gov Hunt, of N. Y., introduced a re- solution declaring unswerving fidelity to tho Union and Constitution, and recom- mending nn armistice and a Convention to amendHhe Constitution so as to "en- sure to each State the enjoyment of ail its rights." fls this "unswervingfidelity to the Constitution" " as it is?"] Mr Long, of Ohio, offered a resolu- tion for a Committee of ono from eaeh State, to wait on President Lincoln and ask him to suspend the draft, untH the people have an opportunity in Novem- lor to decide the question of Peace or War. Mr; Priee, of Mo., wanted the CotJ. vention to pledge their "lives, fortunes and sacred honors" to vindicate the freedom of the baliot-box in any State where it may be assailed. These resolutions were all sent to the platform committee, which is said to stand 12 for Peace to 11 non-committal. Ii seems to be conceded that Mo- delta* will be nominated and put Upon a Peace platform. Hii nomination, there- fore, will be due to the fact that he has ih* word "General" prefixed to his name and has been at the bead of she army, in the belief that tamest war men can be induced to give him their votes; while the principles he represents and the iftfimeneet which amrround him, will be of the Peace Copperhead stamp. It is possible that a few loyal and patriotic men oan be swindled out of their rates to that way, but it will bene compliment to their intelligence Htsrmy laaportam Order-Uead ,. j ;. .'t :,i ( atta Act* ' ) .„..,.. J > «pVO.ST,#UMBA(.'s OlTFlolS.j ) ' 18TH CONO.DWT., N. Y. " }• 1 '«: ; t J.^t,«.-»8hfin<actady,, 'Wfcffc Sirf—T^o. R o w i n g e p p y pj> circular, wet received hy me on the 2SUb inst.; Circular No. 120. Inform the Supervisors o f yo«r Tawat that ibe City and County ol N»w Xork^Ljfiaacl.tio) ol credit to some twenty- five thousand (85,000) enlistments in the Na- vy, made during tot period commencing April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-onn, pBglj and terminating February twenty-four, Ugttesw hundred ami iiity-four, flSM.) It is presumed th»f. a large number oi these ealtat- menu are rVoiri the interior towps. The gu- porvitoW should 'immediately canvass their **FWr* 0 4f!f'^ t f W«. M, comraisaiootr Jor the adjustment of those claims, evidence of the resi- etBBe of any ptrtont Who b*v« errtertd the period mentioned, in order to receive the pro- per credit, if' entitlea Wit. ' Tttts' thbuld %e /ione .without, t mfment!t,(dejirf,, i,. , .; i, (Signed) / FRABflrTowNSEND, ! y * UCti. ausd .'Ptov» afar: «etfi.' The above order is ol the utmost impor- taaca,t«d a^ao^ds isaaoediale attetatiow. *f tbe local aolhoiiiies. Tfwre are hundreds at men who have gone frpn? tb^s district and enMtted in the Navy whost ,credit is claimed by New Yortr'city. it is urgert'ly rejjueated that per- sons throughout the* district, Having kriow- ledge of tbe enlistment in the Navy ot men resident in their vioinita, should instantly g o t o tbe^ptrvisor of their,|^n and rflportthe fact, so that the towtf can get the credit; oth- erwise it will enure to the benefit of kew York city. Act promptiy'de/d Without delay. .... . i $ t p ; . J'TJTLElIt , Capt, and Pr«v„^ar. lgtb Dist. X. Y. hnw v parrrmnenlly organized, with Gov. Seymour, of FT. YJm President. ss^w/ms^g. The platform, consisting of six raaeintiona, watrooflaad adopted. It callstortn imtoediata toeaitson ef hostilities, to b* followed br> eow '•mt* of fVo Stat-, ftotatog Umpjtm ^^ ' MV " S * .. atjgjjsjaa hare aces/cc Seratotra ttow ei i ^ A . n d Mort^Jsjgajt/J I l J^?>*W< ! rt# fcfawato***, m,F**« VeCldlcji at a Mm Maryland l^ mr * .#t.tfi: •nrormation Wanted—Twenty Dollana Beward. SARATOGA Sp«"rifiis; Sttpervtiofi Office. 'The city of New-^OrkUt *OW putting forth a claim to be credited oa the draft far all the teamen who have enhated at that por>» Mtov of these men are from the interior coijinljes, and some from the town of Saratoga Springs. TWtenty dollars rewird'w'ifl'be'paid for infor-, mation of any perto4rb<ir)g « tokldcbt of this town, who has enlisted into the naval service of th« United State* ainoa April, ISi.l. The information must b»cjflUuonUy accurate to en able the Supervisor'to mtitt a proper claim lor the credit or such person to this town. 'Ihose desiung to (rnlitt in the natal service will be furnished with information aneTtraiit*- portation to N e w tiHt cft^, which i s th< nearest point where nt!t*l tecVults cab be mns tend in. 0»A«. S. LESTER, Ai0*i«O7, I864 k if, b!,ij(iMtuBup«Kvisor.. THE 2D enectac tor from the oaitui i Till. ,.,- ( r,, v ,wmx—Tb» Sohcnectady Star aasumes to give a let ;jM Tftoran ,^ralry," signed by "W. t.M^^M,wbioh the writer speaks^^ jpT>M New Or- leans on a U. a. tranepprt, and landing at City Point, on ^ e , fapef,, rjyer, (where they skirmished with the enemy on the 25th and*2«ra^ysoT iJulttSW Were afterwards trantrVrreVI to the^north Potomac to operato elptlksflEarly: There must be some mittakV about this, at the 2d Veterans were Cwfcgod in a fight at Morganxia, on thtf j HlWc.ippf, on the 28th of July, in whi.h Obi. ChryiMr Was wounded Wcaw« inclined to think the letter was written by a mecaber of the4&8d. .rwjtfi?-. . .H .( .. .n. t ,l i Mr. Chequer atatoa that in the fight on James river Isjgagj^tji bat sixty SMO. Jiilled, trowAd^a*4|itTi#Btog. and g "• ~ : -iing. tsfcs fcll iate 1st nan ""* ..—,___ ' mf% hands, wart Lwffa.H. Bosa aud '"^^^^ ^A^k^x^i^xq^m LAtaa.-On TMir> tto Convention wa. Valtor Smith, \#W3^*£W: *****#-*«. ' ^ **OP ' ' , '"*" ' . •*»•}% ytfWn.-iT- ', ,• - I I .Mtfactew W&AaAirootJUsi v ..i-»ni.i. UfrS^i, CMtwr.r or CAaTrJni^-Tie late night run to Schenwtad^l^lptWfl'bsulea Ot, The freight and aaaWatodation train JMOr,«., paaaenger train •vm i«fndAi*"-M»»>'* »rf 3 s«i i^m^H ma •WWW S'f fetw»>W-**»"»«^»i>t » ; 43»"l « w+M*t" . , .. .»..- if***- 91 w t r x y * i n t itfiirtrtrik swt u^nmt j bit BBsaattAh if •"^^^SBTt^C^t^gSjaaB^^jaaj ^ T7t»t, who toeww etowly ttvMww *"»*»" ^-' r ^jrzx^^ftSSH^M Adviott from Key West to the 18th state' Ota, Woodtory; commatder of farces taort.« diodofyellowatver. .:,•„•..,•. r>- ,•;.»*.. ! »'i»t;u»s i t> »•.•, .. -'ifiaarruatj-ia.' > J ; jDNj* i ex'c)*amrJl»t nrcvaUs iu WatoviUc to- day io conaoquenct of a rumor that the city is to b* attacked by Wbotltr in force. Rumor gives bitforce;at 4i-e>aai»to 8Q00 men and jp '«WOt. .»>,'-..; ... ,,)!..; : | ( LATER.—JobnsOA hat received a despatch sigued X. K. Smm, CcL <tomi»to|ipk dated (iallatin, IlUth, staUng the news IroiiiLebauon •iw t) .se- thta marning, trthat Sen. ifoitigan W% in WbeeJtr'iJraoot. ,, M ., •;. '..',.•. ..',v I BALTIMOBI, 80th. j The Jfassrwaw hw advises dated Wtb, tUUog that Oen. Quttar'a biigade of Cavalry, with Capt t Raatftfs battery of Artillery, was moved aorosa Opequan about a mile beyond ^^ l *te&jmp¥Jt «n»k»«W ». <«e»n- noitanee to Bunker HilL They had pfooeeded a milt When they came troute ibamtavfes, and become rtTB-moro i c - t ^ ^ , , ^ .ftfrVincteJing kiUedtnd^ohndtl Union and Liberty for whjch be had hattlad, and for the, suppression throughout tbe land qf Rebellion and Slavery, whose Cruelties and teiv rors be had teen and so severely felt, durin, the term of bit impiisoDment. The oceasi wus one of deep interact to a)| .concerned, ain will long be rep^trr^ed hy the m a c y , Wax friends ot the gallant officer; who gave Jo ibero to 4Treat a pleasure as the opportunity to Hstea to his address. '" B . will BOt e*«aetl 10U, while that pf the enemy dl | must htve been much greater, at we had the MlLlTAKV COMPAMV AND BAND.—At t meeting held at the orHce of Col; Seariojf, Tuesday evening, Aug. 30; pursuant to a'call published in the Saratogian, Col. W. id, SBAHINO WAS called to the chair, and J. S, b*AKE tppoipted. Secretary. , . ,II G. B. Fish stated the object ,of the luceliog to be to raise a volunteer military companyj for the purpose of drill trod for the mutual benefit of he members. '' ' :'•:•••• On motion vof Majev Co wen, it wat resolved that a wmjojttee of fj/teen be appointed by the Chair to receive the, names of persons who, are "wTTTiSgio* J31 ^"mllillr^dT^ahriaGon" apd toT make all arrangements for t b e perfection ol tuch organization. ' •'"" ' The Chair named MajCowen, B. f. Judeon K.W»rruier, J. M. Andrews, Jr.,A. 8. Huling, j&Jl,,Ki*h, ^hexk#ry#n, 6JU Uo«k )( A- if Allen, A. P. Marrorjr, Geo. H. Cozzeps, Jas. H. Reagan, W. M. Searing, 3 . S. Leake, John C. Hulbert, $LBiTtkwWgwr,fmi*A. T^ter- ton; '. On motion; tht Chairman aad Secretary were added tb tltt Committect - $•- ' ' i •• .On molion,.a CopAmittee of five was. ap- pointed , p maM af.r^njoman,t/ tor organ^jaaj a band, and to circulate subscription papers for) the purpose or pu/cWingl^We.^instr,J rnenis, to beioiig/'to tae'viHs^ ; h^lWttogw *F»»«»*.-Jt»»'iaaotwr,t**. KVUV'I'BI Andrew*, Jr., Ralph Wanner and L.4). Pikt, ,wcta aapointedsaid oonianiuaoi r ..... At, a subaeojaent meetWIl .Pi fbje committee of fifteen, above named, an Executive Commit- 1 tee ol three, consisting of G . B . Fish, B.F.I Jud»oo*ndP. H. Cewea, were ijJJwtottii'toL Injomptw boystorbusiness. organize and diiill tbt. •"J.