iris 20bradley tyler marie (2)

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  • 8/3/2019 Iris 20Bradley Tyler Marie (2)


    Bradley 1

    Iris Bradley

    Ms. Caruso

    English 1101

    7 November 2011


    My original text was necklace I received from my boyfriend, Justin. It was a diamond

    encrusted, heart-shaped necklace with a leafy side gallery and a thin, boxy chain. It has a fragile

    chain that was popped by TylerMarie, my daughter and genre recreation. That speaks volumes

    of its flaws. If it had a stronger chain it could withstand more toil from Tyler, but its dainty girth

    allows it to be easily tugged on and broken. I chose my daughter because she is the only thing

    that could carry more value than the necklace. She is the reason her father and I try to ensure that

    things between us remain strong. For that reason she achieves the purpose of being a gift to each


    Her arms can embrace us. She is able to hug and love us. My genre recreation achieves

    its purpose better because our love can be reciprocated. It is not just one sided. Although the

    necklace is beautiful, I can enjoy her more because she will continue to grow more mentally and

    physically. She will learn from me and her father. Knowing that we took part in molding her is

    the best gift of all. Nothing warms my heart more than when she crawls to me and lies on my

    chest to watch television the way her father does. She makes us appreciate each other because we

    recall those tender moments with each other because she mimics us. Although awkward, it is

    hilarious when she tries to French kiss me because she sees her father do it. Not only is she a gift

    because she acts like her father, but also because she reminds us of each other simultaneously.

    Comment [BC1]: Work to take yourself

    the paper, as well as any references to the

    assignments in the course.

    Comment [BC2]: Take this out and keep

    daughter to make your sentence more succ

    Comment [BC3]: Informal.

    Comment [BC4]: Rather than just talking

    your daughter, bring in the necklace as well,

    show how your daughter represents the ide

    the necklace better the necklace itself.

  • 8/3/2019 Iris 20Bradley Tyler Marie (2)


    Bradley 2

    Her doe-like eyes remind us how to maintain her innocence as long as possible. She is so

    eager to experience the world we want to make sure that she does not get exposed to the wrong

    things. She is able see when we are upset, sad, or happy so we try not to hash-out any issues

    we have in-front of her because she is so impressionable. Although she does not know exactly

    what we are saying, she can read social cues which aid her in reading body language. Because

    she notices the differences in our mood, we always try to say positive for her. Protecting her is

    not something that one of us can handle alone so we are active in keeping her from negativity

    while she is so young. Her innocent eyes remind us to look at each other in that same light that

    she views us. When she looks into your eyes you can tell that she feels that we are her world. She

    looks to us for guidance and that makes us be the best us we can be for her because we want

    everything good in us to rub off on her. Upon looking in her eyes her curiosity and purity is

    almost tangible that is why I chose to dress her in white. White is commonly used as a signal of

    innocence, grace, and purity. She achieves her purpose because she not only warrants love she

    can return it.

    Her large feet leave an impression on our lives with her shoe size weighing in at a five.

    She has feet of a baby nearly twice her age. We have to buy her eighteen month old footie

    pajamas to accommodate her feet when she truly only wears twelve month clothes. She leaves an

    impression on us because she brings out the best in us because we hope that she takes after us.

    She leaves an impression on us because her father wishes she would take my good characteristic

    while I believe she should have his. I cannot speak for her father, Justin but for me she resembles

    her father even though most people believe that she looks like me. That makes me appreciate

    him more because I see him in her. It makes me thankful because he has given me someone to

    mold and be proud of. She is a gift to us because we can see the actions of each other in her. Her

  • 8/3/2019 Iris 20Bradley Tyler Marie (2)


    Bradley 3

    father and I are always comparing which side of the family she gets which traits from. She draws

    us together because she gives us a special connection, which is her. Part of our connection is we

    only see how perfect she is.

    As a parent her faults are sometimes difficult to notice because she is essentially what we

    make her and she is a part of both of us. One flaw that is apparent is her dependency on us

    because she is so young. One of has to constantly watch her. She always needs to be with

    someone because she tries to be so independent that she gets into everything. I often have to plan

    my homework around her naps because she requires so much attention. That can make it difficult

    for me because I do not always have time for her and school. Her dependency on us makes it

    very difficult to do anything without her. TylerMaries dependency is a frequent problem

    because we both work and are students. Her dependency is also a problem because it does not

    allow her father and me for much time alone. We get snippets of time together when is napping

    or when someone else is playing with her, but for the most part she is always there with us.

    Her presence, of course, is not always a problem because she brings out the kid in you.

    Laughing and playing with her makes you recall the time when I was a kid and I did the same

    things with my parents. It makes me enjoy her more because I know she will look back as I do

    and be thankful for the memories she has with us. TylerMarie is a gift to me from her father

    because he has given me someone to share my childhood life with. It makes me proud to have

    someone that I can share memories with like the ones I have of my mother and I doing arts and


    My genre recreation was based on something my mom and I did when I was a kid. She

    taught me to sew so it was apparent to me that my recreation would be my daughter, TylerMarie

    in a white dress with a glittery poncho. I chose white cotton for the dress because it is a

  • 8/3/2019 Iris 20Bradley Tyler Marie (2)


    Bradley 4

    comfortable, breathable fabric. White just accented her purity and innocence as a child. As for

    style of dress I picked one that was simple because she does not really enjoy wearing clothing

    that is fluffy and fussy. I thought a simplistic fun design really spoke of her character so I

    decided to make her clothing a reflection of her personality. I chose a sparkly poncho because it

    would allow her to be free and comfortable while still resembling my necklace. I also chose the

    sparkling poncho because it really says something about her character. She has a very bubbly

    personality. I also made that decision because she is very happy and carefree baby. I thought a

    poncho was a good way to depict her open, free mind that allows her to absorb so much of our

    personalities and habits.

    TylerMarie is my new genre because she is an extension of the necklace. She is an

    extension of Justin and me. She is a gift to each other because we get to mold her in our image.

    She is everything about our relationship and ultimately is the result of it as is the necklace I

    received from her father. If my necklace had a human form it would be Tyler. The necklace and

    Tyler are one in the same because it reinforce or relationship because they represent the good and

    bad times between us. TylerMarie reminds us to be cordial with one another because we are a

    family. She achieves her purpose better than my necklace because she is something that brings us

    together, instead of just being a reminder of bad times we overcame. She gives us something to

    look forward to. We are forever a part of her so we want to stick together and she makes sure

    that we remember that. The necklace can always be replaced or fixed, but she can never be

    replaced or replicated. Tyler is more of an incentive to keep things between us good because we

    have to make her a women we are proud to call our daughter and it cannot be done without one


    Comment [BC5]: Iris,

    This paper is much more focused and compl

    your RA paper or your peer review version o

    paper. You have certainly come a long way.

    For the revision, I would suggest you work o

    main things:

    1. Work on the structure of your paper and h

    are presenting your ideas. Within your parag

    you begin with the idea of your daughter, ra

    than with the main id ea. In this way, your pa

    reads as a kind of summary of your daughter

    lead with your ideas, they will be more cont

    and straightforward.

    2. Work on the wording within your sentenc

    paragraphs. Be sure that each one of your se

    conveys meaningful content and transitions

    form one idea to the next.

    You have certainly come a long way in your and I am impressed! Continue to work hard

    make your papers stronger. Let me know if y

    like any help with your revisions!

    -Ms. C