iridium script: interfaces

JavaScript Enhanced capabilities of control interfaces Markov Ilya 2016 Webinar

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JavaScriptEnhanced capabilities of control


Markov Ilya2016


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Interface Listener Actions

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IR.AddListener(Event_Type, Reference_to_Item, function(Input_Parameters){ Body of Listener});

Event_Type - the event at which the function is performed

Reference_to_Item - the reference of the item the function is assigned to

Input_Parameters - parameters giving information to the functionBody of Listerner – instructions that are done when a listener is activated

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Types of events for system listeners• IR.EVENT_START – Event is activated at the application launch.

• IR.EVENT_WORK – Event is activated when the application is running.

• IR.EVENT_EXIT – Event is activated when exiting the application.

• IR.EVENT_ORIENTATION – Event is activated when changing the device orientation.

• IR.EVENT_KEYBOARD_SHOW – Event is activated when opening a keyboard.

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IR.AddListener(Event_Type, Reference_to_Item, function(Input_Parameters){ Body of Listener});

Event_Type - the event at which the function is performed

Reference_to_Item - the reference of the item the function is assigned to

Input_Parameters - parameters giving information to the function

Body of Listener – instructions that are done when a listener is activated

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IR.AddListener(Event_Type, Reference_to_Item, function (Input_Parameters){ Body of Listener});

Event_Type - the event at which the function is performed

Reference_to_Item - the reference of the item the function is assigned to

Input_Parameters - parameters giving information to the function

Body of Listener – instructions that are done when a listener is activated

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Таймеры в iRidumScript.

IR.SetTimeout(time, Name_Function); - This function is used for run a function when the time delay

time - time delay, msName_Function - name of the function that contains the command

IR.SetInterval(time, Name_Function); - This function is used to cycle with a given recurrence interval

time - time delay, msName_Function - name of the function that contains the command

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Delete timer

IR.ClearInterval(id); - This function is used for stopping and deleting delay the SetTimeout and SetInterval functions from the random access memory.

id - identifier of the SetTimeout or SetInterval function

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IR.RemoveListener(Event_Type, Reference_to_Item, Function_Name)

Event_Type - the event at which the function is performed

Reference_to_Item - the reference of the item the function is assigned to

Function_Name - the name of a function that contains a list of instructions

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Function to Write Data in Console


text – stringVariable – some variable

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IR.Exit(); - This function closes the app

IR.Execute('text'); - This function is used to start other programs

IR.ShowKeyboard(value); - This function is used to show a keyboard.

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GUI API  is a set of functions for working with graphic items in a project.

These functions let you:Create graphic itemsDelete graphic itemsRefer to items and change their properties Create listeners assigned to graphical items Open and close pages and popups

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IR.CreateItem(Item_Type, Item_Name, Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y, Item_Width, Item_Height);

This function is used to create items

Item_Type- indicate the type of the created item;Item_Name - give the name to the item;Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y - initial position of the item in the working area;Item_Width, Item_Height - width and height of the created item

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The type of items determines what the created item will look like, that is, defines a set of properties.

Types of items:• Page - IR.ITEM_PAGE• Popup - IR.ITEM_POPUP• Button - IR.ITEM_BUTTON• Trigger button - IR.ITEM_TRIGGER_BUTTON• Multistate button - IR.ITEM_MUTI_STATE_BUTTON• Up/Down button - IR.ITEM_UPDOWN_BUTTON• Level - IR.ITEM_LEVEL• Multistate level - IR.ITEM_MUTI_STATE_LEVEL• EditBox - IR.ITEM_EDIT_BOX• Virtual Key - IR.ITEM_VIRTUAL_KEY_BUTTON• Joystick - IR.ITEM_JOYSTICK

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IR.CreateItem(Item_Type, Item_Name, Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y, Item_Width, Item_Height);

This function is used for creating items

Item_Type- indicate the type of the created item;Item_Name - give the name to the item;Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y - initial position of the item in the working area;Item_Width, Item_Height - width and height of the created item

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IR.CreateItem(Item_Type, Item_Name, Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y, Item_Width, Item_Height);

This function is used for creating items

Item_Type- indicate the type of the created item;Item_Name - give the name to the item;Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y - initial position of the item in the working area;Item_Width, Item_Height - width and height of the created item

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IR.CreateItem(Item_Type, Item_Name, Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y, Item_Width, Item_Height);

This function is used for creating items

Item_Type- indicate the type of the created item;Item_Name - give the name to the item;Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y - initial position of the item in the working area;Item_Width, Item_Height - width and height of the created item

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IR.CreateItem(Item_Type, Item_Name, Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y, Item_Width, Item_Height);

This function is used for creating items

Item_Type- indicate the type of the created item;Item_Name - give the name to the item;Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y - initial position of the item in the working area;Item_Width, Item_Height - width and height of the created item

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IR.CreateItem(Item_Type, Item_Name, Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y, Item_Width, Item_Height);

This function is used for creating items

Item_Type- indicate the type of the created item;Item_Name - give the name to the item;Coordinate_X, Coordinate_Y - initial position of the item in the working area;Item_Width, Item_Height - width and height of the created item

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This function is used to get the item identifier.