«.'L«Aati;sto'y. jny< jt •{:,, EARINd, Ch'n. Bnslness IVotlces , ALL THE w<»m*!s A S^AGIJ. and tU the- people merely nlayfTs, and w.e surmise that ; a large portioifofjthe play'ert fhercon, must he nsiri^ thtt jutttjr popuitr rirerittwtroti fortTi teeth, "Fragrant oozooVmt,"' from the immense demand there is for that article. Wellj it only poveajthat ,wt tie becoming,wiser, and wjtor every "day, for it truly merits all that is said in its favor—the most delightful, convenient and efficacious beaulifief ini) preserver of tbe teeth, tht wortd rfier produced. ' -' i t •,' All Druggist*and Pwinnriists sajliL Price, 73tegteipcKjbojt^lc.^, ,,,.„ ..,,,, , ;,„„„ The Gift-Book Concern,; 169 Broadway^ is doing a thrijiRf butineft, P,ft9plt who with' to obtain any book published in this country,, can always find the volume sought on th» ; shelves of tbe'eifrVBbbk'Btdre; aHd in pur"^ chasing at thtt place, they possess the follow lag advantage. They not only obtain At the regular p«ceof,,the,Dti|> 1 »tbex,*Ut, U»tf receive in addition a gift—sometimes a valua- .1 ,'l -•'• '0 A-.lTiTtDIIIU ! . ) • / ' . » -iTI ,ri|.ei ble, always a useful one. i . iiofrn i ,,|» - . ! iili nrn ti—n-i'iii I«.«J«! THE RIMARKABLX PROPE»TIES of Biown v » Bronchial Trochee have been thoroughly tested since first introduced. The demand for them has steadily Increased, and purely upon their own merits,tttiyMVVKU'BU JtrrWwrlh thbiW who, (mm Pulmonary, Br«nthit4, c* Asthma- tic complaints require them. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis^, Asthma, tpd.ingueniaj they are entirely efljpacipus, seinovtog til obttruc- tiocs, and increasing fit once the power and 1 flexibility tX the 1 Voice. 1, ' "' i>(iKt-.|iiuii r>.ii.mill nvii t anas. Messrs. h Xtexandrfa t cai THE MUMMIES or * Co. haWrktoiveu of rags to t>tf«* tHeff rnMicIntt, which are largely sold M -Kgya*. They art evidaattr •athtftd irast all ciasacs and quarters ofilhn ^teha> < loininton^ T thf (ii cait, 1 of •MMS* Hadjis and Howsdjls—white Uaaa'turbans, loose breeches and flowing robea^taTthe lean nth ol th*.V bulk U rloth ,n wn-lck'Uiat werr amoBiawau ana wouaoj tsa pvewewttltw ttw(»j thousand years ago. Thoy are now to be made into paper tor Aftt W itWatettty end thus, af. tat having, wmi«td^.a>etf »f Utirtrjesata tit,, .r. uttdto » W the hying 4,om the „ar- hna»1**jlw'«rW|sh your yennittion, 1 whm to sayjo tht readers of vour paper, that I will send, % re;«rn m„il,to „ll who#i»K!tv(r>**,) afteMp*, with ful I directiont lor sawitaaar stud wbitvr Itltmln Veget«h|e Balm, that will affaatn.lly remove, in tan days, ribiplaa, HlotnatS, IVa. Preosics, an.l t tiu| nrrttev .O^ttaa^a^rjtWf^SJt ^s StUlC toft, *«M**gPfM»g*gj| »->* Htttf., Of Hact Iacasu aii|, ajsftfttoat «C<1 iafonmatlon ijifj ilfaWMasiaaa'S'sl at stSaW sVltS'iittSI atlsS «a t I n i i i tfiswatnoy'e^rrtv't #tt»t^w *in".;> I ^ H i H , , , , ( , , „ , a j m W**t*im •vv aJ-trTrff u**rlJ9MXm;m Wa«Jt»V**P ». cojcrla?*.** •...^.IUWL'.J.'. ii HiMSLi-nytu •* H A^*;sWftI..r- irM*§ ia T H > t « S T 11* Tils.' v7« Ratiev^cr <iB>rn*t,tMmltM% «BkMSaa M>kiLMlAraataDaS1 Tha Uanulua la rigaac WH an others are store ItaltaAlMit, i Sold by all arttAtjewtea. tACT«Ur.SI BABOLAT STRRKt, H. TV Bateaeler'j New Toilet Cis— «*» PrtattogtlitM^r^ | > r-irVwyt*"*" r»J e Wr »at <m Seminal Weakness.etc., caw *s turti by oao wao bat sa-iry Burte)hlmaatf ant ianstraat af tteoiw.4s»l will tell ion Dothtnf but the *ru)K» Aslflrstt, wttk stamp. —, '. '. . BDWAMU M.T»AVisl, — . lftatar-" • ° f Us«tvt,lciaai.lssm THE 6BB1T KJSeUSfl BJUUBI. tll^pau^l* JtlffAroaJ olSSS mAcOet to tha feioaJaaaasUtattoau . 11 modarateaall aroaasta tad romovas all obauoa. itlspafiullarl; on the - 'fa Wsjrriattl Ltjriatel ___ oullMlv auttad. It wlII. (t a short time. bHii uicwulr tonad wtta ragektnia. TktstjnlUikouid nottoI are pHgwwt, during tk$ FIRST UOS,fU\, at ^Ary art ture (e a 'ytowtittltof tdvantage ot position. Among the killed it I)r. Ruileon, metlfeal director of the stag ok Gen. Torbett. "v « fHf*\* rJ M '- -Oatotuo, 30th. rtog«, r jfrafei'tint The Convention wat organized by the choice o»it, they art ptrftttly Uft. of Govt Seymour of N. Y.,forPretidont. who . toali ea^of rferroostnaspliia) Atos^to.rsda m M \ % ^ CUSlooury peaches against tht 1 ^h.Ba«k.ndLl» n a*F Wi *.»lu ht Goverument Gov. Seymour did'nt legation. He voted for anti-McCtellan votes worn .Nelson, Guthrie and Charles O Connor F«roando Woyd , ia played out. lie. is represented as despised and hated by peace men, and laughed at by the war elemeut. The two delegations from Kentucky wort both admitted: Delegates from States in re- bellion, from West Virginia, and the territo ries, were ruled out. The Convention adjourned to meet at 10 this morning. . . Lalarflran Chicago. WapnasxiAT, l? M^Ga*., McCUllan was to-day nominatod»a tho ami ballot. ...... I < "I II l ' l I 'Ii... - ' li.M'l 1 , Tht Fupilt of Mr. C. R. EHenwood't S«- LKCT ENGLISH AND FRENCH SCHOOL roa Bore, will report themselves on Monday next, Sept. 3th, at the Brick Cottage, occupied for* merly by Mitt Thompson's school for young ladies, in Washington street. A more desirable location for t school may jjot he found, at it is at once central and re- tired. The principal room is carpeted and fur- nwhed with rho moot approved patent seheol desks f/ema^ujw Xofk s m»nvfacjofy,*t a wsj of more, than * hundred dolltrt. Nothing shall be wanted to make the school-room Coin- fortahtaaoJ c u r s i v e tolhcpu^s.Aa^ i . M « q ^ t e d tofbrmg apair t ef (dwort, to wear during the houra of study tad lecftt tfoa. Study wfll be tSfi^ at lost,noils #fl> be made. ,'i ' t > Those who are inttndiug to enter thit school, should give *•. t.^otory WA\t hi. a.m. ber is 1 limited to tweiity pupilt. No orie;njped go away to a commercial col legs, aiMi.E. was fornjerly a '^^•'^^o^tpmiM^t&$\ and can give a thorough course of Buiioess- writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, &c, etc., Special attention given to the manners, h»b its and language of boys, Circalait may be ottatned of P. Dtokee h Son. Those who have fnrulabed Sub- Henry J. Curtis, BtWtoaW % \^,- ~ "' Richard M. Gorslin, Half moon. ' j Eli Coon*, Holfmoon. ~ '-^' * ; ..... i ; Francis D. Mo«, Waterford. * Jesse A. Lamoreaux, Milton. •"/ Asabd P. Hawley, Halfmoon^..' Samuel Deioe/Ws4ta*/f -*»'W~ Stephen M. Gertlinj Halanooa. > t. H Asa Do Voc v SUI1 water. ... . Merritt J. Esmund, Milton. >i Cfaarli. W:i»hlllipk,i9artfogtSpringi. i John W. Quaekebbusli, Bii11 water. Oresoni bean, Lozeroe, 1 Warren Co,, 16th D «'-^.T- /...i. v; I , ,„.i,.,. Warren Hemstwot, Luzerne, Warren Co., 16th DisL,N. Y. F^ward^:Wtood)8tai#ateri -»l*»>r't J»rflt»0^etlfe,rCiif|Wi'Park. v Albert Crodk, SiratogA Hiram G. Miller, P/Ufmoon. ' 'Gtofee Edwarat,%ffliwatflr. ••"' ' ! f ! Wathmgton pantrng, Halfmoon. John H. Mabbett, Halfmoon. 11 Iluu Hewitt, Stillwater. 'I v >] >i u j / i AddlUonat list of those ptrtont who have fumiahtd tubstitutes "' John J. Luther, Milton. Martatlll,. Vaughn,»Milton. '"» . < t' - ' ' Joteph't. ! Weed, Balltton. ' IT, sit»W m fi i msw all directions In the pamphlet aronod awah 1 age, whleh should be aarefafly preserved. . " "aaeM"" " J0B-,.,. w ... «M- Oeneral Agent For sale by O H . Fit" ~ tate,l '*W w ' si At illal toga Springs, and by all Druggists. CQurtleJ»dtat.,N.y. 1 jant for U - 8 . and O and O. B. FISH A Co BBdOajnda. ' TOMawra, __ __ »rV KELIKF IN TEPl IT11NI1TES. Vkt «*osf' main mat *p*4§ fctotofc twtr tfit- coptrtdfortOtdittntaeftlU Chut ««tt X-ags, Cough,, CcU$. J«Mn*, Consumption, Bronchitis, Im- •.Mumr*. JatotettMtt.*' T Hii'sE WAFERS give the most in- sununeons and partaal. rallat and whan >a*aa- veredwit feet a rap ?^9ffilMt1s$w»n Qrlee26 eans9l P. B.FISHAl rfX»ldtO)«n»H. mnt.aad kUJ>msaia<a WA. a a^lttoSTgto^^ the Cora' if Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Dis- eases of the Urinary and Seminal Organ*, and tha whole train oJ>41CDfdetw*AOugWotf*y baneful and u> baaaCt lha aatksujd and aafonaaW 1 wlHawtd the recipe tor preparing and uaiaar Uikt aatdlatw*, la a mlad envelops, to any one whoa aoada it, » M a/ aidrc-cdw I aavalope, to any one CAorf« a u • ,• 9 § s1 Jj Plans* Inclose t stamp' yourself. envi 3miM JUeKFHT HfMAM, ,STATIOS D.RI " »*e B-WsaJaa-sjaaaalSBBl A -jMSgEaBtgaa T ETTERS REMAINING UMObAOsan in y«ri Adams, John Ayrcan, Jamos K Avery, Mrs Mary 8 nihony.JB ,,,, rs John Si3T" JcnEs, Mrs Pliabe M -Wft 11 ••• I H*t«h*ta,»lnVR V « • Loonflsjja.cith.rln. TWI?HO!!HH Beoaon, Geo H Brsctfctt, r t .: !• Bradford, Col Wm BratW0BSNstll*.5 «» Biowu, /essee Anderson, Nellie AnaecatBiA^-a" A aae** AtWaSiavftlN Adams, Itussel W ._ ,i^nwH Malone, Frank M '^niy^^u Biedemoyer, CWH-2" M^n^afila'Allea Hu^yTlolepL 0 **» I •"'S^*e'»W r 1 ' * liiusle. Mrs Wm A . JJ»l<jna,F,At j;. ,| i , 11 1 list MsftiiVrrrS-r ' Maalara, M tea Kate Cornwall, H rrtuWrs'stlr'^ Man, Clauiens, James Jr lha«isir»A|0*t> chivo^.w.inT, Conlisk, James ', Coddlngion, G S Carr, MrsBM Revuolda,SB Condron, MIssBtlk U i aaasom.jnt PEmaralta George 4-|^tig%,¥t!l4^«^ "JPSjetj 8Wi*li--«i/,:-i' : r i oi. the aei. i n e t l b . tha RcV.Mr.-ittUaV-er ./all. nf*«sS»Sk%#JRS .•vmwrf'T ^Sa(w$: { rHEST CASH BOUNTI NOW miN%RAlS80 8AAATOCA 8PRI Duggan, Fight Ren " Dodga.Mr.Wms: nea,VTOUaSAj,^ lXrtiaVte, Oeorg* Owfaail, P i B Ytajl Jjaoel, Mist Clan Duggan, Fight Rev James Sail Dodga.Mrs Wm K 'Bee, imtmmtr-jlttMt^ l>eha»t», Oeorg* » fenny, St S »yHi!ii<>M0ait i4 biiivw f '• " y oil virrt* # o ffn n r »i >• .,d , ; r<ir wt* itaWta ^gtoialna ifivr mini | Hit.fl.Uil^f,;f r ii» il4iw <! Mum jjriii | •'•J* *H*»' W! *t « v.«r*>b j »t ,&i limfeW svntiifgsasiitite | KM m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Post on 22-Aug-2020




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Page 1: ir^HL^Briaaftcr - 21/Saratoga Springs...forward most freely did the Argus en courage volunteering ? Did it then ap prove the policy and conduct of the Ad-ministration » Not at all




";' I n l o i i S |a i« «'»uvre»«le>ai -. ^ ... .'•!!!:. «.! f-.k CnluU Male Cuniu,ttu»a> Laid

• ••olu-.uiit wan ;ndoi>U»c: •••'- • • -i "• * * ,- -*«w«M*»rt« ¥u»i'tklLui4uu sHaie Couvauuoli be Laid, Mjsy/autiiiv.u" WeinttdaY, tue ntt aw or tsepuiiu-\ ? i 1*4 i t w e ' l l o n , noon, for the udtotaAUi* of v i v c n v r , L*4U iu*!U-uovurnw. i anal U«aiialalmi. i», I .pastor oi t»i..iv Ptiaous.aud au t'aacnirnj TtaAas.

ffa I « W I « B | B M P h / H o StatAOf {few YOU wiu •< *«rs'iUua»o«u<sluouaJ u n l n m u i i w o l the Psusto

« It . . . . a f * ? * * .. • ; 4tor C o a s t s ! * t m M a | t * p " ' * W " l y

l hTirW, »•> \!» .'r •!!* WSJ aud si) »JH and, Wtl<ii«ut i , W M , , I K . . \ i in i to sood Iruu euoa AMK'iaOly l>|a-.1 1 , u .-r -:c t< gal -, lu . ru ruwUl UtVW l U M H i U k . c.iiui.;, UMi«iguui» to oe chosen at Cojivauitous

M l i l . S W I J . l , v» it. ti. ai i-.v\ A U ; ,


I'UrtNK UK' H U , J . U - U U J S K A U . . Wj«,S 1 INlJULJN, yviu.iAM «,*•" ' J " v. u.vmm JAUb.SC JACKSON,

ttlUhiu yl.fcAN.iN,

J'THfl A. &fH>K, Ol AKK U. TUACV,

. \ A £ J u a . L . * / ' t DA&1U8 V BttK

1 UKtLUii,

DARIUS V BktKKV, J. 1J. UOHM, hUti FIELD, Union tjiui.ii OommtUee.

i l l i O U C u U V C U I i t f U 1M»|. H o . I . Mtou ui the lm A.«*emblv afmu^m, witl Oc tmi# «i t#*>4-

J -U .iSOtitlBtrttt Con

''uijrt ltblue, ,n tj;c village ol liallblou Spa, OU TlitUeV d»\ (be Ui d;- v of Sc|Ment>w next, at ** u'eiioefe, P. jh,. ItJf l!as-p-att*we» •* * tw a*****,;. UlttLt a« jjuie.- iu itpifc