Page_of_Item_Location - the page with the itemItem_Name - the name of the item being changed

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IR.GetState(№ state)

This function is used to refer to the item state

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This function delete graphic items.

Item_ID – reference to the item via GetItem or a variable, that stores the item ID

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Functions to work with pages and popups

• IR.PagesCount – the function is used to count pages in a project• IR.PopupsCount – the function is used to count popups in a project• IR.CurrentPage – the function is used to get a link to the page

opened at the moment• IR.ShowPopup – the function is used to open a popup• IR.ShowPage – the function is used to open a page• IR.HidePage – the function is used to close a page• IR.HideAllPopups – the fucntion is used close all popups• IR.HidePopup – the function is used to close a popup

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Events for GUI Listeners

IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS – The listener is activated when an item is pressed

IR.EVENT_ITEM_RELEASE – The listener is activated when an item is released

IR.EVENT_ITEM_CHANGE – The listener is activated when EditBox item is changed

IR.EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN – The listener is activated when an item is clicked on with a mouse and the mouse is moved down

IR.EVENT_MOUSE_UP– The listener is activated when an item is clicked on with a mouse and the mouse is moved up

IR.EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE – The listener is activated when an item is clicked on with a mouse and the mouse is moved

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Events for GUI API Listeners

IR.EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN – the listener is activated when an item is pressed with a finger and the finger moves downIR.EVENT_TOUCH_UP – the listener is activated when an item is pressed with a finger and the finger moves down upIR.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVE– the listener is activated when an item is pressed with a finger and the finger movesIR.EVENT_ITEM_SHOW– the listener is activated when a page or a popup opens

IR.EVENT_ITEM_HIDE– the listener is activated when a page or a popup closes

New is 3.0IR.EVENT_ITEM_END_HOLD -  the listener is activated at the end of holding a graphical item (when releasing after HOLD event)IR.EVENT_ITEM_LOST_FOCUS -  the listener is activated when any item is released (togetether with Release or End Of Hold). The event shows lost of focus by an item

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New in 3.0

Work with clipboard is now possible• IR.PasteFromClipboard• IR.GetClipboard• IR.ShowPasteHelper• IR.CopyToClipboard

Cloning appeared• IR.GetItem("Page 2").GetItem("Item 1").CloneItem("Item 2");

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New in 3.0

Local notifications IR.SendNotificationLocal notification can be sent to the same iOS device where i3 pro is launches (does not work on other OS)

SyntaxIR.SendNotification(text, delay, sound_id, badge_increment_num, id)

Text – text of notificationDelay - (sec) delay in notification appearancesound_id - id of the sound of the notification:• 0 – no sound• 1 – standard iOS notification sound• 2 - standard iOS ringtonebadge_increment_num – how to increase the number of notifications over the app iconId – unique identifier of the notification

IR.ClearNotification – clearing notification from the app

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New in 3.0

Global listener and subscription to any tagsIn iRidium 3.0 you can subscribe to changes of ANY tag, both driver feedback or EditBox text.

//Set global listenerIR.SetGlobalListener(IR.EVENT_GLOBAL_TAG_CHANGE, function(name, value){ IR.Log("Global Listener Activated: " + name + "\tValue: " + value);});// Subscribe IR.SubscribeTagChange("Drivers.KNX IP Router.Address 1"); IR.SubscribeTagChange("Drivers.AV & Custom Systems (TCP).Online"); IR.SubscribeTagChange("UI.Page 1.Item 1.Text"); IR.SubscribeTagChange("System.Time.24");

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Sound API

• IR.PlaySound('File_Name',Slot_Number,Volume);

• File_Name - the name of sound file• Slot_Number - The number of slot• Volume - Volume level

• IR.StopSound('File_Name');

• File_Name - the name of sound file

• IR.StopSlot('Slot_Number');

• Slot_Number - The number of slot

• IR.StopAllSounds();

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Gestures API

IR.AddRecognizer(Gesture_Type);  IR.RemoveRecognizer(Gesture_Type);


Types of gestures:IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT - gesture to the leftIR.GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT - gesture to the rightIR.GESTURE_SWIPE_UP - gesture up IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN - gesture downIR.GESTURE_PINCH_IN - clenchIR.GESTURE_PINCH_OUT - unclenchIR.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS - long pressIR.GESTURE_DOUBLE_TAP - doble tap

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IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_GESTURE_BEGIN, IR.CurrentPage, function(gesture, x, y)    {                 // Construction of the choice         switch(gesture)        {        case IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT:             button.Text = "Left";   // if a gesture to the left starts, the text to “Left” appears            break;        case IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT:            button.Text = "Right";  // if a gesture to the right starts, the text to “Right” appears            break;        case IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_UP:            button.Text = "Up";     // if a gesture up starts, the text to “Up” appears            break;        case IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN:            button.Text = "Down";   // if a gesture down starts, the text to “Down” appears            break;        }    });        

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