. . - • .i I iuUli Milt. l iyUVcjij I4uil W fa' ^ - !< -\. i,.. .( . .if u ) ui tiepicttibt-i iit-xt, lor

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^tn- - \r-uu*&.ii*iUi*.Mi i iuuu uuit a • amiiiluit; lur IlteiuUcr j'C'vu*!rp(ia:iuf lue jtubf i,*ugtif*qi\>u*i anuria,,, 'i ," i nn>U EN"iwtt o| «H« ft lown in tblt AsetcmbEj

UiV id ii*mmil$et*u to scitfl lUr«« UflegatDd o rtipre

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O. V i.\ I/LUV OK J

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._ L «».<.">'<-"*£ ft'L'tfi ' v u , >Wl-, Uiv caUee lUu#uof» b j v v ' r j n h ','•: , u.i J u l u]'t JUL: lA.'.t . ' l .l Uii.'tt!ii*, utt* Hi. V„ e,t- i j r., ,.a liiix-. de loyu • s Ii .m e»,cft cl l lu- i r iO»j, ,a r iai-HfWiJJ I.- Uii'^iU 1* ». UUVOUllUU 10 In- {iK-'idt l

•V-- = H ( , : i*A:^*U -U. L*SiJ LTU, WJJ h i iUii> , JS«|>t. Lu BUM., . Jjiy^alei- to The State and t'uiJgrw*.

public ipMker to > cr, c le of bit friendt,

at one of tho hot_'Ji«i QQ the day of the

MV«^ AVM twatiMBto,, JaJbneo Dtvto it


1 M of the libtfUea ol our coun t a d he mu»i t o d atitll tuce tcd . I told WWJ—IIWI tn ibis noiwMtfi-twd fet Mid t

'Mr. - « , - . / i im<nt»<« «/ U,*«w •«*«< can / • > >

/ •» Nww§wiMfc«4»iw «*• F ^ « V •grnvtut «M, am) lb* Administration bave ilia f l r t W H 1 1 * o*cA MMM* »l#wl*m«D, w e ha** f o l lu t l * p Uu» wai /l mutt btaliy<^<<. Ami, i ! O U Abe ahould i w l l y be elected, w . have ( o l to raiae * C4tunlc< - revolution, end Afar • Uuuw the Vh»a«.furacil abolitwo h o r d e "

Here wo htve tho retl views, i'oul-

twge ,j>wd jmrpoatm i i t J t s . £fi»«_toep^

with wkoei, it flwemt, Gov. Seymour

•japkUilye. . tl«ui<U he Lit not j e t

d*r»d opeuly to identify himself with

*h»*. Tb« triumph of Jofi. D»ri i U,

the object at which th&y eim; tod if

they oaouot aid b i n by the election of a

ditloyal President, theu they propose to

iutugurito a Kuvolution in the North,

nod fulfil tho promise of Ex-Preiide-ut

Pierce, to " bring civil war to oar very

doors." This is what the Order of the

"&oa» of Liberty" meant, and tho se­

cret arming of disloyal men throughout

the North. Is it possible that the peo­

ple can longer be blind to these revo­

lt lion t 1

A gentleman now in this village, and

recently from Now Orleans, states that

intelligent rebel sympathizers there say

that the Peace men of the North have

encouraged the rebel leaders to hold on

until after the Presidential election,

promisingfthwYt if the I^emooraey are

successful, the "independence'' of the

South shall be recognised. If Lincoln

is re-elected, tbey admit that the rebel­

lion will collapse, unless aided outside

of the Confederate States. So the evi­

dence accumulates on all hands of a de­

sign to betray the North.



B*k0&mmm o»—» the i»dio*> tious were most aoitptoioM, and many of

our shrewdest citiseos were led to pre

fore. But MOB after, clouds began to

gafheFip the ua^o^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ r e - fh« miuui upon gold J ^ e g DAftUJ one hu»- '

dmd per <Mnt* 'm#kfM*e»n*,at tbT tndoBnite results of the great campaign

of^the Army of tho Potomac, and the

coufidouce of the bpldest was shaken by

this untoward condition of affairs. All

i •

'Vt>\vu Vtittvus-

•08 re

11 fr .

t. 8 HUTtiiS, u J. HliU-i^U,

D.nU.ct Couimiiryi'.

---:.'! i-atoiru SprtiigSr >! ;\ t')W!. of Saratoga Sprintfgi .; ii, Hieir hoirlitily 10 (TIP e n s ,

~w... !., iuui'l »L iilotFoputuaB J :..,jj 5.IJ . 1, lu »J4>Oll)l de l*

•j ^i^ in't Cuiivuution, aiid LO

i- Cjf l , lj«l ui Wic Ulill/ii lowo C'oinmlHee.

i u a , «ri>

A -.-

TO OIR P A T R O L *.• iit:c o f TI i c fc<iratOijian # a p e r

" i'; 11'.

At . iR w e 'i re ( rr.p-jlleJ to raise rtie tub-

*. . . i ,«uli prx' . -vl lua .~>AHA!'JiiiA«. With in

>-i^.it i . < k s *nst tt.<: TiTjc* of whi te paper haa

i. i :i. :.;:j to ;i\} i.cnli per pound, and the

c o r r,t I,, teoi f o o d kbd Clo th ing W v e io-

cjeasrijin atiil greater proportion. W e muat,

^i^n.'/u;e, (t(U*et , laisje P H I ratea, or aiop

(j irtu. i i i ; ,

'.rw y-arts at'o. (*T of wi.ite paper w a s

IP cents per poun 5—. ';• . ». ;-••'..:,-rf e f f h e p « -

'-~- > --. —». . *.. <*>»' Oi IdiiOl, JooU iUid

c-ioin-..g v\m pTO[-o l ' l n f t i y ' l o w . Tben. w e

«.!),•; -,-dl T H S K M A T ' C I A N at ?T per year,

e.V'.- • er ; ::.jt. 13 i i n o w .

- . t i .. ;. . Auguat , i / i s t . , our

( i in-,

, • ; f


" 1 1 •

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T P c

v H I .K ; ^ ' J

iii-- ? •-/-!

•,.. ,. ;-p,

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.^ i

. . . . 1.

i Ben

r n p T

l. Mail, RntOffice

(1 * 2 . » S to Tillage

ue Carrier.

olu rates al ihe eai-

»•• d trust lhat our

and lielp To lustalll

r.g '.he present peri-

1 is i,ul quite

is »/-arre)y sufflrieot

• , i i * y nr-ws, local

; i r- 8oi.", 'Jetails

.ii. "Ur regiments in

rertnmly never was

v a» more imlispen-

cr. 'eevir to make ours

T h e l l y p o c r i t i c a l Ai |j i i». The Albany Argus, commenting up­

on the necessity of a draft at this time

in order to secure recruits for the army,

breaks out in the following strain : The l i m e w a s when the people flocked to

sustain a " W a r for the Union" w i t b u u t o . r u puls ion, bounty , or prospect ot reward. T h e highways were filled with patriotic men, reaily and wi l l ing to peril their l ives for the main -l*Hiat>ea*oHjjje U n i o n ! Whole regiments v o l ­unteered in a^weck's t i m e , composed of eager, and earnest m e n , w h o were anxious to m a k e a speedy end ol a contest in which tbey felt (he safety and honor of their country was im­pel rilled. T h e n it W M announced by Con­gress , that i t w a s a W i t r o * T H E U N I O M , and tor the M A I M T K N A N C E O F T H E U O S S T I T V -


At the time when volunteers came forward most freely did the Argus en­courage volunteering ? Did it then ap­prove the policy and conduct of the Ad-ministration » Not at all. The Argus is no more bitter to-day than it has been ever since the War commenced, jn op­posing and misrepresenting the Govern-

oould see that the moneyed aud eom leyed

1sm mercial classes would

tained at home to watch the

varying tide of stoek and property

values, and that many others would Be

deterred from their usual summer trip

by the greatly increased cost of tho

coveted enjoyment. Bat the'fears of

failure, based upon these self-evident

facta, have not been realised. While

we hawe had better seasons—a more

numerous eompanjf, perhaps, ouoe , or

twipe^jret wjl, here OO doub( that our [Society's

prosperity in 1864 is fully equal to the

average of the five previous yean . Un­

der all the circumstances this wOl be

aooepted as a nemarkable success*-for, ii

proves that bowcreT greet ehe dietur*

banees in the financial world—however

fluotuatiing the values orprdpwrty--^irow>

ever depressed the public heart by na­

tional difficulties and dangers—-there

are still people enough who oan, and

will, avail themselves of the pleasure8

and benefits of a summer sojourn in

Saratoga, to give assurance of constant

growth and increasing prosperity to our

village. It is entirely safe, therefore,

to carry into effect any projects enter­

tained to add to the beauty, or Increase

the attractions, of this famous watering-



TION met at Chicago on Monday morning

at 11 o'clock, and was appropriately

called to order by August Belmont, Ex-

Austrian Consul at New York and

nephew by marriage of the traitor John

Slidell, on whose motion Ex-Gov. Bigler

of Pa. was made temporary Chairman.

Gov. B. on taking the chair made a brief

address, in the course of which he re­

marked: "The torminatie* « f Demo­

cratic rule in this country was the* etfd

of peaceful relations between the States

and the people"—-which everybody

knows is « flagrant and unblushing false­

hood, Seoessien and Revolution hawing

their origin under a Democratic Admin­

istration, one-half the Democrats array­

ing themselves against the Government,

with the tacit consent of, the remainder.

A resolution to allow delegates from

rVUu • t t i i » m H .

of t ve iy Bita-

el4tjt*rvar, who, at

art aware, wes held at far thirteen asewche to tee ving bean

tie* of sis Vjuae,

* and v k u n l y

events winch took ho story ol hi t u f a ! j n f t o i himself aud

fallow-prisuutrt at the •anils oi tho tscttsioo bauds, tad ait flail glad welcoming of htwiiTtifirtt, was all lis

, • . ,an—cg* . . i l e a l aOeyejattetejtjga

> r f M « r ' « U n t i l . 7 V D*t,ftt1*d vn (k* ilip w%U ta t A«.ta|jay

..,.«.•^^ir^HL^Briaaftcr -addrott,

The Lituteoaiit w a s

[Fair and Cattle Show of Bunty AgrleuitUTwl sjo-

,Tue«ia» vfedeitedev I l k ! dSXL I I V V i V n ' • «sf«iajWBB^BJW^B^»SBjajgfa^Bg| fB^BWjaagaj ayaaBagjaj

rtday oT next w w « . f - K •" iofamoof and dishonorable

•"SltfMHuBeWwWei Tuesday Will be ide-

to the enter log and

to hit

iuvation of Pau J% leiissTr iruni

M, 3011. W.l lace. oar line* tho Cup-.

, and the owing to


m h tvo., aays ibis was the meat quiet day la some weeks, not a guo, i»iasliia| iort|. O r lost U Thursday's battle e W t K » o then a t d {; u lueguns . ! •

It was tbt iftltbFtns sod not lMih If-Y„ which ctptdrod the battle tag ol the inn.


and articlet for o i -

to all WW* ^toombort of the SoeHcty,

offioetfj and' ethtbitort. Wednesday,

Thursday iwi* Friday Will be devoted to

the cihibitJwo. The gates will be opened

at 8 el' eV., ttlft-'olbsed at 6 p'to'.' At 2

pi. m, of the fourth day, the Annual Ad-

dross will be delivered by Hon. VS. B s -

WARDS? President of the Society. A

suffioieni pofico force will be'iu atteu-

danoe to preserve order, enforce the

ons and protoct its fi»

as possible the property of exhibitors,

night and day, to the close of the Fair.

At the close of the exhibition, there will

bo ft triM 0f ipecd of prize horses, under

ihajlujeJiiiii nf the Aks&kiMsm&k . . . . . . . . I a % » | * ] " '

ro-etocrton of AbrstMte traetla to the1 preti-Wttt aeiti meant :ei cjrwtkeWtba rsetj-

lion tad eacia. | tho- war, aad fortmyod the dUhttritning effratjthM «|mfAc«ld hare, on tilt people of the 3outb, as their only romaitj-mg hope MM In the election to the presidential eb|ir oi tome one of their ••friends"—in the eelection of soma member of tat "rttee" or-ganuatiou to represent'their views tad do their bidding, and work at Waahingten ia the place of tbe present uicombsnt. Tbis stnte-iiient, coming from oiia WAV h a t Ltd an iuside

v iew of the rebellion for over a year , and who

Is e o g n i u n t IJOHB personal knowledge and e x ­

perience of facta and c ircumstance* w h i c h

prove the truth of b i s aaaeit iona, i t deserving;

oI great weight in the consideration of o v t r y

intel l igent voter. , .. , 1 . , •

Lieut . Robent closed b i t t romarkt (wh ich

were followed by hearty applause) w i t h an

eloquent appeal : to hi t f e l lowic l t i zent ' tio

tendent. •" UiW2mm*TB of the:€o^brtofc4^?wlel:*0 •* jiSStJ^i ^oa9l

A i >'*-•• , '. Kiel* influence, or rtjseir. 8W4>rdt, thai cause dt forward the1- choice prodticts of their

farms, and their finest animals ; let tie

Ladies bring specimens oil their handy-

work, anddeok Floral rfalf wifhlliei^iii-

ful FfoWers"; and let the Mechanics

displajf>dlr%knifoU creatio^aof their

ingenious "labor. The citizens of our

own villige, and especially its Business

Men, ought to take a deep interest in

helping »1OB| the Fair ; and itjs tote

hoped that they will lose no time,in

taking .sueV'iteps as will te,nd to make

it a success.

ment, and no more industrious in N f * • Territories and fron> SonAtni Statea

'Will t (I i' .A. II

..«•!{. |>:tvi« ©si P e a c e . :•'" it'erri' w -with Mr. Gilliborc

t • ' e •.*•* wor-ls of Jeff i. ' ' • - \ v ore .

. . . . .r iT, ire. that 1 shall 1 ' , . ...*' iPC i'. r i.ropopals for

1 P X I « I I « ^I T 'R I V"!'t'PNT>Ff»(H. It

:;. about a n i n t h *g° , • . j ' r iv. rnt- to hold . . UrmUf btiii :it. ;.o t..-:pcnse of two (iiini'i)« a ua_ (imitig an ' nrrnistice,' tor it ' MTifTiA « t'' " 'inting'' with • - f IVivic : X\\,r In the j mean'1 Arc ii. j at'Uuus to give the reLcLs time to »i.<( t, uf iriui* eo ullage 'Usiy, or do they prrrpo/sr ft, ar ncrt ,iptT> t^rrns, and Com-mfrtAti nfgtlffuttftV; "fin (he basis* rjf Southorrj ,r'\u'3<*P'•' d,orl:•e'"',

Tf'c Trt'liatiapolis Journal of August 2,';L dates that Col, T W.Thompson, Protott ILiislial of the 7th Congres-nmTtl Distrieh, on V inrsHty nfternoon, nr'tfd from a Ftilorm fcnwper in Tcrre I'nuto, who is n prominent mernber of the "Sons of Liberty," fifty-six kega, co.'iteinicg si&ecn ^u^fhed pounds o / pouittr, which hnd boon purchased for tho use of members e4 that treasonable / rdoT,>nct 'wai/ m %ifebt "f<fe^fened R>r .vullivan county.

n.-it.D—T{rc Unrolling Board of this district will not make cuay more exam-

• faatJons of p'ersotM claiming to be ea>

gesting arguments to dampen the pa­triotic ardor of the people. At the very time of which it speaks, when volunteer­ing was most active, tho Argus came out in favor of a " draft." A few months later, when volunteering fell off, and the Government ordered a draft, the Argus denounced it as "unnecessary !"

And uow, after more than three years of war, when labor is scarce, and busi­ness intensely active, the Argus bra­zenly asserts that if the war had been differently managed, volunteers would be plenteous, and there would be no oc­casion for the draft. Out upon the canting, prevaricating hypocrite! Shame on this persistent, cowardly habit of stabbing the Union cause under baseless pretexts ! If the Argus is to carry the heart of a rebel, let it act a manly part, and don the rebel uniform altogether.

P R E S I D E N T P I E R C E ON T H E R E B E L L I O N .

With regard to the propriety of ex-Pre­sident Pierce becoming the nominee at Chicago, the Biblical Recorder publishes the following note from the Rev. Mr. Pratehard of Raleigh, N. C :

' L a s t spring a prominent member of the church of w h i c h I was pasti.r, in Bal t imore , met at (he j3t. Nicholas Hotel, in N e w York, ex-Pres ident P ierce . Mr. Tierce manifested *he warmes t s y m p a t h y lor the South in thin struggle lor independence , declared that the only hope for freedom on this continent w a s in the i iwcess of the S o u t h , that ohl as he was , he should bave been in the ConfedVtate army but tor the health of h i s w i f e , and that 'he deeired no higher earthly honor than to be a private in the ranks ol the Southern army.

Ex-President Pierce was the chair­

man of the Democratic State Conven­

tion of New Hampshire last year. Com­

ment TO "Unnecessary.

STRAWOB PEACK Door*r»E.—Mr. Joel

Rogers, of Jefferson county, was one of the Speakers at the Syracuse Peace Convention, i n alluding to the Draft he told his hearers that if the United States Officers came to their houses to enforce ft, to "Bky them on the spot." These are the teachings of the apostles of Penew—the harmless creature* who hare such a horror of shedding blood.— it is all wrowaj to make war on the rebels who «rc toytogr daatroy fte TJAioB but • M P W K V % M # Wt*as*VVt1*>*> *a

BH V V V t M r * W ^ "V«SaMeVej%«tff

& « > * > # the United Statof. J i * ! • ! the Peace which eke loyal people of the North are invited to participate la *

ma annual report on the railway* in

India for 1864 shows that 2,887 miU-

•rWiiaf•JMNadw m now ia% cxwefiid to etitrttoing * *jb*U*ot»s asd

"a4# W*3t rffl

The W.TCI imm m mm t*; Ul l»JM

• '


i f » t

^ »it»rw "e'» '<**hfF* «Wr

#» a* >«rit«tria mm to to««t<*it

£8,8«0,00O hate bean c x ^ ^ e d U tho work daring Ac fttat

wwile the whoto ewaissl rtotad tor

the fm tf|toT>« taw t m i , i jpr, * * ^**i»#qtWif^i*|ew aHiKBl*

rtfawo •41 mil ii9*>'lij«it» lw.4,

to sit in the Convention, hut not to vote,

was sent to the Committee on Creden­

tials. Committees on Organisation, on

Credentials, and on Resolutions, con­

sisting of one from each State, were ap­

pointed. Vallandigham represents,Ohio

in the platform committee.

None of the opening speeches even

alluded to the existence of a rebellion

against the General Government The

only danger, in the opinion of the speak­

ers, threatening the Union and our free

institutions, is the exclusion of the "pa-

triotic" Democracy from power. The

war was called an " unhappy difficulty,"

Gov Hunt, of N. Y., introduced a re­

solution declaring unswerving fidelity to

tho Union and Constitution, and recom­

mending nn armistice and a Convention

to amendHhe Constitution so as to "en­

sure to each State the enjoyment of ail

its rights." fls this "unswervingfidelity

to the Constitution" " as it is?"]

Mr Long, of Ohio, offered a resolu­tion for a Committee of ono from eaeh State, to wait on President Lincoln and ask him to suspend the draft, untH the people have an opportunity in Novem-lor to decide the question of Peace or War.

Mr; Priee, of Mo., wanted the CotJ.

vention to pledge their "l ives , fortunes

and sacred honors" to vindicate the

freedom of the baliot-box in any State

where it may be assailed.

These resolutions were all sent to the

platform committee, which is said to

stand 12 for Peace to 11 non-committal.

I i seems to be conceded that Mo-

d e l t a * will be nominated and put Upon

a Peace platform. Hi i nomination, there­

fore, will be due to the fact that he has

ih* word "General" prefixed to his

name and has been at the bead of she

army, in the belief that tamest war men

can be induced to give him their votes;

while the principles he represents and

the iftfimeneet which amrround him, wi l l

be of the Peace Copperhead stamp. It

is possible that a few loyal and patriotic

men oan be swindled out of their rates

to that way, but i t will bene compliment

to their intelligence

H t s r m y l a a p o r t a m O r d e r - U e a d • ,. j ;. .'t :,i ( a t t a A c t * '

) .„..,.. J>«pVO.ST,#UMBA(.'s OlTFlolS.j ) ' 18TH C O N O . D W T . , N. Y. " }•

1 '«: ; t J.^t,«.-»8hfin<actady, A u g . s e , 'Wfcffc

Sirf—T^o. R o w i n g eppy p j > circular, w e t

received h y m e on the 2SUb inst . ;

Circular No . 120. Inform t h e Supervisors

of yo«r Tawat that ibe City and County ol N » w Xork^Ljfiaacl.tio) ol credit to some t w e n t y -five thousand (85,000) en l i s tments in the N a ­v y , made during tot period commencing April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and s ix ty -onn, p B g l j and terminating February twenty- four , U g t t e s w hundred ami i i i t y - f o u r , f l S M . ) It is presumed th»f. a large number o i these ealtat-m e n u are rVoiri the interior t o w p s . T h e g u -porvi toW should 'immediately canvass their **FWr*04f!f'^tf W«. M, comraisaiootr Jor the adjustment of those c laims, evidence of the resi-etBBe o f a n y p t r t o n t Who b*v« errtertd the

period mentioned, in order to receive the pro­per credit , i f ' entit lea W i t . ' Tttts' thbuld %e / ione .without, t mfment!t,(dejirf,, i,. , .; i,

(Signed) / FRABflrTowNSEND, ! y * UCti. ausd .'Ptov» afar: « e t f i . '

T h e above order is ol the u tmos t impor-

t a a c a , t « d a^ao^ds isaaoediale attetatiow. *f tbe

local a o l h o i i i i e s . Tfwre are hundreds at men

w h o h a v e gone frpn? tb^s district and enMtted

in t h e N a v y whos t ,credit is claimed by N e w

Yortr'city. i t is urgert'ly rejjueated that per­

sons throughout the* distr ict , Having kriow-

ledge of tbe enlistment i n the N a v y o t men

resident i n their v io in i ta , should instant ly g o to

t b e ^ p t r v i s o r of t h e i r , | ^ n and rf lport the

fact, so that the towtf can get the credit; o t h ­

e r w i s e it will enure to the benefit of k e w York

c i ty . Act promptiy'de/d Without delay.

. . . . . i $t p ; . J'TJTLElIt , Capt, and Pr«v„^ar. lgtb Dist. X. Y.

hnw v

parrrmnenlly organized, with Gov. Seymour, of FT. YJm President.

ss^w/ms^g. The platform, consisting of six raaeintiona,

watrooflaad adopted. It calls tor tn imtoediata toeaitson ef hostilities, to b* followed br> eow

'•mt* of fVo Stat-, ftotatog Umpjtm ^ ^ ' M V " S * — .. atjgjjsjaa hare

aces/cc Seratotra

ttow ei i ^ A . n d Mort^Jsjgajt /J I lJ^?>*W<!rt#

fcfawato***, m,F**« VeCldlcji at a

Mm Maryland l^

mr * .#t.tfi:

• n r o r m a t i o n W a n t e d — T w e n t y

D o l l a n a B e w a r d .

S A R A T O G A Sp«"rifiis; Sttpervtiofi Office.

' T h e c i ty of New-^OrkUt *OW putt ing forth

a c l a i m to be credited o a t h e draft far al l the

teamen who have enhated at that por>» M t o v

of these men are from the interior coijinljes,

and some from the t o w n of Saratoga Spr ings .

TWtenty dollars rewird'w' i f l 'be 'pa id for infor-,

mation of any perto4rb<ir)g « tokldcbt of this

t o w n , w h o has enlisted in to the naval service

of th« United State* ainoa A p r i l , ISi.l. The

information must b»cjflUuonUy accurate to en

able the S u p e r v i s o r ' t o m t i t t a proper claim

lor the credit or such person to t h i s t o w n .

'Ihose des iung to (rnlitt in the nata l service

wil l be furnished wi th information aneTtraiit*-

portation to N e w tiHt c f t^ , which i s th<

nearest point where nt!t*l tecVults cab be mns

t e n d in. 0 » A « . S . L E S T E R ,

A i 0 * i « O 7 , I864kif, b!,ij(iMtuBup«Kvisor..

T H E 2D


tor from the

o a i t u i


T i l l .

,.,-(r,, v ,wmx—Tb» Sohcnectady Star aasumes to give a let

;jM Tftoran ,^ralry,"

signed by "W. t.M^^M,wbioh

the writer speaks^^ jpT>M New Or­

leans on a U. a. tranepprt, and landing

at City Point, on ^ e , fapef,, rjyer,

(where they skirmished with the enemy

on the 25th and*2«ra^ysoT iJulttSW

Were afterwards trantrVrreVI to the^north

Potomac to operato elptlksflEarly: There

must be some mittakV about this, at the

2d Veterans were Cwfcgod in a fight at

Morganxia, on thtfj HlWc.ippf, on the

28th of July, in whi.h Obi. ChryiMr

Was wounded Wcaw« inclined to think

the letter was written by a mecaber of

t h e 4 & 8 d . . r w j t f i ? - . . .H .( .. . n . t , l

i Mr. Chequer atatoa that in the fight on James river Is jgagj^tj i bat sixty SMO. Jiilled, trowAd^a*4|itTi#Btog. and

g "• ~:-iing. tsfcs fcll iate 1st nan ""* . . — , _ _ _ ' mf% hands, wart Lwffa.H. Bosa aud '"^^^^ ^A^k^x^i^xq^m

LAtaa.-On TMir> tto Convention wa. V a l t o r S m i t h , \ # W 3 ^ * £ W : *****#-*«. ' ^ **OP ' ' , ' " * " ' . •*»•}% y t f W n . - i T - ', ,• - I I .Mtfactew W&AaAirootJUsi v . . i -»ni . i . U f r S ^ i ,

CMtwr.r or CAaTrJni^-Tie late night

run to Schenwtad^l^lptWfl'bsulea Ot,

The freight and aaaWatodation train


paaaenger train

•vm i«fndAi*"-M»»>'* »rf3s«i i^m^H ma •WWW S'f fetw»>W-**»"»«^»i>t »;43»"l « w+M*t" .

, .. .»..- • if***-91 w trxy*int itfiirtrtrik swt u^nmt j

bit BBsaattAh i f •"^^^SBTt^C^t^gSjaaB^^jaaj

T7t»t, who toeww etowly


*"»*»" -' r ^jrzx^^ftSSH^M Adviott from Key West to the 18th state'

Ota, Woodtory; commatder of farces taort.« diodofyellowatver. .:,•„•..,•. r>- ,•;.»*.. ! »'i»t;u»si t> »•.•, .. -'ifiaarruatj-ia.' > J ;jDNj*iex'c)*amrJl»t nrcvaUs iu WatoviUc to­day io conaoquenct of a rumor that the city is to b* attacked by Wbotltr in force. Rumor gives bit force; at 4i-e>aai»to 8Q00 men and jp '«WOt. .»>,'-..; ... , , ) ! . . ; : | (

LATER.—JobnsOA hat received a despatch sigued X. K. Smm, CcL <tomi»to|ipk dated (iallatin, IlUth, staUng the news IroiiiLebauon •iw t) .se- thta marning, trthat Sen. ifoitigan W% in WbeeJtr'iJraoot. , , M . , •;. '..',.•. ..',v I

BALTIMOBI, 80th. j The Jfassrwaw hw advises dated Wtb, tUUog

that Oen. Quttar'a biigade of Cavalry, with Capt t Raatftfs battery of Artillery, was moved aorosa Opequan about a mile beyond ^^l*te&jmp¥Jt «n»k»«W ». <«e»n-noitanee to Bunker HilL

They had pf ooeeded a milt When they came

troute ibamtavfes, and become rtTB-moro i c - t ^ ^ , , ^ .ftfrVincteJing kiUedtnd^ohndtl

Union and Liberty for whjch be had hattlad,

and for the, suppression throughout tbe land qf

Rebellion and S lavery , w h o s e Cruelties and teiv

rors be had teen and so severe ly felt, durin,

the t e r m of bi t impi i soDment . T h e oceasi

wus one of deep interact to a) | .concerned, ain

will long be r e p ^ t r r ^ e d hy the m a c y , Wax

friends ot the gallant officer; w h o g a v e Jo ibero

to 4Treat a pleasure as the opportuni ty to Hstea

to his address. '" B .

wi l l BOt e*«aetl 10U, w h i l e that pf the e n e m y dl | must h t v e been much greater, at w e had the


meeting held at the orHce of Col ; Seariojf, o»

Tuesday evening, A u g . 3 0 ; pursuant to a'call

published in the Saratogian, Col . W . i d ,

S B A H I N O WAS called to the cha ir , and J . S,

b*AKE tppoipted. Secretary . , . , I I

G. B. Fish stated the object ,of the luce l iog

to be to raise a volunteer mi l i tary companyj

for the purpose of dri l l trod for the mutual

benefit of he members . '' ' :'•:••••

On motion vof Majev C o w e n , i t w a t resolved

that a wmjoj t tee of fj/teen be appointed by the

Chair to receive the, names of persons who, are

"wTTTiSgio* J31 ^ " m l l i l l r ^ d T ^ a h r i a G o n " apd toT

make all arrangements for t b e perfection ol

tuch organization. ' •'"" '

The Chair named M a j C o w e n , B . f . Judeon

K.W»rruier, J . M. A n d r e w s , J r . , A . 8. H u l i n g ,

j&Jl,,Ki*h, ^ h e x k # r y # n , 6JU Uo«k ) ( A - i f

Al len , A . P . Marrorjr, Geo. H . Cozzeps , J a s .

H. Reagan, W . M. Searing, 3 . S. Leake , John C.

Hulbert, $LBiTtkwWgwr,fmi*A. T ^ t e r -

ton; ' . On motion; t h t Chairman a a d Secretary

w e r e added t b t l t t Commit tec t - • $•- ' ' i •• •

. O n m o l i o n , . a CopAmittee of five w a s . a p ­

pointed , p m a M af.r^njoman,t/ tor organ^jaaj

a band, and to circulate subscript ion papers for)

the purpose or p u / c W i n g l ^ W e . ^ i n s t r , J

rnenis, to beioiig/'to t a e ' v i H s ^ ; h ^ l W t t o g w

*F»»«»*.-Jt»»'iaaotwr, t * * . K V U V ' I ' B I Andrew*, J r . , Ralph W a n n e r and L . 4 ) . P i k t ,

,wcta aapointedsa id oonianiuaoi r „ . . . . .

At, a subaeojaent meetWIl .Pi fbje commit tee

of fifteen, above named, an Execut ive Commit-1

tee ol three, consist ing of G . B . F i s h , B . F . I Jud»oo*ndP. H. Cewea, were ijJJwtottii'toL Injomptw boys tor business. organize and diiill tbt.


jny< j t •{:,, EARINd, Ch'n.

Bns lness IVotlces

, ALL THE w<»m*!s A S^AGIJ. and tU the-people merely nlayfTs, and w.e surmise that ;

a large portioifofjthe play'ert fhercon, must he

nsiri^ tht t jutttjr popui tr rirerittwtroti fortTi

tee th , "Fragrant oozooVmt,"' from the i m m e n s e

demand there is for that article. Wel l j it o n l y

poveaj that ,wt t i e becoming,wiser , and wjtor

every "day, for it truly merits all that i s sa id

in its favor—the most del ightful , convenient

and efficacious beaulifief ini ) preserver of tbe

teeth, th t wortd rfier produced. ' - ' • i • t •,'

All Drugg i s t*and Pwinnriists s a j l i L Price ,

73tegteipcKjbojt^lc.^, , , , .„ . . , , , , , ; , „ „ „

The Gift-Book Concern,; 169 Broadway^ i s

doing a thrij iRf but ine f t , P,ft9plt w h o w i t h '

to obtain any book published in this country , ,

can a l w a y s find the vo lume sought on th» ;

shelves of tbe'e i frVBbbk'Btdre; aHd in pur"^

chasing at thtt place, they possess the follow

l a g advantage. T h e y n o t on ly obta in

At the regular p«ceof, , the,Dti |>1»tbex,*Ut, U»tf receive in addition a g i f t—somet imes a v a l u a -.1 , ' l -•'• '0 A-.lTiTtDIIIU ! . ) • / ' .» -iTI , r i | . e i ble, always a useful one.

i . iiofrn i ,,|» - . ! iili nrn ti—n-i'iii I«.«J«! THE RIMARKABLX PROPE»TIES of Biownv»

Bronchial Trochee have been thoroughly tested since first introduced. The demand for them has steadily Increased, and purely upon their own merits,tttiyMVVKU'BU JtrrWwrlh thbiW who, (mm Pulmonary, Br«nthit4, c* Asthma­tic complaints require them. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis , Asthma, tpd.ingueniaj they are entirely efljpacipus, seinovtog til obttruc-tiocs, and increasing fit once the power and1

flexibility tX the1 Voice.1, ' "'

i>(iKt-.|iiuii r>.ii.mill nvii t anas. Messrs. h Xtexandrfa t cai


* Co. haWrktoiveu of rags to t>tf«* tHeff rnMicIntt, which are largely sold M -Kgya*. They art evidaattr •athtftd irast all ciasacs and quarters ofilhn ^teha> <loininton^Tthf(iicait,1of • M M S * Hadjis and Howsdjls—white Uaaa'turbans, loose breeches and flowing robea^taTthe lean nth ol th*.V bulk U rloth ,n wn-lck'Uiat werr amoBiawau ana wouaoj tsa pvewewttltw ttw(»j thousand years ago. Thoy are now to be made into paper tor Aftt W itWatettty end thus, af. tat having, wmi«td^.a>etf »f Utirtrjesata

tit,, .r. uttdto » W the hying 4,om the „ar-

hna»1**jlw'«rW|sh your yennittion, 1 whm to s a y j o t h t readers of vour paper, that I will s e n d , % re;«rn m„il,to „ll who#i»K!tv(r>**,) afteMp*, with ful I directiont lor sawitaaar stud wbitvr I t l t m l n Veget«h|e Balm, that will affaatn.lly remove, in tan days, ribiplaa, HlotnatS, I V a . Preos ics , an.l

t t iu| nrrttev .O^ttaa^a^rjtWf^SJt s StUlC toft,

* « M * * g P f M » g * g j | »->* Htttf., Of Hact Iacasu aii|, ajsftfttoat «C<1 iafonmatlon

ijifj ilfaWMasiaaa'S'sl at stSaW sVl tS ' i i t tS I atlsS «a t I n i i i

tfiswatnoy'e rrtv't #tt»t w *in".;> — I ^ H i H , , , , ( , , „ , a j



•vv aJ-trTrff


Wa«Jt»V* *P ». cojcrla?*.** • . . .^ .IUWL'.J . ' . ii HiMSLi-nytu •*

H A^*;sWftI..r- irM*§

ia T H > t « S T 11* Tils.' v 7 «

Ratiev^cr <iB>rn*t,tMmltM%

«BkMSaa M>kiLMlAraataDaS1 Tha Uanulua la rigaac WH an others are store ItaltaAlMit, i Sold by all arttAtjewtea. t A C T « U r . S I BABOLAT STRRKt, H. TV Bateaeler'j New Toilet C i s — «*» PrtattogtlitM^r^

| > r-irVwyt*"*" r»JeWr »at <m Seminal Weakness.etc., caw *s turti by oao wao

bat sa-iry Burte)hlmaatf ant ianstraat af tteoiw.4s»l will tell i o n Dothtnf but the *ru)K» Aslflrstt, wttk stamp. — , '. '. . BDWAMU M . T » A V i s l , — .

l f t a ta r - " • ° f Us«tvt,lciaai.lssm

THE 6 B B 1 T KJSeUSfl B J U U B I .

t l l ^ p a u ^ l * JtlffAroaJ olSSS mAcOet to tha feioaJaaaasUtattoau .

11 modarateaall aroaasta tad romovas all obauoa.

itlspafiullarl; on the

- ' f a Wsjrriattl Ltjriatel _ _ _ oullMlv auttad. It wlII. ( t a short t ime . b H i i uicwulr tonad wtta ragektnia.

TktstjnlUikouid not to I are pHgwwt, during tk$ FIRST UOS,fU\, at Ary art ture (e a

'ytowtittltof tdvantage ot position. Among the killed it I)r. Ruileon, metlfeal director of the stag ok Gen. Torbett. "v

« fHf*\* rJ M '- • -Oatotuo, 30th. rtog«,rjfrafei'tint The Convention wat organized by the choice o»it, they art ptrftttly Uft.

of Govt Seymour of N. Y., for Pretidont. who . toali ea^of rferroostnaspliia) Atos^to.rsda m M \ % ^ CUSlooury p e a c h e s against th t 1 ^ h . B a « k . n d L l » b . . r t e . v i n a * F W i * . » l u € h t Goverument

Gov. Seymour did'nt legation. He voted for anti-McCtellan votes worn .Nelson, Guthrie and Charles O Connor

F«roando Woyd , ia played out. lie. is represented as despised and hated by peace men, and laughed at by the war elemeut.

The two delegations from Kentucky wort both admitted: Delegates from States in re­bellion, from West Virginia, and the territo ries, were ruled out.

The Convention adjourned to meet at 10 this morning. . .

L a l a r f l r a n Chicago. WapnasxiAT, l? M^Ga*., McCUllan was

to-day nominatod»a tho ami ballot. ...... I < " I II l ' l I ' I i . . . - • • ' l i . M ' l 1 , „

Tht Fupilt of Mr. C. R. EHenwood't S«-LKCT ENGLISH AND FRENCH SCHOOL roa

Bore, will report themselves on Monday next, Sept. 3th, at the Brick Cottage, occupied for* merly by Mitt Thompson's school for young ladies, in Washington street.

A more desirable location for t school may jjot he found, at it is at once central and re­tired. The principal room is carpeted and fur-nwhed with rho moot approved patent seheol desks f/ema^ujw Xofksm»nvfacjofy,*t a wsj of more, than * hundred dolltrt. Nothing shall be wanted to make the school-room Coin-fortahtaaoJ c u r s i v e t o l h c p u ^ s . A a ^

i . M « q ^ t e d tofbrmg apairtef (dwort, to wear during the houra of study tad lecftt tfoa. Study wfll be tSfi^ at lost,noils #fl> be made. ,'i ' t >

Those who are inttndiug to enter thit school, should give * • . t.^otory WA\t hi. a.m. ber is1 limited to tweiity pupilt. No orie;njped go away to a commercial col legs, a i M i . E . was fornjerly a ' ^ ^ • ' ^ ^ o ^ t p m i M ^ t & $ \ and can give a thorough course of Buiioess-writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, &c, etc.,

Special attention given to the manners, h»b its and language of boys,

Circalait may be ottatned of P. Dtokee h Son.

Those w h o h a v e fnrulabed Sub-

Henry J. Curtis, B t W t o a W % \^,- ~ "'

Richard M. Gorslin, Half moon. ' j

E l i Coon*, Holfmoon. ~ '-^' * ; . . . . . i ;

Francis D . Mo«, Waterford. *

Jesse A . Lamoreaux , Mi l ton . •"/

A s a b d P. H a w l e y , Hal fmoon^. . '

Samuel D e i o e / W s 4 t a * / f -*»'W~

Stephen M. Ger t l in j Ha lanooa . > t. H

A s a D o Voc v SUI1 water . ... .

Merritt J . Esmund, Milton.

>i Cfaar l i . W : i » h l l l i p k , i 9 a r t f o g t S p r i n g i . i

John W. Quaekebbusli, Bii11 water.

Oresoni b e a n , Lozeroe,1 Warren Co,, 16th

D « ' - ^ . T - /...i. v; I , ,„.i,.,. Warren Hemstwot, Luzerne, Warren Co.,

16th DisL,N. Y. F^ward^:Wtood)8tai#ateri -»l*»>r't J»rflt»0^etlfe,rCiif|Wi'Park. v Albert Crodk, SiratogA Hiram G. Miller, P/Ufmoon.

' 'Gtofee Edwarat,%ffliwatflr. ••"' '! f !

Wathmgton pantrng, Halfmoon. John H. Mabbett, Halfmoon.

11 I luu Hewitt, Stillwater. 'I v >] >i u j / i AddlUonat list of those ptrtont who have

fumiahtd tubstitutes "' John J. Luther, Milton. Martatlll,. Vaughn,»Milton. '"» . < t'-'

' Joteph't.! Weed, Balltton. ' IT, sit»W m fi i

msw all directions In the pamphlet aronod awah 1

age, whleh should be aarefafly preserved. .

" "aaeM"" " J 0 B - , . , . w . . . «M-

Oeneral Agent For sale by O H . F i t " ~

tate,l'*Ww' si At i l l a l

toga Springs, and by all Druggists.

CQurtleJ»dtat.,N.y.1 jant for U - 8 . and O

and O. B. FISH A Co BBdOajnda.

' TOMawra,

_ _ __ »rV K E L I K F IN TEPl IT11NI1TES.

Vkt «*osf' main mat *p*4§ fctotofc twtr tfit-coptrtdfortOtdittntaeftlU Chut ««tt

X-ags, Cough,, CcU$. J«Mn*, Consumption, Bronchitis, Im-

•.Mumr*. JatotettMtt.*'

THii'sE WAFERS give the most in-s u n u n e o n s and partaal. rallat and whan >a*aa-

veredwit feet a rap

?^9f f i lMt1s$w»n Qrlee26 eans9l P. B . F I S H A l

rfX»ldtO)«n»H. m n t . a a d kUJ>msaia<a WA.

a a ^ l t t o S T g t o ^ ^ the Cora' i f Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Dis­eases of the Urinary and Seminal Organ*, and tha whole train oJ>41CDfdetw*AOugWotf*y baneful and

u> baaaCt lha aatksujd and a a f o n a a W 1 wlHawtd the recipe tor preparing and uaiaar Uikt aatdlatw*, la a m l a d envelops, to any one w h o a aoada i t , » M a/

a i d r c - c d w

I aavalope, to any one CAorf« a u • , • 9 § s1 Jj

Plans* Inclose t s t a m p ' yourself.



JUeKFHT HfMAM, , S T A T I O S D . R I "


B-WsaJaa-sjaaaalSBBl A -jMSgEaBtgaa T ETTERS REMAINING UMObAOsan in

y«ri Adams, John

Ayrcan, Jamos K Avery, Mrs Mary 8

n i h o n y . J B ,,,,

rs John

Si3T" JcnEs, Mrs Pliabe M

- W f t 1 1 ••• I H*t«h*ta,»lnVR V « •

Loonf l s j ja .c i th .r ln . TWI?HO!!HH

Beoaon, Geo H Brsctfctt, r t .: !• Bradford, Col Wm BratW0BSNstll*.5 «» Biowu, /essee

Anderson, Nellie AnaecatB iA^-a" Aaae** AtWaSiavftlN Adams, Itussel W ._

, i ^ n w H Malone, Frank M

' ^ n i y ^ ^ u Biedemoyer, C W H - 2 " M ^ n ^ a f i l a ' A l l e a

H u ^ y T l o l e p L 0 **» I • " ' S ^ * e ' » W r 1 ' *

liiusle. Mrs Wm A . JJ»l<jna,F,At j ; . , | i , 11 1 l i s t

MsftiiVrrrS-r ' Maalara, M tea Kate

Cornwall, H

r r t u W r s ' s t l r ' ^ Man,

Clauiens, James Jr l h a « i s i r » A | 0 * t >

chivo^.w.inT, Conlisk, James ' , Coddlngion, G S

Carr, M r s B M Revuolda,SB Condron, MIssBtlk U i a a a s o m . j n t PEmaralta

George 4- |^tig%,¥t!l4^«^


8Wi*li--«i/,:-i' :r i oi. the aei. inetlb. tha RcV.Mr.-ittUaV-er ./all.

nf*«sS»Sk%#JRS .•vmwrf'T




Duggan, Fight Ren " Dodga .Mr.Wms: nea,VTOUaSAj,^ lXrtiaVte, Oeorg*

Owfaail, P i B Ytajl Jjaoel, Mist Clan

Duggan, Fight Rev James Sail Dodga.Mrs Wm K 'Bee, imtmmtr-jlttMt^ l>eha»t», Oeorg* » fenny , St S

»yHi!ii<>M0ait i4 b i i i v w f

'• " y oil virrt* # o ffn nr »i >• .,d , ;

r<ir wt* itaWta ^gtoialna ifivr mini | Hit.fl.Uil^f,;f rii» il4iw <! Mum jjriii |

•'•J* *H*»' W!*t « v.«r*>b j »t ,&i limfeW svntiifgsasiitite | KM

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069